Muscle-Building Products

Muscle-Building Products
Many things can be done to pack on lean muscle besides lifting weights and
eating well, however not all of them are legal or safe. Anabolic steroids are among the
most abused substances by elite athletes and have now spread to recreational and teen
athletes. A common steroid abused is the male hormone known as testosterone and its
precursors, including androstenedione. Although approved for medical use,
androstenedione is not without side effects. Users may experience hair loss, growth of
breast tissue (gynecomastia), and elevated negative blood cholesterol. Because these
substances are banned in athletics, athletes may use things like stimulants, pain killers,
diuretics and other drugs that may mask their presence. When choosing a supplement it
is important not only to know what the substance does, but what it doesn’t do as this is
where the real hazards and nutritional implications occur.
Caffeine is a drug which is found in coffee, tea, soda, etc. and may have diverse
effects depending on sensitivity. Alertness and feeling wide-awake are common effects
of caffeine, as well as feeling the urge to use the washroom (it is a diuretic). Caffeine can
accumulate in small amounts over time and may eventually reach a point of being too
much for the body to handle. The main finding about caffeine is that it may extend the
performance of an endurance athlete. It was also concluded by Dr. Larry Spriet
(University of Guelph) that caffeine boosts performance in short, intense exercise. It is
able to do this by triggering the release of epinephrine form the adrenal glands resulting
in improved muscle contraction with a dosage found in 2 cups of coffee. Caffeine
provided the greatest effects in well-trained individuals and did not provide much of a
performance boost in untrained individuals.
Carbohydrate-protein sport drinks are able to, when consumed immediately after
a workout, jump-start the muscle building process. It is at this time that your body is able
to use these nutrients for muscle growth and fat burning. The protein and carbohydrate
trigger the release of insulin and growth hormone (GH) in your body. Insulin is
important because it helps ferry glucose and amino acids into cells and assembles those
amino acids into proteins, while GH increases the rate of protein production in the body
as well as burning of fat. Both hormones are directly involved in muscle growth.
Scientific studies have conducted studies which reinforce the positive effects of taking a
post workout protein-carbohydrate supplement. Some of the conclusions from these
studies include protein having an insulin boosting effect, protein working with
carbohydrate to create a hormonal climate conducive to muscle growth, and consuming
protein right after a work out generating better results than waiting longer to replenish. It
has also been found that by consuming a carbohydrate-protein beverage after your
workout will heighten energy levels. When protein is added to the supplement mix, your
body’s glycogen making process accelerates faster than if you just consumed
carbohydrate alone. It was concluded in one study that glucose levels rose 17 percent,
while insulin levels rose 92 percent when consuming the protein-carbohydrate
supplement as opposed to the carbohydrate alone. Also, there was 128 percent greater
storage of muscle glycogen. The best combination of nutrients after a workout consists
of approximately 45-50 grams of carbohydrate and 15 grams of protein and there are two
ways to get these nutrients after a workout, by eating them or drinking them, the more
efficient way being in a supplemental drink.
Another substance that can increase your hypertrophy is a creatine supplement.
Creatine is meant for athletes in intense sports or workouts who are looking for a large
boost in their energy and strength. As well, several studies have shown gains in body
mass averaging 2-4 pounds and decreases in body fat. Creatine is a substance produced in
the liver and kidneys at a rate of about two grams a day from arginine, glycine, and
methionine, three non-essential amino acids. Inside muscle cells, it is turned into creatine
phosphate in order to supply energy for several seconds. It is good for short, fast bursts of
activity. Creatine also replenishes your ATP, therefore, making it easier to work out for
much longer and much more intense. This is what causes the increase in muscle mass.
Creatine, through many studies, has been shown to increase bone mineral content and
bone density in older men who engage in strength training, increase swim times of
amateur swimmers, and to have positive effects on sleep and mood. There are two
methods to consume creatine in creatine monohydrate form (powder); you can start with
a loading phase which consists of 4 5g servings of creatine per day for five days and then
take 2-5g per day until finished with creatine, or you can cycle on 5g per day for 6 weeks
and then cycle off for three weeks. Excessive dosages, 4o+g, can cause liver and kidney
damage. An effective way to use creatine is in collaboration with carbohydrates. When
they are used together, they boost the amount of creatine accumulated in the muscles by
as much as 60%. This can provide huge boosts in athletic performance in many sports,
especially strength training.
Glucose-electrolyte solutions do two things. They replace water and electrolytes
lost through sweat and supply small amounts of carbohydrates to working muscles. The
carbohydrate supplied allows athletes to run, swim, or bike for much longer. Glucoseelectrolyte solutions may also strengthen your immune system. They are intended mainly
for high endurance activities. These mixtures however do not help repair muscle in any
way. But when protein is added to this mixture in the form of amino acids, it has been
shown to help muscle recovery and muscle protein synthesis, as well as reduce mental
fatigue when working out.
Weight gain powders claim to help build muscle mass at astonishing rates.
One in particular, “Gainer’s Fuel 1000” adds 1400 calories a day to your diet. It claims
that chromium picolinate and boron help expand your muscle mass. Chromium picolinate
and boron were tested to see their affects. Chromium picolinate increases the action of
insulin, and that is the closest it comes to building muscle mass. Boron supposedly
promotes muscle growth by increasing the amount of testosterone circulating the blood
but experiments have failed to prove this. 2 other weight gain powders were tested as
well, “maltodextrin”, and “Phosphagain.” These tests showed that when using “Gainer’s
Fuel 1000”, the majority of the weight gained was fat weight and that phosphagain
showed the most effective muscle gain. Even though a test was performed, it is still
unsure which substances caused the most muscle gain. As well, it is important to know
that the effects of muscle gain powders are uncertain, and can cause a lot of fat gain. It is
a better Idea to maintain your nutrient levels (protein, fat, carbohydrate) by yourself.