Realistic Fiction Book Report

Oral Book Report: Realistic Fiction
Mr. Folsom
Option 1:
You will be creating and presenting your book report to the class using PowerPoint. There will be
a total five content requirements. For each requirement you will make a series of slides with text,
pictures, and other tools that will help you to convey pertinent information about the novel you
selected. Instructions on using PowerPoint will be given in class. Presentations must contain
have between 8-12 slides and contain pictures, animation and sound.
Required Materials
Flash drive for each student to save work
Option 2:
Rather than using PowerPoint, create your visual aids by hand using posterboard. These
Read a realistic fiction novel of at least 150 pages in length. Then create an outline on paper that
includes: title and author, character descriptions of three to five characters, setting description,
(place and time) plot description, and theme summary. In addition, create a favorite scene and
opinion section. Presentations must contain have between 8-12 slides and contain pictures,
animation and sound.
Content Requirements
 Description of the Main Characters
 Setting and Time Period
o Relationship/Importance to Plot
 Theme (Theme statement, support with examples from book)
o One Theme Statement
 At least one example to support
 Plot
(Include rising action, climax, falling action, resolution)
 Use terms
 Best/Favorite Scene (two required if working with partner)
 Overall Opinion (two required if working with partner)
Length of Presentations:
Reports presented by one person should be 3-5 minutes long. Presentations with partners
should be 5-8 minutes long.
Working with a Partner
If you decide to work with a partner, it is important that each of you work on all parts! In other
words, do not have one person in charge of reading the book and creating the content, while the
other creates the PowerPoint slides and presents. This will result in a failing grade as each of
you only worked on 50% of the assignment.
The main benefit of working with a partner is in sharing thoughts and ideas related to the plot,
theme, and characters. Therefore, be sure to engage in meaningful dialogue about the important
literary elements while writing content together. If you talk and share your thoughts and ideas,
you will have a deeper understanding of the novel, and your report will reflect this. In addition to
collaborating on the content of your report, both partners should participate equally in creating the
PowerPoint presentation as well as in the presentation itself.
Important Dates/Deadlines:
Computer Lab Days:
Reports Presentations
March 7 - 10
March 14-17
PowerPoint “Pearls of Wisdom”
What to do and what not to do when creating a PowerPoint Presentation…
Remember, the purpose of PowerPoint is to enhance your
presentation, not to write it. Following is a list of general
suggestions for presenting a report using PowerPoint:
 Include key words and phrases using bullets
o This helps keep you on track much the way note
cards serve this purpose.
 Follow the 90/10 Rule
o Look at the audience at least 90% of the time.
o Look at the screen no more than 10% of the time.
 Include pictures, drawings, slide transitions and any other
visual/audio aids that will help to create interest and/or
communicate your main points
 Have the right number of slides…
o Approximately 20-30 seconds per slide
 In a five-minute presentation, this translates to a
total of 10-15 slides.
 Not enough slides creates boredom.
 Too many slides can detract from content.
 Avoid reading directly from your presentation
 Don’t write paragraphs in your presentation
 Content is King
o Don’t over do it with pictures and sound. The function
of these tools is to enhance, not take the place of or
over-shadow the content of your report.
Realistic Fiction Book Report
 Content: 50 Points
o Description of Main Characters
 Physical Description
 Personality Characteristics
o Plot (Elements of Plot Terms Used)
o Setting
 Place/Time
 Relevance to Plot
o Theme
 Clear Statement
 Examples from novel to support
o Opinion / Favorite Scene
 Opinions Supported
 Interesting/Thorough Scene Description
 Presentation:
50 Points
o Did slides/artwork enhance the presentation?
 Easily Understood
 Visually Pleasing
 Appropriate
 Pacing
o Was the content communicated clearly?
 Fluid and Well-Rehearsed
 Articulate Descriptions/Explanations
o Were a variety of tools effectively used ?
 Font Variation
 Slide Transition
 Sound Affects
o Voice /Eye Contact
 Intonation/Projection
 90/10 Rule/Entire Audience
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