Interim standard for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011 land title registration LINZS20009 28 May 2014 How to have your say Please email your comments to Your comments (a) Comments should be on the technical content, wording, and general arrangement of the interim standard. (b) Please provide supporting reasons for your comments and suggested wording for proposed changes. (c) Please do not return marked–up drafts as comments. Enquiries: Robert Andrell Telephone: 04 460 0164 Postal address Physical address Land Information New Zealand Land Information New Zealand PO Box 5501 Level 7, Radio New Zealand House WELLINGTON 6145 155 The Terrace WELLINGTON Table of contents How to have your say ........................................................................................... 2 Your comments .................................................................................................... 2 Terms and definitions ............................................................................................ 6 STANDARD .......................................................................................... 7 Foreword ............................................................................................................. 7 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 7 Purpose ............................................................................................................... 7 Brief history of standard ........................................................................................ 7 References........................................................................................................... 8 1 Scope ..................................................................................................... 9 2 Intended use of standard ...................................................................... 9 3 Acquiring land ....................................................................................... 9 3.1 Transfer to Her Majesty the Queen ....................................................................................... 9 3.2 Compulsory acquisitions ..................................................................................................... 9 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 Notice of intention ................................................................................................ 9 Withdrawal of notice of intention........................................................................... 10 Proclamation ...................................................................................................... 10 3.3 Public works land ............................................................................................................. 10 4 Statutory land charges ........................................................................ 10 5 Limited titles........................................................................................ 11 5.1 Adjoining owners' consent ................................................................................................. 11 5.2 Issuing limited computer registers ..................................................................................... 11 5.2.1 5.2.2 Issue of limited title ............................................................................................ 11 Removing limitation ............................................................................................ 11 6 Plans of distorted boundaries .............................................................. 12 6.1 Restriction on deposit ....................................................................................................... 12 6.2 Notice requirements ......................................................................................................... 12 6.3 Advise applicant............................................................................................................... 12 GUIDANCE ......................................................................................... 13 Introduction ....................................................................................................... 13 Contents ........................................................................................................... 13 COMPUTER REGISTERS ............................................................................... 14 1 Computer registers .............................................................................. 14 Interpretation .................................................................................................... 14 Computer registers ............................................................................................. 14 ACQUIRING LAND ....................................................................................... 15 Introduction ....................................................................................................... 15 Contents ........................................................................................................... 15 2 Transfers to Her Majesty the Queen .................................................... 16 CERA – land purchase ......................................................................................... 16 Authorisation by parties ...................................................................................... 16 Transferee/ proprietor description ......................................................................... 16 No purpose statement ......................................................................................... 16 Registration of transfers ...................................................................................... 17 Caveats ............................................................................................................. 17 3 Compulsory acquisitions ...................................................................... 18 Introduction ....................................................................................................... 18 Notice of intention .............................................................................................. 18 Effect ................................................................................................................ 18 Withdrawal of notice of intention .......................................................................... 18 Proclamation ...................................................................................................... 19 Deeds index ....................................................................................................... 19 Existing computer register not to be cancelled........................................................ 19 Memorial ........................................................................................................... 19 Proprietor description .......................................................................................... 20 No purpose statement ......................................................................................... 20 Existing interests ................................................................................................ 