1 The RESUME 1-lecture. Introduction in biologic chemistry. Depend of biologic function proteins from space conformation. In this lecture was described for the students meaning and role biologic chemistry in preparation general practitioner. On the base of conformation proteins for students describes function proteins depend from there function and changes from different pathologic conditions. Proteins condition tissue and organism was presented. Termin about izofunctional proteins, interaction proteins with ligands. 2-lecture. Biosintez nuclein acids and proteins On this lecture students get knowledge about main stages of change DNK, RNK and proteins, mechanisms regulation of this process. This subject will give students understand main mechanisms of develop hereditary diseases. Nucleine acids with proteins base of life. Due to modern principles: “Life is the way existing proteins and nuclein acids, which contain non stoppable exchange body and atmosphere, process reflects and regulations, which point to the safety and rejenuvation of body. 3-lecture. Biokatalyse. Regulation of ferments. Students will get knowledge about role of ferments as a biologic katalisators, general properties of ferments. Attention was given to the specific action ferments, classification and nomenclature ferments, scale of identify for ferments. Understanding of regulation ferments and meaning in metabolic process was given, role in the develop diseases. For GP have meaning aspects of clinical enzymology, this is a cause that on the lecture were given changes of activity ferments at the pathologies, hereditary enzymopathy, enzymodiagnostic, enzymotherapy. 4-lecture. Vitamins and there function in the body. Fat saluted vitamins. On the lecture for students was given understanding about vitamins, there role in the body and aspects of biochemical and physiological process. Explain mechanisms of develop avitaminoses, hyper- and hypovitamin conditions, biochemical base of the develop diseases which connect of the body with sufficient quantity vitamins. Give understanding to the students about meaning vitamins for healthy life, role avitaminoses and materials as a vitamins. 5-lecture. Introduction in the exchange in the body This lecture is the initial for educational of exchange things in the body. Exchange things in the body this is nutrition, metabolism and take off finish products from the body. Investigated people meal and understanding about main and minor components of the meal. Especially attention was given metabolism and metabolic ways, methods of investigated exchange of the things. Structure, meaning and properties biologic membranes was given. Transmembrane transfer was given carefully. 6-lecture. Biological oxidation In this lecture basic mechanisms of biological oxidation processes of the cells are discusses, and differences between biological oxidation and burning up processes are explained. The role of mitochondria in the process of biological oxidation and particularities of the structure of mitochondrial membranes is also discussed. Essential 1 2 role is given to the theory of the process of biological oxidation, especially, to modern theory of biological oxidation. Enzyme systems, responsible to the processes of biological oxidation, particularities of transferring protons and electrons in cell respiratory chain, and also oxidative vs. - re-oxidative potential of proton and electron carriers are analyzed. 7-lecture. Biological oxidation This is the continuation of previous lecture to discuss the biological oxidation. Various forms of phosphorization process of ADPH, the importance of substrate and oxidative phosphorization process of ADPH are explained in this lecture. Special role is given to the mechanisms of oxidative phosphorization, to chemo-osmotic theory, the role of membrane polarization process in this process and opening proton channels along with activation of ATPH-syntethasae, leading to ATPH synthesis are explained. Several indicators are discussed, such as coefficient of phosphorization, cell respiratory control and others that all together, allows us to judge about the characters of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorization processes. Special role is given to endogenous and exogenous determinants of oxidative phosphorization processes, and their role in the development of clinical signs of hypoenergetic conditions. In addition, the topic of microsomal oxidation and their magnitude in detoxication process of xenobiotics, regulation and clinical importance of these processes is discusses in this lecture. 