Biomes and Biodiversity Objectives • Recognize the characteristics of major biomes and understand the most important factors that determine their distribution • Describe characteristics of aquatic ecosystems • Describe the ways in which humans damage these ecosystem types Objectives • Define biodiversity, explain its importance and describe its status • Describe how human activities cause biodiversity loss • Identify regions and ecosystems of high biodiversity • Evaluate the effectiveness of efforts to protect endangered species Terrestrial biomes • Biomes - Areas sharing similar climate, topographic and soil conditions, and roughly comparable communities • Most terrestrial biomes are identified by the dominant plants – Temperature and precipitation are among the most important determinants in biome distribution Deserts • Characterized by low moisture levels and precipitation that is infrequent and unpredictable • Wide daily and seasonal temperature fluctuations • Plants and animals exhibit water conservation characteristics Deserts • Soils are easily disturbed by human activities and slow to recover • Subject to overgrazing Grasslands • Communities of grasses, seasonal herbaceous flowering plants, and open savannas • Few trees due to inadequate rainfall • Large daily and seasonal temperature fluctuations Grasslands • Frequent grass fires • Historic grazing by roaming herds of large ungulates • Historic conversion to farmland • Overgrazing a threat to remaining grasslands Savanna • Grassland with trees • A bit more precipitation than grasslands • Frequent fires Tundra • Arctic tundra and alpine tundra • Very short growing season, with cold harsh winters • Water locked up much of the year. • Most animals migrate south or downhill in winter. • Low biological productivity and low diversity • Treeless Tundra • Damage slow to heal • Global warming threatens tundras • Air pollution accumulates at high latitudes • Oil and gas drilling Conifer forests • Cone-bearing • Plants reduce water loss by evolving thin, needle-like evergreen leaves with thick waxy coating • Fire often plays role in maintenance • Can grow on nutrient-poor soils • Humans rely on conifer forests for forest products Conifer forests • Southern Pine Forest in United States • Boreal Forest - Northern Conifer Forest – Broad band of mixed coniferous and deciduous trees between 45° and 60° N latitude – Moist and cool climate with abundant streams and wetlands • Taiga - Northernmost edge of boreal forest – Species-poor – Harsh climate limits productivity Temperate rainforest • Wettest portion of coniferous forests of Pacific Northwest • Mild temperatures, and very abundant precipitation. (>250 cm) – Canopy condensation is major form of precipitation Broad-leaved deciduous forest • Temperate regions support lush summer plant growth when water is plentiful – Deciduous leaves an adaptation to freezing temperatures and drought • Rich variation of tree species – Forest canopy covers diverse understory • Eastern half of US was covered with broad-leaved deciduous forest when European settlers arrived – Much of that was harvested a century ago for timber – Now large areas have re-grown and are again approaching old-growth status Mediterranean • Characterized by warm, dry summers and cool, moist winters • Fires are a major factor in plant succession – Referred to as chaparral in California • Biodiversity hotspot threatened by human development – Referred to as thorn scrub in Africa Tropical moist forests • Humid tropical regions support one of most complex and biologically rich biomes • Ample rainfall and uniform temperatures Cloud forests Tropical moist forests • Tropical Rainforests - More than 200 cm annual rainfall with warm-hot temperatures year-round – 90% nutrients tied up in living organisms – Rapid decomposition and nutrient cycling – Thin soil cannot support continued cropping and cannot resist erosion Tropical seasonal forests • Semi-evergreen and partly deciduous forests tending toward open woodlands and grassy savannas – Characterized by distinct wet and dry seasons with hot temperatures yearround – Less than 1 percent remain undisturbed Marine ecosystems • Salt water ecosystems • Phytoplankton support marine food webs • Productivity greatest near coastlines • Currents distribute nutrients and organisms • Deep areas of ocean depend on “marine snow” as primary nutrient source Marine ecosystems • Vertical stratification is an important aspect of many marine ecosystems – Organisms tend to form distinctive vertical sub-communities • Benthic - Bottom sub-community – Low oxygen levels • Pelagic - Water column Open ocean • Called a biological desert due to low productivity • Some areas are productive – Equatorial Pacific Ocean – Antarctic Ocean – Sargasso Sea – Deep sea thermal vents Coral