20 4 Public works land ................................................................................ 21 Introduction and background ............................................................................... 21 Registration ....................................................................................................... 21 Computer registers ............................................................................................. 21 Memorial ........................................................................................................... 21 Proprietor description .......................................................................................... 21 No purpose statement ......................................................................................... 22 5 Road stopping ...................................................................................... 23 Introduction and background ............................................................................... 23 Registration ....................................................................................................... 23 6 Dealings and disposal .......................................................................... 24 Introduction and background ............................................................................... 24 Dealings ............................................................................................................ 24 Subdivision ........................................................................................................ 25 Disposal ............................................................................................................ 25 Public work ........................................................................................................ 25 STATUTORY LAND CHARGES ....................................................................... 26 7 Statutory land charges ........................................................................ 26 Introduction and background ............................................................................... 26 Statutory land charge ......................................................................................... 26 Memorial ........................................................................................................... 26 Effect ................................................................................................................ 26 Interim standard for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011 land title registration | LINZS20009 Effective date: 23 January 2013 | Amended: 28 May 2014 Registrar-General of Land | Land Information New Zealand Land Information New Zealand © Crown Copyright 4 LIMITED TITLES .......................................................................................... 27 Introduction and background ............................................................................... 27 Contents ........................................................................................................... 27 8 Adjoining owners' consent................................................................... 28 Depositing plans ................................................................................................. 28 CE CERA direction to seek consent ........................................................................ 28 Request to adjoining owners ................................................................................ 28 Adjoining owners' consent ................................................................................... 28 Adjoining owners do not consent .......................................................................... 29 9 Issuing limited computer registers ...................................................... 30 Direction to issue limited title ............................................................................... 30 Effect of limitation as to parcels ............................................................................ 30 Removal of limitation .......................................................................................... 30 Direction to disapply ........................................................................................... 30 PLANS OF DISTORTED BOUNDARIES .......................................................... 31 1 0 Plans of distorted boundaries .............................................................. 31 Introduction and Background ............................................................................... 31 Relevant adjoining owners ................................................................................... 31 Consent of adjoining owners ................................................................................ 31 Notice to relevant adjoining owners ...................................................................... 31 Objection ........................................................................................................... 32 Advise applicant ................................................................................................. 32 Appendix A: Request for consent of adjoining owner .................................. 33 Appendix B: Notice to adjoining owners ..................................................... 35 Interim standard for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011 land title registration | LINZS20009 Effective date: 23 January 2013 | Amended: 28 May 2014 Registrar-General of Land | Land Information New Zealand Land Information New Zealand © Crown Copyright 5 Terms and definitions (a) For the purposes of this standard, the terms and definitions in the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011 (Act) apply. Refer to s 4 of the Act for interpretation. (b) Terms and definitions used in this standard that are not defined in the Act are defined below. (c) Any reference to a section in this standard is a reference to that section of the Act, unless stated otherwise. Term/abbreviation Definition Act Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011 CE CERA Chief Executive of Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority CERA Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority and lawyers or other agents acting on its behalf CR computer register CSD cadastral survey dataset deeds index the index book of the Deeds Register Office HMQ Her Majesty the Queen LTA Land Transfer Act 1952 LINZ Land Information New Zealand Minister Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery plan cadastral survey dataset prepared under s 47 of the Cadastral Survey Act 2002 PWA Public Works Act 1981 RGL Registrar-General of Land RMA Resource Management Act 1991 Rules Rules for Cadastral Survey 2010: LINZS65003 Interim standard for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011 land title registration | LINZS20009 Effective date | 23 January 2013 Registrar-General of Land | Land Information New Zealand Land Information New Zealand © Crown Copyright 6 STANDARD Foreword Introduction (a) The Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011 (Act) came into force on 19 April 2011. (b) The Act provides measures for recovery from the Canterbury earthquakes, including support for the repair and rebuilding of land, infrastructure, and