FELIXSTOWE LAWN TENNIS CLUB www.felixstowetennis.co.uk NEW MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FOR 2011/2012 (Commencing 1 March 2011) I wish to become a member of FELIXSTOWE LTC for the year 2011/2012. I agree to abide by the Clubs Rules and Regulations Signed ..................................……......Date…………………….......... Title ………....... First Name .................................................... Surname .....................................................................…… Address .................................................…......................................................................................................................……. Post Code ..........................…… Telephone .................……................……………. Mob……………………………………….. E Mail Address please print clearly……………………………………….........………………………………………………………… Date of Birth ........................if under 18. Parent /Guardian signature............…………………………. It is recommended that members who are under 18 should be accompanied by a responsible adult whilst on the club’s site. FLTC only accepts responsibility for junior members during supervised coaching sessions. Proposer………………………………………….. Seconder ………..…………………………………….. (If finding a Proposer and Seconder is difficult, please contact the Membership Secretary) I give consent for any photos taken to be used for publicity purposes by FLTC Yes/No TYPE OF MEMBERSHIP Please Circle Full Price 1st Timer Rates - ( For anyone who has never joined the club before) Senior .................. £220 £110.00 Student .................. £ 50 £50.00 Applies to seniors under 25 years of age and in full time education. Junior .................. £ 50 £50.00 Applies to persons under the age of 18 on or after 1 January 2011 Country Snr................. £150 £75.00 Country Jnr.................. £ 50 £50.00 Family £440 £220.00 .................. Applies where permanent address is more than 10 miles from the Club. Applies where permanent address is more than 10 miles from the Club. Applies to any member of the same family resident at the same address whose combined subscription totals more than as shown. please give details of additional family members including Name and D.O.B if under 18 …………………………………………………….…… ………………………………......................................................... ……………………………………………………..………………………………………...................................................... Social Members ........... £ 35 Optional Donation Appeal - In the last few years, membership numbers have dropped and the club is struggling to cover all of its overheads. If therefore you would like to make a donation in addition to your membership fee, please fill in the following gift aid statement, making cheques payable to FLTC. This will be greatly appreciated and treated in a strictly confidential manner. I would like to donate £……………..… under Gift Aid and would like FLTC to reclaim tax on my donation. I can confirm that I have paid at least as much income tax or capital gains tax to the tax FLTC are claiming on my donation. Signature: ................................................................................ I would like a key fob for entry to the clubhouse and confirm I have read and agree to the terms and conditions Yes / No (please circle) Do you wish your email address to be distributed to other FLTC members to organise your own matches/4’s ? Yes/ No Please return this form with your cheque made payable to FLTC to the Membership Secretary GRAHAM JEWKES Mobile e-mail 4 PRIORY ROAD, FELIXSTOWE, SUFFOLK, IP11 7NE 07946 881862 G.Jewkes@btinternet.com --------------------------------------------------