File - Georgia Test Practice

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8th Grade Social Studies Practice CRCT Multiple
Choice Questions
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SS8H1 The student will evaluate the development of Native American cultures and the
impact of European exploration and settlement on the Native American cultures in
a. Describe the evolution of Native American cultures (Paleo, Archaic, Woodland, and
Mississippian) prior to European contact.
Which is true regarding the evolution of Native American cultures in Georgia?
A Later groups demonstrated fewer cultural developments.
B As they evolved, Native American groups were less likely to remain in one area.
C Over time they developed more advanced technology and better agricultural techniques.
D Eventually, Native American groups relied more on hunting for food instead of agriculture.
(correct answer C)
Use the list of events below to answer question #___
*Development of smaller, more pointed arrowheads
*Greater use of agriculture
*More elaborate burial sites
The list above MOST LIKELY describes the
A evolution of early Native American cultures in Georgia.
B change in Georgia under the Royal Governors.
C impact of the Spanish Mission systems.
D effects of entrepreneurs on Georgia.
(correct answer A)
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Which statement is true concerning Native American cultures prior to European contact?
A They had already adopted most of European culture.
B They were evolving both culturally and technologically.
C They were on the decline and Europeans saved the cultures.
D They had become more technologically advanced than Europeans.
(correct answer B)
What is the correct chronological order of the pre-European Native American cultures in
A Mississippian, Woodland, Archaic, Paleo
B Paleo, Archaic, Woodland, Mississippian
C Paleo, Woodland, Mississippian, Archaic
D Archaic, Paleo, Mississippian, Woodland
(correct answer B)
SS8H1 The student will evaluate the development of Native American cultures and the
impact of European exploration and settlement on the Native American cultures in
b. Evaluate the impact of European contact on Native American cultures; include Spanish
missions along the barrier islands and the explorations of Hernando DeSoto.
One intended consequence of the Spanish Mission system in Georgia was the spread of
_____ while an unintended consequence was the spread of _____. Which two words BEST
complete this sentence in order?
A slaves; goods
B religion; disease
C weapons; religion
D culture, hurricanes
(correct answer B)
Which impact was a result of the Spanish Mission system?
A Savannah was developed.
B Native American culture declined.
C Native American culture expanded.
D Spanish Catholics adopted Native American beliefs.
(correct answer B)
Why are Hernando de Soto's expeditions into Georgia significant?
A They were the last expeditions.
B He removed the Cherokee's from Georgia.
C He was the first European to explore the area.
D James Oglethorpe was a part of the expeditions.
(correct answer C)
All of the following had a direct impact on Native American cultures in Georgia, EXCEPT
A the Stamp Act
B Spanish Missions
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C Hernando DeSoto
D European Exploration
(correct answer A)
SS8H1 The student will evaluate the development of Native American cultures and the
impact of European exploration and settlement on the Native American cultures in
c. Explain reasons for European exploration and settlement of North America, with emphasis on
the interests of the French, Spanish, and British in the southeastern area.
Use the following map of North America (1640) to answer question #_____:
According to the map, why did the British, Spanish, and French have an interest in the
southeastern area of North America?
A there were connections to major waterways
B the west and northwest was covered with snow
C that was the only area the countries had settlements
D the Caribbean Sea was the major trading area of the world
(correct answer A)
Which three European groups were interested in the agricultural opportunities and trade
with the Indians in the Southeastern part of the United States in the 18th century?
A Georgia, Florida, South Carolina
B French, Spanish, British
C Germans, Mexican, British
D Yamacraw, Creek, Yamasee
(correct answer B)
During the early 1700’s, the French, Spanish, and British had several conflicts in the
territory that would eventually become Georgia. Why were these three countries
interested in this region?
A The French and Spanish were allied together in an effort to completely remove the British
presence from the Southeast.
B Only Georgia provided the necessary combination of fertile land and friendly Indian tribes to
have a long term, stable colony.
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C It was the first place each one had designated as their primary colony in the new world,
therefore, none of the countries could afford to leave the Southeast.
D All three countries had an interest in expanding; France’s trade from the west, Spain’s
mission systems from the south and Great Britain’s trade networks from the north.
(correct answer D)
Which describes why the English and Spanish were interested in the Southeastern United
A It provided a strategic position to attach French Settlements in the north.
B There were natural resources in the area they could use to make their country richer.
C They had made an agreement to cooperate and settle the region together.
D It was the easiest place to get to.
(correct answer B)
SS8H2 The student will analyze the colonial period of Georgia’s history.
a. Explain the importance of James Oglethorpe, the Charter of 1732, reasons for settlement
(charity, economics, and defense), Tomochichi, Mary Musgrove, and the city of Savannah.
Use the following quote to answer question #___
"...they might not only gain a comfortable subsistence for themselves and families, but also
strengthen our colonies and increase the trade… and wealth of these our realms."
- The Georgia Charter, 1732
The quote above MOST DIRECTLY relates to which reason for settling Georgia?
A defense
B missions
C economics
D exploration
(correct answer C)
How was Tomichichi significant to the development of early Georgia?
A Oglethorpe hired him to develop Savannah.
B He led violent revolts against the colonists.
C The Yamacraw used him to encourage the malcontents.
D He was a mediator between the colonists and the Yamacraw.
(correct answer D)
Which is a true statement about the Charter of 1732?
A It provided King George an opportunity to invade Spain.
B It was never approved and Oglethorpe founded the colony illegally.
C It stated reasons why Georgia needed to be independent of England.
D It listed multiple reasons, including charity, defense, and economics, for founding Georgia.
(correct answer D)
James Oglethorpe was important to the colony of Georgia because he
A led the initiative to get the Charter to start the colony.
B fought in the Revolutionary War alongside Elijah Clarke.
C founded and developed the city of Atlanta.
D served as one of the first Royal Governors.
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(correct answer A)
Use the following list to answer question #___:
*Cultural connection between Yamacraw and Creek Indians and English Colonists
*Served as interpreter between Oglethorpe and Yamacraw
*Established several trading posts around Georgia
The statements above relate to the importance of which person?
A Mary Musgrove
B Tomichichi
C Nancy Hart
D Austin Dabney
(correct answer A)
SS8H2 The student will analyze the colonial period of Georgia’s history.
b. Evaluate the Trustee Period of Georgia’s colonial history, emphasizing the role of the
Salzburgers, Highland Scots, malcontents, and the Spanish threat from Florida.
The complaints of the malcontents were significant to the trustee period because they
demonstrated that the
A malcontents were trying to take over the colony.
B original Charter was inaccurate and needed to be removed.
C Trustees did not represent the changing population in Georgia.
D Spanish threat from Florida was the most important issue of the time.
(correct answer C)
What group was greatly opposed to trustee laws banning rum, slavery, and land
A Salzburgers
B Highland Scots
C Malcontents
D Moravians
(correct answer C)
During the Trustee Period, many small forts and protective buildings were built to the
south of Savannah in order to
A give the unemployed colonists something to do.
B serve as protection against the Spanish in Florida.
C appease the Highland Scots when they complained.
D fulfill the obligations of the contract with England.
(correct answer B)
The protestant group that developed New Ebenezer and contributed many social
improvements to Georgia, including the first orphanage and first Sunday School were
called the
A Spanish
B Moravians
C Malcontents
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D Salzburgers
(correct answer D)
SS8H2 The student will analyze the colonial period of Georgia’s history.
c. Explain the development of Georgia as a royal colony with regard to land ownership, slavery,
government, and the impact of the royal governors.
Which statement is true concerning land ownership under the Royal Governors of
A Georgia lost territory, especially around Savannah
B Georgia gained territory, particularly in the west
C Creek and Cherokee Indians gained territory through negotiations
D The Proclamation of 1763 prevented Georgia from gaining any land
(correct answer B)
How did government in Georgia change when the colony moved from the trustee period to
a royal colony?
A It was more organized, better funded, and had more authority.
B It was weaker and caused several serious conflicts with Spain.
C The Royal Governors successfully avoided all conflicts with Indians.
D The Government caused the colony not to grow and lost huge sums of money.
(correct answer A)
SS8H3 The student will analyze the role of Georgia in the American Revolution.
a. Explain the immediate and long-term causes of the American Revolution and their impact on
Georgia; include the French and Indian War (Seven Years War), Proclamation of 1763, Stamp
Act, Intolerable Acts, and the Declaration of Independence.
Which is evidence that Georgia supported the American Revolution?
A There were no soldiers from Georgia in the Revolutionary army.
B Georgia had delegates that signed the Declaration of Independence.
C Georgia followed South Carolina in seceding from the Union.
D The Stamp Act and Intolerable Acts were popular in Georgia.
(correct answer B)
How did the Proclamation of 1763 impact the colonies?
A It prevented them from expanding westward.
B It prevented them from trading with Indian tribes.
C It required them to house British Soldiers in their homes.
D It required them to pay extra taxes and fees to France.
(correct answer A)
How did the French and Indian War (Seven Years War) contribute to the American
A France wanted revenge after losing the war and negotiated with the colonies to fight England.
