Grad Transition Plan

Grad Transition Plan
In order to graduate in the Province of British Columbia, all students must complete a grad
transition plan. The plan reflects, through documentation, your preparations to move on to the
next stage of your life. Please prepare the achievement indicators in the following three sections
of the Grad Transition plan and be prepared to present them to Mr. Graveson by April 25th.
Personal Health
Daily Physical Activity
It is expected that students will demonstrate the knowledge, attitudes, and
positive habits needed to be healthy individuals, responsible for their
physical and emotional well-being.
Achievement Indicators
___ document 150 minutes of physical activity per week between grade 10-12
(may be Duke of Edinburgh log, exercise log, coach’s letter, DPA log etc.)
___ write a personal reflection of 200-350 words on your philosophy and practice of
‘healthy living’ (stress management, nutrition, emotional health, exercise)
Community Connection
It is expected that students will demonstrate the skills required to work
effectively and safely with others and to succeed as individual and
collaborative workers.
Achievement Indicators
___ document 30 hours of work experience and/or community service
(may be a pay stub, a supporting letter, a certificate etc.)
___ submit an updated resume
Career and Life
It is expected that students will demonstrate the confidence and competency
needed to be self directed individuals.
Achievement Indicators
___ provide evidence of career, post-secondary, and/or travel plans
(interest inventories, view books, on-line searches)
___ provide evidence of university application process
(acknowledgement letters, receipts, timetables, other correspondence)
___ provide budget projection for first year beyond high school
(may be a spread sheet, budget planner, or internet table found on university website; include both
revenue and expenses)
Have all documents prepared and ready for presentation to Mr. Graveson by April 25th. I
will be conducting one on one Grad Transition interviews with each of you beginning
April 28th.
Your Grad Transition Plan is a required set of documents for graduation. It is worth 4
credits and you cannot graduate without completing it. Because we have worked closely
together on your post-secondary plans over the course of the year this should not be an
onerous task. It is, however, an important one.