Here - National Religious Vocation Conference

Index of 1999 - 2015 HORIZON
Variety issue — Fall 1999, Volume 25, Number 1
“Hope in vocation ministry is not an oxymoron,” by Catherine Bertrand, SSND, p. 3.
“Leisure and the vocation minister: Rediscovering the spiritual value of down time,” by Larry Janowski, OFM, p. 8.
“Let’s build a future for religious brothers,” by Paul Bednarczyk, CSC, p. 15.
“Keep the conversation going between vocation and formation directors,” by James Flint, OSB, p. 22.
“Presenting the option of religious life Where should vocation ministers be?” by Dianne Perry, SSND, p. 26.
“Who are the conservative, separatist and Marian Catholics?” U.S. Catholic editors interview Michael Cuneo, p. 30.
Reprinted with permission from Claretian Publications.
Religious life in the new millennium — Winter 2000, Volume 25, Number 2
“An open letter to vocation directors about our future,” by Mary Waskowiak, RSM, page 3.
“Creating a hopeful future for religious life,” by John Klein, FMS, p. 9.
“Portrait of emerging religious communities in the United States,” by Patricia Wittberg, SC and Mary E. Bendyna,
RSM, p. 15.
“Effective vocation ministry in an increasingly multicultural church,” by Robert Schreiter, CPPS, p. 22.
“Recentering on the vows lived in community,” by Father Michael Himes, p. 28.
Communal life renewal — Spring 2000, Volume 25, Number 3
“We can revitalize community life,” by Susan Kidd, CND, p. 3.
“The forces that push us toward and pull us away from community,” by Nancy Schreck, OSF, p. 7.
“Making improvement of communal life a vocations priority,” by Deb Davis, PHJC, p. 16.
“Vocation symposium: a method for community renewal,” by Paul Bednarczyk, CSC, p. 23.
“How we live is as important as what we do,” by Brian Paulson, SJ, p. 24.
“How my congregation is renewing our communal life,” by Linda Bechen, RSM, p. 33.
Mentoring and programs for youth and young adults — Summer 2000, Volume 25, Number 4
“NRVC survey on mentoring reveals positive experiences,” by Carol Schuck Scheiber, p. 3.
“Handling the subtleties of vocation mentoring,” by Carole A. Riley, CDP, p. 9.
“Effective vocation programs with a mentoring dimension,” by Carol Schuck Scheiber, p. 14.
“How we stay in touch with promising high school students,” by John Hanley, OSFS, p. 18.
“Vocation outreach to former and current volunteers,” by Theresa Rickard, OP, p. 22.
“Forming youth leaders in a vocation ministry context,” by Corey Brost, CSV and Michael Moseley, p. 25
“Sister, you go girl: a cool way to present religious life to young people,” by Danielle Rossi, p. 30.
“Volleyball as a vocation tool,” by Vicki Lichtenauer, SCL and Barbara Schrader, SCL, p. 34.
Index of 2000-2001 HORIZON
Variety Issue — Fall 2000, Volume 26, Number 1
“Developing a culture of vocations,” by Bishop Robert J. Carlson, p. 3
“A new form of membership: temporary commitment,” HORIZON interviews Joan Chittister, p. 8
“Seeking a new dawn together: organizing a vocation symposium,” by Mary Pat LeRoy, SNJM , p. 13 “Young
men speak out about priesthood and religious life,” by Marvin Kitten, SJ, p. 19
“What religious communities should know about Gen X,” by Mary Pellegrino, CSJ, p. 26
“Meeting our diocesan counterparts: a positive joint meeting of NRVC and NCDVD,” by Kathleen Pales,
SSJ p. 34
Convocation 2000: Building bridges to young adults — Winter 2001, Volume 26, Number 2
“Lord, it is good to be here!” by Catherine Bertrand, SSND, p. 3
“Building bridges between young adults and members of religious communities,” by Mary Johnson, SND de N,
p. 9
“The challenges of crossing life’s bridges,” by Bishop Richard J. Garcia, p. 16
“Strategies to help build bridges between young adults and religious,” by NRVC Convocation 2000 participants,
p. 18
Admissions — Spring 2001, Volume 26, Number 3
“The basics of psychological assessment,” HORIZON interviews Donna Markham, OP, Ph.D., p. 3
“Finding a psychologist to help with assessment,” by Carol Mucha, RSM, p. 7
“Developing policies regarding HIV testing for applicants,” by Jon Fuller, SJ, MD, p. 9
“Religion during adversity: What it tells us about vocation candidates,” by Joseph Guido, OP, p. 17
“Reflections on ‘emerging adults’” by Don Bisson, FMS, p. 24
“How communities are using admissions boards,” by Carol Schuck Scheiber, p. 29
Vocation communications — Summer 2001, Volume 26, Number 4
“With one voice: Addressing vocation communications throughout the congregation,”
by Annmarie Sanders,
IHM, p. 3
“Work effectively with the news media,” by Beth Murphy, OP, p. 8
“What every vocation minister should know about public relations and advertising,” HORIZON interviews Helen
Wilkie, p. 11
“A good story is still the most valuable tool of vocation directors,” by Rev. Eugene Hemrick, p. 18
“10 tips to make you a better speaker,” by Gregory Sandler, p. 23
“Make the most of your Web site by promoting it,” p. 24
“Preaching vocations: Telling the story and wooing hearts,” by Theresa Rickard, OP, p. 28
Index of 2001-2002 HORIZON
Variety Issue — Fall 2001, Volume 27, Number 1
“What does it take to attract and sustain new members to religious communities?” by Catherine Bertrand, SSND,
p. 3
“What has happened since the FORUS study gave religious life 10 years to make life-saving changes?” by Miriam
D. Ukeritis, CSJ, p. 9
“The essential facts about secular institute vocations,” by Patricia L. Skarda, p. 15
“Peer supervision: path to self-awareness in vocation ministry,” HORIZON interviews Helen Cahill, OP, p. 19
“How one community started building bridges to young adults,” by the Sisters of St. Francis of the Immaculate
Conception of Peoria, Ill., p. 23
“Who are today’s young adult Catholics?” by Dean R. Hoge, William G. Dinges, Mary Johnson, SNDdeN, Juan
L. Gonzales, Jr., p. 32
The Millennials — Winter 2002, Volume 27, Number 2
“Vocation issues raised by younger candidates,” by Father Raymond P. Carey, p. 3
“Ministering to the Millennials,” by Robert J. McCarty, p. 7
“Snapshot of the Millennial Generation,” by Lori Spanbauer, p. 13
“A new generation of Catholics: Catholic youth in the context of other Catholic generations,” by Margaret M.