B Indians that fought in the war supported the colonies and encouraged them to fight the
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C England went into debt because of the war and decided to tax the colonies to get their money
D England was unhappy with the colonies performance in the war and punished them with
(correct answer C)
Which document officially separated the original 13 colonies from England in 1776?
A The Georgia Constitution
B The Articles of Confederation
C The United States Constitution
D The Declaration of Independence
(correct answer D)
SS8H3 The student will analyze the role of Georgia in the American Revolution.
b. Analyze the significance of people and events in Georgia on the Revolutionary War; include
Loyalists, patriots, Elijah Clarke, Austin Dabney, Nancy Hart, Button Gwinnett, Lyman Hall,
George Walton, Battle of Kettle Creek, and siege of Savannah.
What was significant about the Battle of Kettle Creek?
A It was the first time the British won a Battle.
B It was the attempt to re-take Savannah from the British.
C It was the largest Loyalist victory in the American Revolution.
D It was a Loyalist defeat and encouraged other patriots in Georgia.
(correct answer D)
Button Gwinnett, Lymon Hall, and George Walton all contributed to the American
Revolution by
A signing the Declaration of Independence.
B fighting in the Battle of Kettle Creek.
C participating in the siege of Savannah.
D serving as Governors after the Revolution.
(correct answer A)
Austin Dabney was significant to Georgia in the American Revolution because he
A lost the Battle of Kettle Creek.
B was a slave that fought against the British.
C provided the British with key information as a spy.
D successfully took Savannah back from British control.
(correct answer B)
Use the information in the box below to answer question ____:
*Led patriot forces at Battle of Kettle Creek
*Fought against British and American Loyalists in South Carolina
*Rewarded after American Revolution with a large plantation
*Participated in Yazoo Land Fraud
*Participated in Georgia Constitutional Convention of 1789
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This list describes significant events of which individual?
A Elijah Clarke
B Austin Dabney
C Button Gwinnett
D James Oglethorpe
(correct answer A)
SS8H4 The student will describe the impact of events that led to the ratification of the
United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
a. Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of both the Georgia Constitution of 1777 and the
Articles of Confederation, and explain how weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation led to a
need to revise the Articles.
Use the following list to answer question #___:
 No national military
 No power to collect taxes
 No power to regulate trade
 Requirement of all 13 colonies
to make amendments
The list above could be used to explain the
A problems of having England rule over the colonies.
B reasons for writing the Declaration of Independence.
C strengths of the Georgia Constitution of 1777, which other states later copied.
D weaknesses in the Articles of Confederation that led to a need to revise the Articles.
(correct answer D)
Which can be seen as a strength of the Articles of Confederation?
A There was no standing military to threaten the colonies.
B The central government couldn’t levy taxes on the states.
C In foreign affairs, the 13 colonies were united under one government.
D No written document existed so the rules of government were flexible.
(correct answer C)
SS8H4 The student will describe the impact of events that led to the ratification of the
United States Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
b. Describe the role of Georgia at the Constitutional Convention of 1787; include the role of
Abraham Baldwin and William Few, and reasons why Georgia ratified the new constitution.
Abraham Baldwin served in the first session of the United States House of Representatives
and then in the United States Senate until 1807. Why was he more prepared for these
responsibilities than other Georgians?
A There were no other Georgian’s at the Constitutional Convention of 1787.
B Only Baldwin had the college education necessary to serve in the national legislature.
C Baldwin was at the Second Continental Congress that wrote the Declaration of
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D He served at the Constitutional Convention of 1787 that helped create the national
(correct answer D)
Many Georgian’s agreed that the United States Constitution of 1787 corrected the major
weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation. Because of this Georgia
A pushed for many new amendments to the Constitution.
B copied the United States Constitution as its own.
C ratified the new Constitution, as did the other colonies.
D fought to delay the ratification of the Constitution.
(correct answer C)
SS8H5 The student will explain significant factors that affected the development of Georgia
as part of the growth of the United States between 1789 and 1840.
a. Explain the establishment of the University of Georgia, Louisville, and the spread of Baptist
and Methodist churches.
After the Revolutionary War, there was a large immigration boom into Louisville, Georgia.
Also, by the late 1700’s there was more commerce and a larger population in the interior of
the state. Which event was a consequence of these facts?
A The University of Georgia was established in Athens.
B Louisville was established as the third capital of Georgia.
C Savannah was no longer used as a major center of commerce.
D The headright system was established to encourage businesses to move to Georgia.
(correct answer B)
Use the information below to answer question #___:
*Georgia’s oldest University
*Largely developed in early 1800’s
*Became the model for future state-supported colleges
The list above describes which Georgia school?
A University of Georgia
B Georgia Tech University
C Georgia State University
D Valdosta State University
(correct answer A)
Which types of churches saw rapid growth throughout Georgia in the early 1800’s?
A Jewish and Trustee
B Catholic and Muslim
C Scot and Salzburger
D Baptist and Methodist
(correct answer D)
SS8H5 The student will explain significant factors that affected the development of Georgia
as part of the growth of the United States between 1789 and 1840.
b. Evaluate the impact of land policies pursued by Georgia; include the headright system, land
lotteries, and the Yazoo land fraud.
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The Yazoo land fraud was a negative event for Georgia because it
A ruined any chance Georgia had of removing Indians from its territory.
B divided state political figures and strained Georgia’s relationship with the Federal
C was the primary event that led to Georgia entering the Revolutionary war, where many
citizens died.
D caused Georgia to go into a deep depression because of the amount of money they had to pay
people that owned the lands.
(correct answer B)
Which was an immediate impact of the headright system in Georgia?
A It created a buffer zone of land that protected Georgians from violent Creek and Cherokee
Indian tribes.
B Georgia violated the Constitution and had to defend the system at the Supreme Court.
C Since each head of household was granted only 200 acres, the system left most of Georgia
D It was more successful and eventually replaced the land lottery system.
(correct answer A)
SS8H5 The student will explain significant factors that affected the development of Georgia
as part of the growth of the United States between 1789 and 1840.
c. Explain how technological developments, including the cotton gin and railroads, had an
impact on Georgia’s growth.
How did technological developments like the cotton gin and railroads impact Georgia’s
A Railroads eventually led to many people leaving Georgia, which had a negative effect on
Georgia’s growth.
B The cotton gin required more slaves to harvest the additional cotton and this slowed the
overall growth of Georgia.
C Because of the new technologies, more cotton could be produced and shipped quicker, which
greatly increased Georgia’s growth rate.
D Neither the cotton gin nor the development of railroads had any significant impact on
Georgia’s growth since Georgia remained the same size.
(correct answer C)
Which development had a significant, positive impact on Georgia’s growth?
A banjo
B railroad
C civil war
D boll weevil
(correct answer B)
SS8H5 The student will explain significant factors that affected the development of Georgia
as part of the growth of the United States between 1789 and 1840.
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d. Analyze the events that led to the removal of Creeks and Cherokees; include the roles of
Alexander McGillivray, William McIntosh, Sequoyah, John Ross, Dahlonega Gold Rush,
Worcester v. Georgia, Andrew Jackson, John Marshall, and the Trail of Tears.
How did William McIntosh aid in the removal of Native American tribes from Georgia in
the 19th century?
A He informed white settlers about gold on Creek lands.
B He attacked white settlers, forcing them to remove the Creeks.
C He signed a treaty giving Creek lands to the United States.
D His outbursts in court turned Congressmen against the Creeks.
(correct answer C)
The Cherokee Indians, Andrew Jackson, and John Marshall are all related to which
Supreme Court case?
A Brown vs. Board of Education
B The Dred Scott case
C Furman vs. Georgia
D Worcester vs. Georgia
(correct answer D)
Use the following graphic for question #___:
Creek Leader
worked to
protect Creek
land in South
Major Trader
in Southeast
Which historical figure BEST fits in the circle?
A Alexander McGillivray
B Andrew Jackson
C Alexander Stephens
D Alonzo Herndon
(correct answer A)
SS8H6 The student will analyze the impact of the Civil War and Reconstruction on
a. Explain the importance of key issues and events that led to the Civil War; include slavery,
states’ rights, nullification, Missouri Compromise, Compromise of 1850 and the Georgia
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Platform, Kansas-Nebraska Act, Dred Scott case, election of 1860, the debate over secession in
Georgia, and the role of Alexander Stephens.
Which term is used when a state attempts to ignore or refuse to accept a law from the
Federal government?
A nullification
B compromise
C emancipation
D sharecropping
(correct answer A)
Which describes the relationship between the Compromise of 1850 and the Georgia
A They are the same event just known by two different names in Georgia.
B Both events were trying to resolve the differences people had over the results of the Dred
Scott case.
C The Georgia Platform, which upheld Georgia’s right to slavery, led to a need for the
Compromise of 1850.
D It was the Georgia Platform, many believe, that saved the union because it showed southern
support for the Compromise of 1850.
