Translation services

Translation Services
NHS Cumbria is committed to making sure that all members of the public can access our services. Some may
require an interpreter or translator to do this. It is essential that all our services know how to access interpreters
(for the spoken word) and translators (for the written word).
When to use professional services
The language used within the NHS is complex and may not be fully understood by people whose first language is
not English. This can cause misunderstandings on both sides that can lead to confusion, incorrect diagnosis and
treatment, and possibly litigation.
The use of professional services should be considered when:
Accessing private and confidential services where the user needs to make choices about their welfare –
for example GP consultations and child protection meetings.
Emergency situations where basic information is needed to be conferred by telephone or through
language cards.
We only recommend the use of family members, friends, neighbours or colleagues to interpret or translate when
you are certain that:
The information is public and not confidential.
The person is not at risk or vulnerable.
Accuracy is desirable rather than critical.
Applied Language Solutions (ALS)
ALS is the organisation commissioned by Cumbria County Council, Cumbria Police, NHS Cumbria and Cumbria
Partnership Foundation Trust to provide all language support services (except British Sign Language
interpreters for deaf people). Their services include instant telephone interpreting, face-to-face interpreters and
written translation.
Using Applied Language Solutions
A list of available languages in English and in their translated language should be clearly displayed in public
areas so that non-English speakers can point to the language they require in the rare instances where they speak
no English at all. A supply of posters will be sent to each community hospital and each locality provider manager
Double appointments should be booked when using the interpreter service.
Telephone interpretation through ALS should be instantly accessible. Appointments of thirty minutes or less
should use the telephone interpreter service.
The telephone interpretation service is greatly enhanced by using a hands-free speaker phone where possible
as it is awkward to pass a single telephone back and forth between you and the patient. If you do not have a
hands-free unit in your hospital/clinic, please consider purchasing a dual phone line splitter (these cost under a
pound) and plugging two standard phones into the splitter. This allows for both you and the patient to hold a
phone with the interpreter’s voice coming through both at the same time. We appreciate that this will not be
possible for home visits.
Face-to-face interpreter bookings require a minimum 48 hour notice period. Even then there will be occasions
where an interpreter cannot be sourced for a specific language, or at short notice, in which case we would advise
the use of telephone interpretation.
A step-by-step guide
All services except British Sign Language (see Other Services below)can be accessed through one telephone
Please note that for all requests to ALS you must have a PIN number in order to access the service you
Each locality has its own set of PIN numbers. For Provider Services (including community hospitals) the PINs are
as follows:
EDEN 150675
FURNESS 149134
Please note:
GP practices have a different set of PIN numbers which are being notified directly to them.
If you are in any doubt about which PIN number to use, please contact one of the Community Development
Workers (see Further Advice below).
Procedures for Telephone Interpreting
Always use this service when the appointment with the speaker of the other language is likely to last 30 minutes
or less. There is no need to pre-book a telephone interpreter and the service is available 24 hours a day, seven
days a week, 365 days a year.
Ring 0800 004 2000 and select Option 2, and you will get a telephone interpreter on the line in under a minute.
Procedures for booking Face-to-Face Interpreters
Remember you should make your booking at least 48 hours prior to the appointment.
Ring 0800 004 2000 and select Option 3. You will be asked for details of the interpreter you require.
Procedures for Translations of Written Documents
If you need an immediate translation of written, clinical information (e.g. hospital letters, prescriptions,
vaccinations) use ALS direct. Where the information is more than 2,000 words (approximately four sides of A4)
or is more general in nature, contact one of the Community Development Workers for further advice.
Ring 0800 004 2000 and select Option 1. You will be asked for details of the translation you require.
For more information about using Applied Language Solutions, please refer to the Little Orange Book – an eversion is posted with this information.
Who pays for the service?
Until March 2011, NHS Cumbria will pay for services from a central point in order to scope the demand and cost
of the service.We have arranged for ALS to invoice us centrally but if you do receive an invoice from them
directly, please forward it to:
Shirley Forrest, NHS Cumbria, Tenterfield, Brigsteer Road, Kendal, CumbriaLA9 5EA or
Other services
British Sign Language
If you need a British Sign Language Signer contact:
Deaf Vision
3 Compton Street
Tel: 01228 606434
Please be aware that BSL interpreters should also booked well in advance.
Dual Language Advocacy Service
Across Cumbria, a Dual Language Advocacy service is also available via the County Council. The Advocates are
free of charge until April 2011 and may be able to help where a patient needs guidance in decision making,
understanding their options or in situations where there may be a need for conflict resolution or mediation
between an English and non-English speaker.
For more information telephone: 01229 833933.