reefs • Coral Reefs - Accumulated calcareous skeletons of colonial organisms (coral) – Depth limited by light penetration • Corals have mutualistic relationship with algae – Among most endangered communities • Dynamite fishing • Global warming – coral bleaching • Cyanide fishing Mangrove forests – Mangrove trees grow in salt water – Occur along calm, shallow, tropical coastlines – Threatened by forestry – Protect and stabilize coastlines Tidal Environments • Estuaries - Bays or semi-enclosed bodies of brackish water that form where rivers enter the ocean • Important for fish and shellfish reproduction Barrier Islands • Barrier Islands - Low, narrow, sandy islands that form offshore from a coastline – Protect inland shores from surf – Prized for human development • Loss of vegetation triggers erosion Freshwater ecosystems • Usually called aquatic ecosystems • Less extensive than marine systems • Centers of biodiversity • Aquatic ecosystems are greatly influenced by surrounding terrestrial ecosystems Freshwater ecosystems • Lakes – Non-flowing water – Freshwater lakes have distinct vertical zones separated by temperature • Rivers – Flowing water Wetlands • Land surface is saturated or covered with water at least part of the year • Water usually shallow enough to allow full sunlight penetration • Trap and filter water - “nature’s kidney’s” • Provide flood control Human disturbance • By some estimates, humans use about 40% of net terrestrial primary productivity • Temperate broad-leaved deciduous forests are the most completely humandominated biome • Tundra and Arctic Deserts are the least disturbed • About half of all original wetlands in the US have been degraded over the past 250 years – 90% in Ohio What is biodiversity? • Biodiversity exists at several scales – Genetic diversity - Measures variety of different versions of same genes – Species diversity - Measures number of different kinds of organisms within a community – Ecological diversity - Measures richness and complexity of a community What is a species? • There are several different definitions for species • We will define species in terms of reproductive isolation – A species is all the organisms potentially able to breed in nature and produce fertile offspring How many species are there ? • Currently 1.7 million species identified • Estimates range between 3-50 million – May be 30 million insect species – Invertebrates make up 70% of all known species, and probably most of yet to be discovered species Where is biodiversity high? • Only 10-15% of species identified are found in North America and Europe • Greatest concentration of species in tropical rainforests and coral reefs • Biodiversity hotspots – Have exceptional numbers of endemic species – Endemic species are those species that are found nowhere else Biodiversity hotspots Benefits of biodiversity • Food – As many as 80,000 edible wild plant species could be utilized by humans Benefits of biodiversity • Drugs and medicines – More than half of all prescriptions contain some natural product – Pharmaceutical companies actively prospect tropical countries for products Ecological benefits • Soil formation, waste disposal, air and water purification, nutrient cycling, solar energy absorption, and biogeochemical and hydrological cycles all depend on biodiversity • Total value of these services are $33 trillion per year – Can a system function without all its integral parts? Watershed protection in the Catskills • Water supply for New York City • Worked with local farmers to reduce non-point pollution and preserve land • Saved billions of dollars by performing watershed protection rather than building a treatment plant Aesthetic and cultural benefits • Cultural diversity inextricably linked to biodiversity Aesthetic and cultural benefits • USFWS estimates Americans spend $104 billion annually on wildlife-related recreation (compare to $81 billion on new automobiles) • Ecotourism can be an important form of sustainable economic development • Existence (intrinsic) value Threats to biodiversity • Extinction - Elimination of a species – Natural Causes • In undisturbed ecosystems, background rate appears to be one species per decade – In this century, human impacts have accelerated that rate, causing perhaps thousands of extinctions annually Natural extinction • Fossil record suggests more than 99% of all species ever in existence are now extinct – Most went extinct before humans arrived • End of Cretaceous - Dinosaurs and 50% of existing genera disappeared • Permian period - Two-thirds of all marine species and nearly half of all plant and animal families died out • Many believe we are now in 6th mass extinction HIPPO • Habitat destruction • Invasive species • Pollution • Population of humans • Overharvesting Human-caused reductions in