Peer Review FORM-Idea Essay, Sara Jameson

WR 121 – Peer Review of the "Exploring an Idea" essay
Students will read and review two papers by fellow students, and then write a feedback report on the process.
1) One review will be done in class, reading the paper, writing the form below, and discussing.
2) The second review will be done at home. You will read the essay and type your peer letter according to the
"take home" form attached (pull them apart) This has more questions since you will have more time to write.
Bring TWO copies of the letter, one for me to grade and one for the author. You will have time to discuss
these in class.
Reviews will be graded on the thoroughness with which you read and comment on the other papers.
3) The feedback report (see syllabus) will describe and analyze how this peer process worked for you.
The hoped for outcome:
1) that you will learn something about thinking and analyzing by observing someone else's thinking
2) that you will learn something about writing by observing someone's writing
(maybe in both cases a technique you can imitate?)
3) that your feedback will help the other writers
(Note - you are focusing on ideas and techniques, not on spelling or grammar. In particular, you are
focusing on the positive, looking for what works well, so the author will know to do more of that)
Read in class and fill out form. (You can write on the back of this page)
Then discuss the essay with the author.
Hand in form for grading. I'll return it to the author on Thursday.
The writer's name ____________________________ Reviewer's name ____________________
The paper title ______________________________
Author: List one question you want your reviewer to focus on:
Reviewer: Answer that question and these below:
1) which example/ quote / image you feel best represents or evoke the idea/concept/quality being discussed
2) give one other example / quote / image you can suggest that the author might add
3) note which aspects of the idea are discussed (it is not bad if all are not done):
`how one acquires this quality
`how the quality changes: with times – cultures – as people age
`how society views this idea
4) which is the most eye-catching part of the introduction that makes you want to read further
5) if the author used a personal example, was that effective? If he/she didn't use a personal example, might it
help to add one?
6) which part you liked best and why
7) If any part confused you, say where and why.
8) Did you feel satisfied at the conclusion, or did you feel that more needed to be said?
PART TWO -- TAKE HOME REVIEW – bring two typed copies to class - 1 for author, 1 for grade
Using this list to guide your writing, TYPE a minimum of one page double spaced review of the paper as a
letter to the author. Include your name, the author's name and the title of the essay.
Write the author a letter telling him or her in detail what you liked, using specific details from the essay.
Author: List one question you want your reviewer to focus on:
Reviewer: Answer that question and these below:
1) which example/ quote / image you feel best represents or evoke the idea/concept/quality being discussed
2) give one other example / quote / image you can suggest that the author might add
3) note which aspects of the idea are discussed (it is not bad if all are not done):
`how one acquires this quality
`how the quality changes: with times – cultures – as people age
`how society views this idea
4) which is the most eye-catching part of the introduction that makes you want to read further
5) if the author used a personal example, was that effective? If he/she didn't use a personal example, might it
help to add one?
6) which part you liked best and why
7) If any part confused you, say where and why.
8) Did you feel satisfied at the conclusion, or did you feel that more needed to be said?
9) Did the paper use dictionary definitions and/or etymology (word origins, earlier meanings?)
or synonyms or antonyms (opposites) looking at what it isn't can help show what it is
– if so, was this done effectively?
~ if not, (and definitions are not required), do you think that definitions might have helped?
How? Why? In which paragraph would you suggest adding them?
10)In what ways did the author try to "nail down" a definition?
11) In what ways did the author try to "problematize" or "complicate" the issue by introducing more ways to
think about the idea?
12) In what ways does the essay encourage the reader to follow (or avoid) the behavior / trait / idea
PART THREE -- Don't forget to also write your PEER REVIEW FEEDBACK REPORT – see syllabus
for format.