other property. (c) The Act authorises the Crown to acquire and deal with land by provisions that are different in significant ways from other enactment provisions for Crown acquisition and dealing with land. (d) The Act authorises the Crown to recover certain costs as statutory land charges. (e) The Act provides for the Chief Executive of the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (CE CERA) to direct the approval of cadastral survey datasets (CSDs) by Land Information New Zealand (LINZ), the issuing of computer registers (CRs) limited as to parcels, and subsequent removal of limitations by the Registrar-General of Land (RGL). This allows for efficient acquisition of land affected by the Canterbury earthquakes, while at the same time providing opportunity for adjoining owners to protect their interests. (f) The Rules for Cadastral Survey 2010: LINZS65003 (Rules) require an annotation on plans that show boundaries distorted by earthquakes to ensure adjoining owners consent or are notified before such plans are deposited. Purpose The purpose of this standard is to ensure that: (a) legal instruments received by LINZ acquiring and dealing with land under the Act, and charging land pursuant to the Act, are dealt with and recorded correctly, to aid and not cause unnecessary delay or cost to Canterbury earthquake recovery, and (b) plans are deposited and new CRs are issued in accordance with the provisions of the Act and the Rules, to aid Canterbury earthquake recovery, while protecting the interests of adjoining owners. Brief history of standard This is a new standard. Interim standard for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011 land title registration | LINZS20009 Effective date | 23 January 2013 Registrar-General of Land | Land Information New Zealand Land Information New Zealand © Crown Copyright 7 References The following documents are necessary for the application of this standard: (a) Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011 (b) Land Transfer Act 1952 (c) LINZ 2012, LINZS65003: Rules Surveyor-General, LINZ, Wellington for Cadastral Survey 2010, Office Interim standard for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011 land title registration | LINZS20009 Effective date | 23 January 2013 Registrar-General of Land | Land Information New Zealand Land Information New Zealand © Crown Copyright of the 8 1 Scope (a) This standard sets out requirements for: (i) registering the Crown's acquisition of, dealings with, and charges against, land under the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011 (Act), and (ii) seeking consents from, and giving notice to, adjoining owners for plans affected by the Act or the Rules, which are in addition to the requirements set out in the Act. 2 (b) This standard also includes guidance material on the requirements set out in the Act. (c) This standard does not apply to the registration of Crown acquisitions or disposals of land under the Public Works Act 1981 (PWA). Intended use of standard (a) This standard is intended for use when registering transactions under the Act or depositing relevant plans of land affected by the Canterbury earthquake. (b) This standard has been issued by the RGL for employees of LINZ with delegated authority to exercise registration functions under the Land Transfer Act 1952 (LTA). 3 Acquiring land 3.1 Transfer to Her Majesty the Queen (a) (b) When registering a transfer to the Crown under s 53(1) of the Act: (i) the name of the Crown as transferee and new proprietor must be recorded on the CR and in LINZ indices as 'Her Majesty the Queen under section 53(1) of the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011', and (ii) a separate purpose statement must not be entered on the CR. When entering a caveat by the Crown as purchaser under s 53(1) of the Act, the CR must record the caveator as 'Her Majesty the Queen under section 53(1) of the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011'. 3.2 Compulsory acquisitions 3.2.1 Notice of intention When registering a notice of intention to take land under s 54 of the Act, the memorial must refer to a 'notice of intention to take land under section 54 of the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011'. Interim standard for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011 land title registration | LINZS20009 Effective date | 23 January 2013 Registrar-General of Land | Land Information New Zealand Land Information New Zealand © Crown Copyright 9 3.2.2 Withdrawal of notice of intention When registering a notice of withdrawal of a notice of intention under the Act, a memorial of the notice of withdrawal must be entered on the CR for the land and the memorial of the notice of intention removed. 3.2.3 Proclamation When registering a Proclamation taking land under s 55 of the Act: 3.3 (a) if there is a CR for the land taken, it must not be cancelled (see s 56(5)), (b) the memorial must follow the wording of the Proclamation, (c) the name of the Crown, as new proprietor of the land, must be recorded on the CR and in LINZ indices as 'Her Majesty the Queen under section 55 of the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011', (d) a separate purpose statement must not be entered on the CR, and (e) if it is necessary to enter the Proclamation in the deeds index in accordance with s 55(6), a CR must be issued for the land taken, without fee. Public works land When registering a Gazette notice under s 53(5) declaring land held for a public work to be held under this Act: 4 (a) the memorial must follow the wording of the Gazette notice, (b) the name of the Crown, as new proprietor of the land, must be recorded on the CR and in LINZ indices as 'Her Majesty the Queen under section 53(5) of the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011', (c) a separate purpose statement must not be entered on the CR, and (d) if there is no CR for the land or if the Gazette notice affects part of the land in an existing CR, a CR must be issued for the land declared to be held under the Act, without fee. Statutory land charges When registering a charge under s 38(4)(b)(iii) of the Act, the memorial must refer to a 'statutory land charge pursuant to section 38 of the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011'. Interim standard for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011 land title registration | LINZS20009 Effective date | 23 January 2013 Registrar-General of Land | Land Information New Zealand Land Information New Zealand © Crown Copyright 10 5 Limited titles 5.1 Adjoining owners' consent (a) When the CE CERA directs the RGL to seek the consent of adjoining landowners to a new survey definition, a notice in the form set out in Appendix A must be sent to each adjoining landowner. (b) If any adjoining landowner does not respond by the date specified in the notice, or refuses to consent to the new survey definition, a notice must be sent to the CE CERA. The notice must: (i) explain 'Consent of the adjoining landowners to the new survey definition on the cadastral survey dataset LT (CSD number) was sought on (date). (Name(s) of landowner(s)) has failed to respond/has refused to consent, and the deposit of LT (CSD number) and issue of a new computer register cannot proceed pending further direction or action by the chief executive of the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority', and (ii) be accompanied by copies of the notices seeking consent and of any landowner's refusal to consent (if applicable). 