8-lecture. Carbohydrate metabolism In this lecture we talk about major carbohydrates of the food and the organisms, discuss about their functions, mechanisms of utilization and adsorption. Essential role of impaired carbohydrate metabolism, adsorption and utilization is given in this lecture. The ways of utilization of adsorbed carbohydrates in the organism, processes of synthesis and spending of glucagons and its regulation are analyzed. The control mechanisms of glucocinase and gexocinase in phosphorization process of gexose are explained. Special role is given to glucose catabolism, in particular, aerobe glucolysis process, as the essential way of glucose catabolism, and also co-related mechanisms of hydrargium transfer from cell cytosoles into mitochondria are discussed in this lecture. 9-lecture. Carbohydrate metabolism In this we discuss about anaerobic glicolisys process, talking about its prevalence and magnitude, about glucose synthesis from non-carbohydrate components, about key enzymes of glicolisys and gluconeogenesis and about their regulations. Explain about pentose-phosphate way of glucose oxidation and its importance. Special role is given to biological magnitude of cycle Cory and to glucose-alanine cycle for the maintenance of muscle activity of the organism. Aspects of fructose and galactose metabolisms, genetic pathologies associated with the metabolisms of these carbohydrates are explained in this lecture. Structure and functions of geteropolycarbohydrates of the organism are also analyzed in this lecture material. 10-lecture. General ways of catabolism In this lecture the scheme of general ways of catabolism of organic substances and their role in energetic support of the cells are explained. General ways of catabolism includes the processes of oxidative de-carbonization of piruvate and Krebs cycle. The structure of piruvate-dehydrogenasae complex, along with its enzymes and coenzymes and mechanisms of synthesis of acetyl-CoA are analyzed in this lecture. Essential role is given to the cycle of lemon acid, its function and regulation, and also its connection with the respiratory chains of mitochondria. The topics of utilization of 2 3 mid-term metabolites of general ways of catabolism in the synthesis process of various biologically active substances are also discussed in this lecture. 11-lecture. Metabolism of lipids. The lipids of metabolic significance in the mammalian organism include triglycerides (neutral fat), phospholipids and steroids, together with products of their metabolism such as long chain fasty acids, glycerol and keton bodies. In this lecture we discuss: -lipoproteins metabolism, transport of lipids: The most important classes of lipoproteins are: -chylomicrons -very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) -low density lipoproteins (LDL) -intermediate density lipoproteins (IDL) -high density lipoproteins (HDL) Fatty acid oxidation: Knoop (1905) propored that fatty acids were oxidized physiologically by -oxidation, control of adipose tissue lipolysis, biosynthesis of triglycerides and phospholipids. The esters of glycerol are guantitatively the most significant lipids, represented by triacylglycerrol (“fat”), important as a major constituent of lipoproteins and as the storage form of lipid in adipose tissue. 12-lecture. Metabolism of lipids. Biosynthesis of fatty acids. Acetyl COA whether from pyruvate of fatty acid, is produced in the mitohondria. Transported via carnitine converted to citrate by condensation with oxalacetate. Formation and utilization of keton bodies. Cholesterol transport: the liver is one of the main sites of cholesterol synthesis. -from liver to the other tissues. -from other tissues to the liver. Control of cholesterol biosynthesis. -the rate limiting step is the convertion of HMG COA to mevalonic acid. -a second point of control appears to be the cyclization of squalen to cholesterol. Phospholipids-lipis contaning, in addition to fatty acids and glycerol, a phosphoric acid residue, nitrogen-containing bases, and other substituents. These lipids include phosphatidyl serine, plasmologes, and sphingomielins. Phospholipids play a vital role in: Control of cell membranes and factors regulating cellular permeability. Myelin sheath of nerve cell. Electron transport particles contain phospholipids. They serve as biologic detergent, aiding to the solution of the less polar lipids (glicerides and cholesterol) Blood clotting is triggered by phospholipids containing factors. 