Howard and Mary E. Bendyna, RSM, p. 18
“Discernment with and for adolescents,” by Leonard J. Altilia, SJ, p. 25
“Connecting with Millennials: Effective programs for reaching out to youth,” by James McVeigh, OSF, p. 30
“A successful vocations program I discovered by accident,” by John Merkelis, OSA, p. 37
Variety issue — Spring 2002, Volume 27, Number 3
“Candidates looking for the ‘best deal’ in religious life,” by Paul Bednarczyk, CSC, p. 3
“Celibate chastity: an affair of the heart,” by Seán Sammon, FMS, p. 7
“Defining, measuring and celebrating success in vocation ministry,” by Tim Anderson, p. 13
“Programs that work: Pilgrimage Tour, Women’s Retreat,” by Mary Pellegrino, CSJ, p. 16
“Issues that need to be explored during vocation discernment,” by Sandra M. Schneiders, IHM, p. 22
“Let’s celebrate consecrated life,” by Katherine Doyle, RSM, p. 31
Strategic planning for vocations / Responses to the sex abuse crisis
Summer 2002, Volume 27, Number 4
“The Vincentian five-year provincial plan for vocation promotion,” p. 3
“Congregation of Notre Dame five-year strategic plan for vocations,” p. 8
“Crosier Fathers and Brothers three-year strategic plan for recruitment,” p. 11
“Vocation plan for the Benedictine Sisters of Ferdinand, Indiana,” p. 13
“Strategic plan for vocations of the Dominican Friars of the Central Province,” p. 15
“Five-year vocation plan of the Sisters of Notre Dame, Toledo, Ohio,” p. 18
“How one community made vocations a major priority,” by Carol Schuck Scheiber, p. 21
“Operating plan for the National Vocations Office of the Adorers of the Blood of Christ,” p. 23
“Vocational assessment helps for identifying candidates at risk for pedophilia and ephebophilia,” by
Father Raymond P. Carey, p. 26
“Frequently asked questions about sexual misconduct by clergy and religious,” by the National Religious
Vocation Conference board of directors in collaboration with Father Raymond P. Carey, p. 29
“One vocation director’s response to the sex abuse scandals,” by Warren Sazama, SJ, p. 31
“Resources on child sexual abuse in the Catholic church and in society at large,” p.33
“The Catholic Church and child sexual abuse,” by Father Stephen J. Rossetti, p. 34
Index of 2002-2003 HORIZON
Ten years at the helm of NRVC / Discernment — Fall 2002, Volume 28, Number 1
“Taking stock of national vocation ministry: Where have we been? Where are we going?” by Catherine Bertrand,
SSND, p. 3
“Discerning a religious vocation: some reflections,” by William A. Barry, SJ, p. 9
“Discernment as an experience of the Holy Spirit,” by Quentin Hackenewerth, SM, p. 12
“False fears: How evil can undermine God’s call,” by Warren Sazama, SJ, p. 15.
“A general approach to guiding vocational discernment,” by Michael Scanlan, TOR, p. 18
“You’re not alone: Journey groups bring discerners together for support and prayer,” by Carolyn Jost, SSND, p.
“Extending the circle of community: forming a house for sisters and laywomen,” by Mary Beth Minges, SCL and
Amy Willcott, SCL, p. 25
“Giving young adults discernment tools: Christian decision-making workshops,” by Linda Bechen, RSM, p. 29
“Current books, music and videos for discernment,” p. 31
“Survey shows Busy Person’s Retreat holds some value for vocation ministers,” by Gayle Rusbasan, p. 33
Dimensions of Diversity: Convocation 2002 — Winter 2003, Volume 28, Number 2
“Fools for Christ: Promoting vocations in tumultuous times,” by Paul Bednarczyk, CSC, p. 3
“Issues of sexual diversity and the call to religious life,” by Donna Markham, OP, p. 8
“Toward a new understanding of cultural encounter in our communities,” by Marie Chin, RSM, p. 13
“Welcoming ‘the other’ in our midst,” by Rev. Virgilio Elizondo, p. 19
“Sexual diversity and contemporary U.S. religious life,” by Seán D. Sammon, FMS, p. 23
Vocations and community life — Spring 2003, Volume 28, Number 3
“What does community mean? What do candidates dream about?” by Gaston Lessard, SM, p. 3
“What I was looking for in community and what I found,” by Julie Brandt, SSND, p. 7
“Community life in the monastic tradition: a call to conversion,” by Anita Louise Lowe, OSB, p. 11
“Community: ready or not?” by Kathleen Bryant, RSC, p. 14
“Community, communitas and downward mobility,” by Anthony J. Gittins, CSSp, p. 18
“Outline of a successful vocation retreat for Hispanic young adults,” by Clemente Barrón, CP, p. 26
“Follow-up to NRVC’s ‘Dimensions of Diversity’ Convocation,” by Susan Kidd, CND, p. 32
“The labyrinth of cultures” p. 35
The vow of poverty and vocations — Summer 2003, Volume 28, Number 4
“Reflections from a new member on the vow of poverty,” by Jesús Alonso, CSC, p. 3
“Vowed poverty: Gospel stewardship in a consumerist society,” by Richard Woods, OP, p. 7
“The vow of consecrated poverty and other scary words,” by Mary Pat Garvin, RSM, p. 13
“Religious poverty: witness to the risen Christ,” by Michael D. Guinan, OFM, p. 17
“Surprised by splendor: new members and the vow of poverty,” by Janet Mock, CSJ, p. 21
“To live in poverty is to live in love,” by Melania Strehl, SND, p. 26
“Sample financial policies,” p. 31
Index of 2003-2004 HORIZON
The vow of obedience and vocations, Fall 2003, Volume 29, Number 1
“Obedience: showing up and listening for God,” by Mary Pellegrino, CSJ, p. 3
“Exploring three dimensions of the vow of obedience,” by Howard Gray, SJ, p. 7
“The challenge of obedience,” by Gertrude Foley, SC, p. 11
“Obedience as sacrifice and blessing,” by Kevin Griffith, CFC, p. 15
“Dissecting a typical conversation about the vow of obedience,” by Matthew R. McKenna, CSC, p. 19
“Obedience, lived daily, takes us beyond our dreams,” by M. Barbra Ostheimer, SND, p. 24
“The wisdom of obedience for communities in mission,” by Stephen Glodek, SM, p. 27
Vocation themes in popular media, Winter 2004, Volume 29, Number 2
“TV can be a vocation ministry tool,” by Bill Miller, p. 3
“A brief theology of television,” by Teresa Blythe, p. 9
“What Harry Potter has to say about vocation,” by Kathleen McDonagh, IWBS, p. 11
“A novice’s perspective on vocation messages in pop media,” by David Johnson, OSC, p. 17
“Seen any good movies lately?” by Lou Ella Hickman, IWBS, p. 20
“Finding vocation themes in popular movies,” by Rose Pacatte, FSP, p. 27
“Celibacy at the movies,” by Jim Kent, OFM Conv., p. 31
“Popular music can help us deliver a vocation message,” by Susan Kidd, CND, p. 33
“A workshop to energize the community and form bonds with young adults,” by Jim Kent, OFM, Conv., p. 37
Making the most of diversity, Spring 2004, Volume 29, Number 3
Ecclesial diversity
“Making ecclesial diversity work,” by Nancy Schreck, OSF, p. 3
“Catholic identity, New Age and women religious,” by Patricia McCann, RSM, p. 8
“Crisis of Catholic identity in women’s communities a challenge for vocation ministers,” by Terry Rickard, OP, p.
