Videos Included in the Wadsworth Early Childhood Education Media Library TeachSource Video Cases for Early Childhood Education HOME, SCHOOL, AND COMMUNITY Communicating with Families: Best Practices in an Early Childhood Setting CURRICULUM Curriculum Planning: Implementing Developmentally Appropriate Practice in an Early Childhood Setting ADMINISTRATION Financial Planning for Early Childhood Programs: Establishing a Budget GUIDANCE Guidance for Young Children: Teacher Techniques for Encouraging Positive Social Behaviors LANGUAGE ARTS/LITERACY Language Development: Oral and Literacy Related Activities in an Early Childhood Setting SOCIOCULTURAL DIVERSITY Multicultural Lessons: Embracing Similarities and Differences in Preschool Education HEALTH, SAFETY, AND NUTRITION Promoting Children’s Health: A Focus on Nutrition in an Early Childhood Setting EXCEPTIONAL LEARNERS Response to Intervention: The Three-tier Model in a Preschool Environment INTRODUCTION TO EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Teaching as a Profession: An Early Childhood Teacher’s Responsibilities and Development PLAY Young Children’s Stages of Play: An Illustrated Guide TeachSource Videos: Child Development Infants and Toddlers 0-2 Years: Attachment in Infants and Toddlers 0-2 Years: Birth 0-2 Years: Early Learning in Infants and Toddlers, 0-2 Years: Fine Motor Development for Infants and Toddlers 0-2 Years: Gender in Infants and Toddlers 0-2 Years: Gross Motor Development for Infants and Toddlers 0-2 Years: Language Development in Infants and Toddlers 0-2 Years: Observation Module for Infants and Toddlers 0-2 Years: Piaget's Sensorimotor Stage 0-2 Years: Prenatal Assessment 0-2 Years: Sensation and Perception for Newborns 0-2 Years: Sensation and Perception, Smell in Infants and Toddlers 0-2 Years: Sensation and Perception, Taste in Infants and Toddlers 0-2 Years: Sensation and Perception, Vision in Infants and Toddlers 0-2 Years: Temperament in Infants and Toddlers 0-2 Years: The Newborn and Reflex Development Early Childhood 2-5 Years: Fine Motor Development for Early Childhood 2-5 Years: Gender in Early Childhood 2-5 Years: Gross Motor Develoment for Early Childhood 2-5 Years: Language Development for Early Childhood 2-5 Years: Observation Module for Early Childhood 2-5 Years: Piaget's Preoperational Stage 2-5 Years: Play in Early Childhood Middle Childhood 5-11 Years: Developmental Disabilities in Middle Childhood 5-11 Years: Fine Motor Development for Middle Childhood 5-11 Years: Gender in Middle Childhood 5-11 Years: Gross Motor Development for Middle Childhood 5-11 Years: Lev Vygotsky, the Zone of Proximal Development, and Scaffolding 5-11 Years: Memory in Middle Childhood, Rehearsal Strategies 5-11 Years: Memory in Middle Childhood, Suggestibility 5-11 Years: Moral Development in Middle Childhood 5-11 Years: Obsevation Module for Middle Childhood 5-11 Years: Peer Acceptance in Middle Childhood 5-11 Years: Piaget's Concrete Operational Stage 5-11 Years: Self-Concept in Middle Childhood TeachSource Videos: Child Care in Action Infants and Toddlers Infants and Toddlers: Cognitive Development and Imaginative Play Infants and Toddlers: Communication Development Infants and Toddlers: Creating an Optimal Learning Environment Infants and Toddlers: Creative Development Infants and Toddlers: Daily Health Checks Infants and Toddlers: Emotional Development Infants and Toddlers: Family Interactions, School, and Community Infants and Toddlers: Guidance Infants and Toddlers: Health and Nutrition Infants and Toddlers: Learning Environment Infants and Toddlers: Physical Development Infants and Toddlers: Professional Development Infants and Toddlers: Program Management Infants and Toddlers: Safety Infants and Toddlers: Social Development Preschool Preschool: Appropriate Learning Environments and Room Arrangements Preschool: Cognitive Development Preschool: Communication Development through Language and Literacy Activities Preschool: Cooking Activities Preschool: Creative Development Preschool: Daily Schedules and Program Planning Preschool: Emotional Development Preschool: Family Interactions, School, and Community Preschool: Guidance Preschool: Health and Nutrition Preschool: IEP and Transition Planning for a Young Child with Special Needs Preschool: Physical Development Preschool: Safety and Emergency Preparedness Preschool: Social Development, Cooperative Learning, and Play School Age School Age Children: Emergent Curriculum School Age Children: Language and Literacy Activities School Age Children: Multiple Intelligences School Age Children: Teaching about Nutrition School Age: Cognitive Development School Age: Communication Development School Age: Cooking Activities School Age: Creative Development School Age: Emotional Development School Age: Family Interactions, School, and Community School Age: Guidance School Age: Physical Development School Age: Safety School Age: Social Development Coming Soon: Additional Video Cases—more topics! Videos from the BBC Motion Gallery including topics related to quality child care, nutrition, play, Montessori education, the Reggio Emilia approach, Piaget’s stages of development, and more.