PRESENTATION RUBRIC (page 1 of 2) Student Name ______________________ (rev. 1/09) Famous Person _____________________ CATEGORY: (The student should circle one.) Language Arts Music Art Ancient History Recent History Science Math/Philosophy Athletics/Dance STUDENT INTRODUCTION. Student introduces him/herself. Gives name of character and says why they chose this category. Student explains features of costume/setting that they made or assembled. (This is about 30 seconds). 0 1 0 = not done COSTUME and/or PROPS (6 pts.) 1. Student assembled details of costume/props. 0 1 2 3 4 (B+/A-) (A+) 2. Appropriateness of costume. 0 1 0 = no costume or props 1 = has costume, but minimal student effort 2 = average costume/props 3 = very good, but not awesome 4 = exceptional costume/props 0 = no costume 1 = little relation to character or time period. 2 = good relation to character and time period. 2 ASSUMING THE ROLE (This is the two minute biography.) (16 pts.) 1. Presentation was given in first person. 0 1 2 3 2. Student acts out the personality. 1 2 3 4 5 3. Quality of presentation delivery. 1 2 3 4 5 0 = no presentation 1 = never 1st person or many slip ups 2 = only a few slip ups 3 = never slips up 1 = never 2 = sometimes 3 = mostly 4 = well done 5 = you are convinced! 1 = just reads outline / notecards 2 = heavily dependent on outline 3 = uses outline some, but presentation is well done 4 = outline not needed, good job 5 = wow! Very natural flow. 4. Two minute presentation is between 1 ½ and 2 ½ minutes. 1 = too little or not finished at 2 ½ min. 3 = between 1 ½ and 2 ½ min. 1 3 do not use 2 PRESENTATION RUBRIC (page 2 of 2) QUESTIONS (12 pts.) Ask the first two questions in order. Next, skip around the other questions. 1. Student gives judge a typed copy of questions and answers. 0 = no 3 = yes 2. Quality of answers. 1 2 3 4 5 1 = all one word answers, or just reads cards 2 = many one word or abrupt answers 3 = mostly well developed answers 4 = all answers are well done with supporting examples when appropriate; does not need note cards. 5 = like 4, but passionate! 3. Completeness. Student had enough material to fill 5 minutes. No penalty if all are not done. 1 = no 4 = yes TOTAL = _______/ 35 Do not use numbers between 1 and 4 (Room monitor, please add this up.)