5.2 Issuing limited computer registers 5.2.1 Issue of limited title When issuing a CR limited as to parcels in accordance with a direction by the CE CERA under s 36(4): (a) the new CR must include the following notation: 'This computer register is limited as to parcels in accordance with a direction under section 36(4) of the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011' and (b) 5.2.2 the direction must be linked to the order for new CR so that it is searchable. Removing limitation When removing the limitation as to parcels from a CR in accordance with a direction by the CE CERA under s 36(6): (a) the following notation must be recorded on the CR: 'The limitation as to parcels is removed from this computer register in accordance with a direction under section 36(6) of the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011', (b) any existing s 205(4) LTA caveat must be removed, (c) the notation 'Limited as to Parcels' must be removed, and (d) the direction must be linked to the original order for new CR so that it is searchable. Interim standard for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011 land title registration | LINZS20009 Effective date | 23 January 2013 Registrar-General of Land | Land Information New Zealand Land Information New Zealand © Crown Copyright 11 6 Plans of distorted boundaries 6.1 Restriction on deposit A plan with the annotation 'Boundary includes new angles due to deep-seated movement' or similar, must not be deposited or a new CR issued for the land unless: 6.2 6.3 (a) relevant adjoining owners have consented, or (b) notice in the form set out in Appendix B has been given to relevant adjoining owners and any objections have been resolved. Notice requirements (a) The notice period must be 21 days, commencing the day after the date the notice is sent. (b) No notice fee is payable. Advise applicant If a relevant adjoining owner objects, the request for deposit of the plan and issue of a new CR must be requisitioned (not rejected), advising the applicant that the plan cannot deposit until they resolve the objection. Interim standard for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011 land title registration | LINZS20009 Effective date | 23 January 2013 Registrar-General of Land | Land Information New Zealand Land Information New Zealand © Crown Copyright 12 GUIDANCE Introduction This guidance provides information to assist LINZ employees in meeting the requirements of this standard and the Act. Contents This guidance covers the following topics: Topic See page Computer registers 14 Acquiring land 15 Statutory land charges 26 Limited titles 27 Plans of distorted boundaries 31 Interim standard for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011 land title registration | LINZS20009 Effective date | 23 January 2013 Registrar-General of Land | Land Information New Zealand Land Information New Zealand © Crown Copyright 13 COMPUTER REGISTERS 1 Computer registers Interpretation The term 'computer register' in the Act and throughout this standard relates to: (a) computer freehold registers, (b) composite computer registers, (c) computer unit title registers, and (d) computer interest registers issued for leasehold estates. It does not refer to computer interest registers created for registered Gazette notices or Proclamations. Computer registers CRs should continue to exist for land acquired or taken under the Act. The usual practice of cancelling a CR and creating a computer interest register for a Gazette notice or Proclamation will not apply. Where necessary, CRs should be created for land acquired under the Act without fee. Interim standard for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011 land title registration | LINZS20009 Effective date | 23 January 2013 Registrar-General of Land | Land Information New Zealand Land Information New Zealand © Crown Copyright 14 ACQUIRING LAND Introduction Contents (a) The Crown can acquire land under the Act in several ways. (b) The Crown can deal with and dispose of the land it has acquired under the Act with few limitations. (c) The Act’s provisions are independent of other enactments that regulate the acquisition and disposal of land by the Crown. Specifically, the PWA has no application except where it is specifically mentioned in the Act. (d) The CE CERA may subdivide land acquired by the Crown under the Act and s 11 and Part 10 of the RMA will not apply. This section contains the following topics: Topic See page Transfers to Her Majesty the Queen 16 Compulsory acquisitions 18 Public works land 21 Road stopping 23 Dealings and disposal 24 Interim standard for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011 land title registration | LINZS20009 Effective date | 23 January 2013 Registrar-General of Land | Land Information New Zealand Land Information New Zealand © Crown Copyright 15 2 Transfers to Her Majesty the Queen CERA – land purchase CERA may purchase or otherwise acquire land (s 53(1)). These acquisitions will be registered by transfer instruments lodged by CERA. Authorisation by parties (a) Transfer instruments will be authorised by or on behalf of the registered proprietor as transferor in the usual manner. (b) Transfer instruments will be authorised by the CE CERA for Her Majesty the Queen (HMQ) as transferee. (a) The name of the transferee will be 'Her Majesty the Queen under section 53(1) of the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011'. (b) The name of the transferee and new proprietor must be recorded on CRs and LINZ indices as 'Her Majesty the Queen under section 53(1) of the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011'. Transferee/ proprietor description Note: No purpose statement This will identify land as land acquired under the Act and subject to the Act's provisions. CRs for land transferred to HMQ under s 53(1) do not need a separate purpose statement. Note: Land purchased under s 53(1) is not subject to restrictions on disposal or other dealings (s 53(1) and (3)). Therefore, it is not necessary to record a purpose on CRs to ensure future dealings are examined by LINZ staff for compliance with other enactments like the PWA. continued on next page Interim standard for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011 land title registration | LINZS20009 Effective date | 23 January 2013 Registrar-General of Land | Land Information New Zealand Land Information New Zealand © Crown Copyright 16 Transfers to Her Majesty the Queen, continued Registration of transfers Caveats (a) The usual fees will be payable for transfers to HMQ under s 53(1). (b) Caveats and other stops on registration will prevent registration. (c) The land will continue to be subject to existing easements and other encumbrances until they are discharged or otherwise extinguished. (d) CRs for land transferred to HMQ under s 53(1) will not be cancelled on registration of transfers. (e) If the transfer effects a subdivision, the requirements and provisions of s 11 and Part 10 of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) will not apply (s 43). (a) The Crown may lodge