
To: Florida Osteopathic Medicine Professionals
Changes in requirements
64B15-13.001(1)(a) Beginning in the 2010-2012 licensure
biennium, five of the continuing medical hours for renewal
shall include one hour of professional and medical ethics
education, one hour Florida Laws and Rules, one hour on the
federal and state laws related to the prescribing of controlled
substances, and a two hour Prevention of Medical Errors
Changes in
Summarizing the changes:
1. A 1-hour course in Professional and Medical Ethics is
now required and the Risk Management course is no
longer required. The objectives and course content for
the new requirement Professional and Medical Ethics
will be different than Risk Management, requiring a
new course.
2. The mandatory course that was previously referred to
as Laws Regarding the Use and Abuse of Controlled
Substances has been changed to a course on the
Federal and State Laws Related to the Prescribing of
Controlled Substances. The objectives and course
content for the new requirement Federal and State
Laws Related to the Prescribing of Controlled
Substances will be different than Laws Regarding the
Use and Abuse of Controlled Substances, requiring a
new course.
Please note : Risk Management and Laws Regarding the Use
and Abuse of Controlled Substances courses can still be used to
fulfill General requirements.
Note: This message is provided as a service to Osteopathic professionals registered with CE Broker.