ART GALLERIES BARBICAN ART GALLERY 020 7638 4141 1100-2000 daily except Wed 1100-1800 & Thurs 1100-2200 The Curve :1100-2000 ; TH 1100-2200. To : 12/6 : Song Dong : Waste Not : Free DULWICH PICTURE GALLERY 020 8693 5254 TU-F: 1000-1700 SA,SU: 1100-1700. Ad: £5/4 extra £4 for special exhibitions To 27/5: Ragamala Paintings from India: Poetry, Passion, Song To: 27/5: Van Dyck in Sicilly: Painting & the Plague, 1624-25: £8/£7; jointly with Ragamala: £10/£9 HAYWARD GALLERY 0844 8479911 During exhibitions: Daily 1000-1800; Fri: 1000-2200 To: 13/5: David Shrigley: Brain Activity: 1-21 Feb: £8 To: 13/5: Jeremy Deller: Joy in People: jointly with Shrigley: £10 NATIONAL GALLERY 0207 747 2885 Daily 1000-1800; Fri to 2100. [NB staff training Mon till 11.00, limited accesss] 14/3-5/6: Turner Inspired: In the Light of Claude: £12/£11 NATIONAL PORTRAIT GALLERY 020 7306 0055 Daily:1000-1800; TH,F:1000-2100 To: 27/5: Lucien Freud Portraits: £14 QUEEN’S GALLERY 020 7766 7301 Daily 1000-1730 le 16.30 Ad £7.50 Concs £7.75/£4.50. To 15/4 Heart of Great Alone: Scott, Shackleton & Antartic Photography ROYAL ACADEMY 020 7300 8000 Daily: 1000-1800; F: 1000-2200. £12/£10/£8 To 9/4: David Hockney RA: A Bigger Picture: £15.50/£14 To 17/6: (In the Architecture Space): Nicholas Hawksmoor: Architect of the Imagination SERPENTINE GALLERY 020 7402 6075 Daily 1000-1800 : SOMERSET HOUSE 020 7845 4600 Courtauld Gallery: Daily 1000-1800: £6/£5; u-18/stu/unwaged: free Embankment Galleries: £6/£5 Mon (except Pub Hols) 1000 –1400 Free. Courtauld: To: 20/5: Mondrian/Nicholson: In Parallel: standard admission 14/3-22/4: The Crisis Commission: new works from major contemporary artists: Free 22/3-1/4: Pick Me Up:Contemporary Graphic Art Fair: £8/£6 TATE 020 7887 8008 (recorded info) Main 7887 8888 Tate Britain Daily: 1000-1750; First Fri: 1000-2200. To 12/8: Migrations: exploring British art through the theme of migration from 1500 to the present: £6/£5 To: 15/7: Picasso & Modern British Art: his legacy & influence on British art: £14/£12.50 TATE MODERN SU-TH: 1000-1800; Fri, Sat: 1000-2200. To: 5/6: Yayoi Kusama: £10/£8.50 To: 27/5: Alighiero Boetti: £10/£8/50 WHITECHAPEL GALLERY 7522 7888 TUE-SUN 1100-1800; THUR 1100-2100; Adm Free. To 9/3: Zaria Bhimji To: 20/7: The Bloomberg Commission: Josiah McElheny 28/3-17/6: Gillian Wearing CHURCHES AND WORSHIP BEVIS MARKS SYNAGOGUE 020 7626 1274 Opening Hours: Mon, Wed, Thurs 1030-1400, Tues, Fri 1030-1300 Sun 1030-1230 Admission/Donation £4 adult and £2 student/child Events/Closures: No planned closures in March JOHN WESLEY’S CHAPEL 020 7253 2262 Chapel Mon-Sat 1000-1600 House and Museum Mon-Sat 1000-1600 No formal charge, donations requested. Groups must be booked in advance Services: Sun 0945 (exc 1st Sun of month) & 1100 Tues Recitals 1245-1315 Wed Holy Comm 1245-1315 in Foundery Chapel. Thurs Service 1245-1315 Events/closures: No planned closures in March Chapel Redecoration continues and chapel accessible only for 1100 service on Sundays, otherwise view chapel from foyer only ST PAUL’S CATHEDRAL 020 7236 4128 Recorded info: 020 7246 8348. NO PHOTOGRAPHY; CLOSED FOR TOURISM ON SUNDAYS Mon-Sat 0830-1600(le), Galls. 