IF Form –Super League XX Grand Final 2015 Please complete this form to secure your tickets in the event that Leeds Rhinos qualify for the Super League XX Grand Final 2015 at Old Trafford on Saturday 10th October – kick off 6pm. On qualification for the final your tickets will be automatically processed for you. Fill in your details below and send this form, complete with your Customer number (located at the bottom of your Season Ticket / Membership card) or Rhinos 4 Life Membership number/Leedsline Agent number to Super League XX Grand Final 2015 Applications, Ticket Sales Office, Leeds Rugby Ltd, Headingley Carnegie Stadium, St Michael’s Lane, Leeds, LS6 3BR. We must receive all ‘IF’ form applications prior to 5pm on Thursday 1st October 2015. NO FAX OR E-MAIL APPLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED. Please note no applications will be processed without the relevant numbers mentioned above. If you are ordering for more than one person we will require numbers for all of those people too! Please be aware that for this final it is SIX tickets per season ticket member, flexi member, Rhinos 4 Life member and Leedsline agent. Rhinos Supporter members can also use this form however they will be processed after the Season Ticket Holders, Rhinos 4 Life members and Leedsline agents ticket requests have been fulfilled. If your order includes top priority parties and supporter members your form will also be processed once the top priority requests have been processed to ensure you are all together. PLEASE STATE THE NUMBER OF TICKETS REQUIRED HERE ………….. SEASON TICKET MEMBER CUSTOMER NO(S) ………………../………………../……………./………………/………………/……………… NAMES (S) ………………………../…………………………/………………………/…………………………/……………………/……………….. RHINOS 4 LIFE MEMBERSHIP NO(S) ………………../………………../……………….. /………………../……………….. NAMES (S) ………………………../…………………………/………………………/…………………………/…………………… LEEDSLINE AGENT NO(S) ………………../………………../……………….. /………………../……………….. NAMES (S) ………………………../…………………………/………………………/…………………………/……………………/……………….. SUPPORTER MEMBERSHIP NUMBER (S) ………………../………………../………………../………………../……………….. NAMES (S) ………………………../…………………………/………………………/…………………………/…………………… THE CATEGORIES AVAILABLE WILL BE AS FOLLOWS: £60, £50, £40, £35, £30, £20,(NO CONCESSION PRICES ARE AVAILABLE FOR THE FINAL) PLEASE STATE YOUR PREFERRED TICKET CATEGORY: 1ST CHOICE …………….. 2ND CHOICE …………… 3RD CHOICE …………….. DO YOU REQUIRE RETURN COACH TRAVEL FOR ONLY £15?* (PLEASE PRIMARY CONTACT NAME: …………………………………………………….. CUSTOMER NUMBER: …………………………………… ADDRESS: (TICKETS WILL BE POSTED TO THIS ADDRESS) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. INDICATE HOW MANY PLACES ARE REQUIRED) ……………………………. (*Travel vouchers are NOT valid) POSTCODE: ………………………… DAY TIME TEL: ………………………………………………… MOBILE: ……………………………………………………….. EMAIL: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Please note that once you have signed this form no refunds, cancellations or changes will be allowed. Method of Payment This form is for Credit or Debit card payments only. Please do not send Cash or Cheques Please tick your preferred payment type - PLEASE NOTE THERE WILL BE A £1.50 BOOKING FEE PER ORDER. Visa ……. MasterCard ……. Switch/Maestro ....... Solo ....... (we do not accept Visa Electron or AMEX) Card no. …………………………………………………………………….. Expiry date: ............/............. Issue (Switch/Solo only) .......... or Valid from (Switch/Solo only) .........../........... CVV Code (last 3 digits from reverse of card): ……….. Cardholder signature*: ……………………………………………………………………Date:……………………………………………………………. We will contact you if there are any problems. If your application has proved successful we will send your ticket(s) to you in the post. *N.B. IN COMPLETING THIS FORM YOU ARE AGREEING TO PURCHASE THE TICKETS INDICATED TO THE SUPER LEAGUE XX GRAND FINAL 2015 IN THE EVENT OF LEEDS RHINOS’ QUALIFICATION. In the event of a victory in the SEMI FINAL you will not need to contact us again, we will process your application, debit the relevant amount from your card and post the ticket(s) out to you. If the SEMI FINAL ends in an overall defeat we will destroy the application form and no money will be taken from the card. Please note that once you have signed this form no refunds, cancellations or changes will be allowed. For office use only: - Date received: ………………………………………………