Archdiocese of Brisbane Commission for Evangelisation and Pastoral Planning SAMPLE Template for Parish Profiles The following sample provides a general guide for the completion of a parish profile which is shared at the meeting of the Deanery Pastoral Council or Planning Forum during stage 2 of the planning activity. Parish Profile / Activity Indicators Catholic Population 2001 Churches / Mass Centres Priest’s Residence Parish Centre (office) Schools (Catholic) Community Centre / Parish Hall Number of Priests Number of paid staff Number of weekend Masses: Saturday vigil / Sunday Times of weekend Masses Total mass attendance for weekend masses Baptisms per month Weddings per month Funerals per month Local community outreach Parish Pastoral Council /s Finance Committee /s Ministry Groups Income per year Outgoings per year Assets (land and buildings) Liabilities (loans) Investments Other details Sample Profile for a parish 13655 2 1 1 2 0 2 1.5 6 Explanatory Notes ABS Population via website: see Parish Census Number of churches / mass centres Brief details of number / nature of available residences Specific area or part of presbytery. List number of Primary and Secondary Catholic schools Insert “0” when facility is not available to the parish 1 full time and 1 part/time. 2 x 6pm, Sun 7am, 2 x 9am, 6pm 1720 6 2.5 2 1 hospital, 2 state schools 2 1 12 $170 000 $165 000 $3.2 m $130 000 1 house, IBD $30 000 List additional pastoral work in local hospital or state schools. The number of pastoral councils or community councils The number of finance committees / councils Approx number of ministry groups e.g. Care &Concern, SVdP, RCIA, etc. Approx dollar figure Approx dollar figure Approx value of land. Estimate of insurance cover for buildings. Balance on loans General details of the long term financial resources of the parish Details of other special features, e.g. Priest may have chaplaincy duties. Archdiocese of Brisbane Commission for Evangelisation and Pastoral Planning PARISH PROFILE TEMPLATE Stage one in the preparation of a Deanery Proposal for Pastoral Leadership and Operating Structures to 2011 involves each parish updating their PARISH PROFILE and sharing the information with members of the Deanery Pastoral Council/ Planning Forum during stage two. Parish Profile / Activity Indicators Name of Parish: ………………………… Notes for explanatory comments at Stage 2 deanery meeting Catholic Population 2001 Churches / Mass Centres Priest’s Residence Parish Centre (office) Schools (Catholic) Community Centre / Parish Hall Number of Priests Number of paid staff Number of weekend Masses: Saturday vigil / Sunday Times of weekend Masses Total mass attendance for weekend masses Baptisms per month Weddings per month Funerals per month Local community outreach Parish Pastoral Council /s Finance Committee /s Ministry Groups Income per year Outgoings per year Assets (land and buildings) Liabilities (loans) Investments Other details (See other side for SAMPLE of a Parish Profile to assist in the preparation of this profile) January 2005