Anthropology 415 California State University, Bakersfield Dr. Robert M. Yohe II, Instructor MW, 3:30:00 - 5:35 p.m. Office hours: MWF, 1:00 - 2:00 p.m.; TR 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. Room: DDH K110 or by appointment CULTURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Course Syllabus Course Description The legislation of historic preservation at the federal, state, and local levels has resulted in a new subfield of both anthropology and history that is becoming increasing important in the modern world, especially with the growth of urban America and rapid encroachment upon archaeological and historical resources by extractive industries. The purpose of this class is to inform the student about historic preservation law and the practical realities of historic preservation today. Required Texts The required texts for this course are Cultural Resource Law and Practice by Thomas F. King, Federal Planning and Historic Places: The Section 106 Process, also by King, and Public Archaeology in Annapolis by Parker B. Potter, Jr. There may be additional readings for the course, but these will be assigned as necessary and in most cases supplied to the student. Student Evaluation Grading for this course will be based on two exercises (the creation of one Memorandum of Agreement and one Programmatic Agreement) worth 100 pt. each, a midterm (100 pts.), a final (100 pts.), and a class project (100 pts.) for a total of 500 points. Examinations. Exams (both midterm and final) will be a mixture of objective and essay questions. You must use a blue book for the midterm and final or you will automatically loose 10 points. Project. A description of the project parameters will be distributed to students later. Other Important Considerations Attendance. Attendance to this course is mandatory. There will be those instances of unavoidable absence (illness, family business, etc.), but it is the responsibility of the student to notify me in advance of any other type of planned absence. Tardiness. Each class session begins and ends on time. I really do not appreciate people arriving late or leaving early, especially while I am lecturing. Again, if you know you are going to be late or must leave early for some compelling reason, let me know ahead of time. Cell Phones and Pagers. Now for my pet peeve. Active cell phones and pagers will not be tolerated during class! They are distracting to me and the other students when they ring in the middle of a lecture. CULTURAL RESOURCE MANAGMENT: COURSE OUTLINE Week 1 Introduction to Cultural Resource Management and Federal Law (King I: Chapters 1, 2, 3) Week 2 NEPA, NHPA, and Section 106 (King I, Chapters 4 and 5). Week 3 Section 106 and the New Regulations (All of King II) Week 4 MOAs, PAs, and other Nasty Stuff (King I, Chapter 5). Week 5 NAGPRA and ARPA (King I, Chapter 6). Midterm Week 6 Cultural Resource Impact Assessments (King I, Chapter 7) Memorandum of Agreement Exercise due. Week 7 Cultural Resource Management Plans (King I, Chapter 8). Week 8 Recordation, Inventories, and Non-Invasive Testing. Programmatic Agreement Exercise due. Week 9 The California Environmental Quality Act and Historic Preservation Class project due. Week 10 The Future of Historic Preservation (King I, Chapter 9). Final Examination: Thursday, March 18, 5:00 to 7:30 p.m.