General Certificate of Education HISTORY Unit HY3 [Internal Assessment] PROPOSAL FORM Examination years 2014 onwards Centre name: _______________________________________________ Centre number: _______________________________________________ Contact name: _______________________________________________ Email: _______________________________________________ Signature of teacher: _______________________________________________ Date: _______________________________________________ 1 GUIDANCE TO TEACHERS This section should be read in conjunction with section 8 in the A level specification for History which gives further advice on preparing for the assignment. SETTING THE TASK FOR UNIT 3 Centres must choose their own assignment titles. The assignment must be based on the in-depth study chosen. The topic(s) chosen by a centre, which may be taken from any part of the in-depth content studied, must focus on a substantial or a significant issue. The question set must give rise to an historical debate, thereby allowing the candidates to consider, through the study of a range of appropriate sources, contrasting historical interpretations. Centres may select up to a maximum of two different assignment titles for each indepth study followed The assignment title(s) selected by the centre may be used up to a maximum of four years Centres must submit a valid proposal form including their title(s), associated marking schemes and initial source pack to the Chief Moderator for approval. Centres must not set an assignment to candidates until formal written approval has been given by the Chief Moderator. 2 INSTRUCTIONS ON COMPLETING THE PROPOSAL FORM This proposal form should be submitted at least six weeks before the candidates commence the teaching of Unit 3. Where a teacher wishes to set more than one question for enquiry within a centre, separate proposal forms must be submitted for each question. Centres must gain approval for their titles and are encouraged to seek further guidance from the Chief Internal Assessment Moderators. English medium submissions Mr Albert Gilbey Welsh medium submissions Mr Dylan Rees Postal address Greycott, Cae Melyn, Aberystwyth SY23 2HA 19 Roger Beck Way, Parc Beck, Sketty, Swansea SA2 0JF Telephone 01970 611984 01792 296131 Chief Moderator E-mail When ready, centres should send their completed internal assessment proposal form and the associated sources to either Mr Gilbey or Mr Rees. This should preferably be done by email, although posting material is still permissible. In submitting the completed Unit 3 proposal form teachers should: 1. Include a copy of the ‘starter’ pack of documents provided for candidates. 2. Keep a copy of the proposal form sent to the Chief Internal Assessment Moderator. The Chief Moderator will contact centres by email with approval or with a request for further amendments. These amendments should be completed and resubmitted as soon as possible. A new submission for HY3 should be made whenever a centre wishes to amend or change either the area of study, the assignment title or the marking scheme. Changes to sources in the document pack do not usually need formal approval. 3 A. B. DETAILS OF CENTRE ENTRY Estimated number of candidates: ____________________________ Language: English: ____________________________ Welsh: ____________________________ TITLE OF IN-DEPTH STUDY (eg. Reform and Protest in Wales and England, 1830-1848) ___________________________________________________________ C. PROPOSED INTERNAL ASSESSMENT TOPIC (eg. The Rebecca Riots) ___________________________________________________________ D. PRECISE WORDING OF QUESTION The question set must give rise to an historical debate, thereby allowing the candidates to consider, through the study of a range of appropriate sources, contrasting historical interpretations. [eg. ‘The Rebecca Riots were no more than a violent outburst to the injustice of the turnpike system.’ How valid is this assessment of the causes of the Rebecca Riots, 1839-1843?] ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 4 AGREED STANDARD MARKING SCHEME FOR UNIT 3 ASSIGNMENTS AO1: Recall, selection and deployment of appropriate historical knowledge; demonstrate understanding of the past through explanation, analysis and arriving at substantiated judgements about key concepts; communicate knowledge and understanding of history in a clear and effective manner Level 1 1-5 marks The candidate attempts an explanation regarding the set issue though there is little focus on providing a substantiated judgement. The candidate provides limited historical knowledge about the set issue. There is some quality of written communication shown. Level 2 6-10 marks The candidate is able to analyse, explain and show an understanding of the set issue. There is an attempt to reach a judgement about the set issue but it is not firmly supported or balanced. The candidate provides some relevant knowledge about the set issue which is selected and deployed appropriately with a reasonable quality of written communication which conveys meaning clearly though there may be errors of spelling, punctuation and grammar. Level 3 11-15 marks The candidate is able to explain, analyse and discuss the set issues when considering the interpretation in the question. There is an attempt to reach a substantiated judgement which is supported and consideration of a counter-argument to that presented in the question. The candidate is able to select and deploy accurate, relevant and precise historical knowledge