(correct answer D)
Southern states considered the Dred Scott case a victory because according the decision in
the case slaves were
A treated like all other citizens.
B considered to be property without rights.
C to be released within the next fifty years.
D able to kept as slaves in every state of the country.
(correct answer B)
Which event was a key issue that led to the Civil War?
A land lotteries
B states’ rights
C the Townsend Acts
D taxation without representation
(correct answer B)
Use the following list to answer question #___:
 Signed Georgia’s secession ordinance
 Elected a Senator and Governor after the Civil War
 Served as Vice President of the Confederacy during the Civil War
The list above refers to which person?
A Jefferson Davis
B Alexander Stephens
C Henry McNeal Turner
D Alexander McGillivray
(correct answer B)
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SS8H6 The student will analyze the impact of the Civil War and Reconstruction on
b. State the importance of key events of the Civil War; include Antietam, the Emancipation
Proclamation, Gettysburg, Chickamauga, the Union blockade of Georgia’s coast, Sherman’s
Atlanta Campaign, Sherman’s March to the Sea, and Andersonville.
Which battle was important because it temporarily kept the Union army out of Georgia
after they had taken Chattanooga?
A Gettysburg
B Antietam
C Andersonville
D Chickamauga
(correct answer D)
Why was the Emancipation Proclamation important during the Civil War?
A It was the document that officially ended the war after the Battle of Antietam.
B It was an official statement from the Union banning the practice of slavery.
C It stated voting rights could not be denied based on race.
D It allowed blacks to officially join the Confederate army.
(correct answer B)
Why was the Union blockade of Georgia’s coast significant during the Civil War?
A The blockade delayed or prevented international help from reaching the Confederacy.
B It meant that to end the blockade, most of the Civil War battles would be fought at sea.
C With the blockade, there was no way to retreat from battles so surrender was the only option.
D Union resources were wasted on the ineffective blockade, thus delaying their victory in the
(correct answer A)
Use the following quote to answer question #___:
“I only regarded the march from Atlanta to Savannah as a shift of base, as the transfer of a
strong army...from the interior to a point on the sea coast, from which it could achieve other
important results.” - William T. Sherman, Memoirs
What “important results” did Sherman achieve in his March to the Sea?
A he was able to conduct trade with other countries from this location
B he was able to free all of the Northern prisoners of war on his march
C he disrupted the economy and major infrastructure of the confederacy
D he relocated the northern armies to Savannah, where they finished the war
(correct answer C)
SS8H6 The student will analyze the impact of the Civil War and Reconstruction on
c. Analyze the impact of Reconstruction on Georgia and other southern states, emphasizing
Freedmen’s Bureau; sharecropping and tenant farming; Reconstruction plans; 13th, 14th, and
15th amendments to the constitution; Henry McNeal Turner and black legislators; and the Ku
Klux Klan.
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Which practices were used to keep freed slaves under control of local land owners after the
Civil War?
A nullification and slavery
B blockades and secession
C reconstruction and the 13th amendment
D sharecropping and tenant farming
(correct answer D)
What was the purpose of the Freedmen’s Bureau?
A To provide former slaves with basic needs
B To fight for the freedom of Southern slaves
C To oppose federal troops in Reconstruction Georgia
D To make sure former slaves did not exercise their rights
(correct answer A)
Immediately following the Civil War southern states tried to limit the civil rights of blacks.
How did the federal government eventually respond?
A They started the KKK to help blacks fight racism.
B Congress worked to pass the 13th – 15th amendments.
C The laws were allowed under Reconstruction compromises.
D Andrew Johnson forced southern states to revoke their laws.
(correct answer B)
Use the following list to answer question #___:
 Opposed to Racial Integration
 Violent displays of racism
 Formed in 1860’s to protest rights for slaves
The list in the box above describes which group?
A Dred Scots
B Highland Scots
C Ku Klux Klan
D Freedmen’s Bureau
(correct answer C)
SS8H7 The student will evaluate key political, social, and economic changes that occurred
in Georgia between 1877 and 1918.
a. Evaluate the impact the Bourbon Triumvirate, Henry Grady, International Cotton Exposition,
Tom Watson and the Populists, Rebecca Latimer Felton, the 1906 Atlanta Riot, the Leo Frank
Case, and the county unit system had on Georgia during this period.
How did the Bourbon Triumvirate affect 19th century Georgia?
A They promoted industrial and commercial development in Georgia.
B They created laws that protected the rights of sharecroppers.
C They reformed state politics so women could run for office.
D They expanded government programs in order to help the poor.
(correct answer A)
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The Leo Frank Case was important for Georgia because it showed how
A widespread prejudice against Jews could prevent a fair trial.
B rich defendants could easily bribe judges to avoid punishment.
C witnesses would be ignored simply because they were black.
D murder victims were often ignored if they were of a lower class.
(correct answer A)
Use the following list to answer question #___:
 “Spokesman of the New South”
 Managing Editor of the Atlanta Constitution in the 1880s
 Worked to bring in investment and diversify farming in Georgia
The list above describes which person?
A Jim Crow
B Leo Frank
C Henry Grady
D Tom Watson
(correct answer C)
In which areas did the International Cotton Exposition have the largest impact on
A religious and historical
B race and reconstruction
C geographic and political
D economic and agricultural
(correct answer D)
Rebecca Latimer Felton would be most associated with which social movement?
A women’s rights
B freeing slaves
C anti-industry
D civil rights
(correct answer A)
The riots in Atlanta in 1906 were proof that which issue was still a major concern in the
A religion
B education
C county units
D racial tension
(correct answer D)
A politician campaigning after the development of the county unit system in 1917 was
smart to spend most of their time in which parts of Georgia?
A rural
B urban
C coastal
D Atlanta
(correct answer A)
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SS8H7 The student will evaluate key political, social, and economic changes that occurred
in Georgia between 1877 and 1918.
b. Analyze how rights were denied to African-Americans through Jim Crow laws, Plessy v.
Ferguson, disenfranchisement, and racial violence.
Following the decision made in Plessy v. Ferguson in 1896, many states in the south,
including Georgia, began creating laws that intentionally segregated blacks from whites in
most parts of society. In Georgia, specific laws were passed mandating that blacks and
whites have different restaurants and baseball fields. Why were these laws allowed after
the 14th amendment had been passed and ratified?
A The Supreme Court said that Jim Crow laws did not fall under the Constitution.
B No one was fighting against these laws since the majority of people wanted them.
C According to Plessy vs. Ferguson, as long as the facilities were “equal” it was okay to
separate them.
D Since this was only happening in southern states like Georgia, many blacks simply moved
north to avoid the laws.
(correct answer C)
Things like Jim Crow laws, disenfranchisement, and groups like the Ku Klux Klan led to
which result in the south after the Civil War?
A an increase in slavery
B an increase in racial violence
C more jobs for blacks in the south
D decrease in the use of sharecropping
(correct answer B)
Disenfranchisement denied which right to blacks in the South following the Civil War?
A transportation
B employment
C education
D voting
(correct answer D)
SS8H7 The student will evaluate key political, social, and economic changes that occurred
in Georgia between 1877 and 1918.
c. Explain the roles of Booker T. Washington, W. E. B. DuBois, John and Lugenia Burns Hope,
and Alonzo Herndon.
During his first extended stay in Georgia, W.E.B. DuBois had which impact on race
A His barbershop and investment in real estate helped to unify blacks and whites.
B He conducted several important research projects on blacks and crime and helped to found
the NAACP.
C He realized through his research that a peaceful, non-threatening approach was the way to
unify blacks and whites.
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D He used his status as the “Great Accommodator” to build relationships with white leaders
and get invited to the White House.
(correct answer B)
Which award would be most appropriate to give Alonzo Herndon?
A “Most successful businessman”
B “Most popular religious figure”
C “Best educator in Atlanta”
D “Best Governor of Georgia”
(correct answer A)
Booker T. Washington’s speeches in Atlanta were controversial because they advocated
that blacks should do what to improve their condition?
A leave the south and move north or return to Africa
B get skills and education to get jobs that white people had
C form violent protest groups to rebel against the government
D conduct non-violent protests like sit-ins to earn government welfare
(correct answer B)
SS8H7 The student will evaluate key political, social, and economic changes that occurred
in Georgia between 1877 and 1918.
d. Explain reasons for World War I and describe Georgia’s contributions.
Why was Georgia important to the World War I effort?
A The Lusitania was sunk just off the coast of Georgia.
B Georgia was the most outspoken state against the war.
C Many US Soldiers trained in Georgia training camps.
D The treaty that ended the war was signed in Georgia.
(correct answer C)
SS8H8 The student will analyze the important events that occurred after World War I and
their impact on Georgia.
a. Describe the impact of the boll weevil and drought on Georgia.
For an extended period of time from 1915 through the 1980s, cotton farmers in Georgia
were having unprofitable years because they were having to spend much money on
pesticide while at the same time reducing the number of acres on which they could farm.
What was a primary cause of this negative consequence?