caveats by virtue of unregistered agreements to purchase or otherwise acquire land under s 53(1). (b) Consents or withdrawals of caveats will be authorised by the CE CERA on behalf of HMQ as caveator. Interim standard for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011 land title registration | LINZS20009 Effective date | 23 January 2013 Registrar-General of Land | Land Information New Zealand Land Information New Zealand © Crown Copyright 17 3 Compulsory acquisitions Introduction Notice of intention Effect Withdrawal of notice of intention (a) This relates to registration of notices of intention and Proclamations when land is taken compulsorily under the Act. (b) The Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery (Minister) may acquire land compulsorily by notice of intention under s 54, followed by Proclamation taking the land under s 55. (c) Notices of intention and withdrawals and Proclamations will be lodged for registration. (a) The Minister will cause a notice of intention to be published in the Gazette (s 54(1)) and lodge a copy with the RGL for registration (s 54(3)). (b) A notice of intention will give: (i) a general description of the land required to be taken, and (ii) a description of the purpose for which the land is to be used. (c) A notice of intention should also include a CR reference for the land. (d) No fee is payable. (a) Registration serves as notice to searchers of the register that the Minister intends to take land in the name of the Crown. It does not prevent registration of transfers or other dealings. (b) A notice of intention ceases to have effect after periods of time specified in s 54(6) and (7) unless a Proclamation taking the land is published in the Gazette. However, a notice of intention cannot be removed from the CR for the land unless a notice of withdrawal or a Proclamation is registered. (a) The Minister may withdraw a notice of intention and lodge a notice to that effect with the RGL (s 54(4)). (b) The notice may be signed by the Minister or by someone with a statutory delegation to sign on the Minister's behalf. (c) No fee is payable. continued on next page Interim standard for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011 land title registration | LINZS20009 Effective date | 23 January 2013 Registrar-General of Land | Land Information New Zealand Land Information New Zealand © Crown Copyright 18 Compulsory acquisitions, continued Proclamation Deeds index Existing computer register not to be cancelled (a) A Proclamation declaring that land is taken in the name of the Crown may be published in the Gazette. The land becomes vested in fee simple in the Crown and freed and discharged from all mortgages, charges, claims, estates, or interests on the 14th day after the date of publication in the Gazette (unless otherwise provided) (s 55(6)). (b) The Minister will lodge the Proclamation with the RGL to be registered (s 56). (c) A Proclamation should not be registered unless a notice of intention has previously been registered in accordance with s 54 (see ss 54(3) and 55(3)). (d) If the Proclamation effects a subdivision, the requirements and provisions of s 11 and Part 10 of the RMA will not apply (s 43). (e) No fee is payable. (a) If the land is not subject to the LTA, the RGL must enter the Proclamation in the deeds index, upon which the land becomes subject to the LTA (s 56(2)). (b) A CR must be issued for the land taken by the Proclamation without fee. (a) Registration of the Proclamation does not result in the cancellation of the title affected (s 56(5)). (b) Accordingly, registration will result in change of ownership being recorded on the existing CR (assuming the Proclamation affects all of the land). Note: Memorial If a Proclamation affects part of an existing CR, then new CRs should be issued for the land taken by the Proclamation and the remaining land without fees. The Act provides for a plan to be prepared, if required, to show the land taken by the Proclamation (s 55(2)). The memorial should follow the wording of the Proclamation. This includes referring to 'the Crown' in the memorial if that is the wording of the Proclamation. continued on next page Interim standard for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011 land title registration | LINZS20009 Effective date | 23 January 2013 Registrar-General of Land | Land Information New Zealand Land Information New Zealand © Crown Copyright 19 Compulsory acquisitions, continued Proprietor description The Crown, as proprietor of the land, must be recorded as 'Her Majesty the Queen under section 55 of the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011'. Note: No purpose statement (a) CRs for land taken by Proclamation under s 55 do not need a separate purpose statement. (b) It is not necessary to examine dealings that have been authorised by the CE CERA for compliance with other enactments such as the PWA. Note: Existing interests This will identify land as land acquired under the Act and subject to the Act's provisions. Land taken under s 55 may be subject to offer back obligations if the CE CERA wishes to dispose of the land (s 58). It is the CE CERA's responsibility to comply with those obligations, aided by the proprietor description to identify relevant land. (a) Memorials of existing mortgages and all other estates or interests should be cancelled. (b) The memorial of the s 54 notice of intention should be cancelled (see s 54(6)(a) and (7)). (c) The Proclamation memorial referring to s 55 will be sufficient explanation for the memorial's cancellation. (d) Caveats and other stop notices will not prevent registration of the Proclamation, and their memorials should be cancelled along with other estates or interests. (e) Memorials of statutory restrictions will not be cancelled; for example, s 98 Ngai Tahu Claims Settlement Act 1998 and s 27B State-Owned Enterprises Act 1986 will continue to apply. Interim standard for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011 land title registration | LINZS20009 Effective date | 23 January 2013 Registrar-General of Land | Land Information New Zealand Land Information New Zealand © Crown Copyright 20 4 Public works land Introduction and background Registration Computer registers (a) The Minister can declare land held for a public work in terms of the PWA to be held under the Act, by notice in the Gazette (s 53(5)). (b) Former PWA land held under the Act has to be offered back if no longer required (s 53(6)). (c) The Minister can also declare land held under the Act to be set apart under the PWA. (a) A Gazette notice declaring land held for a public work to be held under the Act can be registered in the same manner as other Gazette notices declaring all or part of a public work to be held for some other purpose. (b) If the Gazette notice effects a subdivision, the requirements and provisions of s 11 and Part 10 of the RMA will not apply (s 43). (c) No fee is payable, as for other Gazette notices. (a) If the Gazette notice affects all of the land in an existing CR, then it can simply be memorialised on that CR. (b) If the land is not already in a CR, then a new CR should be issued for the land without fee. Memorial The memorial should follow the wording of the Gazette notice. This includes referring to 'the Crown' in the memorial if