Cultural and ethnic diversity
“How my community embraces multicultural living,” by Cathy Wright, LSJ, p. 15
“A conversation with cultural diversity teachers,” by María Elena Gonzalez, RSM, p. 20
“Community life for the lone person of a different ethnic group,” by LaReine-Marie Mosely, SND, p. 26
“Inviting people who are racially or culturally different into our communities,” by Clarence Williams, CPPs, p. 31
“Multicultural resources,” p. 38
The vow of celibacy and vocations, Summer 2004, Volume 29, Number 4
“A life of communal celibacy,” by Rea McDonnell, SSND, p. 3
“Celibate chastity: a sacrifice because of the kingdom of heaven,” by R. Douglas-Adam Greer, OP, p. 8
“Taking a sexual history,” by Lynn M. Levo, CSJ, p. 13
“The gift of sexuality: its challenge and blessing within a life of vowed celibacy,” by Kevin P. McClone, p. 21
“Boundaries for celibates,” by Dee Bernhardt, p. 26
“Sexuality and spirituality,” by Ronald Rolheiser, OMI, p. 31
“How to develop an effective discernment house for college students,” by Larry Atkinson, CSC, p. 35
Index of 2004-2005 HORIZON
Variety edition, Fall 2004, Volume 30, Number 1
“10 keys to vocation ministry success,” by Paula Mary Palasz, CSSF, p. 3
“Strategic planning can make you more effective,” by Roger N. Trendowski, p. 8
“Developing a strategic plan with a consultant,” by Debbie Drago, RGS, p. 11
“Implications of small-group living arrangements,” by Patricia Wittberg, SC, p. 14
“Understanding and serving young adults in a changing world,” by Father Michael Keating, p. 20
“The broad spectrum of young adult Catholics,” by Mary Anne Reece, p. 24
“Fostering a healthy intergenerational community,” by Robert Schreiter, CPPS, p. 28
“A parish mission that fosters a vocation culture,” by Marilyn Minter, CSSF, p. 32
Convocation 2004
Fidelity to Jesus: a paradigm of hope, Winter 2005, Volume 30, Number 2
“Nurturing a hope rooted in Jesus,” by Paul Bednarczyk, CSC, p 3
“Following Jesus: a journey out far and in deep,” by Mary V. Maher, SSND, p. 8
“Journey into the future,” by Timothy Radcliffe, OP, p. 21
“New knowledge about sexual abuse by Catholic clergy: a blessing or a curse?” by Kathleen McChesney, p. 37
“Peter, too, walks on water,” by Deborah Suddarth, OSF, p. 40
“Convocation 2004 in photos” p. 45
Psychological health in candidates, Spring 2005, Volume 30, Number 3
“Assessing candidates with mental health concerns,” by Father Raymond P. Carey, p. 3
“The obsessive-compulsive candidate: striving for perfection,” by Philip Dodgson and Barbara Gaudet, CSJ, p. 6
“The traumatized applicant and the vocation director,” by Mary Elizabeth Kenel, p. 12
“Recognizing personality disorders in candidates,” by Raymond Dlugos, OSA, p. 17
“The essential facts about depression,” by Mary Ellen Moore, SH, p. 24
“What every vocation minister should know about addictions,” by Kevin P. McClone, p. 29
“When a vocation director needs to say ‘no,’” HORIZON interviews Helen Cahill, OP, p. 36
“10-year HORIZON index—past editions available for purchase,” p. 41
Creating a “vocation culture” on campus, Summer 2005, Volume 30, Number 4
“Getting college students to think vocation,” by Faye Darnall, p. 3
“What every vocation minister should know about campus ministry,”
by Margaret Harig, SND, p. 13
“The search for identity among college-age adults,” by Warren Sazama, SJ, p. 19
“Samuel Group: a year-long discernment program,” by Tiziana Mazzei, AIL, p. 23
“Why our students give vocations careful thought,” by Father Michael J. Sis, p. 29
“Ruined for life: transforming lives, discerning vocations through volunteer programs,” Mary Medved, SNJM,
p. 35
Index of 2005-2006 HORIZON
Vocation realities around the world, Fall 2005, Volume 31, Number 1
“How importing foreign-born members is affecting vocation ministry and the U.S. church,” by David B.
