File - Mr. Holmes Biology

eukaryote/ prokaryote/ organelles/ nucleus/ chromatin/ chromosomes/ nuclear envelope/ lipid bilayer/ diffusion/ osmosis/
isotonic/ hypertonic/ hypotonic/ endocytosis/ exocytosis/ adenosine triphosphate/ photosynthesis/ chlorophyll/ thylakoid/
photosystem/ stroma/ calorie/ fermentation
1. Detail the historical development of microscopes from the 1600’s until present.
2. What are the three parts of cell theory?
3. In two paragraphs, compare and contrast prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
4. Using the text and Figure 7-12, describe the appearance and function of cell membranes and cell walls.
5. In a four paragraph essay, describe the three ways that materials pass into and out of cells(Osmosis,
Facilitated Diffusion, and Active Transport). Your first paragraph should give an overview of general
diffusion and how it relates to the three. (Fig. 7-14 thru 7-17)
6. ATP is a form of chemical energy. Describe how this amazing molecule stores and releases energy.
7. ATP is an excellent energy transfer molecule. It is not a very good molecule for storing energy. EXPLAIN.
8. What did we learn about plants and photosynthesis from Van Helmont, Priestley, and Ingenhousz?
9. Create a diagram, not unlike Figure 8-4, that elucidates the photosynthetic chemical reaction. Please
annotate your diagram with notes and descriptions.
10. How do pigments play a part in photosynthesis?
11. Where do the two main parts of photosynthesis, light dependent reactions and Calvin cycle, take place
in the chloroplast. Make sure to mention all of the structures involved.
12. In 2 paragraphs, summarize the light dependent reactions and Calvin cycle as succinctly as possible.
13. Where do each of the 3 parts of cellular respiration(glycolysis, Kreb’ cycle, electron transport) occur?
14. Compare and contrast the Calvin and Kreb’s cycles.
15. Compare and contrast the light dependent reactions and electron transport.
16. The yield of ATP from a carbohydrate molecule in aerobic versus anaerobic environments is different.
Explain why one is more efficient? Where does the unconverted energy go?
17. Using the text and Figure 9-10, compare the overall chemistry of photosynthesis to cellular respiration.
Pages: 168-73, 182-89, 200-13, 220-29, 232
Color: The First Eukaryotic Cells/Electron Transport and Chemiosmosis/Passive Transport/Photosynthesis: The Light Reactions
eukaryote/ prokaryote/ organelles/ nucleus/ chromatin/ chromosomes/ nuclear envelope/ lipid bilayer/ diffusion/ osmosis/
isotonic/ hypertonic/ hypotonic/ endocytosis/ exocytosis/ adenosine triphosphate/ photosynthesis/ chlorophyll/ thylakoid/
photosystem/ stroma/ calorie/ fermentation
1. Detail the historical development of microscopes from the 1600’s until present.
2. What are the three parts of cell theory?
3. In two paragraphs, compare and contrast prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
4. Using the text and Figure 7-12, describe the appearance and function of cell membranes and cell walls.
5. In a four paragraph essay, describe the three ways that materials pass into and out of cells(Osmosis,
Facilitated Diffusion, and Active Transport). Your first paragraph should give an overview of general
diffusion and how it relates to the three. (Fig. 7-14 thru 7-17)
6. ATP is a form of chemical energy. Describe how this amazing molecule stores and releases energy.
7. ATP is an excellent energy transfer molecule. It is not a very good molecule for storing energy. EXPLAIN.
8. What did we learn about plants and photosynthesis from Van Helmont, Priestley, and Ingenhousz?
9. Create a diagram, not unlike Figure 8-4, that elucidates the photosynthetic chemical reaction. Please
annotate your diagram with notes and descriptions.
10. How do pigments play a part in photosynthesis?
11. Where do the two main parts of photosynthesis, light dependent reactions and Calvin cycle, take place
in the chloroplast. Make sure to mention all of the structures involved.
12. In 2 paragraphs, summarize the light dependent reactions and Calvin cycle as succinctly as possible.
13. Where do each of the 3 parts of cellular respiration(glycolysis, Kreb’ cycle, electron transport) occur?
14. Compare and contrast the Calvin and Kreb’s cycles.
15. Compare and contrast the light dependent reactions and electron transport.
16. The yield of ATP from a carbohydrate molecule in aerobic versus anaerobic environments is different.
Explain why one is more efficient? Where does the unconverted energy go?
17. Using the text and Figure 9-10, compare the overall chemistry of photosynthesis to cellular respiration.
Pages: 168-73, 182-89, 200-13, 220-29, 232
Color: The First Eukaryotic Cells/Electron Transport and Chemiosmosis/Passive Transport/Photosynthesis: The Light Reactions