Agenda for the Council meeting on 8 July 2009 City Council Date: 8

Agenda for the Council meeting on 8 July 2009
City Council
8th July 2009
Council Chamber, Level 3, Town Hall Extension,
Albert Square, Manchester. M60 2LA
Special Business to be introduced by the Lord Mayor.
Minutes - to submit for approval and signature the Minutes of the meeting
held on 13th May 2009.
Proceedings of the Executive - to consider the proceedings of the Executive
on 27th May and 24th June 2009.
Questions to Executive Members.
Proceedings of Committees - to submit the Minutes of the following
Committees Audit Committee - 22nd May and 25th June 2009
Constitutional and Nomination - 7th June 2009
Licensing and Appeals Committee – 1st; 24th and 29th June 2009
Personnel Committee - 27th May 2009
Planning and Highways Committee - 28th May and 25th June 2009
Standards Committee - 22nd June 2009
Wythenshawe Area Committee - 28th May and 25th June 2009
Overview and Scrutiny Committees - to note the Minutes of the following
Committees –
Children and Young People – 19th May and 16th June 2009
Citizenship and Inclusion – 20th May and 17th June 2009
Communities and Neighbourhoods – 19th May and 16th June 2009
Economy, Employment and Skills – 20th May and 17th June 2009
Health and Well-being – 21st May and 18h June 2009
Resources and Governance – 21st May and 18th June 2009
Draft Code of Corporate Governance 2009/2010 - to consider a report of the
City Solicitor.
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Agenda for the Council meeting on 8 July 2009
Executive arrangements
(Report of City Solicitor)
Annual Report of the Standards Committee 2008/2009 - to consider a
report of the City Solicitor
Business of the Joint Authorities and Committees - to receive answers to
any questions raised in accordance with Procedural Rule 24 on the business
of (a) Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Authority (b) Greater Manchester
Integrated Transport Authority (c) Greater Manchester Police Authority, and
(d) Greater Manchester Waste Disposal Authority.
Motion - Manchester ID Card Pilot
This Council notes –
That in the Government’s Budget Statement, it was announced that ID
cards would be ‘piloted’ on a voluntary basis in Greater Manchester.
That employees of Manchester Airport would be compelled to take part
in this scheme, as would pilots who use the airport.
That the British Airline Pilots Association (BALPA) and other trades
unions have pledged to oppose the introduction of ID cards for airside
workers “by all means at its disposal”.
That there are no proven benefits of introducing a National Identity
Scheme and such a scheme would be expensive and detrimental to
civil liberties.
That ID cards will cost th taxpayer up to £5 Billion at a time when the
money could be better used supporting people in the recession and
providing extra police on the streets.
That the technology to run the extensive database is seriously open to
That this local authority could be placed in an invidious and costly
position with regard to monitoring and enforcement of such a scheme.
That the Welsh Assembly, the Scottish parliament, the Greater London
Authority, many English city authorities, and numerous county and
borough authorities have already affiliated to the No2ID campaign.
This Council resolves –
To affiliate to the No2ID campaign;
To support airside workers and unions in their efforts to oppose the
introduction of compulsory registration;
To never restrict services on the basis of whether or not a resident has
purchased an ID card as part of this pilot scheme;
To make it a policy of this Council that national identity cards would not
be required to access Council services or benefits unless specifically
required to do so by law.
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Agenda for the Council meeting on 8 July 2009
To send copies of this resolution to the Home Secretary, local MPs and
the No2ID campaign both nationally and locally.
Signed: Councillors Jackie Pearcey (proposer) Simon Ashley, Marc
Ramsbottom, Simon Wheale, John Bridges, John Grant, Graham Shaw, John
Commons and Iain Donaldson.
Motion – Helping to tackle the recession in Manchester
This Council notes –
That there is no doubt that the recession is having a real impact on
Manchester with unemployment continuing to rise in the city.
That our latest financial report shows that the City Council has
benefited over the last year, from significant savings in debt interest
payments, in contingency sums not used, and with an overall
underspend on the Departmental Budget.
This Council resolves –
To ask the Executive to help Manchester residents during the recession by
considering whether an Efficiency Dividend of up to £50 per household can be
paid back from our savings.
Signed: Councillors Simon Wheale (proposer) Simon Ashley, Jackie Pearcey,
Marc Ramsbottom, John Bridges, John Grant, Graham Shaw, John Commons
and Iain Donaldson.
Motion – Restoration of Alexandra Park
This Council notes, with regret, that the Heritage Lottery Fund/Big Lottery did
not choose to fund the Council’s lottery bid for the restoration of Alexandra
Park. This Council further notes –
As one of the earliest and most complete of Manchester’s Victorian
parks, Alexandra Park is regarded as being of national importance to
the heritage and is listed Grade 2 on the English Heritage Register of
Parks and Gardens.
There is a commitment from local Labour Members to the importance of
Alexandra Park as the focus for the area’s regeneration and
environmental strategy by providing a focal point for outdoor life and
recreation for residents in the area.
The work done by Friends of Alexandra Park over recent years has
shown how much can be done to improve the Park.
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Agenda for the Council meeting on 8 July 2009
A good lottery bid was prepared and that this work should be
This Council therefore instructs the Chief Executive and the Head of
Neighbourhood Services to –
Use the work that has already taken place and the £1.5 million capital
allocation to put forward further Lottery bids.
Continue to work with sport governing bodies to develop recreational
facilities in the park.
Build on previous community consultations and develop a scheme to
restore Alexandra Park’s historical landscape.
Work together with Friends of Alexandra Park to secure further
improvements for local residents.
Signed: Councillors Mary Watson (proposer) Mike Amesbury (seconder) Glynn
Evans, Basil Curley and Richard Leese
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