Couturier, OFM Cap, p. 3
“Nigeria: plentiful candidates bring blessings and challenges,” by Rita Schwartzenberger, OP, p. 10
“Obstacles and successes in British vocation ministry, by Cath Lloyd, RSCJ and Paul Smyth,” CMF, p. 16
“Great rivers of grace: vocation ministry in the Amazon region of Brazil, by Nancy Schramm,” OSF, p. 21
“Vocation ministry in Canada today,” by Susan Kidd, CND, p. 26
“Challenges and successes of vocation ministry in Australia, by Mary Ryan,” RSJ, p. 29
“A brief overview of vocation ministry in Japan, by Ward Biddle,” CP, p. 34
“Vocation realities for one religious order in Ivory Coast,” by Joseph Tanga-Koti, SMA, p. 36
Health issues in prospective members, Winter 2006, Volume 31, Number 2
“How to evaluate candidates with chronic health issues,” by Myles N. Sheehan, SJ, M.D., p. 3
“Ethical issues raised by candidates with health concerns,” by Thomas N. Nairn, OFM and Dawn Nothwehr, OSF,
p. 8
“Living religious life with chronic illness,” by Mary Therese Johnson, OP, p. 13
“What canon law says about health concerns in prospective members,” by Eileen C. Jaramillo, p. 17
“Developing admissions policies regarding HIV,” by Jon Fuller, SJ, M.D., p. 20
“How MS or epilepsy could affect a candidate to religious life,” HORIZON interviews Daniel R. Wynn, M.D. and
Cathy Meyer, R.N., p. 28
“Mobility issues in prospective members of a religious community,” by Louis Lussier, OSCam, M.D., p. 31
“Chronic back pain and the capacity to live religious life,” by Daniel Hurley, M.D., p. 35
Theology and culture of vocation, Spring 2006, Volume 31, Number 3
“Forming a vocation culture since the Continental Congress,” by Father Raymond Lafontaine, p. 3
“Two programs that further a vocation culture,” by Father Raymond Lafontaine, p. 13
“Theology of vocation from a liturgical perspective,” by Gil Ostdiek, OFM, p. 16
“’Here I am!’ Call in the Old Testament,” by Dianne Bergant, CSA, p. 21
“Call and commission in the New Testament,” by Jerome H. Neyrey, SJ, p. 25
“Theology of vocation through the centuries,” by Paul Holland, SJ, p. 31
“‘Ready? Set... GOD!’ Introducing high school students to prayerful discernment for life choices,” by Pat
Dorobek, SND; Leanne Kerschner, OSF/T; Sandy Sherman, OSU; and Randy Kin, OFM Conv., p. 36
Variety issue, Summer 2006, Volume 31, Number 4
“Sustainability: new membership through an ecological lens,” by Mary Pellegrino, CSJ, p. 3
“Grow up? Not so fast,” by Lev Grossman, p. 12
“Moving from inquirer to applicant,” by Anita Louise Lowe, OSB, p. 19
“Lessons for vocation ministers from RCIA,” by Joel Schorn, p. 23
“Creating a welcoming community that can help form new members,” by Kenneth O’Malley, CP, P. 28
“Process for preparing a community to welcome and mentor new members,” by Carole Riley, CDP, p. 31
“Vitality of mission encourages a vocation culture,” by Father Raymond Lafontaine, p. 36
Index of 2006-2007 HORIZON
HOPE, Fall 2006, Volume 32, Number 1
“God has shouted, ‘Yes, yes, yes!’ Creating communities of hope,” by Maria Cimperman, OSU, p. 4
“Hope and security: new foundations,” by David Couturier, OFM, Cap, p. 11
“What gives me hope: three young voices,” by Mary Catharine Perry, OP; Jesús Alonso, CSC; and Jennifer
Gordon, SCL p. 17
“New membership and the paschal mystery,” by Joel Rippinger, OSB, p. 22
“How I stay healthy and hopeful as a vocation minister,” by Renée Daigle, MSC, p. 26
“Hope from the trenches,” by Jim Kent, OFM, Conv, p. 30
“Would life on this planet be any different without religious life?” by Annmarie Sanders, IHM, p. 33
CALLED, VOWED, COMMITTED: belonging in a new generation
Major addresses from Convocation 2006, Winter 2007, Volume 32, Number 2
“Belonging to God, each other and the future,” by Paul Bednarczyk, CSC, p. 4
“Jesus’ deep invitations to contemporary religious life,” by Ronald Rolheiser, OMI, p. 8
“Can we allow a new generation to shape religious life?” by Laurie Brink, OP, p. 16
“The role of religious in the church and the world,” by John L. Allen, Jr., p. 32
“Movies that point toward Mystery,” by Lou Ella Hickman, IWBS, p. 38
“Book notes: Do priests need better preparation?” by Kevin Nadolski, OSFS, p. 43
TRENDS AND TECHNOLOGY, Spring 2007, Volume 32, Number 3
“Emerging religious communities and lay movements,” by Patricia Wittberg, SC, p. 4
“The new interest in religious life,” by Patrice J. Tuohy, p. 10
“How young Catholics see themselves in the church,” by Robin Ryan, CP, p. 14
“Put the Web to work for vocations,” by Kathleen Wayne, RSM, p. 21
“Reach young adults where they are: online video and social networking,” by Brian Halderman, SM,
p. 27
“The 10 commandments of DVD production,” by Judy Zielinski, OSF
“Book notes: Best bets in discernment books, understanding teen faith life,” by Carol Mucha, RSM, p. 35.
“What vocation ministers want from leadership, by Father Steve Pawelk, p. 4
“Vocation ministry thrives with clear expectations, real authority,” by Diana Rawlings, ASC p. 7
“What I expect from a vocation minister,” by Catherine Bertrand, SSND, p. 10
“My expectations of vocation ministers: expertise and collaboration,” by Mary Waskowiak, RSM, p. 13
“The way forward for leaders and vocation ministers,” by Anita Louise Lowe, OSB, p. 15
“One model for vocation ministry: the Conventual Franciscans,” by Jim Kent, OFM, Conv. p. 17
“How the New Orleans Jesuits conduct vocation ministry,” by Marvin Kitten, SJ, p. 20
“The selection, care and feeding of vocation ministers,” by Carol Mucha, RSM, p. 24
“Translating the religious way of life to a new generation,” by Debbie Drago, RGS, p. 28
“Generation Me: the young adult focus on self,” by Jean Twenge, p. 32
Index of 2007-2008 HORIZON
VARIETY EDITION, Fall 2007, Volume 33, Number 1
“How I found my center as a vocation minister,” by Sister Debbie Drago, RGS, p. 4
“Let’s ask the right questions about engaging Catholic youth,” by Charlotte McCorquodale and Leigh
Sterten, p. 7
“How vocation ministers handle initial inquiries,” by Carol Schuck Scheiber, p. 13
“Hope begins where hope begins,” by Michael Downey, p. 18
“Architecture and design can enhance your community life,” by Jack Kelley, p. 21
“Vocation Visioning Weekend: a process for involving membership,” by Sister Patricia Donlin, RSM, p.
