
Specialties that
other civilizations
are interested in
(e. g. art,
Education where not
everybody has the same
opportunity and the
education are poor.
There are few schools
and other educational
opportunities available.
The civilizations has
education so bad, that
it can’t even stay up to
date with the world’s
other civilizations.
Education where everyone
basically has the same
opportunity and the
education are good.
There are enough schools
and other educational
opportunities available. The
civilization has good enough
education to stay updated
with the world, but not
enough to improve in your
No specialties what so
ever in your civilization
No specialties what so ever,
but it’s just a decent
civilization (e.g. good
military, economy) so others
may want to work with you.
Nobody really wants or
needs you
Education where everyone has
the same opportunity and the
education are great. There are
a lot of schools and other
educational opportunities
available! The civilization has
pretty good education to
continue and expand fields
(e.g. new vaccines)
Education where everyone
has the same opportunity
and the education are
outstanding! There are tons
of schools and other
educational opportunities
available! The civilization
has excellent education to
continue and expand fields
easily (e.g. better
A few specialties that others
want or need from you (e.g.
Alternative Energy, Cancer
Break through)
Others want to work with you
Relationships with
foreign countries
that are positive
and productive
Ability to
support itself
(e.g. wealth,
resources, law and
order,) and
protect itself
Expansion and the
path of being a
developed country
or civilization
Very few trades
No relationship
No communication
No productivity
Nothing together
Few trades
Non-positive nor negative
A little communication
Few productivity
Basic wealth and
resources to continue
and support the human
population in that
civilization, some
military to just watch
the country
Enough wealth and
resources so continue the
growth, development, and
expansion of the civilization,
but no extra money for
other uses, enough military
to protect the country, but
not war
Non-developed country
with no expansion
Non-developed country
starting to expand and
becoming a developed
Some trades
Positive Relationship
Some communication
Some productivity (e.g. help)
Some wealth and resources so
that the expansion continues,
and extra resources and
wealth can be used for other
things such as emergency
funding, enough military to
protect the civilization, and to
fight in wars
A newly developed country
continuing to expand, learning
and adapting many things
(e.g. technology, farming)
A lot of specialties that
others want or need from
you (e.g. Technology change
Others definitely want to
work with you
A lot of trades
Very Positive Relationship
A lot of communication
Beneficial (e.g. allies)
A lot of productivity
There’s a huge surplus of
resources so that expansion
continues, and extra
resources and wealth can be
used for other things such
as emergency funding,
getting luxury resources, or
just store that extra wealth
to power your civilization,
enough military to become a
Developed country that has
been for a long time, which
has adapted to new ways
and customs, which is still
continuing to grow and
“Evaluate 3 civilizations”
1. China
2. Europe
3. America
Category1: (3) Category2: (3)
Category1: (2.5) Category2: (2)
Category1: (3.5) Category2: (4)
Category3: (3) Category4: (3)
Category3: (4) Category4: (4)
Category3: (2.5) Category4: (4)
Category5: (3)
Category5: (4)
Category5: (4)
“Do I think my rubric captured the essence of what a good civilization is all about?”
not everything about a good civilization could be all described in the 5 qualities.
“What did I find?”: Not all civilizations are “superior” or perfect. For the most part, the majority of
the civilizations in the world aren’t. A lot of civilizations may be good in some areas, but as normal,
to master all the qualities of a “superior” civilization is just hard!