Minute Capital Facilities and Infrastructure Branch Brindabella Park Offices (BP3-1-B100) PO Box 7925 CANBERRA BC ACT 2600 See distribution PGPA SECTION 23(3) COMMITMENT APPROVAL – VARIATION TO [INSERT DETAILS OF THE ARRANGEMENT PROPOSED TO BE VARIED] References: A. Reference A should be the original Commitment Approval (or FMA Reg 9) for the project; B. Project Development and Delivery Plan; and C. Insert other relevant references/approval documentation. Purpose 1. The purpose of this minute is to obtain: a. Commitment Approval under the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013 for an increase to a spending proposal of [$0,000,000] due to changes in contract [scope/program/etc] above and beyond the approved amount within Reference A; and b. 2. Any other Approvals required eg. Defence Contingency. Details of the background, contracting and tendering strategy, procurement methodology and how Value for Money was achieved for this Proposal are described in the original Commitment Approval at Reference A and the Project Development and Delivery Plan at Reference B. Background 3. The changes required for Commitment Approval include…insert brief justification for change in Commitment Approval requirement… 4. [DETAIL THE REVISED FUNDING PROVISIONS FOR THE ARRANGEMENT AND HOW THEY CONTINUE TO PROVIDE VALUE FOR MONEY]. 1 Financial year spreads FY 2014/2015 FY2015/2016 FY 2016/2017 FY 2017/2018 5. [PROVIDE ASSURANCE TO THE DELEGATE THAT SUFFICIENT FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE TO COVER ALL MONEY PAYABLE UNDER THE ARRANGEMENT]. Consultation and / or Other Relevant Advice 6. [DETAIL THE SPECIALIST ADVICE THAT WAS PROVIDED OR CONSULTATION THAT OCCURRED RELATED TO THE CHANGE IN FUNDING] Implications of not agreeing to this proposal 7. State the urgency and deadline repercussions and impact if this proposal is not approved. Recommendation 8. It is recommended that you sign the revised Financial Approvals at Annex A. 9. Approve the release of the required Defence Contingency to complete all additional requirements of the project. [INSERT NAME OF PROPOSER] [Rank] [Appointment] [Address] Tel: [number]; Fax: [number] Email: [email] [Date] Annex: A. Revised Financial Approval Page; and B. [Project Name, Consultant Name] Purchase Order. Distribution [amend as necessary] Location For Commitment Approval DCFPC BP26-1-B099 For data capture PO Location For entry into DEMS Through: For information: 2 ANNEX B TO [PROJECT NAME] – [DETAILS OF ANNEX] FINANCIAL APPROVALS SECTION 23 COMMITMENT APPROVAL DELEGATION – APPROVE A SPENDING PROPOSAL As Commitment Approver I approve the scope, purpose and procurement method to the value of $ [including/excluding] GST for Project [……]. As delegate I confirm that I: a) I have an appropriate delegation and I currently hold the required procurement competency to exercise this delegation; b) the arrangement will be a proper use of relevant money; c) I have taken care and diligence and have made reasonable inquiries to ensure this arrangement meets all required procurement obligations, notably the Commonwealth Procurement Rules, the appropriate Accountable Authority’s Instructions, the Defence Procurement Policy Manual, applicable Departmental Procurement Policy Instructions and is not inconsistent with the policies of the Australian government; d) the benefits of entering into the arrangement outweigh the risk of locking away future budget flexibility; e) the costing assumptions are sound and costing calculations are accurate; f) I am acting in good faith and for a proper purpose; g) I do not stand to gain advantage for myself or other persons or cause detriment to Defence, the Commonwealth or any other person; and h) any real or perceived conflict of interest has been disclosed. Signature: Date: Name: Title: PMKeys: Position Number: OR [IF THE DELEGATE DOES NOT HOLD THE REQUIRED PROCUREMENT COMPETENCY USE THE FOLLOWING PAGE] 3 ANNEX B TO [PROJECT NAME] – [DETAILS OF ANNEX] FINANCIAL APPROVALS SECTION 23 COMMITMENT APPROVAL DELEGATION – APPROVE A SPENDING PROPOSAL As Commitment Approver I approve the scope, purpose and procurement method to the value of $ [including/excluding] GST for [……]. As delegate I confirm that: a) I have consulted with a person who currently holds the required procurement competency and who has been involved in a material way during the development of the arrangement or has provided advice during the procurement process; b) the arrangement will be a proper use of relevant money; c) sufficient funds are available to support all payments due under the spending proposal; d) I have taken care and diligence and have made reasonable inquiries to ensure this arrangement meets all required procurement obligations, notably the Commonwealth Procurement Rules, the appropriate Accountable Authority’s Instructions, the Defence Procurement Policy Manual, applicable Departmental Procurement Policy Instructions and is not inconsistent with the policies of the Australian government; e) specialist / technical advice has been obtained, documented and considered in the course of approving the spending proposal f) the benefits of entering into the arrangement outweigh the risk of locking away future budget flexibility; g) the costing assumptions are sound and costing calculations are accurate; h) I am acting in good faith and for a proper purpose; i) I do not stand to gain advantage for myself or other persons or cause detriment to Defence, the Commonwealth or any other person; and j) any real or perceived conflict of interest has been disclosed. Signature: Date: Name: Title: PMKeys: Position Number: Person Consulted Signature: Date: Name: Title: PMKeys: Position Number: 4