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World History/Geography-H (2011-2012)
General Information:
 Worth: ≈85-90 points
 no notes during test
 Format:
o multiple choice – based on textbook and prehistory class notes (30 points)
o fill-ins – based on textbook and some class notes (10 points)
o term identifications – based on textbook and some class notes (10 points)
o 5 themes of geography application (10 points)
o 7 elements of culture application (5 points)
o latitude and longitude (10 points)
o ancient artifact analysis (5 points)
o critical reading and note taking – read and highlight a passage, and take notes on it (5-10 points)
Resources to study:
 Unit 1 (Ch. 1 and part of Ch. 2 [2.1, p. 27-30; and 2.2]) in the textbook
 Class notes (latitude/longitude, “Mastering a Continent,” Introduction to Prehistory/History,
developed/developing nations)
 Latitude/longitude worksheet
 Ancient Artifact Activity
 Critical Reading Handout & Note Taking Handout (check out the rubrics for both)
Topics/terms to study:
 5 themes of geography – know all 5 themes and subthemes, and be able to apply them (1.1 / class notes)
 latitude and longitude (1.1 / class notes & worksheet)
o compass rose (know your directions)
o hemispheres (know how to label them)
o parallels and meridians
o middle latitudes, upper latitudes
o tropics; Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn
o Arctic Circle and Antarctic Circle
o Prime Meridian
o International Date Line
o Equator
o be able to read lat and long if given a location / be able to find a location if given lat & long
 interdependence (1.1)
 what is the most accurate representation of the Earth: a globe (1.2)
 map projections – be able to recognize different map projections and discuss strengths and weaknesses
 special-purpose maps – understand that different maps show different kinds of information, ex. political
map, physical map, population map, natural resources map (1.2)
 topography (1.2)
 vegetation (1.2)
 types and definitions of 4 major landforms: mountains, hills, plains, plateaus (1.2)
 what factors affect climate (1.2)
 7 elements of culture – know the 7 elements and be able to apply them (1.3)
 what is the most important unit of social organization (1.3)
 family patterns – historical and currently changing trends (1.3)
 social mobility (1.3)
World History/Geography-H (2011-2012)
monotheism vs. polytheism (1.3)
types of governments: democracy, republic, dictatorship (1.3)
3 basic questions all economies must answer (1.3)
economic systems: traditional economy vs. market economy vs. command economy vs. mixed economy
causes of cultural change (1.4)
cultural diffusion (1.4)
why the rate of cultural change has accelerated (1.4)
subculture (1.4)
ethnocentrism – what it is, why it occurs (1.4)
racism – what it is, why it occurs (1.4)
prehistory vs. history (class notes)
artifact (class notes)
archaeologist vs. anthropologist (2.1, class notes)
where earliest humans lived(2.1)
characteristics of Paleolithic Age vs. Neolithic Age (2.1, class notes)
first agricultural revolution (2.1)
8 characteristics of civilization (2.1, class notes)
causes of the second agricultural revolution (2.2)
consequences of the Industrial Revolution (2.2)
urbanization (2.2)
imperialism (2.2)
westernization (2.2)
nationalism (2.2)
what was the Cold War (2.2)
characteristics of developing nation vs. developed nation (class notes)
economic problems facing developing nations (class notes)
cash crop (class notes)
modernization goals of developing countries (class notes)
tariff (class notes)