biodiversity • Habitat destruction – Biggest reason for current increase in extinction is habitat loss • Habitat fragmentation divides populations into isolated groups more vulnerable to extinction Population Viability Analysis (PVA) • Minimum viable population size is number of individuals need for long-term survival of rare and endangered species Human-caused reductions in biodiversity • Invasive species – Invasive (exotic) organisms thrive in new territory where they are free of usual predators, diseases, or resource limitations that limited them in original habitat – Rate of movement has increased in recent years Invasive species – Over past 300 years, 4,500 non-native species have become naturalized in the U.S. • 15% of these cause environmental damage – Invasive species cost $138 billion annually in U.S. Eurasian milfoil • Arrived with shipping industry • Forms dense colony • Spread by boating activities • Native weevil as possible biocontrol Asian tiger mosquitoes • Arrived on container ships carrying used tires • Spread West Nile Virus Zebra mussels • Arrived in 1985 via ballast water • Reach enormous densities • Cover spawning beds • Smother native mollusks • Clog water intake pipes Human-caused reductions in biodiversity • Pollution – Pesticides – Lead Human-caused reductions in biodiversity • Population – Human population growth • Resource use Human-caused reductions in biodiversity • Overharvesting – Passenger pigeon – Bison – Marine animals – Bushmeat Human-caused reductions in biodiversity • Commercial products and live specimens – Wildlife smuggling is very profitable • Leopard fur / Rhinoceros horns – U.S. Annual pet trade in wild species: • 2 million reptiles • 1 million amphibians and mammals • 500,000 birds • 128,000,000 tropical fish – Cyanide released in coral reefs Human-caused reductions in biodiversity • Predator and pest control – Many animal populations have been greatly reduced or exterminated because they are regarded as dangerous to humans or livestock – Animal control costs $20 million in federal and state funds annually • 700,000 birds and mammals annually – 100,000 coyotes Endangered species management • Hunting and Fishing Laws – By 1890’s, most states had enacted some hunting and fishing laws • General idea was pragmatic, not aesthetic or moral preservation • In general, regulations have been extremely successful Endangered Species Act • Established in 1973 – Endangered are those considered in imminent danger of extinction – Threatened are those likely to become endangered, at least locally, in the near future • Vulnerable are those that are naturally rare or have been locally depleted to a level that puts them at risk Endangered Species Act • ESA regulates a wide range of activities involving endangered species: – Taking (harassing, harming, pursuing, hunting, shooting, killing, capturing, or collecting) either accidentally, or on purpose – Selling – Importing into or exporting out of the U.S. – Possessing – Transporting or Shipping Endangered Species Act • Currently, U.S. has 1,300 species on its Endangered and Threatened lists, and about 250 candidate species waiting for consideration – Number reflects more about human interests than actual status • Invertebrates make up 75% of all species, but only 9% of T/E list – Listing process is extremely slow – Allocation of resources very uneven Recovery plans • Once a species is listed, USFWS is required to propose a recovery plan detailing the rebuilding of the species to sustainable levels – Total cost of all current plans = $5 billion • Some have been very successful – American alligator – Bald eagle • Many species have no recovery plan Endangered Species Act • Opponents have continually tried to require economic costs and benefits be incorporated into planning Reauthorizing ESA • ESA officially expired in 1992 – Proposals for new ESA generally fall into two general categories: • Versions that encourage ecosystem and habitat protection rather than individual species • Greater economic considerations International Wildlife Treaties • Convention on International Trade In Endangered Species (CITES) - 1975 – Regulates trade in living specimens and products derived from listed species Captive breeding • Breeding programs in zoos and botanical gardens are one method of saving threatened species – Repositories of genetic diversity • Most mammals in North American zoos are now produced from captivebreeding programs – Many zoos now participate in reintroduction programs Captive breeding • Zoos have limited space for captive breeding – How many can/should we save ? – Ultimate problem is that natural habitat may disappear while we are conserving the species itself • Another alternative is to attempt to save species in the wild – Provide funding for protection in native habitats