PERSONAL FINANCE SYLLABUS INSTRUCTOR: Miss Debbie L. Ebner COURSE TITLE: Career Management OFFICE: Room #223 EMAIL: OFFICE HOURS: Before school 7:15-7:30 am (at 7:30 I am on duty in the front hallway), planning (2nd Block) or after school on Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday until 4:30 pm. These are the times that I am typically available for students. For the most part, I can be found in my classroom during these times – but this is not a guarantee. If you know you need to talk with me, be sure to let me know by making an appointment. My door is always open! COURSE DESCRIPTION: WELCOME TO A CLASS YOU WILL USE THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!! This course is designed to prepare students to locate, secure, keep, and change careers. Competencies for this course are based on the National Career Development Guidelines. Strategies for this course include teamwork, technology, problem solving, decision-making, goal setting, and self-management. There will be an intense focus on vocabulary recognition & comprehension to prepare students for the end of course standardized VOCATS testing. NOTE: ALL students must take the EOC; there are no exemptions. Students are encouraged to belong to DECA (Professional Association of Business, Marketing, Finance, Entrepreneurship, & Management Students) as a co-curricular component. DECA enhances classroom instruction through the development of leadership and professional skills. DECA provides opportunities for professional growth and service through competitive events, sales projects, and community service missions. COURSE CONTENT: Do you ever think about the type of life you want for yourself today and in the future? Do you consider the impact that your money management skills can have on your present and future lifestyles? If you created a list of everything you did today most items on that list would involve money. Money is an important part of daily life, and when managed responsibly, can contribute to your sense of well‐being. Your financial well‐ being depends in large part on the choices you make. Wise decisions about earning, saving, borrowing and investing will enable you to attain your personal goals while enjoying a comfortable lifestyle. This course is designed to help you develop the skills, knowledge, and resources to effectively manage your money. Themes that run throughout this course involve how you handle your money both as an individual and as a member of a larger community (your school, city, state, etc.). All of us receive benefits, both financial and non‐financial, from the communities in which we live. And, we also give back to our communities in many ways. The lessons in this course will highlight both individual decisions and the value of being a part of a community. GRADES Grades are posted by student number on my website on a weekly basis. You are responsible for checking your grade & keeping up with missing assignments. **An IMPORTANT Point To Remember: Any grade is better than a ZERO!!! Late work is not accepted after 4 days from the due date. COURSE WORK Tests: Vocabulary: Daily Classwork: Homework: Final Exam: 7 Unit Tests + Comprehensive Unit Tests 7 Units of Vocabulary Index Cards Daily work is completed for a grade Homework is completed for a grade 25% of the course grade **LATE WORK – Lowered 1 letter grade for each day late, NOT ACCEPTED AFTER 4 DAYS. MAKE UP WORK: You are responsible for getting your make up work on the 1st day you return to school BEFORE or AFTER school – never during class. ATTENDANCE – Possible 200 BP’s Each semester, students will have to potential to earn up to 200 bonus points for attendance. Every student begins the semester with 100 bonus points for attendance. The only way to loose these points is through absences & tardies. Each tardy will cost 5 points (there is no such thing as an excused tardy). Every excused absence, after the first 2, will cost you 10 points. Each unexcused absence will cost 25 points. Pre-arranged academic absences will cost -0- points. If you have PERFECT ATTENDANCE (ZERO tardies, ZERO absences, pre-arranged academic absences are ok), your 100 bonus points for attendance will be DOUBLED (earning you 200 bonus points)!! ** NOTE: Attendance bonus points can sometimes make of a full letter difference grade for you! ELECTRONICS – Possible 100 BP’s Every student begins the semester with 50 bonus points for adhering to the electronics policy. The only way to loose these points is for a student to use an electronic in my classroom (cell phone rings, texting, talking, capturing video or pictures, Ipod, mp3, etc). Each violation will result in a deduction of 25 bonus points. If you end the semester without any electronics violations (still have 50 BP’s), these bonus points will be doubled (you will earn 100 bonus points)! AS PER SCHOOL POLICY - If you use your cell phone in the classroom, it will be taken up & given to administration. BONUS POINTS There will be a number of opportunities for bonus points, which are given at the discretion of the instructor. It is highly recommended that every student take full advantage of these opportunities. In the past, 20-30% of a student’s grade has been restored by their outstanding participation and performance in bonus point activities. Participation in bonus point opportunities is always the option of the student. Choosing not to participate will not hurt your grade. However, it’s always sad at the end of the semester when a student who really needs it did not to take part in the extra benefit of earning bonus points. ** DON’T MISS THE OPPORTUNITY TO EARN BONUS POINTS!!** YOU NEVER KNOW WHEN YOU MIGHT NEED THEM IN THE FUTURE!! NEED HELP? I am willing to help you outside of the course classroom. If you need help with homework, studying, tests, etc. – PLEASE come & see me in my classroom during the times listed above. If you do not ask me for help, I may not know you need it.