that is the wording of the Gazette notice. Proprietor description The Crown, as proprietor of the land, must be recorded as 'Her Majesty the Queen under section 53(5) of the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011'. Note: This will identify land as land acquired under the Act and subject to the Act's provisions. continued on next page Interim standard for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011 land title registration | LINZS20009 Effective date | 23 January 2013 Registrar-General of Land | Land Information New Zealand Land Information New Zealand © Crown Copyright 21 Public works land, continued No purpose statement (a) CRs for PWA land declared to be held under the Act under s 53(5) do not need a separate purpose statement. (b) It is not necessary to examine dealings that have been authorised by the CE CERA for compliance with other enactments such as the PWA. Note: Land declared under s 53(5) continues to be subject to offer back obligations if the CE CERA wishes to dispose of the land (s 53(6)). It is the CE CERA's responsibility to comply with those obligations, aided by the proprietor description to identify relevant land. Interim standard for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011 land title registration | LINZS20009 Effective date | 23 January 2013 Registrar-General of Land | Land Information New Zealand Land Information New Zealand © Crown Copyright 22 5 Road stopping Introduction and background Registration (a) The CE CERA may stop roads by giving public notice or in any other manner that he or she determines (s 46(3)). (b) The road stopping has effect as if the road had been stopped in accordance with s 342 and Schedule 10 of the Local Government Act 1974 and as if the CE CERA were a council within the meaning of that section (s 46(4)). (c) Nothing in s 345 of the Local Government Act 1974 applies to the disposal of the stopped road (s 46(6)(b)). (d) Nothing in the Act, or in s 342 and Schedule 10 of the Local Government Act 1974, suggests that stopping of a road changes the ownership of the road. Road stopped under s 46 continues to be vested in the owner of the road until it is acquired by the Crown under the Act, or otherwise dealt with by the owner. (a) CERA may request the RGL to issue a CR for the stopped road in the name of the owner, on payment of the usual fee. (b) The request should be accompanied by a copy of the public notice and/or other relevant documentation in terms of s 46(3). (c) The request should refer to a plan of survey that defines the area of stopped road, which has been approved in terms of the Rules. Interim standard for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011 land title registration | LINZS20009 Effective date | 23 January 2013 Registrar-General of Land | Land Information New Zealand Land Information New Zealand © Crown Copyright 23 6 Dealings and disposal Introduction and background Dealings (a) This part of the guideline relates to the Crown dealing with land held for the purposes of the Act, including disposal. (b) The Act authorises (the CE CERA in the name of) the Crown to purchase or otherwise acquire, hold, sell, exchange, mortgage, lease, and dispose of land (s 53(1)). (c) The CE CERA may subdivide land acquired by the Crown under the Act, and nothing in s 11 or Part 10 of the RMA applies (s 43). (d) The Minister may, by notice in the Gazette, declare land held under the Act to be set apart for a Government work in terms of the PWA (s 53(4)). (e) When disposing of land held under the Act, the usual ss 40-42 PWA requirements to offer to former owners or adjoining owners do not apply (s 53(3)), with the following exceptions: (i) requirements to offer land back continue to apply to former PWA land (s 53(6)), (ii) land that was compulsorily acquired under s 55 may have to be offered back (ss 53(3) and 58), and (iii) the CE CERA disposing of land to which the Ngāi Tahu Claims Settlement Act 1998 applies must do so in accordance with that Act (s 59(2)). (a) Mortgages, leases, and other dealings that are not disposals can be registered in the usual way. (b) Instruments will be authorised by the CE CERA for HMQ as registered proprietor. continued on next page Interim standard for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011 land title registration | LINZS20009 Effective date | 23 January 2013 Registrar-General of Land | Land Information New Zealand Land Information New Zealand © Crown Copyright 24 Dealings and disposal, continued Subdivision Disposal Public work (a) CE CERA can subdivide land acquired under the Act without territorial authority approval under s 223 of the RMA, and none of the other requirements or provisions of s 11 or Part 10 of the RMA will apply (s 43). (b) A plan of subdivision or related documentation may include a recital that the subdivision is exempt from the RMA under s 43, but this is not essential. (a) For the purposes of this guideline, 'disposal' refers to a transfer by HMQ under the Act to a different owner. (b) Transfer instruments will be authorised by the CE CERA for HMQ as transferor. (c) Transfers of land held under s 53(1) can be registered in the usual manner. (d) A transfer instrument may include a recital (It is the CE CERA's obligations, aided by land.) (e) A transfer instrument should be accompanied by a s 99 Ngai Tahu Claims Settlement Act 1998 certificate if the CR is subject to a certificate under s 98 of that Act. (f) A Crown disposal of land held under the Act will be subject to Part 4A of the Conservation Act 1987 and ss 10 and 11 of the Crown Minerals Act 1991. for disposal of land held under ss 53(5) or 55 or other information, but this is not essential. responsibility to comply with any offer back the proprietor description to identify relevant A Gazette notice under s 53(4) declaring land held under the Act to be set apart for a Government work in terms of the PWA can be registered in the same manner as any PWA Gazette notice. Interim standard for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011 land title registration | LINZS20009 Effective date | 23 January 2013 Registrar-General of Land | Land Information New Zealand Land Information New Zealand © Crown Copyright 25 STATUTORY LAND CHARGES 7 Statutory land charges Introduction and background Statutory land charge (a) This part of the guidance relates to registration of charges under the Act. (b) The CE CERA may arrange for buildings to be demolished and may recover the costs of demolition from owners of dangerous buildings (s 38(4)(b)(ii)). The amount recoverable becomes a charge on the land (s 38(4)(b)(iii)) and may be registered under the authority of the Statutory Land Charges Registration Act 1928. (a) A statutory land charge for registration: (b) (i) should be in the form prescribed in the Statutory Land Charges Registration Act 1928, and (ii) must specify the amount of the charge, but may also include additional words referring to 'all further costs' or similar. The usual registration fee is payable. Memorial The memorial must refer to a 'statutory land charge pursuant to section 38 of the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011', to assist LINZ, CERA, and others to identify charges under the Act. Effect (a) A statutory land charge under s 38 of the Act does not prevent