A the cotton gin
B the boll weevil
C new legislation
D railroad construction
(correct answer B)
Which two words describe the impact of the boll weevil on Georgia?
A positive, political
B negative, economic
C negative, irrigation
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D positive, agricultural
(correct answer B)
SS8H8 The student will analyze the important events that occurred after World War I and
their impact on Georgia.
b. Explain economic factors that resulted in the Great Depression.
Multiple farming disasters, a major stock market crash, and runs on many banks in the
late 1920’s and early 1930’s resulted in
A World War I.
B the Yazoo Land Fraud.
C the Great Depression.
D more Civil Rights action.
(correct answer C)
SS8H8 The student will analyze the important events that occurred after World War I and
their impact on Georgia.
c. Discuss the impact of the political career of Eugene Talmadge.
Why is the political career of Eugene Talmadge significant to Georgia?
A He is the only politician to get enough support from both major political parties to run for
office 3 times.
B Eugene Talmadge’s career was the primary inspiration for Jimmy Carter to get into politics
and their career paths are nearly identical.
C His career is the perfect example of how someone can move from small town politics to state
politics and eventually to national politics as a State Senator.
D His uses of executive orders, removal of elected officials, and declarations of martial law are
an example of how a strong governor can have a tremendous impact on the state in positive
and negative ways.
(correct answer D)
SS8H8 The student will analyze the important events that occurred after World War I and
their impact on Georgia.
d. Discuss the effect of the New Deal in terms of the impact of the Civilian Conservation Corps,
Agricultural Adjustment Act, rural electrification, and Social Security.
How were Georgia’s farmers helped by the New Deal?
A Cotton prices were reduced to the lowest they have been in years.
B The Social Security Agency agreed to pay them for any land they could not use.
C The Agricultural Adjustment Act combined many smaller farms into fewer, larger ones.
D Electricity was finally provided for many farms due to the push for rural electricfication.
(correct answer D)
Which was a direct impact of the Civilian Conservation Corps?
A it created more jobs and parks for Georgians
B it provided retirement pay for the elderly
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C farmers were paid to produce less cotton
D racial segregation was greatly reduced
(correct answer A)
SS8H9 The student will describe the impact of World War II on Georgia’s development
economically, socially, and politically.
a. Describe the impact of events leading up to American involvement in World War II; include
Lend-Lease and the bombing of Pearl Harbor.
Why was the bombing of Pearl Harbor a significant event during World War II?
A It prevented Japan from invading the United States.
B It put an end to the lend lease program.
C It caused the United States to get involved in the war.
D It was the first use of nuclear weapons in war.
(correct answer C)
What was the importance of Pearl Harbor during World War II?
A It provided supplies to troops in the Pacific.
B It was attacked, which made America enter the war.
C It served as a testing site for the first atomic bombs.
D It was captured by Americans, which hurt Japan badly.
(correct answer B)
Some of the ships and bombers built in Georgia in the early 1940’s were loaned to Britain
for use in the war. This practice of lending war materials to Great Britain, France, and
USSR was known by what name?
A Lend-Lease
B Pearl Harbor
C the Holocaust
D the New Deal
(correct answer A)
SS8H9 The student will describe the impact of World War II on Georgia’s development
economically, socially, and politically.
b. Evaluate the importance of Bell Aircraft, military bases, the Savannah and Brunswick
shipyards, Richard Russell, and Carl Vinson.
Savannah and Brunswick were important to Georgia’s efforts in World War II in which
A These were the two cities selected to build Bell Aircrafts.
B Those are the two places where most of Georgia’s infantry were trained.
C Franklin Roosevelt used those locations as his primary headquarters in Georgia.
D A large number of military ships and sea vessels were built in the shipyards in these cities.
(correct answer D)
Use the following table to answer question #___:
Population around Marietta
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How was Marietta able to sustain such a large population increase in the 1940’s?
A the physical size of the city more than doubled during this time
B construction of military aircraft, like the Bell Bomber, provided jobs
C the Great Depression did not affect some parts of Georgia, like Marietta
D Marietta became the new capital city of Georgia when Atlanta was burned
(correct answer B)
Use the following list to answer question #___:
 Long-serving politician in Georgia
 Pushed for expanding the use of planes in the Navy
 Worked to pass bills expanding the Navy prior to
The list above best describes which Georgian?
A Carl Vinson
B Jimmy Carter
C Richard Russell
D Eugene Talmage
(correct answer A)
Which best describes the impact Richard Russell Jr. had on Georgia?
A during his time as Senator he made things difficult for farmers and ultimately shut down
many farms
B through legislation, he helped bring jobs, military bases, and other economic opportunities to
C he orchestrated the Lend-Lease program with Great Britain, France, and Russia for Georgia’s
D during his many visits to Warm Springs, Georgia, he brought national attention and money to
the town
(correct answer B)
SS8H9 The student will describe the impact of World War II on Georgia’s development
economically, socially, and politically.
c. Explain the impact of the Holocaust on Georgians.
Which community in Georgia was MOST affected by losses from the Holocaust?
A Jewish
B Coastal
C Native American
D Sports Entertainment
(correct answer A)
SS8H9 The student will describe the impact of World War II on Georgia’s development
economically, socially, and politically.
d. Discuss President Roosevelt’s ties to Georgia, including his visits to Warm Springs and his
impact on the state.
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Why did President Franklin Roosevelt frequently visit Georgia before and during his time
in office?
A Because he did not enjoy being in the Northeast.
B His family was instrumental in Georgia politics at the time.
C To visit his house at Warm Springs and receive medical treatment.
D He felt the key to winning World War II was getting Georgia’s support.
(correct answer C).
SS8H10 The student will evaluate key post-World War II developments of Georgia from
1945 to 1970.
a. Analyze the impact of the transformation of agriculture on Georgia’s growth.
Development of better technology and less reliance on agriculture after World War II had
which effect on Georgia’s growth?
A More citizens wanted to work in farm areas.
B Georgia’s importance in the Southeast decreased.
C Georgia’s urban areas grew rapidly.
D The state’s growth slowed drastically.
(correct answer C)
Following World War II, which statement is true concerning growth in Georgia?
A Almost all returning GIs went back to work on their farms.
B Growth in Georgia slowed because military equipment was no longer needed.
C Georgia’s urban areas struggled as more of the population moved to rural areas.
D A decline in the importance of agriculture meant urban areas grew quickly.
(correct answer D)
SS8H10 The student will evaluate key post-World War II developments of Georgia from
1945 to 1970.
b. Explain how the development of Atlanta, including the roles of mayors William B. Hartsfield
and Ivan Allen, Jr., and major league sports, contributed to the growth of Georgia.
What is one way that Mayor William B. Hartsfield shaped Atlanta in the 20th century?
A He reformed the city police to stamp out corruption.
B He helped establish many small colleges in the city.
C He helped black residents gain more political rights.
D He discouraged big businesses from coming to the city.
(correct answer C)
Which is true concerning Atlanta’s growth following World War II?
A As Atlanta grew in importance, Georgia became more significant to the country.
B As Atlanta grew in importance, Georgia as a state became less significant to the country.
C Atlanta’s reliance on transportation meant it could not grow after World War II.
D Atlanta had so much destruction following World War II it was difficult to grow.
(correct answer A)
Why were major league sports important to Georgia’s growth?
A they brought national attention and investment to the state
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B more sports teams meant more international trade was possible
C the players on the teams all moved to Georgia, greatly increasing the population
D every major city in Georgia was able to build arenas and stadiums for their team
(correct answer A)
Which economic development is Ivan Allen, Jr. MOST associated with?
A building the international airport
B bringing Bell Aircraft to Marietta
C reducing the importance of cotton to Georgia
D bringing professional sports teams to Atlanta
(correct answer D)
What do William Hartsfield and Ivan Allen Jr. have in common?
A both served as Georgia governors during Georgia’s best economic times
B both were major contributors to agricultural growth in southern Georgia
C both were Atlanta mayors that made significant social and economic changes
D both fought for Georgia in World War II and have statues in their honor in Atlanta
(correct answer C)
Which major transportation system is William B. Hartsfield most associated with?
A airport
B railroad
C deepwater port
D interstate highways
(correct answer A)
SS8H10 The student will evaluate key post-World War II developments of Georgia from
1945 to 1970.
c. Discuss the impact of Ellis Arnall.
Ellis Arnall is significant to post-World War II Georgia because
A he was largely responsible for ending segregation in Georgia.
B as a state senator he led the efforts to end the use of the county unit system.
C during his term as governor, he passed an ambitious reform program and paid off large state
D his attempts to interfere with the state universities caused many of them to lose their
(correct answer C)
Use the following list to answer question #___:
 Governor of Georgia 1943-1947
 Made multiple progressive reforms
 Paid off large state debts
The list above refers to which Georgia politician?
