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(2000) Shoring up the pillars of modernity: teacher education and the quest for certainty International Studies in Sociology of Education, Volume 10, Issue 2 , pages 113 – 131 Maguire M. (2000) The state regulation of United Kingdom teacher education in the nineteenth century: the interplay of 'value' and 'sense' International Studies in Sociology of Education, Volume 10, Issue 3 , pages 227 – 242 8 Mahony P., Hextall I. and Menter I. (2002) Threshold assessment: another peculiarity of the english or more McDonaldisation? International Studies in Sociology of Education, Volume 12, Issue 2 , pages 145 - 168 McDougall J., Walker S. and Kendall A. (2006) Shaping up? Three acts of education studies as textual critique International Studies in Sociology of Education, Volume 16, Issue 2 , pages 159 – 173 Nixon J., Cope P., McNally J., Rodrigues S. and Stephen C. (2000) Universitybased initial teacher education: institutional re-positioning and professional renewal International Studies in Sociology of Education, Volume 10, Issue 3 , pages 243 – 261 Pollard A. (2005) Explorations in teaching and learning: a biographical narrative and some enduring issues International Studies in Sociology of Education, Volume 15, Issue 1 , pages 87 - 106 Winter C. (2000) The state steers by remote control: standardising teacher education International Studies in Sociology of Education, Volume 10, Issue 2, pages 153 – 175 Irish Educational Studies Drudy, S. (2006). Gender differences in entrance patterns and awards in initial teacher education. Irish Educational Studies, 25 (3), 259-273. Leavy, A. (2005). 'When I meet them I talk to them': the challenges of diversity for pre-service teacher education. Irish Educational Studies, 24 (2-3), 159177. Journal of Curriculum Studies John, P. D. (2006). 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(2000) Teacher probation resurrected: England 1999-2000 Journal of Education Policy, Volume 15, Issue 6 , pages 701 – 713 Journal of In-Service Education Baumfield V. and Butterworth M. (2005) Developing and sustaining professional dialogue about teaching and learning in schools Journal of In-Service Education, Volume 31, Issue 2 , pages 297 - 312 Bird M., Ding S., Hanson A., Leontovitsch A. and McCartney R. (2005) There is nothing as practical as a good theory: an examination of the outcomes of a 'traditional' MA in education for educational professionals Journal of InService Education, Volume 31, Issue 3 , pages 427 - 454 Bolam R. (2000) Emerging policy trends: some implications for continuing professional development Journal of In-Service Education, Volume 26, Issue 2 , pages 267 - 280 Bottery M. and Wright N. (2000) The directed profession: teachers and the state in the third millennium Journal of In-Service Education, Volume 26, Issue 3 , pages 475 - 487 Brookes W. (2005) The Graduate Teacher Programme in England: mentor training, quality assurance and the findings of inspection Journal of InService Education, Volume 31, Issue 1 , pages 43 - 62 Bubb S. and Earley P. (2006) Induction rites and wrongs: the 'educational vandalism' of new teachers' professional development Journal of In-Service Education, Volume 32, Issue 1 , pages 5 - 12 Burns C. (2005) Tensions between National, School and Teacher Development Needs: a survey of teachers' views about continuing professional development within a group of rural primary schools Journal of In-Service Education, Volume 31, Issue 2 , pages 353 - 372 Campbell A. (2003) Teachers' Research and Professional Development in England: some questions, issues and concerns Journal of In-Service Education, Volume 29, Issue 3 , pages 375 - 388 Child A. J. and Merrill S. J. (2003) Professional mentors' perceptions of the contribution of school/HEI partnerships to professional development and school improvement Journal of In-Service Education, Volume 29, Issue 2 , pages 315 - 324 13 Davies R. and Preston M. (2002) An evaluation of the impact of continuing professional development on personal and professional lives Journal of InService Education, Volume 28, Issue 2 , pages 231 - 254 Draper J., O'brien J. and Christie F. (2004) First Impressions: the new teacher induction arrangements in Scotland Journal of In-Service Education, Volume 30, Issue 2 , pages 201 - 224 Field K. and Philpott C. (2000) The impact of hosting student teachers on school effectiveness and school improvement Journal of In-Service Education, Volume 26, Issue 1 , pages 115 - 137 Findlay K. (2006) Context and learning factors in the development of teacher identity: a case study of newly qualified teachers during their induction year Journal of In-Service Education, Volume 32, Issue 4 , pages 511 - 532 Harrison J. K. (2002) The induction of newly qualified teachers in secondary schools Journal of In-Service Education, Volume 28, Issue 2 , pages 255 276 Harrison J., Lawson T. and Wortley A. (2005) Action Research and the Professional Development of Induction Tutors: some unforeseen impacts and pitfalls. What Do We Learn? Journal of In-Service Education, Volume 31, Issue 1 , pages 83 - 104 Hodkinson A. (2006) Career Entry Development Profiles and the statutory induction arrangements in England: a model of effective practice for the professional development of newly qualified teachers? Journal of In-Service Education, Volume 32, Issue 3 , pages 287 - 300 Jones C., Bubb S., Totterdell M. and Heilbronn R. 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(2000) Practitioner research in LEA-directed INSET Journal of InService Education, Volume 26, Issue 1 , pages 99 – 113 Journal of Vocational Education and Training Avis, J., and Bathmaker, A. (2004). The Politics of Care: emotional labour and trainee further education lecturers. Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 56 (1), 5-19. Avis, J., and Bathmaker, A. (2006). From trainee to FE lecturer: trials and tribulations. Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 58 (2), 171-189. 16 Bailey, B., and Robson, J. (2002). Changing teachers: a critical review of recent policies affecting the professional training and qualifications of teachers in schools, colleges and universities in England. Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 54 (3), 325-342. Harkin, J. (2005). Fragments stored against my ruin: the place of educational theory in the professional development of teachers in further education. Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 57 (2), 165-179. Noel, P. (2006). 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