IPB Opens Innovation House in Bojonegoro http://news.ipb.ac.id

IPB Opens Innovation House in Bojonegoro
Posted by admin on 20 December 2013
Rector of Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Prof. Dr. Herry Suhardiyanto, M.Sc and
Bojonegoro Regent, Drs. Suyoto, MSI, signed a Memorandum of Understanding
(MoU) on cooperation in agricultural development for food security, Thursday (28/11)
in Bojonegoro Regency. The signing of this agreement manuscript was started with
breakfast together, followed by a presentation and discussion of agricultural
development plans of Bojonegoro Regency.
On that occasion, Rector of IPB and Bojonegoro Regent officially opened IPB's
Innovation House in Bojonegro. The house is provided by the Local Government of
Bojonegoro to develop agricultural research and empowerment there. With this house,
it is expected that IPB's innovation can be implemented in Bojonegoro. After the
official opening of the innovation house, Rector of IPB and Bojonegoro Regent
symbolically planted seeds of crystal guavas and trees for the commemoration of
National Tree Planting Day.
IPB and Bojonegoro agree on some cooperation that includes the development of
community animal farm school (SPR 1111), training of freshwater aquaculture, food
and horticulture, and Agribussines Development Center (ADC). To follow up this
cooperation program in the near future, IPB will coordinate stakeholders to support
agricultural development programs of Bojonegoro as the national barns of food and
Also present in the official opening of the innovation house accompanying IPB Rector
were Head of Research and Community Service Institution (LPPM-IPB), Dr. Prastowo,
Director of International Cooperation and Program of IPB, Dr. Edy Hartulistiyoso,
M.Sc, Professor. Muladno (Faculty of Animal Science IPB), Dr. Ahmad Juanedi
(Faculty of Agriculture, IPB), Dr. Setia Hadi (Centre for Regional Planning and
Development/P4W IPB), Dr. Nurbambang (Public Works Department), Ir. Irzal Effendi
MS (Faculty of Fisheries IPB), Dr. Usman Ahmad (Faculty of Agricultural Technology
IPB), Tisna (Agribussines Development Center IPB / ADC) and Dr. Yonvitner (Head
of Sub Directorate of Cooperation IPB). This team was dispatched early to Bojonegoro
to map its potentials (Mtd)