A Ellis Arnall
B Carl Vinson
C Benjamin Mays
D Herman Talmadge
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(correct answer A)
SS8H11 The student will evaluate the role of Georgia in the modern civil rights movement.
a. Describe major developments in civil rights and Georgia’s role during the 1940s and 1950s;
include the roles of Herman Talmadge, Benjamin Mays, the 1946 governor’s race and the end of
the white primary, Brown v. Board of Education, Martin Luther King, Jr., and the 1956 state
What is the relationship between Brown v. Board of Education and Plessy v. Ferguson?
A Plessy v. Ferguson overturned the decision in Brown v. Board of Education to allow Jim
Crow laws to remain in Georgia.
B Plessy v. Ferguson approved the idea of “separate but equal” and Brown v. Board overturned
C The only thing the cases have in common is that they both dealt with race relations.
D Brown v. Board was the case that supported the decision made in Plessy v. Ferguson to allow
“separate but equal” facilities.
(correct answer B)
Martin Luther King, Jr. was important to the Civil Rights Movement in Georgia because
A his belief in violent separation from whites was a welcome change from Malcom X.
B there were no other prominent leaders in the state that could impact the movement.
C he used his local connections and leadership skills to organize many events in Georgia.
D this is where he started the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee.
(correct answer C)
Use the following list to answer question #___:
 Involved in the “Three Governor’s Controversy”
 Served as Governor from 1948-1954
 Increased quality of public education
 Initially opposed civil rights act, then reached out to black voters
The list above best describes which person?
A Benjamin Mays
B Herman Talmadge
C Charlayne Hunter
D Maynard Jackson
(correct answer B)
Which BEST describes Benjamin Mays?
A life-long believer in “separate but equal”
B veteran of World War I and II and Vietnam
C progressive mayor of Atlanta and Governor
D dedicated Civil Rights activist and supporter
(correct answer D)
Which aspect of Georgia life was MOST DIRECTLY affected by the end of the white
A businesses paying taxes
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B growing cotton and peanuts
C electing government officials
D the location of pro-sports teams
(correct answer C)
Georgia’s approval of the 1956 State Flag with the confederate “stars and bars” was a
backlash against which Supreme Court case?
A Plessy v. Ferguson
B Thompson v. Talmage
C Georgia v. the United States
D Brown v. Board of Education
(correct answer D)
SS8H11 The student will evaluate the role of Georgia in the modern civil rights movement.
b. Analyze the role Georgia and prominent Georgians played in the Civil Rights Movement of
the 1960s and 1970s; include such events as the founding of the Student Non-Violent
Coordinating Committee (SNCC), Sibley Commission, admission of Hamilton Holmes and
Charlayne Hunter to the University of Georgia, Albany Movement, March on Washington, Civil
Rights Act, the election of Maynard Jackson as mayor of Atlanta, and the role of Lester Maddox.
The work of the Sibley Commission related to the social problem of
A poverty.
B droughts.
C segregation.
D immigration.
(correct answer C)
The issues faced by Hamilton Holmes and Charlayne Hunter are MOST SIMILAR to the
issues raised by which other event?
A Brown v. Board of Education
B the election of Maynard Jackson
C end of the county unit system
D effects of the boll weevil
(correct answer A)
Use the following headline to answer question #_____:
“Maynard Jackson Elected Mayor of Atlanta in Historic Election!”
Why would this particular election be labeled “historic?”
A Jackson was elected mayor during Sherman’s march to the sea.
B It was the first election in which blacks were allowed to vote.
C It was the first election without the county unit system.
D Jackson was the first African-American mayor of Atlanta.
(correct answer D)
Why was Georgia important to the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)?
A Albany and Atlanta were sites of major SNCC events.
B All of the leaders of the SNCC were from cities in Georgia.
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C Georgia provided all of the funding and leaderhsip for SNCC events.
D SNCC was responsible for admitting the first black students to UGA.
(correct answer A)
Use the following list to answer question #___:
 1st Civil Rights Movement to Advocate for TOTAL desegregation
 Resulted in hundreds of arrests, including Martin Luther King, Jr.
 Lessons MLK learned were later applied in places like Birmingham, AL
The list above describes which historical event in Georgia?
A the Civil Rights Act
B the Albany Movement
C the March on Washington
D the election of Lester Maddox
(correct answer B)
Use the following headline to answer question #___:
“Former Civil Rights Opponent Has Change of Heart As Governor –
Appoints More African Americans to Government Positions Than
The headline above applies to which Georgia politician?
A Lester Maddox
B Andrew Young
C Hamilton Holmes
D Herman Talmadge
(correct answer A)
Which two people have the MOST in common in terms of being governor and having
changing views on the Civil Rights movement?
A Ivan Allen and William Hartsfield
B Jimmy Carter and Benjamin Mays
C Lester Maddox and Herman Talmadge
D Charlayne Hunter and Hamilton Holmes
(correct answer C)
SS8H11 The student will evaluate the role of Georgia in the modern civil rights movement.
c. Discuss the impact of Andrew Young on Georgia.
Since the civil rights movement, how has Andrew Young continued to have an impact on
A His uncompromising personality and angry protests have led to many conflicts between
Georgia and the rest of the world.
B As a UN Ambassador and member of the Olympic committee, he has brought much positive
international attention to Georgia.
C Being the first US President from Georgia, many foreign leaders have visited the state since
his term in office.
D Because of his work, Georgia does not have to deal with issues of race or inequalities
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(correct answer B)
Use the following list to answer question #___:
 Civil Rights Leader
 Elected Mayor of Atlanta 1981
 UN Ambassador
 Member of the 1996 Olympic
The list above references which individual?
A Andrew Young
B Maynard Jackson
C Charlayne Hunter
D Martin Luther King, Jr.
(correct answer A)
SS8H12 The student will explain the importance of significant social, economic, and
political developments in Georgia since 1970.
a. Evaluate the consequences of the end of the county unit system and reapportionment.
Which group benefitted the MOST when the county unit system was stopped?
A rural areas
B south Georgia
C coastal regions
D large cities
(correct answer D)
What was the result of the end of the county unit system in Georgia?
A Heavily populated areas gained more power in elections.
B County governments lost power to the state government.
C Primary elections became more important than general elections.
D Rural areas became more influential in state and regional politics.
(correct answer A)
Use the following information from 1960 to answer question #___:
Vote in Elections
Echols, Glascock,
and Quitman
The information above demonstrates which problem with the County Unit System?
A each person’s vote was weighted exactly the same
B population was the most important aspect of elections
C smaller counties had to join together in order to vote in elections
D smaller counties had fewer people, but equal votes to bigger counties
(correct answer D)
SS8H12 The student will explain the importance of significant social, economic, and
political developments in Georgia since 1970.
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b. Describe the role of Jimmy Carter in Georgia as state senator, governor, president, and past
Prior to becoming president, Jimmy Carter also served Georgia in which two influential
A state senator and governor
B mayor of Atlanta and state representative
C mayor of Plains and US Senator
D state representative and state senator
(correct answer A)
Which statement is true regarding Jimmy Carter’s career as a past-president?
A he remains active in social work and international events
B he lives a private life in Plains, Ga and is seldom seen in public
C he returned to Georgia to become Governor and a state senator
D he remains a permanent employee of the White House as a consultant
(correct answer A)
Use the following list to answer question #___:
 State Senator
 Governor of Georgia
 President of the United States
 Active Past-President of the United States
The list above must refer to which Georgia politician?
A Ivan Allen
B Jimmy Carter
C Andrew Young
D Maynard Jackson
(correct answer B)
SS8H12 The student will explain the importance of significant social, economic, and
political developments in Georgia since 1970.
c. Analyze the impact of the rise of the two-party system in Georgia.
What is a result of the rise of the two-party system in Georgia?
A Elections are now less competitive.
B Rural areas are more important in elections.
C Elections happen more frequently.
D Republicans have gained power in Georgia.
(correct answer D)
Which two political parties compete for most of the political power in Georgia?
A Olympic and County Unit
B Democrat and Republican
C Libertarian and Independent
D Nathan Deal and Kasim Reed
(correct answer B)
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In what way does having two strong political parties affect politics in Georgia?
A fewer elections are needed
B fewer people get to run for office
C more points of view are represented
D more gets done and less arguments happen
(correct answer C)
Use the following chart of Georgia’s elected officials to answer question #___:
Which statement is true about political power in Georgia according to the chart?
A Georgia is primarily controlled by two political parties
B There are three equally powerful political parties in Georgia
C Independent candidates control many political offices in Georgia
D The state has maintained its traditional democratic power over time
(correct answer A)
SS8H12 The student will explain the importance of significant social, economic, and
political developments in Georgia since 1970.
d. Evaluate the effect of the 1996 Olympic Games on Georgia.
Use the following list to answer question #____:
*New sports venues built
*Over $5 Billion of economic activity
*2 million visitors to Atlanta
The list above demonstrates the effect of which event on Georgia?
A the 1996 Olympic Games
B the Civil Rights Movement
C Sherman’s march to the sea
D Jimmy Carter’s rise to the Presidency
(correct answer A)
In what way were the Olympic Games a positive event for Georgia in 1996?