0930-1615, rec. last grp entry 1530 Ad £14.50 Sen/Stu £13.50,Ch age 6-18 £5.50, Fam. (2+2) £34.50 Group Rates 10+ Ad £13.50, Sen/Stu £13.50, Ch. £5.00 Super Tours usually available 1045, 1115, 1300, 1330, 1400 free Guides may wish to investigate more favourable rates booking on line. Multimedia Hand Held Guides included with admission charge available in Eng, Fr, Ger, It, Sp, Portuguese, Rus, Polish, Korean, Jap & Mandarin. Also British Sign Language. Group Guiding System available at no extra charge. South Churchyard Entrance for those with access difficulties Services M-Sat 0730 Matins, 0800 and 1230 HC Tue-Sat 1700 Choral Evensong, Mon 1700 Evening prayer (said) Sun. 0800 HC, 1130 Sung Eucharist, 1515 Choral Evensong, 1645 Organ Recital, 1800 Evening Service Events/closures Sat 3rd OBE Chapel closed 1030-1200 & 1300-1500 Ambulatory closed 1345-1500 Tues 6th Last admission for sightseeing 1200 Cathedral floor clear of visitors 1330 Wed 7th Closed until 1400 Queen attending OBE Service Sat 10th OBE Chapel closed 1030-1200 & 1300-1500 Ambulatory closed 1345-15.00 Tues 13th Restricted access to Middlesex Chapel 1045-1200 Mothers’ Union Prayer Meeting Sat 17th OBE Chapel closed 0930-1200 & 1300-1500 Ambulatory closed 1345-1500 Fri 23rd Cathedral closed until 1230 United Guild Service Sat 24th OBE Chapel closed 1030-1200 & 1300-1500 Ambulatory closed 1345-1500 Thurs 29th Closed until 1300 Scott Centenary Service Saturday closures in the OBE Chapel usually baptisms and/or weddings SOUTHWARK CATHEDRAL 020 7367 6734 Permit required for photography 020 7367 6700 Mon-Sat 0800-1800 (le1730) Sun 1100-1700 (le 1630) Entry Charges – individual donations of £4 appreciated. For groups of 10+ special rates apply depending on whether guided tour required and BB guides should book direct to benefit from the Trade Rates Groups : Ad,£4.50, Concs £3.50, Ch age 1-11 £2.00 Trade Rates: Ad £3.50. Concs £3.00 Ch £1.75 Group bookings 020 7367 6734. SOUTHWARK CATHEDRAL - continued Services: Mon-Sat. 0800 (0900 Sat), 0815 HC (0915 Sat), 1230, 1245HC, 1730 Choral Evensong (1600 Sat) – said Mon/Wed Sun 0845, 0900 HC, 1100 HC, 1500 Choral Evensong, 1830 ‘At Southwark’ Suns. 1st Trad Choral Eucharist, 2nd Service of Light, 3rd Wholeness and Healing, 4th Compline/Eucharistic Devotion Events/Closures: Mon am rehearsals for Organ Recital at 1310-1400 Music recital every Tues 1500-1615 Restrictions on group admissions on the following days: Thurs 1st All Day until 1530 .Schools Activities Sat 10th All Day .Royal College of Organists Diploma Ceremony Wed 14th 1230-1600 School Service at 1400 Wed 21st Until 