Donation Letter Template - Montana State University

Sponsorship/Donation Letter Template
Mailing Address of Potential Donor or Business
Dear Name or Business,
 What is the name, purpose/mission of your student organization? State you are a registered
student organization at Montana State University.
 Things to include can be how long you have been active at MSU, accomplishments,
community outreach efforts, etc.
What event, program or expense do you have a need to fund.
How does this need relate to your organization’s purpose/mission?
The “Ask”
 How much money are you asking them for? You can leave it open ended with an “all
donations and sponsorships are appreciated” or list a specific dollar amount.
 If you plan to apply for Matching Funding, mention that donations up to $500 may be
matched through the student organization funding pool. This may be a selling point for the
 Tell them how they will be recognized in return for their donation/sponsorship. i.e. Logo on
uniform/website/newsletter/social media/special recognition at an upcoming event or
competition, etc.
How to Donate
 If you wish to make a donation to the (CLUB NAME), please make check to (INSERT CLUB
NAME AS STATED ON BANK ACCOUNT) and mail to (INSERT ADDRESS) or request we pick
up. Please note that your donation will not be tax-deductible.
 “If you would like further information about (club name) or would like to make a donation, I
invite you contact me directly at CONTACT INFORMATION (LIST BOTH PHONE AND EMAIL).”
Leader or Member Name & Title
Student Organization Name