13 – lecture. Protein metabolism Protein turnover the continual synthesis and catabolism of proteins, occurs in all life forms. Transamination catalized by enzymes formed transaminases or aminotransferases, involves inerconversion of a pair of amino acids and a pair of keto acids 3 4 Oxidation desamination of amino acids to their corresponding a-keto acids can be shown with homogenates of mammalian liver and kidney tissue. Transaminases are speciphic for only one pair of a-amino and a-keto acids. 14 – lecture. Protein metabolism Urea biosynthesis is divided into 4 stages: Transamination Oxidative desamination of glutamate Ammonia transport Reactions of the urea cycle Regulation of urea synthesis controled by linkage of glutamate degidrogenase with carbamyl phosphate syntetase. Metabolic disorders are associated with each reaction of the urea cycle. Hyperammonimia ( carmbamoyl phosphate syntetase) Hyperammonimia ( ornithine transcarbomoylase) citrullinemia arginosuccinateaciduriya hyperargininemia Methionine : this amino acid readily donates its terminal methyl group for methylation of various compounds. 15-lecture. Metabolism of nucleic acids. The pancreatic juice contains enzymes which degrade nucleic acids into nucleotides. They themselves have the enormous role in human organisms. And they react in all processes described below. In this lecture we describe the following questions: Digestion and absorbtion of nucleic acids Role of nucleotides in organism Biosynthesis of purines nucleotides Hepatic purine nucleotide biothinthesys is strictly regulated Biosynthesys of pyrymydine nucleotides Regulation of pyrymydine nucleotides biosynthesys Humans catabolize purines to uric acid Disorders of purine catabolism efficiency states are rare in human subjects , numerous genetic disorders of purin catabolism have been characterized Lesch-Wyhan Syndrome, am overproduction hyperuricemia with frequent uric acid lithasis and a bizarre syndrome of self-multitation, is due to an nonfunctional hypoxanthine – guanine phosphoribosyl transferase Catabolism of pirimidines produces water soluble products The orothic aciduria that accompanies Reye’s syndromee 16-lecture. Biochemistry of blood This lecture will consider questions concerning function of blood and its chemical compound. Functions of blood are listed and the detailed analysis of transport, trophic, communicative, regulatory, protective and thermoregulatory functions is given. Poly-functionality of blood functions with its morphological structure is explained. There are given detailed qualitative and quantitative analysis of the blood structure, and concept about abnormalities of blood function as in case of infringement of creation of erythrocytes which leads to an anemia. The role of a liver for high-grade functioning of blood is also covered; since proteins of plasma of blood are synthesized in a liver. 4 5 17-lecture. The biochemistry of a liver Lecture covers structural-functional features of a liver, a role in neutralization normal metabolites and xenobiotics, in particular reactions of microscopic oxidations and reactions of conjugation, the mechanism of neutralization of hormones, medical substances and other connections. The important role is given for catabolism of normal metabolites in particular hemi, the mechanism of development of different forms of yellowness. In lecture matters of participation of a liver in regulation of an exchange of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids and the mechanisms of abnormalities connected thereof are to be discussed as well. 18-lecture. The biochemistry of muscles Lecture views a general characteristic and classification of a muscular tissue, the morphological organization, structural-functional features, a molecular structure and biochemical mechanisms of muscular reduction and a relaxation. The attention is paid to a role of a gradient of monovalent ions Са in regulation of muscular reduction, as well as to an energy exchange in a muscular tissue, specialties of a metabolism in a cardiac muscle. The important role is given to biochemical muscular changes at pathology. 19-lecture. The biochemistry of a conjunctive tissue Lecture discusses questions concerning a structural-functional texture of a conjunctive tissue, in particular molecular features of collagen and elastin, formation of collagen fibers of fibril proteins, aminoacid structure, primary and spatial structure biosynthesis of a conjunctive tissue. Attention is paid to a role of an ascorbic acid in hydro-oxidation of prolin and lizin, and to attributes of an avitaminosis of S. An important role is delegated to biological functions of glico-zaminklicans and proteoglicans, to biochemical changes in conjunctive tissue in the case of oxiprolunation in collagens. 5