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A the state could finally rebuild the Civil War destruction
B Georgia received much international attention and business
C the games ended segregation and racial tension in the cities
D Georgia’s politicians were now able to get elected nationally
(correct answer B)
SS8H12 The student will explain the importance of significant social, economic, and
political developments in Georgia since 1970.
e. Evaluate the importance of new immigrant communities to the growth and economy of
Use the following table to answer question #______:
According to the table, how have immigrant communities had an impact on the economy of
A The number of jobs immigrants hold is decreasing over time.
B No conclusion can be draw about the impact of immigrants from this chart.
C Less educated immigrants are replacing less educated native Georgians in the workforce.
D It is more desirable to hire a less educated native than an immigrant with only a high school
(correct answer C)
Why are immigrant communities important to Georgia’s growth?
A they spend more money than citizens
B they are more likely to be entrepreneurs
C they provide labor for high-demand jobs
D they contribute more tax revenue for the state
(correct answer C)
Which immigrant communities are most important to MODERN Georgia’s labor force and
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A African and European
B Latin American and Asian
C Highland Scot and Salzburger
D Northerners and Native Americans
(correct answer B)
SS8G1 The student will describe Georgia with regard to physical features and location.
a. Locate Georgia in relation to region, nation, continent, and hemispheres.
When describing Georgia in relation to the rest of the United States, it would be correct to
say Georgia is in which region?
A Northeast
B Northwest
C Southwest
D Southeast
(correct answer D)
You hear another student say: “Georgia is located in the Southeastern Region of the United
States, which is on the continent of North America.” This student is
A correct, that is Georgia’s location.
B incorrect, his entire statement is wrong.
C partially correct, he means South America instead of North.
D partially correct, he means Southwestern region instead of Southeastern.
(correct answer A)
On a globe, a person would find Georgia in which hemisphere?
A central
B eastern
C western
D southern
(correct answer C)
SS8G1 The student will describe Georgia with regard to physical features and location.
b. Describe the five geographic regions of Georgia; include the Blue Ridge Mountains, Valley
and Ridge, Appalachian Plateau, Piedmont, and Coastal Plain.
Use the following map to answer question #___:
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Which letter correctly identifies Georgia’s Blue Ridge Mountains?
(correct answer B)
Marcus is travelling in the northwest portion of Georgia. He notices that as he travels he is
consistently going over steep hills and plateaus and then back into low areas. In which
geographic region is Marcus travelling?
A Piedmont
B Coastal Plane
C Blue Ridge
D Valley and Ridge
(correct answer D)
SS8G1 The student will describe Georgia with regard to physical features and location.
c. Locate and evaluate the importance of key physical features on the development of Georgia;
include the Fall Line, Okefenokee Swamp, Appalachian Mountains, Chattahoochee and
Savannah Rivers, and barrier islands.
Why is the Chattahoochee River important to Georgia?
A It is the primary mode of transportation between Georgia, Alabama, and Florida.
B It provides several areas of the state with drinking water and recreational activities.
C Savannah uses it for the city’s deepwater port.
D There are no other rivers that run through the middle of the state.
(correct answer B)
Use the picture below to answer question #_____:
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The shaded region on region on the map above BEST shows the location of the
A Fall Line.
B Savannah River.
C Okefenokee Swamp.
D Appalachian Mountains.
(correct answer D)
SS8G1 The student will describe Georgia with regard to physical features and location.
d. Evaluate the impact of climate on Georgia’s development.
How has Georgia’s climate had a positive effect on Georgia’s overall development?
A It allows for many agricultural and vacation opportunities.
B The climate cured Franklin Roosevelt’s medical problems.
C It encourages much investment because no other state has this climate.
D The temperature is nearly the same all year, which makes planning trips easy.
(correct answer A)
Georgia’s climate meant that in the colonial years, the economy mainly centered around
which item?
A lumber
B agriculture
C the railroad industry
D fresh and salt-water fishing
(correct answer B)
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SS8G2 The student will explain how the Interstate Highway System, Hartsfield-Jackson
International Airport, Georgia’s deepwater ports, and the railroads help drive the state’s
a. Explain how the four transportation systems interact to provide domestic and international
goods to the people of Georgia.
Over the past several decades, many international companies have moved their
manufacturing and production warehouses to Georgia. Since these goods have to be
shipped once they are produced, why is Georgia a wise choice for these companies?
A The interaction of our airports, roads, deepwater ports, and railroads makes it easy to ship
goods in, around, and out of the state.
B Since the climate is not good for farming, it makes more sense to use the land for
C Being right in the middle of the country makes Georgia equal distances from most major
D Georgia is more stable than most states and we have not had problems with droughts, wars,
or depressions in the past.
(correct answer A)
Which statement is true concerning Georgia’s four major transportation systems?
A Each works independently and rarely relies on the other three
B All four interact to deliver domestic and international goods
C Most businesses only use railroads and the deepwater ports
D Only businesses are allowed to use the transportation systems.
(correct answer C)
Which of Georgia’s four major transportation systems was significant to moving goods
throughout the south during the Civil War?
A Rivers
B Airport
C Interstate
D Railroads
(correct answer D)
SS8G2 The student will explain how the Interstate Highway System, Hartsfield-Jackson
International Airport, Georgia’s deepwater ports, and the railroads help drive the state’s
b. Explain how the four transportation systems interact to provide producers and service
providers in Georgia with national and international markets.
Why is Georgia a good place to have a business that produces goods that get sold around
the country and around the world?
A Georgia has four major transportation systems, including a major airport to help move goods
B Georgia does not charge any taxes on property so it is cheaper to produce here.
C Labor is much cheaper in Georgia because of immigration concerns.
D There is very little rain in Georgia so shipping does not get disrupted by weather.
(correct answer A)
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What is one major benefit of having four large transportation systems in Georgia?
A Traffic is not a concern.
B There is not as much pollution.
C It is easy to move goods and services.
D It eliminates the need for the Post Office.
(correct answer C)
SS8G2 The student will explain how the Interstate Highway System, Hartsfield-Jackson
International Airport, Georgia’s deepwater ports, and the railroads help drive the state’s
c. Explain how the four transportation systems provide jobs for Georgians.
Use the following list to answer question #___:
 dock workers and tugboat drivers
 highway construction workers
 railroad engineers
 pilots and airline mechanics
All of the jobs in the list above exist because of
A government laws.
B funding from the legislature.
C Georgia’s transportation systems.
D programs from the University of Georgia.
(correct answer C)
SS8CG1 The student will describe the role of citizens under Georgia’s constitution.
a. Explain the basic structure of the Georgia state constitution.
Which is correct concerning the structure of the Georgia State Constitution?
A It is unique because there is no bill of rights in it.
B All parts of the constitution are written under one long section.
C After the preamble, each piece of the government, including a bill of rights, is explained in
its own section.
D It is a short document that consists only of a preamble, a bill of rights, and a brief description
of the three branches of government.
(correct answer C)
SS8CG1 The student will describe the role of citizens under Georgia’s constitution.
b. Explain the concepts of separation of powers and checks and balances.
Dividing the government into executive, legislative, and judicial branches is MOST related
to the concept of
A separation of powers.
B segregation of schools.
C the county unit system.
D weak mayor councils.
(correct answer A)
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SS8CG1 The student will describe the role of citizens under Georgia’s constitution.
c. Describe the rights and responsibilities of citizens.
Use the following list to answer question #:______
Freedom of Religion
Freedom of Speech
Guarantee of Due Process of law
Which BEST describes the list above?
A The items listed are all responsibilities of Georgia citizens.
B The list identifies rights of Georgia citizens listed in the Georgia Constitution.
C These are the only items that are considered rights and responsibilities of citizens.
D Everything in the list was in the original Georgia Constitution, but has since been removed.
(correct answer C)
SS8CG1 The student will describe the role of citizens under Georgia’s constitution.
d. Explain voting qualifications and elections in Georgia.
Sharon was born in Georgia and is 20 years old. She currently lives in Alabama, but plans
on moving back to Georgia soon. She has never committed a crime. If she tries to register
to vote for an upcoming election in Georgia, what will be the outcome?
A She will be approved because she meets all of the qualifications.
B She will be denied because she is not a United State’s citizen.
C She will be denied because she is not old enough to vote in Georgia.
D She will be denied because she is not currently living in Georgia.
(correct answer D)
SS8CG1 The student will describe the role of citizens under Georgia’s constitution.
e. Explain the role of political parties in government.
What is a major role of political parties during elections?
A create and pass laws
B force people to vote
C promote free speech ideals
D limit the number candidates
(correct answer D)
Use the list below to answer question #___:
Narrowing the number of candidates
during elections
Trying to get candidates elected
Raising money for candidates
Clarifying positions on issues
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All of the items in the list above apply to which part the election process?
A political parties
B general assembly
C committee system
D criminal justice system
(correct answer A)
S8CG2 The student will analyze the role of the legislative branch in Georgia state
a. Explain the qualifications, term, election, and duties of members of the General Assembly.
