Humanities Cultural Credit What is cultural credit? Humanities is learning about culture, so, throughout the year you are required to attend or participate in three cultural credit activities. Each cultural credit is due about a week from the end of the marking period. I will assign specific dates as we get closer to the deadlines. What counts as “cultural”? Although spending the day hiking in Ridley Creek State Park, going to see The Dave Matthews Band, or celebrating Aunt Tilly’s 80th birthday may be nice, this assignment calls on you to reach beyond your home and what is familiar to you in order to discover the larger world. We are fortunate to live in an area where so many culturally enriching activities are available. Local options include: Wharton Eshrick museum & studio colonial attractions Museum of Anthropology and Archeology foreign film at the Ritz Brandywine River Museum lecture at a local college Imax at the Franklin Institute Rosenbach Museum Widener or Swarthmore Observatories The Barnes Foundation Philadelphia Museum of Art Eastern State Penitentiary Constitution Center Mutter Museum Or check out! What is expected of me? A two to three page response in essay form is due with each cultural credit experience. It is worth 100 points, 80 for content, 20 for mechanics. The response will contain the following: 1. A brief summary. Tell the place, date, nature of your experience, and the names of others that accompanied you. 2. A brief evaluation. Good time? Bad time? Weird time? 3. Analysis. In this portion you will write on one or a few of the following: What were the major ideas/ messages about life? What insights or knowledge did you gain? Discuss questions the program generated. Were you able to compare it, contrast it, or make connections to other arts experiences? Analyze the culture to which you were exposed. In addition, I need concrete evidence of your attendance. Show me pictures on your phone and bring me paper proof – a playbill, a receipt, etc.