1330. Consecration Service at 1100 Wed 28th 1400 onwards. Rehearsals for evening concert Fri 30th All Day. Organ Tuning For details refer to the cathedral website TEMPLE CHURCH 020 7353 3470 Ad £3, U21 & Sen free. Grps Ad £3 Sen/U21 £1.50 Every Wednesday 13.15-13.45 Organ recital (free) Thursdays 13.15 HC (said) Sunday HC 08.30 (said), Mattins 11.15 (choral) WESTMINSTER ABBEY 7222 5152 NO PHOTOGRAPHY: CLOSED FOR TOURISM SUNDAYS MAX GROUP 26 Mon-Fri Tickets from Chapter Office 20 Dean’s Yard Mon-Fri 0930-1530(le) for groups and individuals. Last entry Sats 1330 Last entry for individuals on Weds 1700 (no guiding) Cloisters 08.00-18.00 Chap Hse / Pyx / Museum 10.30-16.00 College Garden 10.00-18.00 Tues/Wed/Thurs Entry Charges: Ad £16.00 Conc £13.00 Ch 11-18 £6.00 U11 free Fam 2 Ad 1 Ch £32.00 (plus £6 for each extra child) includes Audio Guide Grps Ad £13.00, Concs £10.00, Child 6+ £6.00 Prebkd students £9.00 (Univ), £5.00 (Secondary), £2.00 (Primary), Guided Verger Tours 90 mins £3.00 M-Sat 10.30 / 11.00 / 14.00 / 14.30 (on Saturdays in morning only) Audio Tours (Eng, Fr, Ger, It, Sp, Jap, Russ, Mand, Polish, Portug, Hung.) Services Mon-Fri 0730 Matins, 0800 + 1230 HC, 1700 Evensong (said Wed) Sat 0800 HC, 0900 Matins, 1500 Choral Evensong (Winter times) Sun 0800 HC, 1000 Matins, 1115 Sung Eucharist, 1500 Choral Evensong, 1745 Organ Recital, 1830 Evening Service St Margaret’s Sun 1100 Eucharist Events/closures: Mon 12th Closed all day An Observance for Commonwealth Day Thurs 29th Closed until 1300 Service 150th Anniversaryof Peabody WESTMINSTER CATHEDRAL 020 7798 9055 Daily 0700-1900, closes 1730 on BHs No formal charges, but Cathedral’s own tours £2.50 pp Group Tours led by BBGs minimum donation of £2 per head Services Mass M.-F. 0700.0800.1030(Latin),1230, 1730(Sung) Sat 0800, 0900,1030(Latin),1230,1800 Evening Prayer 1730 Sun 0800.0900,1030(Sung), 1200,1730,1900 Sung Vespers 1530 Lift to Bell Tower 0930-1700 Ad £5 Family (2+4) £11 Events/closures: Avoid all weekends in March Also avoid Fri 2nd (afternoon), Wed 28th & Thurs 29th BLUE BADGE GUIDES’ DIARY March 2012 LONDON M 5 12 19 26 T 6 13 20 27 W 7 14 21 28 T 1 8 15 22 29 F 2 9 16 23 30 S 3 10 17 24 S 4 11 18 25 MUSEUMS & MONUMENTS ALBERT MEMORIAL ROYAL PARKS 020 7298 2000 TGL 020 7936 2568 Tours first Sunday in month March to December. 14.00 & 15.00. £6 concs £5. Groups 15+ book in advance. BBG ESSENTIAL LONDON (Walk in WESTMINSTER) Daily 10.00. 2 hours duration. £9/Con £6 (u 12 free) meet Piccadilly Circus by Eros. Booking not required. Look for Blue Badge umbrella. BLUE BADGE WALK OF 2012 SITE - TGL 020 7936 2568 1. Daily 11.00 Bromley by Bow tube. Also Tues + Fridays 13:30 Ad £9 ch/conc £7 u16 £5 Cash only Booking preferable via website / Tour Guides Ltd or just turn up 2. “The other Olympic Walk” meet Leyton tube 13.45 hrs prices as above Every Saturday + Sun + Wed pm. Only until 31/3 