Which of the following is true about members of Georgia’s General Assembly?
A No one can serve more than two terms.
B Members only serve a two year term.
C New members cannot be on more than one committee.
D A member must be over 25 to serve in either house.
(correct answer B)
S8CG2 The student will analyze the role of the legislative branch in Georgia state
b. Describe the organization of the General Assembly, with emphasis on leadership and the
committee system.
Most day to day decisions about laws in the General Assembly are
A major news stories and are very distracting for legislators.
B decided by the leadership with no input from other members.
C discussed in smaller committees, rather than the entire assembly.
D sent to the Governor in the form of long reports so he is in the loop at all times.
(correct answer C)
S8CG2 The student will analyze the role of the legislative branch in Georgia state
c. Evaluate how the legislative branch fulfills its role as the lawmaking body for the state of
The Georgia Supreme Court rarely overturns a law passed by the General Assembly. This
is largely because the
A Georgia Supreme Court cannot overturn laws.
B laws are typically not enforced by the Executive branch.
C General Assembly chooses the judges that will sit on the Georgia Supreme Court.
D General Assembly works to make sure the laws they write are specific and aligned with the
(correct answer D)
SS8CG3 The student will analyze the role of the executive branch in Georgia state
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a. Explain the qualifications, term, election, and duties of the governor and lieutenant governor.
Even though it is rare and unlikely, it is possible for the governor and lieutenant governor
in Georgia to be political enemies, from different parties, and not work well together. How
is this possible?
A Each office is listed separately on the ballot when they are elected.
B The lieutenant governor is appointed by the General Assembly.
C They are elected in alternate cycles, not during the same election.
D The governor is elected through popular vote and the lieutenant governor is elected by the
county unit system.
(correct answer A)
SS8CG3 The student will analyze the role of the executive branch in Georgia state
b. Describe the organization of the executive branch, with emphasis on major policy areas of
state programs; include education, human resources, public safety, transportation, economic
development, and natural resources.
Leaders of education, public safety, and transportation agencies fall under which branch of
Georgia’s government?
A Senate
B Judicial
C Executive
D Legislative
(correct answer C)
SS8CG3 The student will analyze the role of the executive branch in Georgia state
c. Evaluate how the executive branch fulfills its role through state agencies that administer
programs and enforce laws.
Why do executive agencies like the Public Safety Commission and the Department of
Education receive large amounts of funding from the General Assembly?
A The agencies are paid to create new laws for the General Assembly.
B To administer programs and enforce laws for the executive branch.
C Because they need money to run the courts for their policy areas.
D So they can fulfill their roles as the primary employers of the state.
(correct answer B)
SS8CG4 The student will analyze the role of the judicial branch in Georgia state
a. Explain the structure of the court system in Georgia, including trial and appellate procedures
and how judges are selected.
Which statement is correct regarding how judges are selected in Georgia?
A Most Georgia judges are elected through non-partisan elections.
B Trial court judges are elected while appellate court judges are appointed.
C Only Supreme Court judges are elected in Georgia, all other are appointed.
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D Only a few judges in Georgia are elected while the rest are appointed by the governor.
(correct answer A)
If a person breaks a state law and is found guilty, what is the highest court in Georgia that
person can eventually appeal to?
A Superior
B Juvenile
C Probate
D Supreme
(correct answer D)
SS8CG4 The student will analyze the role of the judicial branch in Georgia state
b. Explain the difference between criminal law and civil law.
Robbery, manslaughter, and arson all carry potential jail or prison time as sentence
options. Since these involve more than just fines or money penalties they are categorized as
A civil laws.
B criminal laws.
C traffic laws.
D juvenile laws.
(correct answer B)
SS8CG4 The student will analyze the role of the judicial branch in Georgia state
c. Describe the adult justice system, emphasizing the different jurisdictions, terminology, and
steps in the criminal justice process.
In the adult criminal justice process, which step closely follows the arraignment?
A trial
B arrest
C booking
D sentencing
(correct answer A)
In terms of jurisdiction, which type of court has jurisdiction over most criminal activity in
A probate
B juvenile
C superior
D supreme
(correct answer C)
SS8CG4 The student will analyze the role of the judicial branch in Georgia state
d. Describe ways to avoid trouble and settle disputes peacefully.
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Sally and Jasmine are neighbors. Sally finds out that Jasmine’s dog has been entering her
yard and digging up her very expensive flowers. When Sally presents the evidence to
Jasmine and asks to be paid for the flowers, Jasmine denies the dog has done anything
wrong. What should Sally do NEXT in order to try to avoid further trouble and settle the
dispute peacefully?
A Immediately call the police and try to have Jasmine arrested under her city’s “leash law”.
B Trap the dog next time and take it to the humane society.
C Attempt to get Jasmine to use Georgia’s mediation services to resolve the issue.
D Sue Jasmine for as much money as Sally can get from her.
(correct answer C)
SS8CG4 The student will analyze the role of the judicial branch in Georgia state
e. Evaluate how the judicial branch fulfills its role in interpreting the laws of Georgia and
ensuring justice in our legal system.
How does the judicial branch attempt to fulfill its duty to ensure justice in our legal
A by creating as many clear and fair laws as possible
B by interpreting laws and allowing people to appeal their decisions
C by arresting as many criminals as it can and getting them in prison quickly
D by selecting fair and impartial judges at all levels of courts
(correct answer B)
Use the following list to answer question #:_____
 Interpreting Laws
 Listening to Appeals
 Following Judicial Procedures
The list above BEST matches which topic below?
A duties of the governor
B roles of the judicial branch
C problems with the judicial branch
D expectations of the legislative branch
(correct answer B)
SS8CG5 The student will analyze the role of local governments in the state of Georgia.
a. Explain the origins, functions, purposes, and differences of county and city governments in
In many states, large cities, not counties, dominate the political and cultural decisions
around the state. How is this different in Georgia?
A Large and small cities have equal power in Georgia.
B Cities have no actual political power in Georgia.
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C In Georgia, Counties are still the primary source of local political power.
D Counties and cities are often merged together in Georgia so they cannot be viewed
(correct answer C)
Why were counties originally set up in Georgia?
A To reduce the influence of rural politicians
B To divide rural areas among wealthy farmers
C To help create more cities in the countryside
D To establish political centers for rural areas
(correct answer D)
SS8CG5 The student will analyze the role of local governments in the state of Georgia.
b. Compare and contrast the weak mayor-council, the strong mayor-council, and the councilmanager forms of city government.
Tonya is the Mayor of a city in Georgia. In her daily work she has full responsibility of the
city’s operations. She has the power to appoint people to run different departments and
recently vetoed a new law passed by the city council. The city council, however, was able to
override her veto. Based SOLELY on this information, what type of local government does
this city have?
A council-manager
B strong mayor-council
C weak mayor-council
D special purpose government
(correct answer B)
A newly forming city that wanted power to be spread over multiple people, instead of just
one person, should choose which type of city government?
A general assembly
B weak mayor-council
C strong mayor-council
D special purpose government
(correct answer B)
SS8CG5 The student will analyze the role of local governments in the state of Georgia.
c. Describe the functions of special-purpose governments.
What is the specific role of special-purpose governments in Georgia?
A to carry out the laws passed by the General Assembly
B They investigate corruption and illegal activities in the state government.
C They only exist long enough to raise money for a specific project and then they are
D to create and enforce law or rules that focus on specific areas like education or city
(correct answer D)
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Public schools, transit systems, water and sewage systems are examples of areas that are
often governed by
A special-purpose governments
B anyone living in Georgia
C strong mayor-councils
D the General Assembly
(correct answer A)
SS8CG5 The student will analyze the role of local governments in the state of Georgia.
d. Evaluate the role of local government working with state agencies to administer state
What is the typical relationship between local governments and state agencies when trying
to administer state programs?
A Local governments tell the state agencies what they will and will not do.
B Local governments provide the state agencies with the money to enforce the programs.
C State agencies have no control over local governments with how they spend money.
D State agencies provide guidance and sometimes money to local governments for state
(correct answer D)
Use the graphic below to answer the question that follows:
Which two items would BEST fit inside the arrow?
A money and regulations
B employees and offices
C legislative and judicial
D councils and mayors
(correct answer A)
SS8CG6 The student will explain how the Georgia court system treats juvenile offenders.
a. Explain the difference between delinquent behavior and unruly behavior and the consequences
of each.
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A child that is purposefully avoiding his parents and not attending school is classified as
A unruly, but not delinquent.
B delinquent, but not unruly.
C unruly and delinquent.
D neither unruly nor delinquent.
(correct answer A)
When comparing delinquent behavior to unruly behavior, which statement is true?
A Only adults can be charged with delinquent behavior.
B Unruly behavior only applies to middle school age children.
C Unruly behavior is considered to be more serious than delinquent behavior.
D Delinquent behavior involves acts that would be crimes if committed by adults.
(correct answer D)
SS8CG6 The student will explain how the Georgia court system treats juvenile offenders.
b. Describe the rights of juveniles when taken into custody.