“An international conference to encourage vocations,” by Brother Kevin Griffith, CFC, p. 29
COMMUNICATIONS, Winter 2008, Volume 33, Number 2
“Go pro: work effectively with a communications staff,” by Jean Dennison, p. 4
“Tap your Web site’s potential,” by Anne Boyle, p. 10
“Four secrets to great presentations,” by Steve Hegele, p. 19
“Help the media to help you,” by Karen Katafiasz, p. 22
“Anatomy of a news release,” by Carol Schuck Scheiber, p. 27
“How instant messaging enhances my ministry,” by Sister Andrea Westkamp, SMIC, p. 28
“Present your community to the world with Internet video and audio,” by Sister Judy Zielinski, OSF, p. 31
“Book notes: Faith guidance from Hollywood?” by Sister Rose Pacatte, FSP, p. 35
FORGING A FUTURE FOR RELIGIOUS LIFE, Spring 2008, Volume 33, Number 3
“A marginal life: pursuing holiness in the 21st century,” by Sister Laurie Brink, OP, p. 4
“Paths to the future,” by Sisters Sara Butler, MSTB, Doris Gottemoeller, RSM, and Christine Vladimiroff,
OSB p. 10
“Shifts in religious priesthood and the resulting challenges,” by Father Ted Keating, SM, p. 16
“What does it mean to be a priest within a religious community?” by Fathers Kevin Nadolski, OSFS,
Andrew Carl Wisdom, OP and Kenneth Schnipke, CPPS, p. 23
“Inquirers and applicants continue to increase,” by Patrice Tuohy, p. 29
“Get membership involved with a Vocation Summit” by Father Don Miller, OFM, p. 31
“Book notes: Lessons to learn from letting go,” by Sister Judith Schaefer, OP, p. 36
PREPARING DISCERNERS FOR FORMATION, Summer 2008, Volume 33, Number 4
“Human formation never ends: candidates and adult maturity,” by Fathers James Greenfield, OSFS and
Kevin Nadolski, OSFS, p. 4
“Helping serious discerners prepare for pastoral formation,” by Father David Couturier, OFM Cap, p.10
“Promote intellectual formation among young adult discerners,” by Father Ronald Witherup, SS, p. 18
“The inner journey of the transition into religious life,” by Sister Jane Becker, OSB, p. 22
“A campus program that builds on the new openness to religious life,” by Sister Judith Schaefer, OP, p.
“Apply best practices from young adult ministry to vocation ministry,” by Mike Hayes, p. 32
“Book notes: Books reveal truths about young adults,” by Father Kevin Nadolski, OSFS, p. 39
Index of 2008-2009 HORIZON
DISCERNMENT AS A WAY OF LIFE, Volume 34, Number 1, Fall 2008
“Discernment with a little help from Francis and Clare,” by Friar Gilberto Cavazos-González, OFM, p. 4
“The heart’s calling: feelings in vocational self-discovery,” by John Neafsey, p. 8
“Making a vocation journey with a Latino young adult,” by Father Robert Juárez, p. 13
“Listening for God: a Benedictine approach to discernment,” by Brother Christian Raab, OSB p. 19
“Helping college students create their own discernment models,” by Melanie-Préjean Sullivan, p. 22
“Soul Inquiry: a vocational discernment tool,” by Sister Cindy Kaye, RSM, p. 27
“How we organized a Day of Discussion for leadership and vocation directors,” by Father Scott Jones, SDS ; Sister
Barbara Linke, SSND ; Sister Rose Sevenich, OSF; and Father Joachim Studwell, OFM, p. 28
“The current state of vocations and where we go from here,” by Brother Paul Bednarczyk, CSC, p. 32
“Book Notes: Searching for the common good,” by Sister Patricia Kenny, RSM, p. 38
CALLED BY ONE, INVITED BY MANY Volume 34, Number 2 Winter 2009, Convocation 2008
“Empowered by the Holy Spirit, let’s work together to build our future,” by Brother Paul Bednarczyk, CSC, p. 4
“Consider Paul, our brother,” by Father Donald Senior, CP, p. 8
“The Gospels and the journey to religious life,” by Father Donald Senior, CP p. 17
“Inviting thresholds: how communities might respond to shifting times,” by Sister Maria Cimperman, OSU, p. 26
“Laughing with the saints: joy, humor and laughter in the spiritual life,” by Father James Martin, SJ, p. 42
“Book Notes: Good entertainment, weak spiritual guidance,” by Sister Linda Bechen, RSM, p. 51
Number 3 Spring 2009
“Involve your whole community,” by Father Andrew Carl Wisdom, OP, p. 4
“The things they carry: burdens and blessings of young adults today,” by Avis Clendenen, p. 9
“What I learned from launching a discernment group for college women,” by Sister Maria Sally Willitzer, SND, p. 15
“Supervision and consultation: the vocation minister meets the mirror,” by Sister Cindy Kaye, RSM, p. 20
“Vocation ministry in Ireland today,” by Andrew O’Connell, p. 25
“Vocation survey shows continued openness to religious life,” by Patrice Tuohy, p. 31
“Book Notes: Conversion goes under the microscope,” by Sister Patricia Kenny, RSM, p. 35
Summer 2009
“Encouraging theological reflection among young adults,” by Eileen P. Doherty, p. 4
“Faith development takes time, and it can be assessed,” by Father Kevin Nadolski, OSFS, p. 7
“How Duchesne house leads students to reflection,” by Sister Mary Patricia White, RSCJ, p. 12
“Discernment dissected,” by Sister Janet K. Ruffing, RSM, p. 16
“How a discernment house can enhance vocation ministry,” by Sister Charlene Diorka, SSJ, p. 25
“Justice retreat provides discernment perspective,” by Brother Brian C. Halderman, SM, p. 30
“Film Notes: Documentary is rich in teachings,” by Sister Carol Mucha, RSM, p. 33
“Book Notes: Religious life book shows today’s tensions are not new,” by Sister Mary Charlotte Chandler, RSCJ, p.
Index of 2009-2010 HORIZON
Number 1, Fall 2009
“Communities that attract and the people who are entering them,” by Sister Mary Bendyna, RSM and Mary L.
Gautier, p. 5
“What newer members say about discernment programs,” by Sister Mary Bendyna, RSM and Mary L. Gautier, p.