3. Tours of Olympic connections in British Musuem. Fri 10:30. Meet right of main entrance on Great Russell St. Ad £9. Others £6 See for info BRITISH LIBRARY 020 7412 7332 Mon-Fri 9.30-18.00 (20.00 Tues) Sat 9.30-17.00 Sun/BH 11.00-17.00 For Tours see website or phone 01937 546546 To 13 Mar Royal Manuscripts – the Genius of Illumination BRITISH MUSEUM 020 7323 8000 Daily 10.00-17.30 incl.Sun & BH. Fri selected galleries til 20.30 Until 15/4 Hajj – Journey to the Heart of Islam CHURCHILL WAR ROOMS 020 7930 6961 Daily 9.30-18.00 (le17.00) Ad: £16:50, Sen/Stu: £13 U16 free, Dis: £9.60 (Carer free) ES40: £8.00 Grps10+ Ad: £12.00, Conc £10.50 Audio wands 7 languages No step-free access to May 2012 DESIGN MUSEUM 020 7403 6933 Daily 10.00-17.45 incl. BHs Ad: £11.00 Con: £10.00 Stu: £7.00 U12: free. To 4 Mar Terence Conran – The Way we Live Now To 15 July Design of the Year 28/3 to 1/7 Christian Louboutin GUILDHALL AND GALLERY 020 7606 3030 Great Hall daily 10.00-17.00 Free. Guildhall Art Gallery 020 7332 3770. Mon-Sat 10.00 -17.00(le 16 :30) Sun 12.00-16.00 (le 15 :45) inc amphitheatre Admission Free. Free Friday tours. Phone ahead. ‘Age of Elegance’ until 28/5 IMPERIAL WAR MUSEUM 020 7416 5000 Daily 10.00 -18.00 (le 17:45) incl. BHs. Free incl. most exhibitions To Sep ‘12 Outbreak 1939 KENSINGTON PALACE 020 3166 6199 WHOLE PALACE CLOSED UNTIL 26/3 WILL REOPEN WITH ‘VICTORIA REVEALED’ and ‘Diana – Glimpse of a Princess’. LONDON DUNGEON 020 7403 7221 Opening times constantly changing. Check website. Door price Ad: £24. Ch: (4-15) £18:60 sen/stu £21 Reductions for groups 15+ and up to £10 off pp for pre-booking online. LONDON EYE 0870 5000 600 10.00-20:30 (last flight). Will extend to 21:00 in April Ad: £18:90 Sen:£15:00 Ch 4-15 £9:90 Dis: £14 (carer free) 10% disc for pre-booking online Grps:15+ less10% Special deals on combi tics with other Merlin sites MME TUSSAUD’S EXPERIENCE 0871 894 3000 phone bookings 0871 222 0177 (9-5pm) Peak (all weekends & school hols) 09.00-18.00 (le) Off peak 09.30-17.30 (le) Ad & sen: £30 Ch (5-15) £25. Fam: 2+2 £108 <5 free 10% disc online Groups on door (15+) less 10%: Online group of 10+, further 10% disc. Check for “Late Saver”(after 17:00 off peak and 6pm peak) – must be booked online at least 24hrs in adv. MONUMENT 020 7626 2717 Daily 09.30–17.30 la 17.00 Ad: £3, Conc: £2 Ch: £1 u13 must be acc by adult MUSEUM MUSEUM IN DOCKLANDS 020 7001 9844 Mon-Sun 10.00-18.00 (le17.30). Free. To 02/09/12: Your 2012. MUSEUM OF LONDON 020 7001 9844 Mon-Sun 10.00-18.00 (le 17.30). Groups 10+ must be pre-booked 020 7001 9844. Free. To 10/06/12: Dickens & London: 200th anniversary birth of Dickens. Charges NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM 020 7942 5000 Mon-Sun 10.00-17.50 (le 17.30). Darwin Centre – FOC book timeslots to Cocoon building. To 11/03/12: Wildlife Photographer of the World. Charges To 02.09.12 Scott’s