Vanderbilt Digestive Disease Center N NE EW WP PA ATTIIE EN NTT Q QU UE ES STTIIO ON NN NA AIIR RE E Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology IMPRINT HERE NAME:________________________________ **SPECIFIC REASON FOR THE VISIT: ______________________________________ DRUG ALLERGIES or SENSITIVITY: ________________________________________________ MEDICAL HISTORY (Year and Diagnosis) ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ OPERATIONS (Year and Procedure) ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ FAMILY HISTORY: Have any of your immediate family had any of the following: Write the appropriate family member beside the condition (parent, children, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, grandparent) Colon Cancer _______ Thyroid Disease _______ Rheumatoid Arthritis _______ Crohn’s Disease _______ Kidney Disease _______ High Blood Pressure _______ Ulcerative Colitis _______ Heart Disease _______ Auto Immune Disorders______ Liver Disease _______ Lung Disease _______ Other Cancer _______ SOCIAL HISTORY: Do you smoke: YES NO Packs per day: _______ How many years: _______ Do you drink: YES NO Amount per day/week/month _______ How many years ______ Marital Status: __________________ Occupation: ____________________________ Number of Children ______ Do you have a Caregiver? _______________________________ Digestive Disease Center Phone: (615) 322-0128 D:\106740474.doc 1660 The Vanderbilt Clinic Nashville, Tennessee 37232-5280 Page 1 2/13/2016 Vanderbilt Digestive Disease Center MEDICAL HISTORY: If any of the listed symptoms have been a severe or frequent problem for you, please indicate this by CIRCLING the appropriate symptom (s). GENERAL:weight loss or gain, night sweats, fevers, chills HEAD: trauma, dizziness, fainting, seizures, headaches EYES: decreased vision, color blindness, double vision, blurred vision, swelling or puffiness underneath the eyes EARS, NOSE, MOUTH, THROAT: pain, deafness, discharge, ringing of ears, vertigo, sinus discharge, nose bleeds, hay fever, sore throat, tonsillitis, hoarseness CARDIOVASCULAR: palpitations, chest pain, shortness of breath with activity, fatigue, swelling in legs or feet, high blood pressure, heart murmur or attack RESPIRATORY TRACT: cough, excessive sputum, asthma, coughing of blood, pleurisy GASTROINTESTINAL: painful swallowing, nausea, vomiting, vomiting of blood, indigestion, yellow jaundice, hepatitis, excessive use of laxatives, diarrhea or constipation RECTAL: change in bowel habits, bloody stools, tarry stools, clay colored stools, hemorrhoids GENITOURINARY: kidney or bladder problems, pain with urination, inability to urinate, blood in the urine MUSCULOSKELETAL: deformities of bones/joints, weakness, trauma, limitation of movement SKIN: changes in texture/color of moles or skin, hives/rash, itching/scaling, bruising BREAST: trauma, lumps, pain, nipple discharge, infections NEUROLOGIC: paralysis, weakness, involuntary movements, convulsions, in-coordination, numbness, or tingling of extremities PSYCHIATRIC: anxiety, depression, hallucinations, uncontrollable stress, phobias ENDOCRINE: excessive weight gain or loss, change in appetite, goiter, excessive thirst, excessive urination, thyroid problems or diabetes HEMATOLOGIC or LYMPHATIC; excessive bleeding, swollen lymph nodes, bleeding disorders, previous blood transfusions IMMUNOLOGIC: immune disorders, HIV, immunosuppressant GYNECOLOGIC: irregular menses, menopause, hormone therapy Reviewed with Patient _______________________________________________________M. D. Date: _______________________ Digestive Disease Center Phone: (615) 322-0128 D:\106740474.doc 1660 The Vanderbilt Clinic Nashville, Tennessee 37232-5280 Page 2 2/13/2016 Vanderbilt Digestive Disease Center Current Medications (to include over the counter drugs) NAME: ______________________________________________________ Date of Birth: ______________________________________________________ Name of Drug Dose Frequency Strength (such as mg, cc) How many times a day? Referring Physician: _______________________________________ Referring Physician Phone #: _______________________ Digestive Disease Center Phone: (615) 322-0128 D:\106740474.doc 1660 The Vanderbilt Clinic Nashville, Tennessee 37232-5280 Page 3 2/13/2016