“Best practices for vocation ministry,” by Sister Mary Bendyna, RSM and Mary L. Gautier, p. 13
“Examples of best practices,” by Carol Schuck Scheiber, Sister Agnes Marie Dauby, OSB, Brother Stephen
Glodek, SM, p. 17
“Turning point: building consensus to make membership a priority,” by Father Jim Kent, OFM Conv. and Sister
Patricia Donlin, RSM, p. 22
“Beginning spiritual formation with young adult discerners,” by Father Frank Danella, SFS, p. 30
“Book Notes: Growing self-centeredness challenges society, religious life,” by Avis Clendenen., p. 34
Winter 2010
“Psychological assessment: why, what and how to assess,” by Ronald J. Karney, p. 4
“Tests for assessing applicants to religious communities,” by Eric D. Haas, p. 10
“Vocational discernment and the psychological report,” by Sister Mary M. Lindsay, SSJ, p. 18
“Assessment with cross-cultural candidates,” by Father Gerard J. McGlone, SJ and Fernando A. Ortiz, p.
“What happens with the assessment?” by Sister Mercedes J. McCann, RSM, p. 31
“When the vocation minister assesses: seeking consistent belief, word, action,” by Sister Cindy Kaye,
RSM, p. 35
“Establishing and honoring boundaries in vocation ministry,” by Christy Schiller, p. 41
“Book Notes: Young Catholic women speak up; a sister reflects on a life of service”
By Sister Karen Owens, SSJ and Carol Schuck Scheiber, p. 45
Volume 35, Number 3, Spring 2010
“What every vocation minister should know about process addictions,” by Christiana Ashabo, p. 4
“Use new media to promote vocations,” by D. Scott Miller, p. 11
“Working with Vietnamese candidates in vocation discernment,” by Father Binh Nguyen, SVD, p. 16
“The call to new evangelization,” by Dave Nodar, p. 21
“The gifts and challenges of immigrant religious communities,” by Sister Rebecca Burke, OSF, p. 25
“Parish outreach builds vocation awareness,” by Ethel and Tony Lapitan, p. 31
“Book Notes: Connecting the dots to find a hopeful future,” by Sister Linda Bechen, RSM, p. 35
Index of 2010-2011 HORIZON
Volume 35, Number 4
Summer 2010
“You are God’s unshakable hope,” by Father Joseph Delargy, OCSO, p. 4
Preparing new members for an intercultural world
by Father Paolo Martinelli, OFM, Cap......................................................................8
UK vocation ministry: new ventures and growth
by Judith Eydmann.....................................................................................................15
Join hands with young adult ministers
By Paul Jarzembowski..................................................................................................21
The gift of religious priesthood
By Most Reverend John M. Quinn...............................................................................28
Membership makes a difference in attracting new members
By Sister Charlene Diorka, SSJ..........................................31
Book Notes: Nuanced portrait of young adults points to hope, challenges
By Avis Clendenen.......................................................................................................36
Fall 2010
Volume 35, number 5
Young members reflect on study, making vocation transitions work
Young voices respond to the NRVC-CARA study of new members
By Sister Elizabeth Kovacs, SCC; Brother Jesús Alonso, CSC;
Sister Karen Owens, SSJ; and Patrick Gilger, SJ..........................................................4
Five steps to a smooth transition out of vocation ministry
By Sister Anita Louise Lowe, OSB...............................................................................16
Healthy transitions for new members, ministers and the community
By Sister Mercedes McCann........................................................................................20
Secrets to successful service projects
By James Knowles........................................................................................................26
From fear to Facebook: first steps into social media
By Carol Schuck Scheiber............................................................................................31
Book Notes: Book challenges us to racial justice
By Sister Dawn M. Nothwehr.....................................................................................33
Resources for racial reconciliation.............................................................................36
Winter 2011 Volume 36, Number 1
Casting the net: Vocation Ministry in a Global Church And World
Convocation 2010
Renew the glory of your vocation by clinging to the hand of God
By Brother Paul Bednarczyk, CSC...............................................................................4
Vocation ministry in a connected, ecologically fragile world
By Brother David Andrews, CSC..................................................................................8
Reframing religious presence in a digital culture
By Sister Angela Ann Zukowski, MHSH.....................................................................15
Good reads for grasping digital culture
By Sister Angela Ann Zukowski, MHSH.....................................................................24
Cast the net from a firm foundation
By Archbishop Pietro Sambi........................................................................................25
Transformative love, passion for justice belong in vocation ministry
By Father Bryan Massingale......................................................................................30
Book Notes: Book offers discernment help in a user-friendly way
By Sister Linda Bechen, RSM.....................................................................................39
Spring 2011 Volume 36, Number 2
Encouraging quality discernment,
Discovering “what God wants” during vocation conversations
By Brother Joel Giallanza, CSC..................................................................................4
Vocation treasure trove: online archives........................................................................11
Using art to explore vocation
By Kathleen Hope Brown and David M. Orr................................................................12
How Holy Cross reaches out to parents
By Father James T. Gallagher, CSC............................................................................17
Using social media to further vocation goals
By Sister Patricia Dowling, CBS................................................................................21
Hope in an anxious age
By Sister Doris Gottemoeller, RSM...........................................................................27
Pilgrimage as a way to build vocation culture
By Father Ken Schnipke, CPPS and Sister Carolyn Hoying,
Book & Film Notes: Book provides insight on context of discernment
By Kathleen Hope Brown............................................................................................35
Index of 2011-2012 HORIZON
Volume 36, Number 3 Summer 2011
Vocation ministry at the crossroads
The NRVC-CARA study and its meaning for religious life
By Brother Seán D. Sammon, FMS.........................................4
How can we strengthen the witness of religious life?
By Sister Doris Gottemoeller, RSM.....................................................11
The future depends on listening to the Spirit, the young and each other
By Mother Shaun Vergauwen, FSE........................................14
How one community is using the NRVC-CARA study to move forward
By Sister Maria Therese Healy, O.Carm and Carol Schuck
What we see in religious life and some ways to reach out
By Alycia Murtha, Kristen Leaderstorf, and Nicolette Langlois.......................................19
Carmelite Sisters Action Plan.........................................22
Who are the emerging pastoral leaders?
By Marti R. Jewell..............................24
Five winning ways to extend contact with young adults
By Sisters Elsa Garcia, CDP and Gloria Ann Fiedler, CDP..............................30
Snapshot of U.S. vocation ministry.................................................33
Book Notes: Book explores theology of vocation
By Sister Judith Schaefer, OP.................................................35
Volume 36, Number 4 Fall 2011
Charism and vocation ministry
How does charism affect vocation ministry and renewal?
