1 What is logic? -----> LOGIC is the critical study of arguments - an ARGUMENT is reasoning expressed in statements that are related as premises and conclusion, where the conclusion is supposed to follow from the premises -----> the point of arguments is to convince 2 -----> example argument: Premise 1 The defendant could not have committed the murder unless he had the cash to hire someone, or was in possession of both a car and a gun. Premise 2 He would not have committed the crime unless he was either drunk or on drugs. Premise 3 He never touches drugs and he did not have a gun. Conclusion Therefore, he could not have committed the crime. 3 -----> arguments in philosophy are intended to convince us of claims about: - the existence of God - the nature of the mind - how much we are able to know - and many other issues 4 Why logic is important? -----> -----> people try to convince us of things all the time; we try to convince others of things all the time examples: -----> from editorials in the media Premise 1 If the Chinese government violates human rights then it doesn't deserve privileged trade status. Premise 2 The Chinese government violates human rights. Conclusion Therefore, it doesn't deserve privileged trade status. 5 -----> from advertising Premise 1 Nine doctors out of ten recommend product X. Conclusion Therefore, product X is better than the products made by competitors. 6 - General overview: Arguments Deductive Inductive - With DEDUCTIVE arguments, the conclusion is supposed to follow from the premises ABSOLUTELY. -----> example: Premise 1 All tabbies are cats. Premise 2 All cats are animals. Conclusion All tabbies are animals. 7 - With INDUCTIVE arguments, the conclusion is supposed to follow from the premises with HIGH PROBABILITY. -----> example: Premise 1 Every emerald that has ever been seen has been green. Conclusion All emeralds are green. 8 - General overview: Arguments Deductive Valid Inductive Invalid - a deductive argument is VALID just in case: IF its premises are true, its conclusion MUST be true. 9 - an argument's validity is a matter of its FORM Argument (a): Premise 1 All tabbies are cats. Premise 2 All cats are animals. Conclusion All tabbies are animals. Argument (b): Premise 1 All cats are robots. Premise 2 All robots are machines. Conclusion All cats are machines. Argument form for arguments (a) and (b): Premise 1 All A's are B's. Premise 2 All B's are C's. Conclusion All A's are C's. 10 - General overview: Arguments Deductive Valid Sound Inductive Invalid Unsound - a deductive argument is SOUND just in case it is valid and all of its premises are true 11 Validity and argument form Deductive Arguments Valid IF premises are true, conclusion MUST be true. Invalid Possible for premises to be true and conclusion false. - the validity/invalidity of deductive arguments has to do with the RELATIONSHIP between premises and conclusion: do the premises, ASSUMING they are true, REQUIRE the conclusion to be true? Consider this example: Premise 1 All cats are smelly creatures. Premise 2 All smelly creatures are arrogant. Conclusion All cats are arrogant. 12 VALIDITY is a matter of ARGUMENT FORM - distinguish between ARGUMENT FORM and ARGUMENT INSTANCE -----> ARGUMENT FORM 1: Premise 1 All A's are B's. Premise 2 All B's are C's. Conclusion All A's are C's. - A, B, and C are VARIABLES for class terms. -----> example of INSTANCE of this form: Premise 1 All Presidents are politicians. Premise 2 All politicians are scoundrels. Conclusion All Presidents are scoundrels. - here, A = Presidents; B = politicians; C = scoundrels 13 -----> another INSTANCE of this form: Premise 1 All whales are mammals. Premise 2 All mammals are warm blooded animals. Conclusion All whales are warm blooded animals. - here, A = whales; B = mammals; C = warm blooded animals -----> another INSTANCE of this form: Premise 1 All cats are evil creatures. Premise 2 All evil creatures are immortal. Conclusion All cats are immortal. - here, A = cats; B = evil creatures; C = immortal creatures 14 ARGUMENT FORM 1, that is: Premise 1 All A's are B's. Premise 2 All B's are C's. Conclusion All A's are C's. is a VALID argument form--ANY systematic replacement of variables results in a valid argument instance. - THIS IS WHY an argument instance's VALIDITY is a matter of its FORM, not the actual truth of its premises 15 -----> ARGUMENT