Genetic Engineering

Great job Michael!
Content/Ideas – 12/12
Organization – 8/8
Grammar – 7/8 – no reference page
Total – 27/28
Genetic Engineering
Genetic engineering (GE) is one of the peak scientific advancements up to this
day. The first genetically engineered organisms were pigs with implanted cow or human
growth hormone genes in 1985. However, genetic engineering has not improved much
and has resulted in many animal casualties. It is proven that genetic engineering can help
humans fight fatal diseases and it allows our (no our, me, you, I in a formal essay – I
would suggest replacing “our race” with “humans”) race to create new organisms such as
genetically engineered crops that are resistant to insects, which can make our lives easier
and more enjoyable. (still a little vague on your main thesis statement)
Even though genetic engineering can be beneficial, there are also some risks to it
while working with organisms. Not one of the promised benefits of genetically
engineering farm animals has been fulfilled, as every month brings in new reports of
animal casualties (O’Brien, 1997). There have been many animal deaths caused by
implanting and extracting genetically engineered embryos. Genetic engineers cut genes
out of a strand of DNA from one organism and then they attempt to add it to another
strand. However, when they add the genes it is a completely random process, explained
by Bergelson, “Aas a consequence, there is a risk that it may disrupt the functioning of
other genes essential to the life of that organism” (Bergelson, 1998). Adding these genes
to other genomes is like trying to make a basket in the dark. The scientists have no
control over where the gene will attach to in the strand of DNA. Although there are many
cons to the process of genetic engineering, the advantages of this technology outweigh
the disadvantages.
Potatoes, tomatoes, soybeans, and rice are all examples of some of the crops that
are being genetically engineered. Genetic engineers are engineering these crops to create
new strains that have better nutritional qualities and increased yield. Many of these
genetically engineered crops have a capacity to grow on lands, which are not suitable to
their original forms. Biotechnology, which is the science of genetically engineered food,
can be used to give food have a better taste. Crops can also be engineered to be resistant
to insect damage; therefore, farmers do not need to use herbicide to kill off the pests. As
said by Heaf (who is Heaf? Who does he work for?), “GE, combined with cloning, can
be applied to animals to make valuable pharmaceuticals which cannot be made in other
ways” (Heaf, 2001). This is very useful for human proteins, which are produced in
animal milk. Transgenic animals can be created so that their own organs can be
transplanted into a human without the immune system rejecting them. This process is
known as xenotransplantation. Genetic engineers are able to achieve this by modifying
the cells in the animal’s organ to look like human cells so that the immune system will
accept the organ. This process is very important because of the great need that humans
are in of organs because our own donors do not nearly fulfill the amount needed to treat
everyone. Genetic engineering can take place not only in animals and plants, but in
humans too.
Genetic engineering in humans is a very delicate process, just like all other
genetic engineering. Said by Heaf in 2001, “GE in the form of 'gene therapy' (somatic)
could be used to repair damaged or replace missing genes in people who have genetic
disorders such as cystic fibrosis, severe combined immunodeficiency etc” (Heaf, 2001).
Gene therapy is being used right now to try and cure one of humanity’s deadly diseases
such as cancer. Most gene therapy clinical protocols are focused on the genre of cancer
and how to cure it. Recombinant genetic engineering can be used for genetic screening, in
which case human genomes are tested for gene sequences that may result in genetic
disorders later on in life. Genetic screening can be used on embryos that are going to be
implanted into a mother. They can use this technology to inform the parents of the sex of
the embryo before deciding on implantation. However, GE cannot change sex. Scientists
can also inform parents that the embryo will develop untreatable characteristics like
Down’s syndrome. The advances in this area of genetic engineering may help humanity
greatly in the future.
Genetic engineering may sound like it is in the future but it has been proven in
many ways that humans can harness this new technology and allow our race to thrive.
There are some flaws to genetic engineering so far and we are trying to smooth out the
wrinkles. We have already advanced quite far and we may be able to save humanity from
formerly incurable disease. Genetic flaws will be the things of the past as we begin to
explore the world of genetic engineering.
Where is your reference page?