By Sister Mary Hughes, OP; Brother Paul Byrd, OP; Sister Mary Whited, CPPS;
Sister Mary Emily Knapp , OP; Brother Seán D. Sammo n, FMS..............4
Six essential questions for every religious community
By Sister Doris Gottemoeller, RSM...................................13
What are the best practices for “Come and See” events? By Joel Schorn...........15
Strategies to address the lifestyle gap, help newcomers fit in
By Carol Schuck Sch eiber..........................21
Understanding and working with Filipino candidates
By Sister Lovina Francis Pammit, OSF......................................................................................24
How “Evangelical Catholicism” is shaping the church and religious life
By John Allen.....................................30
Snapshot of U.S. vocation ministry.....................................33
Book Notes: Book is a treasury of information and insight
By Sister Patricia Kenny, RSM.............................................35
Index of 2012 HORIZON
Volume 37, Number 1 Winter 2012
Theology of vocation
Updates: Snapshot of vocation ministry........4
Vocation as a lifelong, personal adventure for every Christian
By Archbishop Jean-Louis Brugués, OP.........6
Overcoming the influence of consumerism on vocation
By Edward P. Hahnenberg...............12
What do the popes say about vocation?
By Father Brendan Leahy...................17
Vocation exhibits at large events: What happens? Is it worthwhile?
By Brother David Henley; Sister Durstyne Farnan, OP ; Sister Michell e Sinkhorn, OS B;
and Sister Pat Dowling, CBS................ 25
Qualities of younger women in religious life today
By Sister Susan Rose Francois, CS JP..............32
Book Notes: Minding the gap between our vision and our reality
By Sister Cindy Kaye, RS M........ 38
HORIZON Index 2011..............40
Volume 37, Number 2 Spring 2012
Updates: News from the vocation world.............................4
Campus ministry 101 for vocation ministers
By Sister Deborah M. Borneman, SSCM ..........6
Profile of contemporary college students
By Sister Renée Daigle, MSC ..............................12
Young adults share experiences of vocation ministers on campus
By Emily Norton, Gina Fanelli, Kimb erly Harpst, Matthew Shade, Alyss a DeLorenz
Campus ministry and how vocation ministry fits in
By Dee Bernhardt .................................19
The context of contemporary campus ministry and the students we try to reach
By Father James Bacik............23
The chilling effect of education debt............28
Social media is everywhere: steps to using it in vocation ministry
By Father James T. Gallagher, CSC ...... 30
Book Notes Good news for the church: most priests are happy
By Father Jim Kent, OFM, Conv.......................35
Index of 2013 HORIZON
Volume 37, Number 3 Summer 2012
Cultural and family ROOTS AND VOCATI ON
Updates: News from the vocation world.............4
Making multiculturalism work: one community’s experience
By Carol Schuck Scheiber..............6
Inviting African American Catholics to religious life
By Sister Josita Colbert, SNDdeN........13
Coping with parental resistance: explanations and possible solutions
By Brother John Mark Falkenhain, OSB............19
Confessions of a seminarian’s mother
By Lisa M. Anderson..................................................................23
Reconciliation within and among religious communities
By Sister Margaret Elleta Guider, OSF ................................ 25
Taking ourselves lightly: a place for humor and play in discernment
By Sister Michele Vincent Fisher,
The six best practices for vocation ministry today............................38
Book Notes: Populist history of religious life full of drama, pathos
By Sister Patricia Kenny, RSM............................................39
Volume 37, Number 4 Fall 2012
Value of religious life, 9 ways to thrive
Updates: News from the vocation world...4
“The enduring value of religious life in the age of the laity,” By Father Charles Bouchard,
p. 6
My week with the sisters: an insider view of service
By Caroline Hopkinson.............10
Charisms old and new: new ecclesial movements and communities
By Father Brendan Leahy.................15
My life in the Focolare movement
By Betsy Dugas...............................19
Exploring images of God during discernment
By Father Harry Hagan, OS B........... 21
Nine ways to thrive as a vocation minister
By Father William Jarema................................................ 27
Vocation meditations on women and need in Scripture
By Sister Lou Ella Hickman, IWBS............................ 31
Film Notes: Film delivers a loving but incomplete portrait
By Carol Schuck Scheiber...............37
Book Notes: Book helps discerners of all types hear God’s voice amid the noise
By Sister Susan Rose Francois, CSJP..39
Volume 38, Number 1 Winter 2013
Vocation ministers & Reconciliation
Convocation 2012
Updates: News from the vocation world........4
Vocation ministers as ambassadors for Christ: a reconciling presence
By Archbishop Joseph Tobin, CSSR..6
Vocation ministers walk forward in faith to welcome new life
By Brother Paul Bednarczyk, CSC....................16
Vocation ministers can follow St. Paul’s path toward reconciliation
By Sister Kathryn J. Hermes, FSP.............20
Study looks at vocation consideration; challenges among Hispanics........31
Latino diversity: complex but important to vocation ministry
By Fat her Gary Riebe-Estrella, SVD....................36
Book Notes: Book is a substantive guide to spiritual growth
By Sister Pat ricia Kenny, RSM
HORIZON Index 2012.........................40
Volume 38, Number 2 Spring 2013
Vocation ministry & new evangelization
Updates: News from the vocation world.........4
Religious life makes Pope Francis tick
By Pat Morrison.....................................................................................................6
The new evangelization is interwoven with vocation ministry
HORI ZON interviews Sister Theresa Rickard, OP ................................................8
Invite overwhelmed young adults to come, rest in Christ
By Paul Jarzembowski..................................13
We’re moving forward
By Sister Krista von Borstel, SS MO; Sister Ginny Heldorfer, OSF , and Mother
Katherine Caldwell, TOR p.19
Questions we must ask in order to build strong communities
By Sister Pat Wittberg, SC......................22
Leadership focus makes the difference for vocations
By Sister Kelly Connors, PM...................... 31
Feed Your Spirit: What are you really doing?