FORM 2: Premise 1 All A's are B's. Premise 2 All C's are B's. Conclusion All A's are C's. - A, B, and C are VARIABLES for class terms. -----> example of INSTANCE of this form: Premise 1 All Republican Senators are U.S. citizens. Premise 2 All Democratic Senators are U.S. citizens. Conclusion All Republican Senators are Democratic Senators. - here, A = Republican Senators; B = U. S. citizens C = Democratic Senators 16 -----> another INSTANCE of this form: Premise 1 All cats are animals. Premise 2 All dogs are animals. Conclusion All cats are dogs. - here, A = cats; B = animals; C = dogs An argument instance is INVALID just in case it is possible for its premises to be true and its conclusion false. 17 -----> so ARGUMENT FORM 2, that is: Premise 1 All A's are B's. Premise 2 All C's are B's. Conclusion All A's are C's. is an INVALID argument form--ANY systematic replacement of variables results in an invalid argument instance. - an argument instance's INVALIDITY is also a matter of its FORM, not the actual truth of its premises 18 How do we know if an argument form is valid or invalid? We can prove that an argument form is INVALID by giving an example of an instance of that form where the premises are true and the conclusion is false. - an argument instance of this sort is called a COUNTEREXAMPLE 19 -----> for example: Premise 1 All A's are B's. Premise 2 All C's are B's. Conclusion All A's are C's. Premise 1 All cats are animals. Premise 2 All dogs are animals. Conclusion All cats are dogs. - this argument instance is a COUNTEREXAMPLE How about: Premise 1 No A's are B's. Premise 2 Some C's are not A's. Conclusion Some B's are not C's. 20 SUMMARY (now that you have distinction between argument instances and argument forms): An argument INSTANCE is valid if and only if it is an instance of a valid form (p. 15 Klenk). - that is: validity of an argument instance is a matter of its FORM An argument FORM is valid if and only if there are no instances of that form in which its premises are true and its conclusion is false (p. 16 Klenk). - that is: - that is: an argument form is valid so long as it has no COUNTEREXAMPLE; for a valid argument form, there is NO POSSIBLE instance where premises are true and conclusion false 21 Validity and soundness Deductive Arguments Valid IF premises are true, conclusion MUST be true. Sound Valid with true premises. Unsound At least one false premise. Invalid Possible for premises to be true and conclusion false. All are unsound 22 There are TWO aspects of the goodness of deductive arguments: 1. validity 2. true premises To be CONVINCING arguments should be good on BOTH aspects. - but HOW do we tell whether premises are actually true? -----> example argument: Premise 1 All whales are mammals. Premise 2 All mammals are warm blooded animals. Conclusion All whales are warm blooded animals. 23 All we are concerned with is the first aspect of goodness, that is: 1. validity Is the following argument valid or invalid? Premise 1 All fish can walk. Premise 2 All creatures that can walk can fly. Conclusion All fish can fly. 24 Distinction between sentential and predicate logic - in PREDICATE logic, letter variables in argument forms stand for terms, for example, class terms -----> example argument form in predicate logic: Premise 1 All A's are B's. Premise 2 All B's are C's. Conclusion All A's are C's. -----> example argument instance: Premise 1 All tabbies are cats. Premise 2 All cats are animals. Conclusion All tabbies are animals. - here A = tabbies; B = cats; C = animals 25 - in SENTENTIAL logic, letter variables in argument forms stand for whole sentences. -----> example argument form in sentential logic: Premise 1 If p, then q. Premise 2 p. Conclusion q. -----> example argument instance: Premise 1 If GM is the biggest US car manufacturer, then GM is bigger than Ford. Premise 2 GM is the biggest US car manufacturer. Conclusion GM is bigger than Ford. - here p = GM is the biggest US car manufacturer; q = GM is bigger than Ford 26 Note: In predicate logic, letter variables for class terms are capital letters A-Z. In sentential logic, letter variables for sentences are small letters p-s. In sentential logic, capital letters A-Z are ABBREVIATIONS for sentences, not VARIABLES. So, the sentence "GM is bigger than Ford" might be abbreviated with "G." Abbreviations are just to save time and ink.