INTERNAL DISEASES- ALLERGOLOGY Allergic diseases are an important and increasing problem of health care. Upper 30% population suffers from asthma, allergic rhinitis, atopic dermatitis and other allergic diseases. We offer interesting lectures about pathogenesis, symptoms and treatment of these diseases. The speaker, Professor Zbigniew Bartuzi, the head of Department of Allergy, Clinical Immunology and Internal Diseases and member of Polish Scientists Academy, EAACI and Polish Allergy Society, presents current knowledge about food allergy, asthma, venom immunotherapy, anaphylaxis, drug hypersensitivity and other allergic diseases . In our Department and Outpatient Clinic you can take a part in workshop in immunologic laboratory, spirometry room, provocation tests room and alimentary tract endoskopy room where we teach about modern diagnostic methods. In seminary which lead experienced doctors we discus about novel methods in diagnosis, treatment and discus progress in research of allergic diseases. Assistants demonstrate medical thinking from patients examination to diagnosis and treatment, and show how to lead immunotherapy in patients with hypersensitivity to venom and aeroallergens. TEACHERS: prof. dr hab. Zbigniew Bartuzi dr n. med. Krzysztof Pałgan dr n. med. Magdalena Żbikowska-Gotz dr n. med. Jacek Gocki dr n. med. Joanna Kołodziejczyk dr n. med. Michał Przybyszewski lek. med. Katarzyna Napiórkowska mgr Robert Zacniewski CONTACT: Dr n. med. Jacek Gocki, SYLABUS I. Name of the unit offering the course: Department of Allergology, Clinical Immunology and Internal Diseases II. Head of the unit: prof. dr hab. med. Zbigniew Bartuzi III. 4th year, number of hours: 32 IV. Form of classes: Lectures: 7, seminars: 10, tutorials:15 V. Credit of course: credit with grade VI. Number of ECTS points: 2 VII. Didactic topics Lectures 1. Medical examination and laboratory tests in immunodeficiency diseases 2. Spirometry and provocation tests 3. Medical examination and diagnostic tests in allergy diseases 4. Laboratory tests in allergy diseases Seminars 1. Basic definitions and terminology in allergy diseases 2. Immunological base in allergy diseases 3. Natural history of allergy. 4. Food allergy 5. Allergy rhinitis and ocular allergy 6. Asthma and enviromental factors in allergy diseases 7. Primary and secondary immunodeficiency 8. Immunological diagnosis In allergy disease 9. Anaphylactic shock 10. Sting allergy Tutorials 1. Anamnesis an physical examination of patients with allergic and immunological diseases 2. Differential diagnosis common allergic and immunodeficiency diseases 3. Assessment somatical status of patients 4. Recognize of life threats events 5. Management of diagnostic, therapeutic and prophylactic 6. Classification of patient for hospital or home treatment 7. Taken of biological materials from patients for laboratory tests 8. Basic medical procedures: blood pressure, temperature, spirometry, oxgen therapy, skin prick tests 9. Interpretation of laboratoty tests 10. Treatment patient with allergy and immunodeficiency diseases 11. Medical documentation VIII.Booklist: S.T. Holgate, M.K. Church, L.M. Lichtenstein.: Allergy. Second edition. Mosby International Ltd H. Chapel, M. Haeney, S. Misbah, N. Snowden: Essentials of Clinical Immunology. Blackwell Publishing Ltd RULES AND REGULATIONS Requirements 1. The seminaries and clinical exercises are obligatory. 2. In case of absence on clinical exercise student must come on doctors duty, for equal hours of absence. 3. In case of absence on seminaries student must pass the material of this seminaries 4. Students should be active during clinical training and seminaries. 5. During clinical training students must wear white medical coat and medical shoes. 6. Students are obliged to bring stetoscope. 7. Student must maintain the principles of occupational health and safety for health workers. 8. Student must follow the instructions of an assistant and other clinic staff 9. Any accidents, injuries and other emergencies must be immediately reported to the leading assistant. 10. All organizational matters should be consulted with the leading assistant Point system 1. Activity on clinical training and seminaries. 2. Preparing case history one patient with allergy or immunological diseases 3. Pass final test at the end of the course