AP Art History Summer 2015 Assignments

AP Art History Summer 2015 Assignments
Mrs. Smull lsmull@bensalemsd.org Welcome to AP Art History. This is an intensive course on the history of art. We will be using a digital textbook that will be provided by the school. There are various other materials that we be using throughout the year that will also be provided to you. During the summer I would like for you to complete the following: 1. Sign up for Kahn Academy https://www.khanacademy.org/ Go to the Test Prep Section and find the AP Art History Tab Look for the AP Art History Tab. Complete the first 2 sections, the Key Issues for the Study of AP Art History (make flash cards for the vocab), and Intro to the Cultures and Religions for the study of AP Art history. Find the essential 250 images and browse through the 250 images that you will be required to know for the exam. Please make flash cards for the first 25. Include name of piece, when it was made, who made it and where is it located. 2. Take some time out of this summer to visit either the Barnes Foundation or the Philadelphia museum of Art. The entry to the Barnes is $10 with student ID and the Philadelphia Museum of Art is $14 with student ID or the first Sunday of the Month or every Wednesday after 5pm the museum if pay as you wish. (you will need to pay something). Take advantage of these great institutions they are world class and in our backyard. When you are at the museum find a piece that interests you. Write a description, and a reason why you picked it. Avoid, “because I liked it” statements. Be descriptive. Do the same for something you did not care for. 3. Look at a lot of art images. Find a favorite artist and try and copy on piece of their work. Really take the time to really analyze the work. Look for the details of the work. Look how it is organized and how the elements and principles of art apply to that particular piece. 4. Know your elements and principles of design. If you need to get a hold of me during the summer email me at lorisamersmull@gmail.com 