1 Weekly WAC Minutes November 17, 2009 Brooklyn College, 1:00 AM – 3:00 PM Present: Co-Coordinators Liz Weis and Corey Frost Fellows: Jamie Aroosi, Siobhan Cooke, Jen-Scott Mobley, Tahneer Oksman, Brendan O’Malley, and Jennifer Russo General Business: --We passed around the initial duty-roster sheet from the beginning of the semester to make any additions or changes to what all the Fellows have covered this fall semester in terms of responsibilities. --Liz gave the news that the Chair of Business told her that he has implemented a department-wide policy that every course has to include some writing. --Brendan announced that all pieces have been selected for the anthology including format and a new cover image (a photo of graffiti). The finer editing has also been done. **Brendan had two suggestions for the next Fellow who handles the anthology. 1) make sure you build in enough time so that ideally, the students can revise and work with their teachers on any more significant, structural editing issues. 2) It’s more ideal for the Fellow who handles the anthology to have good tech skills; he is struggling a bit in that area. --Jen Russo and Tahneer said that the English Adjunct Comp Workshops went well and are working on getting some dates set up for next semester. We want to offer them again in the spring term as well as for the fall 2010 term. Ideally, we could set up something the week before classes start in the fall so the instructors have time to work on their syllabi. --We also discussed that perhaps a long-term WAC goal is to work with English to implement some standard guidelines for the comp adjuncts. (Such as readings and so forth.) --We talked a little bit about the website and discussed that we will try and create digital documents that entail ALL materials and handouts from any given workshop as well as a table of contents (in one document). This can be put on the website for future Fellows who can work from them and adjust as needed. --Corey suggested that in the spring we do a “Digital Pedagogy” workshop. We are going to start with a shorter one—a “brown-bag” lunch kind of scenario and he and Jen Russo will lead it. --We also talked about where to include blogs and wikis in the spring workshop and decided we will do it in the wac II workshop. --**We changed the meeting time on December 15th from 1-3 to 2-4. This means that Siobhan’s evaluation time was bumped to 1:30. (Brendan will have his evaluation after the meeting.) --Ellen Belton, our future supervisor joined us for the last half hour of the meeting so that we could begin coordinating the spring schedule. --Tentatively we all like MONDAYs for our meetings in the spring. 2 --We divvied up the various workshops for January and the spring terms so that everyone knows who is doing what. January 26th New Faculty Workshop Jen-Scott & Siobhan January 29th Basic Wac Jen-Scott & Brendan February 19th Basic Wac Jen Russo & Tahneer March 19th Research Workshop Siobhan & Jamie April 6th Wac II Jen-Scott & Brendan To do list: Jen Russo and Tahneer will figure out which dates they want to do the Comp workshops in the spring Jen-Scott is going to put together a digital file of all the materials for the summer 2009 workshop and for basic wac I from January 2009. --Tahneer will modify the comp workshop flier and resend. **Remind participants that they can only get paid in January if they taught in the fall. Everyone should look at the website and play around with it prior to our next meeting on December 1. Jen Russo will remind us to do this a few days before we meet. Everyone should also review what Jamie has given us as far as the Research paper Project and look for gaps or holes. Jamie is going to help Jen Russo vet/change the Mini-Lessons that are on the website that have not been updated into our new format. Next meeting’s Agenda: --Discuss and work with website --discuss research project --everyone bring their CV and we will do a little professional development workshop