Use the following list to answer question #___:
 Right to an attorney
 Right to trial (but not necessarily a jury trial)
 Right to have parents at questioning
 Right to not testify in court
This list describes the rights of which group of people?
A The rights of unruly juveniles.
B All adult offenders in the Georgia justice system
C Juvenile offenders who have been taken into custody.
D The original settlers when they moved to Georgia in the 1700s.
(correct answer C)
SS8CG6 The student will explain how the Georgia court system treats juvenile offenders.
c. Describe the juvenile justice system, emphasizing the different jurisdictions, terminology, and
steps in the juvenile justice process.
Which step of the justice system is ONLY found in the juvenile justice process?
A trial
B arrest
C hearing
D commitment
(correct answer D)
How does the juvenile justice process compare with the adult justice process?
A there are more steps, options, and procedures in the juvenile process
B the juvenile process is more strict and usually places offenders in jail
C the juvenile process is larger and deals with far more offenders
D there are no courts or police involved in the juvenile justice process
(correct answer A)
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SS8CG6 The student will explain how the Georgia court system treats juvenile offenders.
d. Explain the seven delinquent behaviors that can subject juvenile offenders to the adult
criminal process, how the decision to transfer to adult court is made, and the possible
Why is committing armed robbery with a firearm a significant offense when committed by
a juvenile?
A Judges often treat armed robbery with a firearm the same way they treat manslaughter.
B The juvenile must get a job and pay for everything taken during the robbery.
C The crime can subject the juvenile to the adult criminal process.
D It carries a mandatory life sentence.
(correct answer C)
Why is transferring a case from juvenile court to Superior Court important?
A A juvenile loses all their rights at Superior Court.
B Superior Court carries more serious sentences and punishments.
C It means that there will not be a jury involved in the final verdict.
D Juveniles are more likely to be found not guilty at Superior Court.
(correct answer B)
SS8E1 The student will give examples of the kinds of goods and services produced in
Georgia in different historical periods.
Cotton, tobacco, peanuts, Coca-Cola, and onions all have what in common?
A The items in the list are only found in Georgia.
B Georgia’s farmers and inventors created these items.
C All of the items listed are the only goods still profitable in Georgia.
D They are all goods that have been produced in Georgia in different historical periods.
(correct answer D)
Use the following chart about goods made in Georgia for question #___:
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(Georgia Department of Economic Development)
Based on the chart, which statement is true about Georgia’s economic development over
A Georgia mostly produces goods that mainly depend on Georgia’s natural resources.
B Georgia has transitioned from an agricultural economy to more manufactured goods.
C Georgia no longer produces agricultural goods because technology is more profitable.
D Georgia has increased the amount of agriculture we produce while reducing the amount of
(correct answer B)
Which good was mainly produced by Georgia’s pre-historic cultures?
A cotton
B missions
C railroads
D arrowheads
(correct answer D)
Which agricultural good began to dominate the colonial economy of Georgia?
A cotton
B missions
C railroads
D arrowheads
(correct answer A)
Which describes the role of the Braves, Hawks, and Falcons in Georgia’s economy?
A they provide services that help Georgia’s economy grow
B they employ more people than any other industry in Georgia
C tickets to their games are the largest part of Georgia’s economy
D without these teams, Georgia would have no entertainment revenue
(correct answer A)
After World War II, which part of Georgia’s economy became LESS important than it had
been historically?
A professional sports
B transporting goods
C communications
D agriculture
(correct answer D)
SS8E2 The student will explain the benefits of free trade.
a. Describe how Georgians have engaged in trade in different historical time periods.
Arrowheads, clay pots, cotton, peaches, and tickets to sporting events all represent ways
that Georgians have done what over time?
A made items for museums
B created items for survival
C produced goods for trade
D used the land for agriculture
(correct answer C)
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Mary Musgrove was MOST important to which economic concept in Georgia’s history?
A regulations
B currency
C farming
D trading
(correct answer D)
What effect did the Civil War have on Georgia’s economy?
A the battles ruined farmland and disrupted trade patterns
B building weapons for soldiers made Georgia’s economy grow
C the fighting over slavery made Georgia’s economy one sided
D during the war, Georgia traded more with northern states
(correct answer A)
SS8E2 The student will explain the benefits of free trade.
b. Explain how the four transportation systems from SS8G2 contribute to Georgia’s role in trade.
Georgia is well prepared for national and international trade because
A goods can easily be shipped by air, rail, sea, or truck.
B there are no state sales taxes on goods sold in the state.
C it is the largest state in the Southeastern United States.
D the General Assembly does not interfere with the economy.
(correct answer A)
SS8E3 The student will evaluate the influence of Georgia’s economic growth and
a. Define profit and describe how profit is an incentive for entrepreneurs.
Entrepreneurs have taken many financial risks to start companies like Coca-Cola, Delta,
Georgia Pacific, and Home Depot. In general, why do entrepreneurs take financial risks to
start companies?
A They have not been taught the downfalls of taking financial risks.
B By law, only entrepreneurs can start businesses.
C Starting a business is an easy way to avoid paying taxes.
D Profits provide an incentive that outweighs the risk.
(correct answer D)
In addition to getting his populist thoughts to the public, why would an entrepreneur like
Tom Watson take a risk and pay to publish his magazine?
A in order to make a profit
B he was forced to by courts
C the Atlanta newspapers were full
D it was the only magazine blacks could read
(correct answer A)
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Why would entrepreneurs take a risk to bring a professional sports team to Georgia?
A to avoid paying taxes
B to try to sell tickets make a profit
C to provide free entertainment to citizens
D to encourage other teams to leave the city
(correct answer B)
SS8E3 The student will evaluate the influence of Georgia’s economic growth and
b. Explain how entrepreneurs take risks to develop new goods and services to start a business.
Which statement describes entrepreneurs taking a risk to develop a new business?
A The founders of Home Depot spending money to build the first store in Georgia.
B Workers in a cotton field getting paid for fixing broken cotton gins.
C Coca-Cola deciding to stop running a series of advertisements.
D Georgia Pacific giving a scholarship to a college student.
(correct answer A)
Alonzo Herndon is an example of entrepreneur because he
A bought and sold slaves to rich plantations.
B worked hard to earn money throughout his life.
C took risks to develop new businesses in Atlanta.
D used his power and prestige in Atlanta to become Mayor.
(correct answer C)
SS8E3 The student will evaluate the influence of Georgia’s economic growth and
c. Evaluate the importance of entrepreneurs in Georgia who developed such enterprises as CocaCola, Delta Airlines, Georgia-Pacific, and Home Depot.
John Pemberton and Asa Candler were important entrepreneurs to Georgia because
A their development and marketing of Coca-Cola created many jobs and tourist opportunities
for Georgia over the years.
B they used all of their profits from Delta to re-design the city of Atlanta.
C without their business knowledge and risk taking, Georgia-Pacific would likely be called
Alabama-Pacific today.
D they were able to convince Home Depot to locate their headquarters in Georgia, providing
many new job opportunities.
(correct answer A)
SS8E4 The student will identify revenue sources for and services provided by state and
local governments.
a. Trace sources of state revenue such as sales taxes, federal grants, personal income taxes, and
property taxes.
Which tax source is the largest source of revenue for the state of Georgia?
A personal income taxes
B property taxes
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C sales taxes
D SPLOST taxes
(correct answer A)
In bad economic times people buy fewer goods and services so Georgia loses revenue
because of a decline in
A personal income taxes
B property taxes
C sales taxes
D SPLOST taxes
(correct answer C)
SS8E4 The student will identify revenue sources for and services provided by state and
local governments.
b. Explain the distribution of state revenue to provide services.
Which policy area receives the largest amount of state funding?
A transportation
B legislature
C agriculture
D education
(correct answer D)
SS8E4 The student will identify revenue sources for and services provided by state and
local governments.
c. Evaluate how choices are made given the limited revenues of state and local governments.
Why do lawmakers and politicians in state and local governments often face tough choices
on how to spend tax revenue?
A They can only spend money once every few years so they have to get it right.
B Revenues are limited, but there are nearly unlimited wants and needs for resources.
C Each tax payer must receive a certain amount of spending and they all want different things.
D Most money decisions have to be made in a only a couple of days so there is no time for
(correct answer B)
Which is a result of state and local governments facing limited revenues?
A Taxes are always increased
B Fewer tough choices have to be made
C Many requests for funds go unfulfilled
D The budget is quickly and easily balanced
(correct answer C)
SS8E5 The student will explain personal money management choices in terms of income,
spending, credit, saving, and investing.
A person is MOST likely to use credit when they
A are saving money for a future goal.
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B get a raise in their income.
C need to buy something they don’t have cash for.
D wish to invest in a new company.
(correct answer C)
Investing in the stock market is sometimes preferable to a savings account because
A savings accounts are rare and hard to find.
B investments in stocks are guaranteed to make money.
C you can’t get compound interest in savings accounts.
D stocks usually have higher returns than savings accounts.
(correct answer D)
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