DP assessment standards

DP: Les Standards de Langue B
(Mme. Estes/le français/SIHS)
These are skills you need to master in order to communicate in French well. In IB rubrics, they even say
“most of the time” for the higher marks, because you’re human and you’re going to make mistakes. But
in my classroom if you make 3 mistakes in that skill area that indicates you have not yet mastered it, so
you will not get checked off for that skill on my rubric.
1.Standard A = Spoken Message
Goal a: I can communicate simple ideas clearly.
Goal b: I can keep the conversation/presentation flowing with minimal choppiness.
Goal c: I can use negatives with ease.
Goal d: I can use intonation, rhythm & liaison in phrases & questions.
Goal e: Pronunciation is clear and understandable; attempt at accent is good.
Goal f: I can ask questions clearly and answer accordingly.
Goal g: I can communicate complex ideas effectively.
2. Standard B = Spoken Language
Goal a: I can use a wide range of content-related vocabulary with ease.
Goal b: I can use present tense correctly in simple sentences.
Goal c: I can use adjectives and adverbs accurately.
Goal d: I can use other tenses when needed in proper context.
Goal e: I can use negatives correctly and in context.
Goal f: I can use idioms with ease and in context.
Goal g: I can use complex sentences effectively. (ex: subj + verb + (link word) + subj. + verb)
3. Standard C = Written Message
Goal a: I can write in clear, complete sentences.
Goal b: I can communicate my message clearly and smoothly.
Goal c: I can express my thoughts in a coherent, organized fashion.
Goal d: I can use the language to fit the text type, the structure to fit the text type, and tone to fit the
Goal e: I can relay a sense of international mindedness by looking at different perspectives and
addressing stereotypes.
Goal f: I can use idioms in appropriate ways (ie: faire, avoir, tout, others).
Goal g: I can analyze and support opinions or feelings using detailed examples.
4. Standard D = Written Language
Goal a: I can use a wide variety of vocabulary suited to the context.
Goal b: I can use a wide range of verbs that are not “être.” (ex: reg, irreg, reflexive, infinitive, present,
participle, command)
Goal c: I can use correct subject/verb conjugation and tense to fit the situation. (ex: present, passé
composé, imparfait, future, conditional, compound tenses)
Goal d: I can use a variety of negatives and adverbs in the right place.
Goal e: I can use a wide range of correctly placed adjectives that agree in gender & number with their
nouns. (ex: BAGS, regular, irregular, possessive, demonstrative)
Goal f: I can correctly construct complex sentences. (link words, “si” clauses, subjunctive structure)
Goal g: : I can correctly use a variety of pronouns (ie: subject, stress, relative, possessive,
demonstrative, indirect, direct, double obj.)
5. Standard E: Reading (to be measured by points)
Goal a: I can identify most cognates.
Goal b: I can identify key vocabulary words which aid in my understanding.
Goal c: I can identify negative constructions and linking words which convey positive, negative or
argumentative connotation.
Goal d: I can identify the cultural context of the text and compare it to other francophone countries
and/or my own.
Goal e: I can recognize the tone (ie: feeling, emotion) of the text by key words, adjectives and
expressions and/or pictures.
Goal f: I can analyze what message is inferred, or not explicitly stated, in order to gain insight into the
underlying meaning of the text.
Goal g: I can, with 85% accuracy, write a paragraph summary in French of the main ideas of the text.
6. Standard F: Vocabulary Process
Goal a: I can use the designated amount of vocabulary words required.
Goal b: I can spell the word correctly with accents, plural (if needed).
Goal c: I can use correct agreement between adjectives / articles and the vocabulary word if a noun.
Goal d: I can use correct subject + verb agreement if the vocabulary word is a verb.
Goal e: I can use two of the vocabulary words together in context.
Goal f: I can apply the word(s) to my own life or experiences, justifying with examples. (Must use 3 to
get credit.)
Goal g: I can use the word(s) correctly in context.
7. Standard G: Verbs Process (conjugation: will be assessed using the point system.)
8. Standard H: Grammar Process (will be assessed using the point system)