transfers or other dealings with the land. (b) The charge takes priority in relation to other charges, including mortgages, according to the date of registration. Interim standard for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011 land title registration | LINZS20009 Effective date | 23 January 2013 Registrar-General of Land | Land Information New Zealand Land Information New Zealand © Crown Copyright 26 LIMITED TITLES Introduction and background Contents (a) This part of the guidance relates to the requirements to obtain adjoining landowners' consent to new survey definitions and issue new CRs limited as to parcels if consent is not provided. (b) When surveying land in areas affected by the Canterbury earthquakes, it may be difficult to comply with the Rules. For example, survey marks and physical boundary evidence to which the new survey definition must usually relate, may have moved or disappeared. (c) The CE CERA, after consulting with the Surveyor-General, may direct LINZ to approve a CSD that would not otherwise comply with the Rules (s 35). Approval of a plan by direction of the CE CERA is deemed to be approval as to survey to allow the plan to be deposited under s 167 of the LTA. (d) The Surveyor-General will arrange with the CE CERA for a relevant CSD to clearly indicate it is approved pursuant to s 35. (e) The CE CERA may direct the RGL to seek consent of adjoining landowners to the new survey definition on plans approved under s 35, and in other cases where there is a legal requirement to notify adjoining owners before depositing a plan (s 36(1) and (2)). If they consent, the plan can be deposited and a new CR issued as usual (s 36(3)). (f) If adjoining landowners do not consent, the CE CERA may direct the RGL to issue a CR limited as to parcels (s 36(4)), which will preserve the rights of adjoining owners. A limited CR under the Act is similar to a CR limited as to parcels under the LTA, and LTA provisions for lodging caveats and challenging such caveats apply (s 36(5)). Disputes about the survey definition and caveats must be heard and determined in accordance with the Act (ss 37 and 69), and the RGL must remove the limitation as to parcels when directed to by the CE CERA (s 36(6)). This section contains the following topics: Topic See page Adjoining owners' consent 28 Issuing limited computer registers 30 Interim standard for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011 land title registration | LINZS20009 Effective date | 23 January 2013 Registrar-General of Land | Land Information New Zealand Land Information New Zealand © Crown Copyright 27 8 Adjoining owners' consent Depositing plans CE CERA direction to seek consent Request to adjoining owners Adjoining owners' consent (a) A plan that was approved by a CE CERA direction under s 35 can only be deposited in accordance with s 36. (b) For other plans where there is a legal requirement to give notice to adjoining owners, such as plans to remove limitations as to parcels, s 36 provides an alternative procedure. A CE CERA direction to the RGL to seek the consent of the adjoining landowners to the new survey definition on a new plan for deposit will be in writing and: (a) may be included as part of the CSD, or (b) may accompany the order for new CR to deposit the plan. (a) The date for response should be set at 10 working days after allowing two working days for delivery (s 36(4)). (b) A notice fee is payable for each notice. (a) Adjoining landowners can give their consent in the usual manner of consenting to deposit of a plan; that is, by signing a copy of the plan or by written consent referring to the plan number (see Appendix A for a suitable form). (b) If all adjoining landowners consent to the new survey definition, the plan may be deposited and a new CR issued accordingly. continued on next page Interim standard for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011 land title registration | LINZS20009 Effective date | 23 January 2013 Registrar-General of Land | Land Information New Zealand Land Information New Zealand © Crown Copyright 28 Adjoining owners' consent, continued Adjoining owners do not consent (a) If any adjoining landowner does not respond by the date specified in the notice, or refuses to consent to the new survey definition, the notice to the CE CERA required by paragraph 5.1(b) of the standard should be: (i) sent by post or electronic communication, or (ii) included as part of a requisition, depending on whether the CE CERA’s direction to the RGL to seek the consent of the adjoining landowners was included as part of the CSD, or accompanied an order for new CR. (b) The CE CERA may: (i) withdraw the order for new CR (if applicable), (ii) allow the adjoining landowner a further period to respond (s 36(4)), or (iii) direct the RGL to issue a new CR limited as to parcels upon deposit of the CSD. Interim standard for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011 land title registration | LINZS20009 Effective date | 23 January 2013 Registrar-General of Land | Land Information New Zealand Land Information New Zealand © Crown Copyright 29 9 Issuing limited computer registers Direction to issue limited title Effect of limitation as to parcels Removal of limitation Direction to disapply A CE CERA direction to the RGL to issue a new CR limited as to parcels upon deposit of the CSD: (a) will be in writing, (b) should cite s 36(4), and (c) may be sent by post or electronic communication, or lodged as an order for new CR (depending on whether the CE CERA has already lodged an order for new CR to deposit the plan). (a) The provisions in Part 12 of the LTA which usually apply to limited as to parcels CRs, will apply to a CR issued and limited as to parcels in accordance with s 36(4) (s 36(5)), except for the process to remove the limitation as to parcels in s 36(6). (b) While the CR is limited as to parcels, an adjoining owner or occupier can lodge a caveat under s 205(4) of the LTA, and the provisions of ss 143 and 145-148 of the LTA (as to removal, lapsing, etc) apply. (c) Adjoining owners' disputes over survey definitions and disputes against lodgement of caveats will be heard and determined by courts in accordance with s 69. (a) The CE CERA may direct the RGL to disapply s 205(4) of the LTA, which authorises caveats against CRs limited as to parcels, from a CR that was issued and limited as to parcels in accordance with s 36(4). The RGL must then remove the limitation as to parcels from the relevant CR (s 36(6)). (b) Any existing s 205(4) caveats can be removed at the same time. A CE CERA direction under s 36(6): (a) will be in writing, (b) should cite s 36(6), and (c) may be sent by post or electronic communication. Interim standard for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011 land title registration | LINZS20009 Effective date | 23 January 2013 Registrar-General of Land | Land Information New Zealand Land Information New Zealand © Crown Copyright 30 PLANS OF DISTORTED BOUNDARIES 10 Plans of distorted boundaries Introduction and Background (a) This part of the guidance describes the process for a plan with an annotation 'Boundary includes new angles due to deep-seated movement' or similar, in accordance with the Rules. (b) The annotation means the plan re-establishes an existing boundary with new