The Newborn Baby

The Newborn Baby
First Checks:
1. The Apgar Score assesses:
appearance - ________________________________________
pulse – is the heart rate steady and strong?
grimace – __________________________________________
activity – muscle tone and movement
respiration – ________________________________________
The Apgar is done at ____________ and ______________________.
The rating is 0, 1, or 2 for each measure. The scores are then
combined. This creates a _______________. A score below 7 means
the baby needs help establishing breathing. A very low rating (below
4) will merit ____________________________. A score less than 10
is not necessarily reason for alarm because few babies achieve
perfect score (10), even after 5 minutes.
2. Next baby is then ____________________; _________________
and ________________ are measured and recorded.
3. Then a physical exam is given.
 Facial features are checked for indicators of Fetal Alcohol
Syndrome (FAS) or Down’s syndrome.
 The mouth is checked for ________________ and __________.
 The hips are checked for _________________________.
 The feet are checked for Club Feet. Club Feet are
abnormally bent feet and ankles.
 The anus is checked for an _________________ (closed anus).
 The genitals are checked to make sure they are fully and
correctly formed (CAH - middle sex or non-descended
 The spine is checked for swelling or an ulcer (open wound).
________________________ is when a bony part of the spine
fails to develop exposing and leaving the spinal cord
 The navel is checked for swelling that could indicate a
___________________, or failure of the abdominal wall to fully
4. Reflexes are ___________________________ and are checked
in the delivery room. The strongest reflex is Rooting/Sucking.
Rooting Reflex
 Stimulus:
 Reflex: head turns in direction of touch and mouth searches
for food.
Palmar Reflex
 Stimulus: palm of hand is stroked
 Reflex:
Plantar Reflex
 Stimulus:
 Reflex: toes curl around or down around object
Babinski Reflex
 Stimulus: outside sole of foot is stroked from heel to toe
 Reflex:
Moro Reflex
 Stimulus: loud noise bright light, change in body position,
cough, or sneeze
 Reflex: baby arches his back, flings legs and arms out;
rapidly flexes (curls inward) limbs toward body
Tonic Reflex
 Stimulus:
 Reflex: extends arms and legs on that side, flexes (curls
inward) opposite limbs
What does a newborn look like?
Baby’s head is large, often misshapen (depending upon the delivery
method) and __________________________ to the rest of the body.
Fontanelles, __________________, are present where the scalp
bones have not yet joined together. It is normal to see them
________________. Closure occurs by 18 months.
Skin is covered with a white, waterproof waxy-like coating known as
the vernix.
The umbilical cord stump will be painted with iodine, which is
____________________ in color. It will have a clip on the end of it.
Some hospitals have electronic monitors in the clip to prevent baby
theft. The cord will shrivel and fall off within 7 – 10 days. Do not
The ______________________ is the first bowel movement. It will
be ______________________________________. Then subsequent
bowel movements should be greenish/yellow and somewhat runny.
It is normal for babies to lose some weight the first few days of life.
The baby will usually regain the weight within 2 weeks.
Children that do continue to lose weight or lose a higher percentage
of body weight are diagnosed with __________________________
______________________. Medical attention is necessary.