By Sister Melannie Svoboda, SND................36
Book Notes: Book makes Catholicism seem hip
By Father Radmar Jao, SJ....................39
Volume 38, Number 3 | Summer 2013
Inviting young people
3 Updates
6 What newer and older members offer each other
By Father Donald Goergen, OP
12 Theological reflection: a success story
By Sister Donna Del Santo, SSJ
19 What every vocation minister should know about healthy sexuality
By Kevin McClone
25 Building bridges with a Family Gathering
By Sister Virginia Herbers, ASCJ
29 Secrets of strong parish vocation committees
By Gino DiMattia
33 Feed Your Spirit: Spirit still alive in “shaky situations”
By Father Conall O’Cuinn, SJ
35 Book Notes: Emerging theologians offer insights
By Sister Judith Schaefer, OP
Volume 38, Number 4 | Fall 2013
25 years in the vineyard
of the Lord
3 Updates
6 How it all began
10 25 ideas that worked
By Members of NRVC
16 25 most likely items in a vocation minister’s suitcase
18 25 ways to communicate your vocation message
By Debb i Della Porta
23 What can a hashtag do for you?
By Rebecca Hiscott
25 A loving gaze at religious life realities
By Sister Susan Rose Francois, CSJP
31 Reach out, draw in
By Father Donald Senior, CP
36 Feed your spirit: What you’ve taught me
By Carol Schuck Scheiber
38 Book notes: Is your integrity intact?
By Sister Deborah Borneman, SSCM
Vocation to action & contemplation, Winter 2014
The built-in tensions
in apostolic vocations
By Brother John D. Hamilton, CFX
The most misunderstood ministry?
By Brother Jonathan Beebe, CSC
By Sister Gemma Simmonds, CJ
Wield power, set boundaries
By Father Richard M. Gula, SS
Make the most of your smartphone
By Father Andrew M. McAlpin, OP
Feed your spirit:
Being at home in your own story
By Father Joseph Nassal, CPPS
Book notes:
Wise counsel for discerners
By Father Kenneth O’Malley, CP
Index of HORIZON 2013
Fresh approaches to vocation ministry, Spring 2014
Lay vocation ministers speak out
By Maryellen Glackin,
Andrew O’Connell, & Len Uhal
The shape of religious life to come
By Sister Amy Hereford, C.S.J.
Responding to new openness
toward our life
By Sister Deborah Borneman, SS.C.M.
Summer retreat kicks off vocation year
By Brother Mike Sheerin, F.M.S.
The must-knows about
discerning enclosed life
By Sister Gabriel Davison, O.S.C.
Feed your spirit:
These two men inspire us
By Andrew O’Connell
Book notes:
Insightful data and analysis of sisters
By Sister Katarina Schuth, O.S.F.
Moving forward in hope, Summer 2014
Vocation promotion in contemporary culture
By Brother Seán Sammon, F.M.S.
Canon law on entering a religious community
By Father Frank Morrisey, O.M.I.
Today’s church and its vocation environment
By Father Thomas Gaunt, S.J.
Defining an internal culture of vocations
By Brother John Mark Falkenhain, O.S.B.
Feed your spirit:
My worst nightmare
By Father Mark E. Thibodeaux, S.J.
Book notes: Sorting out the complexity of vocation
By Sister Judith K. Schaefer, O.P.
Family matters, Fall 2014
Same God, different ways to love
By Father Timothy Radcliffe, O.P.
The profound effect of families on vocations
By Sister Mary Ellen Moore, S.H.
Parents have fears, too
Six keys to inviting Asian Americans
By Father Linh Hoang, O.F.M.
Community appeals to a lonely nation
By Craig Gould
Stay unstuck
By Sister Marilyn Lacey, R.S.M.
Message to engage online is spot on
By Father Larry Rice, C.S.P.
Rise, have no fear, Winter 2015
Head into the deep
By Brother Paul Bednarczyk, C.S.C.
11 reasons to keep building our future
By Father Bernhard Eckerstorfer, O.S.B.
Reflection: God does more than we can ask or imagine
By Sister Catherine Bertrand, S.S.N.D.
Transfigured by God
By Sister Colleen Mary Mallon, O.P.
Study sheds light on cultural diversity
By Mary Gautier
In gratitude for the messengers of the Master’s invitation
By Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganó
“The Joy of the Gospel” has messages for us
By Sister Theresa Rickard, O.P.
Reflection: Faith multiplies in sharing
By Clarence Gilyard
Pope Francis and vocations, Spring 2015
Year of Consecrated Life: Rejoice in your vocation
The “Francis effect” on religious life
By Sister Juliet Mousseau, R.S.C.J.
Daring to live as Pope Francis encourages
By Friar Matthew Gummess, O.Carm.
Will the pope inspire a vocation bounce?
By Andrew O’Connell
Safe youth ministry is everyone’s job
By Christy Schiller, M.A.
Why get trained for safe youth ministry environments?
By Father Stan De Boe, O.SS.T.
Consecrated life is at the heart of the church
By the Delegates of the International Vocation Conference
The evolving theology of consecrated life
By Father Gerard Whelan, S.J.
Feed your spirit: In the footsteps of our founders
By Father Joseph Nassal, C.PP.S.
Book notes: New insights on young Catholics will benefit ministry
By Craig Gould
Midlife vocations, Summer 2015
Year of Consecrated Life: A word of encouragement,
By Pope Francis
How my community has welcomed midlife vocations
By Sister Adrienne Kaufmann, O.S.B.
Canon law and older vocations
By Sister Amy Hereford, C.S.J.
What you should know about candidates and pornography
By Emily Cash
Social media: an invitation rooted in the Gospel By Sister Julie Vieira, I.H.M.
Masculinity: Where does a vocation fit in? By Kieran Kellam
Feed your spirit: Energized by honest discussion
By Sister Virginia Herbers, A.S.C.J.
Book notes: Book tasting
By Carol Schuck Scheiber
Family and vocations, Fall 2015
Year of Consecrated Life: Wake up, we have work to do!
By Sister Angela Gannon, C.S.J.
Families & vocations by the numbers
By Mary L. Gautier, Jonathon L. Wiggins, and Jonathon C. Holland
Affirming a vocation culture in Hispanic families
By Hosffman Ospino
What every vocation director should know about Filipino families
By Sister Myrna Tordillo, M.S.C.S.
Tipping Point tips for communicating vocation messages
By Nicholas Collura
What do the Bible’s call stories tell us about vocation?
By Sister Elizabeth Davis, R.S.M.
Feed your spirit: Detachment: starting place for prayer
By Father John Orme Mills, O.P.
Book notes: Sexuality on campus: can we talk?
By Sister Renée Daigle, M.S.C.