Conventions Continuum Conventions: Level 1 Spelling - Notices and discusses letter/ sound correspondence. - Writes own name. Capitalization - Begins to use both upper and lower case letters, notices and discusses the difference. (ex. letter investigation) Punctuation - Notices and discusses punctuation with teacher (eg. in morning message). - Plays with punctuation in own writing. Level 2 - Uses spaces between letters and words. - Attempts semi-phonetic spelling, uses beginning and ending sounds. (mstr = monster) - Begins to capitalize name, first word of a sentence, the pronoun “I” and people’s names. - Uses both upper and lower case letters. - Experiments with endmarks: periods, question marks, and exclamation points. Level 3 - Spells fry words 1-300 correctly in final drafts. - Experiments with expanded vocabulary words (phonetic spelling). - Correctly capitalizes sentence beginnings, proper nouns (cities and states), and the pronoun “I.” - Capitalizes the greeting and closing in letters, holidays, titles, and personal titles (Dr., Mrs., Mr., etc.). Level 4 - Spells fry words 1-400 correctly in final drafts. - Difficult words may be phonetically spelled. - Begins to recognize and spell common homophones correctly (eg. their, there, they're, your, you're, to, too, two) - Uses capitalization correctly. - Correctly uses endmarks: periods, question marks, and exclamation points. - Correctly uses commas for the following: in a series, dates, cities and states, and the greeting and closing of letters. - Uses periods at the end of abbreviations. - Uses apostrophes correctly in contractions and singular possessives. - Knows and applies the rules for simple quotation marks. - Begins to punctuate compound sentences. - Uses apostrophes correctly in plural possessives. - Experiments with more complex punctuation; semicolons, dashes, colons, hyphens, parentheses, and underlining. - Continues to use correct punctuation from level 3. Grammar/Usage - Notices and discusses correct grammar in oral language and print (eg. complete sentences, subject-verb agreement, and pronouns). - Nonstandard grammar is common. - Begins to identify complete sentences. - Begins to use sentences with subject-verb agreement orally and in writing. Paragraphing - Attempts to write left to right, and top to bottom. - Identifies and writes complete sentences. - Identifies adjectives and adverbs in a sentence, and begins to use them in own sentences. - Writes complete sentences using irregular plurals or nouns. - Uses the correct verb tense including past, present, and future. - Generally consistent point of view. - Correct subject/verb agreement in simple sentences. - Consistently indents paragraphs. - Writes a complete sentence using appropriate forms of irregular verbs. - Correctly uses adjectives in sentences. - Basic control of subject/verb agreement in all types of sentences. - Generally correct verb tense. - Generally consistent point of view (first, second, and third person). - Combines sentences by using a coordinate conjunction. - Consistently indents paragraphs. - Consistently writes left to right, and top to bottom. - Recognizes paragraphs in books. Level 5 - Spells fry words 1-500 correctly in final drafts. - Spells common homophones correctly. - Uses capitalization correctly. - Correctly punctuates compound and compoundcomplex sentences. - Uses more complex punctuation; semicolons, dashes, colons, hyphens, parentheses, and underlining. Level 6 - Spells correctly in final draft except for stylistic effect. - Spells common homophones correctly. - Uses capitalization correctly inside quotations. - Correctly uses more complex punctuation; semicolons, dashes, colons, hyphens, parentheses, quotation marks, and underlining. Level 7 - Spells correctly in final draft except for stylistic effect. - Begins to manipulate capitalization for emphasis and stylistic effect. - Begins to manipulate punctuation for emphasis and stylistic effect. - Continues to use complex punctuation. Levels 8, 9 - Spells correctly in final draft except for stylistic effect. - Manipulates capitalization for emphasis and stylistic effect. - Manipulates punctuation for emphasis and stylistic effect. - Correctly uses adjectives and adverbs in sentences. - Combines sentences by using a coordinate conjunction. - Uses effective transitions in writing including pronoun referents. - With few exceptions uses correct subject/verb agreement, correct verb tense, and point of view in writing. - Recognizes and fixes sentence fragments and run-ons. - Combines sentences using subordinate conjunctions. -With few exceptions uses correct subject/verb agreement, correct verb tense, possessives, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, sentence structure, and a consistent point of view in writing. - Recognizes and fixes sentence fragments and run-ons. - Begins to eliminate or manipulate sentence fragments for emphasis and stylistic effect. - Solid control of the following: subject/verb agreement, noun/pronoun agreement, consistent verb tense, consistent point of view. - Eliminates or manipulates sentence fragments for emphasis and stylistic effect. - Consistently indents paragraphs. - Experiments with dialogue paragraphing. - Consistently indents paragraphs. - Begins to use stanza, divisions and other textual markers. - Sound paragraph breaks including when speaker changes in dialogue. - Uses correct paragraphing divisions and other textual markers to enhance meaning. - Paragraph breaks reinforce organizational structure. - Uses correct paragraphing divisions and other textual markers to enhance meaning. - Paragraph breaks reinforce organizational structure.