Linking Research and Teaching: A select bibliography

May 2012
Linking Research and Teaching: A selected bibliography
Mick Healey
HE Consultant and Researcher, Emeritus Professor University of Gloucestershire
This is one of a series of bibliographies that were begun in 2005:
1 Active learning and learning styles: a selected bibliography
2 Discipline based approaches to supporting learning and teaching: a selected bibliography
3 Linking research and teaching: a selected bibliography
4 Pedagogic research and development: a selected bibliography
5 The scholarship of teaching and learning: a selected bibliography
6 The scholarship of engagement: a selected bibliography
7 Dissertations and capstone projects: a selected bibliography
For the latest version see:
An Invitation: Readers are encouraged to send details of their own favourite references for adding
to the list to me at: Thanks. Readers new to the topic may find it helpful to
start with the references marked with a *
Acknowledgements: Some of the early references are drawn from various lists compiled by Alan
Jenkins and from the list on the University of Miami Reinvention Center Web Site at:
Adams, D A (2009) Current trends in laboratory class teaching in university bioscience programmes,
Bioscience Education e-Journal, 13-3
Adhikari, A and Nolan, D (2002) But what good came of it at last? How to assess the value of
undergraduate research, Notices of the AMS (American Mathematical Society) 49 (10), 12521257
Aditomo, A., Goodyear, P., Bliuc, A.-M., and Ellis, R. A. (2011) Inquiry-based learning in higher
education: principal forms, educational objectives, and disciplinary variations. Studies in Higher
Education, iFIRST, 1-20.
Ahlberg, A (2008) Teaching and learning in hard science research environments: views of
academics and educational developers, Higher Education Research & Development, 27(2), 133142
Aitken, A (2008) Mini Chemistry Project, in Bates, S, Aliotta, M, Sinclair, B and Kohnle, A (Eds)
Physical Sciences Discipline Project Enhancement Themes: Research-Teaching Linkages:
Enhancing Graduate Attributes: Physical Sciences Discipline Project
Åkerlind, G S (2008) An academic perspective on research and being a researcher: an integration of
the literature, Studies in Higher Education 33 (1), 17 - 31
Allan, C. (2011) Exploring the experience of ten Australian Honours students, Higher Education
Research & Development, 30(4), 421-433
Allin, L (2010) Linking research, teaching and learning within the discipline: Evaluating student
learning through "real life" research in sports development, Journal of Hospitality Leisure Sport &
Tourism Education 9 (1): 92-100
Altman, J (2010) Undergraduate research bibliography: Assessment and management of
undergraduate research: a partial bibliography.
Anderson, J (2007) Mind the gap: a case study about learning and advanced scholarship in a new
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May 2012
academic enquiry: An international colloquium held at Marwell conference centre, Winchester,
UK, 19–21 April,
Andre, R and Frost, P J (1997) Researchers hooked on teaching: noted scholars discuss the
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Higher Education published on iFirst 12 December
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7 (4), 443-455
Baker, R and Fallaize, E (2008) IARU and research-led teaching and learning, paper presented to
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Baker, R (2009) Linking teaching and research – some ideas from my teaching at the Australian
National University, presentation at Enhancing Undergraduate Engagement through Research
and Inquiry Roundtable, 23rd September
Bakker, G (1995) Using 'pedagogical - impact statements' to make teaching and research symbiotic
activities. Chronicle of Higher Education, March 17, B3
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(2004) Research, teaching, and professional development at a comprehensive university, Journal
of Chemical Education 81(12), 1796-180
Barak, M, and Dori, YJ (2004) Enhancing undergraduate students' chemistry understanding through
project-based learning in an IT environment, Science Education 89(1), 117-139
Barnett, R. (1992) Linking teaching and research: a critical Inquiry, Journal of Higher Education,
63(6), 619-636
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Barnett, R (2004) Learning for an unknown future, Higher Education Research and Development 23
(3), 247-260
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and teaching, Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill/Open University Press
Barrie, S (2004) A research-based approach to generic attributes policy, Higher Education Research
and Development 23 (3), 261-275
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Education 51, 215-241
Barrie, S. (2007) A conceptual framework for the teaching and learning of generic graduate
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May 2012
Bauer, K and Bennett, J (2003) Alumni perceptions used to assess undergraduate research
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Council on Undergraduate Research Quarterly 29(4), 40-44
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Academic Development 16(2), 133-145
May 2012
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Useful web sites
Australian Learning and Teaching Council The Academic's and Policy-Maker's Guides to the
Teaching-Research Nexus
Canadian Summit on the Integration of Teaching and Research
CASTL Undergraduate Research Leadership
Centre for Research Informed Teaching at UCLAN
Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR)
Council on Undergraduate Research Quarterly
Higher Education Academy
Research and teaching
Linking research and teaching
Research and Teaching Forum;
for 2007 Colloquium see:
Hong Kong University Grants Committee Research Assessment Exercises
International perspectives on undergraduate research and inquiry October 2010; October 2011
Learning through enquiry alliance
Linking Teaching and Research in the Disciplines
McGill University The Nexus between teaching, learning and research/scholarship
McMaster University Centre for Leadership in Learning, Inquiry-based learning resources
Monash University and University of Sydney Teaching and Research Nexus Benchmarking Project;
National Academy for Integration of Research and Teaching and Learning, Ireland
New Zealand Inquiry Based Learning Project
Perspectives on Undergraduate Research and Mentoring
Reinvention Center at University of Miami
Research skill development for curriculum design and assessment,
Scottish Higher Education Enhancement Committee (SHEEC) Enhancement Themes: ResearchTeaching Linkages
Supervising Undergraduate Research: a wiki discussion forum
Undergraduate Research in Australia (ALTC Senior
Fellowship project web site for Angela Brew housed at Macquarie University)
May 2012
Undergraduate research journals list
University of Birmingham Enquiry Based Learning
University of Gloucestershire: NTFS Project ‘Leading, promoting and supporting undergraduate
research in new universities’; and
Centre for Active Learning ‘Undergraduate Research case studies’
University of Lancaster Enhancing the teaching-research nexus
University of New South Wales Research-Teaching Nexus
University of Sydney, Institute for Teaching and Learning, Research-led teaching and the
scholarship of teaching
UREKA (Undergraduate Research Experience & Knowledge Award)
UK Centres for Excellence in Teaching and Learning related to inquiry and researchbased learning
1. Sheffield Hallam University, the Centre for Promoting Learner Autonomy
2. University of Gloucestershire, the Centre for Active Learning in Geography, Environment and
Related Disciplines (
3. University of Manchester, Centre for Excellence in Enquiry-Based Learning
4. University of Oxford Centre for Excellence in Preparing for Academic Practice
5. University of Reading Centre for Excellence in Teaching & Learning in Applied Undergraduate
Research Skills (
6. University of Sheffield, Centre for Inquiry-based Learning in the Arts and Social Sciences
7. University of Surrey, Surrey Centre for Excellence in Professional Training and Education
8. Universities of Warwick and Oxford Brookes, The Reinvention Centre for Undergraduate
Seven of these formed the Learning Through Enquiry Alliance (LTEA)