angles to represent distortion of that boundary by the Canterbury earthquakes. For example, an existing straight line boundary might be shown as a new 'crooked' boundary. (c) The plan can only be deposited after confirming the land does not include land from a neighbour's CR. Note: Relevant adjoining owners Consent of adjoining owners Notice to relevant adjoining owners If the land is comprised in a CR that is limited as to parcels, then the usual LTA provisions for notifying adjoining owners and adjoining owners' caveats will apply instead of this section. (a) Relevant adjoining owners are the adjoining owners to the boundary re-established with new angles. (b) LINZ staff with survey expertise should be consulted to identify the re-established boundary or boundaries. (a) The surveyor may have obtained adjoining owners' consent to the plan and the re-established boundaries, and included the consents in the CSD. (b) If every relevant adjoining owner has consented, the plan may be deposited and a new CR issued for the land shown on the plan. (a) If any relevant adjoining owner has not consented, notice in the form set out in Appendix B must be given. (b) The notice period is 21 days, the same as for a notice of removal of limitations as to parcels. (c) No notice fee is payable, because this is not a notice required by the LTA or another enactment in terms of Schedule 5, Part 2 of the Land Transfer Regulations 2002. continued on next page Interim standard for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011 land title registration | LINZS20009 Effective date | 23 January 2013 Registrar-General of Land | Land Information New Zealand Land Information New Zealand © Crown Copyright 31 Plans of distorted boundaries, continued Objection Advise applicant (a) A relevant adjoining owner can object on the basis that they own part of the land shown on the plan. (b) The objection needs to be in writing. (c) A relevant adjoining owner cannot object by lodging a caveat. (a) If a relevant adjoining owner objects, then the person applying for deposit of the plan and issue of a new CR should be advised the plan cannot deposit until they resolve the objection. (b) An applicant can resolve an objection by obtaining the adjoining owner's consent, or submitting a new plan with different boundary definition and with the adjoining owner's consent. (c) The applicant should be advised by way of a notice of requisition, not by rejection. Interim standard for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011 land title registration | LINZS20009 Effective date | 23 January 2013 Registrar-General of Land | Land Information New Zealand Land Information New Zealand © Crown Copyright 32 Appendix A: Request for consent of adjoining owner (date) (Name of adjoining owner) (Address) Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011 – Section 36(2): Request for consent to new survey definition Dealing: (dealing number) Plan: (CSD number) Computer Register: (CR reference) Owner: (applicant's name) This notice is to advise you that land next to your property has been surveyed and the chief executive of the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Authority (chief executive) has directed the Registrar-General of Land (RGL) to seek your consent to the new survey definition before the RGL issues (a) new computer register(s) for the land. To satisfy yourself that the land surveyed does not encroach on your property you may inspect the attached plan and any pegs or other boundary marks that have been placed at the site by the surveyor. (You may need to engage a licensed cadastral surveyor to assist you.) If you agree with the new survey definition, please complete the attached consent form and return it to the address below or by email to The RGL will then deposit the plan and issue (a) new computer register(s) to the owner. If you do not respond by the close of (date) or if you refuse to consent, the chief executive may direct the RGL to deposit the plan and issue (a) new computer register(s) limited as to parcels, which will enable you to lodge a caveat under s 205(4) of the Land Transfer Act 1952 to protect your interests. Disputes over survey definitions and against lodgement caveats under s 205(4) of that Act will be heard and determined by the courts in accordance with s 69 of the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011. Please contact Customer Support (0800 665 463) if you have any queries regarding this notice. National Manager Survey & Title Operations for Registrar-General of Land [LINZ office address] Interim standard for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011 land title registration | LINZS20009 Effective date | 23 January 2013 Registrar-General of Land | Land Information New Zealand Land Information New Zealand © Crown Copyright 33 Consent to New Survey Definition Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011 BARCODE Person giving consent: Capacity and Interest of Person giving consent: (Name(s) of adjoining landowner(s)) Owner(s) of the land in (CR reference of adjoining owner property) Consent Pursuant to section 36 of the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011, the person giving consent hereby consents to the survey definition on Plan (CSD number) Dated this day of 20 Attestation Signed in my presence by the person giving consent ____________________________________ Signature of Witness Witness to complete in BLOCK letters (unless legibly printed):Witness name Occupation Signature of person giving consent Address Interim standard for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011 land title registration | LINZS20009 Effective date | 23 January 2013 Registrar-General of Land | Land Information New Zealand Land Information New Zealand © Crown Copyright 34 Appendix B: Notice to adjoining owners (date) (Name of adjoining owner) (Address) Land Transfer Act 1952 – Notice of new survey definition of boundary Our reference: Dealing (dealing number) Plan: LT (CSD number) Computer Register: (CR reference) Owner: (applicant's name) This notice is to advise you that land next to your property has been surveyed and that the common boundary with your land has been re-established with new angles to represent movement of the boundary as a result of the Canterbury earthquake 2010. To satisfy yourself that the land surveyed does not include any of your property, you may inspect the attached plan and any pegs or other boundary marks that have been placed at the site by the surveyor. (You may need to engage a licensed cadastral surveyor to assist you.) If you agree with the new survey definition, you need do nothing further. A new computer register will be issued to the owner for the land as surveyed. If you do not agree with the boundary as surveyed, you must reply in writing to the address below or by email to by the close of (date). Please contact Customer Support (0800 665 463) if you have any queries regarding this notice. National Manager Survey & Title Operations for Registrar-General of Land [LINZ office address] Interim standard for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011 land title registration | LINZS20009 Effective date | 23 January 2013 Registrar-General of Land | Land Information New Zealand Land Information New Zealand © Crown Copyright 35