Last Exhibition charges PALACE OF WESTMINSTER Saturdays: 3,10, 24, 31 March 2012. Tours every 15 mins 09.15-16.30. Ital / Span at 10.30, 11.15, 12.15, 13.30, 14.30, 15.15, 16.15. German & French 10.30, 12.15, 14.30, 16.15. Ticket Office by Jewel Tower or pre-book: or 0844 847 1672. Ad: £14, Ch (5-15): £6, Conc: £9 Groups of 10+ 0844 847 2498. See website for group prices QUEEN’S GALLERY 020 7766 7301 See under ”Art Galleries” ROYAL MEWS 020 7766 7302. 01 Feb – 31 March: Mon – Sat, 10.00 – 16.00 (le 15.15). Ad: £8.25, Conc: £7.50, ch U17 £5.20, U5 FOC, Family £22.00. Grps 15+ Ad:£7.40, conc: £6.75, ch 5-17 £4.65. Can close at short notice due to official functions. SCIENCE MUSEUM 020 7942 4000 Daily 10.00-18.00. (le 17.15). To 31.03.12: Hidden Heroes, the genius of everyday things. Charges. To 05.06.12 Stephen Hawking: A 70th birthday celebration. Free. Charges for Imax, £8.00/£6.25 Grps 10+ £6/£5. Check in case late changes Charges for motion rides and simulators varies SHAKESPEARE’S GLOBE 7902 1400 Ad: £12.50 Ch: £8 Conc/Stu: £11.Grps 15+ Ad £12, Ch £7.50 Con/Stu £10.50. Exhibition : Mon-Sun 09.00 – 17.00. Globe theatre 9.30-17.00 Tours 10.30-17.00. Working Theatre so times may vary, Rose may be visited so phone to check. Groups (15+) pre-book 020 7902 1500. TOWER OF LONDON 0844 482 7777 Sun & Mon 10.00-16.30. Tues-Sat 9.00-16.30 (le 16.00) Re-presentation of Jewels for Diamond Jubilee – to 01 Apr cinemas in Jewel House closed. Last entry to Jewel House 15,30. Ad: £20.90 Ch (5-15) £10.45 Conc: £17.60 Fam: (2 + 6) £55.00 Grps 15+ Ad: £17.10 Ch: £8.55 Conc: £14.40 To 31/03/12: Fit for a king. TOWER BRIDGE 020 7403 3761 09.30-18.00 (le 17.00) Ad: £8.00 Ch:5-15 £3.40 Conc:£5 Fam(1+2) £12.50 Grps 10+ Ad £6.80 Ch: £3 Conc: £5. NB: lift only on request. Combined tix with The Monument Ad: £9.00 / Conc: £6.20 / Ch: £4.00 VICTORIA & ALBERT MUSEUM 020 7942 2000 Daily 10.00-17.45 Fri 10.00-22.00 (after 18.00 selected galls only). To 22 April: Queen Elizabeth II by Cecil Beaton. Charge. WALLACE COLLECTION 020 7563 9500 Daily 10.00-17.00. Free. Periodic gallery closures for staff training. To 26/03/12: Dazzling Arms and Armour from the East. Free. To 16/04/12: Modello for a statue of Hebe. WELLCOME COLLECTION 020 7611 2222. Tue/Wed/Fri/Sat 10-18.00, Thu 10-22.00, Sun 11-18.00 Free. WELLINGTON ARCH 020 7930 2726 Closed until 31 March. Household Cavalry pass under Arch 10.30 and 11.30 (9.30 /10.30 Sun) WIMBLEDON LAWN TENNIS MUSEUM 020 8946 6131 Museum Daily 10.00-17.00 (le16.30). Ad: £11.00 Conc £9.50 Child £6.75 BBG tours of grounds (1.5 hrs) Booking recommended online/phone Museum & Tour Ad: £20.00 Conc £17.00 Child £12.50. Tours Daily: Mar 1st – 30th 10.30, 11.30, 13.30 & 14.30 Mar 31st 10.30, 11.30, 13.30, 14.30 & 15.30 NB: WILL BE CLOSED JUNE 18th to AUGUST 14th inclusive Joint ticket with Twickenham, Lords & Chelsea Ad £45.00 Ch £32.00 Call 0207 915 2915