Teacher’s Guide
1. Split students into 3 groups.
2. The worksheet can be arranged in three different rotations so that not all the students
are in the same room at the same time. (IE each page represents a separate room page 1
is the Pueblo life room, page two is our timeline room, room 3 is the archaeological dig
room) This helps to maintain a smooth flow through the museum allowing us to give
more individualized attention to each group and address their questions more fully.
3. Students are requested to adhere to the following rules:
A. No backpacks inside the museum.
B. No food or drinks inside the museum.
C. No running or horseplay while in the museum or on the grounds.
D. Please keep hands off glass display cases.
E. Please do not put hands or other objects in sand or gravel areas in center of display
F. No climbing on top of the pueblos or storage bins.
G. No standing or jumping on grate over entrance to pit house.
H. Only five people allowed on the pit house at one time.
I. No walking through cactus garden or other landscaped areas.
4. There must be a teacher or chaperone with each group of students at all times.
5. If there are any changes in your schedule, such as date changes, time changes, your bus
is leaving late, or stopping else where first, we need to be informed as soon as possible so
that we can make arrangements for adequate staffing. If you are running behind the
scheduled time please call and let us know when you will be arriving so that our staff can
work out how they will take their lunches.