OFFICERS REPORT - DELEGATED Ref No: 052924 Proposal: Erection of single storey extension to rear of dwelling Location: Gardeners Cottage, Plas yn Llan, Nannerch, Mold, CH7 5RD Applicant: Mrs Ann Smith Date Valid: 19 November 2014 Case Officer: Mrs B Kinnear Expiry Date: 14 January 2015 Consultation & Responses Local Member: Councillor W O Thomas No response received at time of writing. Nannerch Community Council: Nannerch community council reviewed this application at their meeting, Council members .have confirmed that they have no comments against this application. Public Protection: I can confirm that I have no adverse comments to make regarding this proposal. Joint Advisory Committee (AONB) Jac have no objection in principle to this application in the conservation area subject to the conservation officer being satisfied with the details. Jac suggest that the scheme could be enhanced by the use of stone on elevations rather than the render. Natural Resources Wales : No response received at time of writing. Conservation: Scheme now amended is acceptable . Neighbours: No response received at time of writing. Nannerch Nursing Home Lollipop House Autumn Cottage Press and Site Notice Posted Affecting Setting of Listed Building and Conservation area. 1 Relevant History & Policies: Index cards F17/53 and F17/18 No relevant history for Gardeners Cottage Flintshire Unitary Development Plan GEN1 General Requirements for Development HSG12 House Extensions and Alterations D2 Design HE1 Development Affecting Conservation Areas HE2 Development Affecting Listed Buildings and their Settings. The proposal would comply with the above policies. Planning Appraisal: This householder application seeks consent for the erection of a single storey extension to the rear of the existing two storey detached dwelling. The application is set within the Nannerch conservation area and has been advertised as within the conservation area and as affecting the setting of a listed building. (Lollipop Cottage). The application site is within the settlement boundary of Nannerch. As the application is within the conservation area and within the curtilage setting of a listed building , the conservation officer has been consulted and has responded as above. The single storey extension is proposed to be approx 21m2 in its footprint and 3.8m in its height at the apex of the roof line at its maximum height. . The extension is proposed to be of cat slide roof design , with a blank elevation proposed on the elevation close to Autumn Cottage separated by approx 1.6m on the rear elevation of Autumn Cottage , as such the proposal will not be detrimental to amenity . The conservation officer has assessed the application and requested amended details in relation to the details of the scheme in relation to the fenestration details , to enable the scheme to be more appropriate to its sensitive setting. The agent has now forwarded these revised details and the scheme is now acceptable to conservation and is considered compliant with the above policies. The surrounding buildings only have roof lights on the elevations facing the proposed extension, the rest of the elevations are blank , accordingly the single storey extension is not considered to adversely impact upon neighbouring amenities. 2 The scale, design and materials of construction proposed are reflective of the existing property and is considered to be subsidiary in scale to the existing property, compliant with the above policies. Recommendation Code: / Approve Conditions T01 T02 In considering this planning application the Council has acted in accordance with the Human Rights Act 1998 including Article 8 of the Convention and in a manner which is necessary in a democratic society in furtherance of the legitimate aims of the Act and the convention. Notes to Applicants 1 Informatives N13 Plans Application form Date received 17 .11.14. Drawing No 14-024 PL01 Location , site plan as existing received 17.11.14. Drawing No 14-024 PL02 Ground floor plan as existing received 17.11.14. Drawing No 14-024 PL03 Rev A Elevations as existing received 21.11.14. Drawing No 14-024 PL04 Rev A Ground floor as proposed received 05.01.15 Drawing No 14-024 PL05 Rev A Elevations as proposed received 05.01.15 Drawing No 14 024 PL06 Window and door details as proposed received 05.01.15 Date of Recommendation: 05.01.15 3