Waste Stream Analysis

Waste Stream Analysis
Type of Waste: Bottles NRB
Current Practices:
What company currently disposes of this waste stream?
Rehab take away all our non-returnable bottles in separate bottle
How much does it cost (detail per ton, skip, pick up charges,
€1,000 per annum regardless of amount. (This may change to tonnage
rates but we have not been advised yet – we need to keep this under
What volume of this stream do we produce?
Estimated 12 tons per annum
What departments produce this stream?
Bars, Banqueting, Kitchen & Accommodation.
Bars are good at
separating this stream and it is a reasonable success story. However,
there is no separation of glass in other departments and most ends up
in the compactor.
What action are we going to take to manage, reduce, reuse or
recycle this stream?
Separate glass from all departments that produce it. In food service
areas glass bottles must be washed out – chef needs to identify where
the glass is coming from and see if the supplier can deliver in bulk or if
there are other forms of delivery.
In bars we need to look and see if our suppliers will take more bottles
back. Water bottles used in banqueting for conferences should only be
returnable or we should switch to jugs of filtered water and tell our
clients what we are doing & charge for bottled water if it is required.
In accommodation the collection of bottles should mirror the NMB
collection with a separate bag/container.
What equipment will we need, what will it cost, what training is
required, who needs training?
Very little equipment is needed. Perhaps a separate bin for glass so
that it can then be sorted in the glass sorting area.
All staff need training and this will be incorporated into the overall
waste management training plan
What targets are we setting, how will we measure our
success…financial, volume reduction or environmental impact
Capture 2 more tons of NRB’s in the first year by getting feedback
from Rehab on the weight of skips. As all glass is recycled this is
environmentally friendly.
As there is a near monopoly on glass recycling in Ireland you need to
monitor monthly charges for glass as costs could increase
substantially. This area will require management
Aim to save approx €500 per annum on reduction in landfill &
associated costs.
When do we expect to achieve these targets?
Year 1 – 2 tons extra and ongoing for future years.
Who will be in charge of managing this waste stream?
Waste Management Team
Any other comments?
This is a small saver but one which will have a large visible impact on
staff and customers and will demonstrate our commitment to best
practice waste management. The success of this waste stream will rub
off onto other streams providing the hotel with an overall success