of the set issue. The candidate is able to communicate accurately, clearly and fluently, using appropriate language and structure, using spelling, punctuation and grammar generally with a high degree of accuracy. The account shows good quality of written communication with well-constructed sentences and paragraphs. Level 4 16-20 marks The candidate is able to analyse and explain the key issues on the question set when considering the interpretation in the question. The candidate is able to provide a focussed, sustained and substantiated judgement. The candidate is able to select and deploy accurate, relevant and precise historical knowledge appropriately. The candidate is able to communicate accurately, clearly and fluently, using appropriate language and structure, using spelling, punctuation and grammar with a high degree of accuracy in a response which is coherent, lucid and wellconstructed. 5 AO2a: In relation to the set historical enquiry, analyse and evaluate a range of appropriate source material with discrimination Level 1 1-7 marks The candidate uses sources such as ……………………………….. …………………………………………………………………… ……… for their content only. There is no evidence of the use of any additional sources. Level 2 8-14 marks The candidate demonstrates an ability to use the provided and additional sources, to develop a response which attempts to agree or disagree with the view that ……..………………………………………………..…………………… ………………………………………………………………………….. Although the evaluation of the sources is largely mechanical, the candidate will offer some discussion of their value to considering the interpretation set. Level 3 15-21 marks The candidate demonstrates an ability to evaluate a selection of sources from the provided pack and from a range of additional sources. The candidate shows awareness of the wider historical context and shows the ability to deploy the sources appropriately to support the judgement reached about …………........................................................................................ ………………………………………………………………………….. and at least one other possible interpretation. The candidate will show the insight and ability to effectively analyse and evaluate the sources in their historical context to show how aspects of the past have been interpreted and represented in different ways. Level 4 22-28 marks The candidate shows a clear understanding of the strengths and limitations of the sources in both the provided pack and the section of additional sources. The sources will clearly be analysed and evaluated in the context of the set enquiry about …………………………………………………………………………... ……………………………………………………………………..……. The candidate will make a sustained and developed attempt to closely link the sources (with appropriate source evaluation comments) to directly answer the particular question set. The candidate is able to discuss why a particular source would be of value to a historian or school of history in forming an interpretation based on the evidence in the sources used. The candidate will demonstrate insight and discrimination in their analysis and evaluation of the sources in their historical context to show how aspects of the past have been interpreted and represented in different ways. 6 AO2b: Analyse and evaluate, in relation to the historical context, how aspects of the past have been interpreted and represented in different ways Level 1 1-8 marks The candidate attempts to discuss the interpretation by tending to agree or disagree that ……………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………. Level 2 9-16 marks The candidate demonstrates an ability to discuss the interpretation offered that ………………………………………………………....................... ………………………………………………..……………………. Discussion of the interpretation is valid, and there is reference to alternate interpretations. However these are not properly evaluated or explained. Level 3 17-24 marks The candidate is able to discuss the interpretation offered in the context of one or more alternative interpretations such as ……………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………. The candidate begins to consider the interpretation in terms of the development of the historical debate that has taken place. There is some attempt to explain why the interpretations have been formed. The candidate will show the insight and ability to effectively analyse and evaluate the sources in their historical context to show how aspects of the past have been interpreted and represented in different ways. Level 4 25-32 marks The candidate is able to discuss the interpretation offered in the context of alternative interpretations, in particular the work of historians such as ……………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………. The candidate is able to consider the validity of the interpretations in terms of the development of the historiographical context, and is able to demonstrate an understanding of how and why this issue has been interpreted in different ways. The candidate will make a sustained and developed attempt to closely link the sources (with appropriate source evaluation comments) to directly answer the particular question set. The candidate is able to discuss why a particular historian or school of history would form an interpretation based on the evidence in the sources used. The candidate will demonstrate insight and discrimination in their analysis and evaluation of the sources in their historical context to show how aspects of the past have been interpreted and represented in different ways. 7