NAME Occipito Frontalis ORIGIN Epicranial Aponeurosis Muscles – Facial INSERTION Skin of Eyebrows Arch of frontal bone Skin of eyebrows Medial margin of orbit Eyelid Zygomatic bone Corners of mouth risorius Lateral fascia of masseter Angle of mouth Orbicularis oris Maxillae & mandible mentalis platysma Incisive Fossa of Mandible Fascia over pecs/deltoid Muscle/skin at mouth angle Skin of chin masseter Zygomatic arch temporalis Temporal fossa medial pterygoid lateral pterygoid Pterygoid process of sphenoid, maxilla Corrugators supercillii Orbicularis oculi zygomaticus buccinators genioglossal hypoglossal Lower margin of mandible Angle/ramus of mandible Coronoid process of mandible Medial mandible Greater wing of sphenoid Mandibular condyle Areolar region of maxilla Areolar region of mandible Interior medial mandible Body of greater horn or hyoid Inferior body of tongue, hyoid Inferolateral tongue ACTION Raise eyebrows (wrinkle forehead/”surprise”) (with Temporoparietalis it wrinkles forehead and widens eyes….”horror”) Draw eyebrows together Vertical wrinkles of forehead “suffering” Blinking and squinting Closing eye Raise lateral corners of mouth “smile” Move corner of lip laterally “laugh” Close and purse lips “kissing” Protrude lower lip “pout” Depress mandible Angle of mouth down “frown” Elevate mandible Elevate and retract mandible Lateral mandible movements Protrude mandible Opens jaw, lateral mandible movements Holds food under pressure of teeth Compress cheeks inward “model pose” Depress & protrude tongue Depress & retract tongue muscles of neck and vertebral column NAME sternocleidomastoid ORIGIN Manubrium and clavicle INSERTION Temporal Mastoid process ACTION Neck flexion; pivots head illiocostalis Illiac crests, ribs Angles of ribs Extend and/or laterally flex vert. column Vertebrae processes Ribs, temporal bone, etc. Extend vert. col. Extend head, turn to one side Spinous processes Spines of T7-C4 longissimus spinalis (T9-L5) processes Transverse (C7-T12) Cervical vertebrae, occipital bone external intercostals internal intercostals diaphragm Inf erior border of upper rib Superior border of lower rib Superior border of lower rib Inf erior border of upper rib Depress rib cage Inferior border of rib cage Central tendon Inspiration rectus abdominus Pubic crest external oblique Outer surface of R512 Costal cart of R5-7, xiphoid process Illium semispinalis internal oblique transverse abdominus deltoid Lumbodorsal fascia, iliac crest Last 3 ribs, pubic crest Flex lumbar region of vert column Flex vert column, rotate trunk, compress abdominal wall Flex vert column, compress abdomen wall Inguinal ligament, lumbodorsal fascia Pubic crest Compress abdomen Shoulder girdle Proximal end of humerus Scapular spine, clavicle Proximal end of humerus Proxiamal end of humerus flexes and extends shoulder; abducts arm Stabilize scapula trapezius Occipital bone latissimus dorsi Lower spine, illium pectoralis major Shoulder girdle, 1st 6 ribs NAME gluteus medius gluteus minimus gluteus maximus iliopsoas NAME biceps femoris Extend Neck Extend Vert. Column Extend vert. col. And head Elevate rib cage Muscles that move the thigh ORIGIN INSERTION Sacrum, coccyx, and Posterior surface of posterior surface of femur illium Pubic bone Posterior surface of femur iliac fossa, T12 and lumbar vertebrae Lesser trochanter of femur Muscles that move lower leg ORIGIN INSERTION Posterior surface of Head of fibula femur Extends, adducts humerus Adducts, flexes arm ACTION Extend leg at hip extends the hip; abducts, flexes, and rotates thigh laterally Flex trunk on thigh; major flexor of hip ACTION Flexes and rotates leg laterally and extends thigh rectus femoris Spine of illium and margin of acetabulum Spine of illium sartorius Patella Extends leg at knee Surface of tibia Flexes leg and thigh, abducts thigh, rotates thigh laterally, and rotates leg medially NAME gastrocnemius tibialia anterior fibularis tertius soleus extensor digitorium longus NAME subscapularis infraspinatus Muscles that move the ankle, foot, and toes ORIGIN INSERTION Condyles of femur Posterior surface of calcaneus Lateral surface of Tarsal bone and first tibia metatarsal Head and shaft of Tarsal and metatarsal fibula bone Proximal tibia and Calcaneus via fibula calcaneal tendon Lateral condyle and By tendons into upper 2/3 of tibia; middle an distal proimal fibula; phalanges of toes interosseous membrane Muscles that move the upper arm ORIGIN INSERTION Lateral border of Groove of humerus scapula Lateral border of Greater tubercle of scapula humerus ACTION Plantar flexion of foot and flexion of leg at knee Dorsal flexion and inversion of foot Plantar flexion and eversion of foot; also supports arch Plantar flexes the foot Prime mover of toe extension; dorsiflexes foot ACTION Extends humerus or adducts an d rotates arm medially Rotates arm laterally Muscles that move the forearm, and, wrist, and fingers NAME ORIGIN INSERTION ACTION Coracoid Radial tuberosity of Flexes arm at elbow and process/glenior cavity radius rotates the hand laterally biceps brachii of scapula Medial surfaces of Olecranon process of Extends arm at elbow triceps brachii humerus ulna Humerus Radius Flex elbow brachioradialis extensor digitorum flexor digitorum Humerus Metacarpals and/or phalanges Extend and adduct wrist, hand, fingers ulna Carpals and/or metalcarpals and phalanges Flex wrist, hand, fingers