2005 - Welsh Sports Association

Welsh Sports Association
Cymdeithas Chwaraeon Cymru
ASSOCIATION held on Sunday 30 October 2005 at the Welsh Institute of Sport, Cardiff,
commencing at 11a.m.
Mr R Turner
Mr J O’Callaghan
Modernisation Manager/Secretary
Welsh Athletics
John H Collins
Steve Brace
Lynette Harries
Tony Tullett
Paul Sexton
Bernard Cross
Ken Gough
Eugene O’Connor
Gordon Pantell
David Phillps
Hilary King
H. M. Morgan
Mel Higham
John Dunn
Sue Mabbett
Graham Crimp
Phil Jones
Melanie Bowkett
William Gill
Paul Dancey
Richard Hendicott
Jane Brown
Matt Newman
Helen Phillips
Anne Ellis OBE
Chris Brewer
Gordon Shumack
Chris Shumack
Alan King
Phill Thomas
Sue Holvey
Susanne Newbold
David George
John A Holmes
Simon Blacker
Bill Trezise
Steph Fell
Elizabeth Williams
Robert James
Welsh Badminton Union
Welsh Baseball Union
Welsh Billiards & Snooker Association
Welsh Indoor Bowls Association
Welsh Ladies’ Indoor Bowling Association
Welsh Womens’ Bowling Association
Welsh Crown Green Bowling Association
Welsh Short Mat Bowls Association
Cambrian Caving Council
Welsh Cricket Association
Welsh Cycling Union
Fitness Wales
FAW Trust
Welsh Freeflight Federation
Welsh Golfing Union
Welsh Ladies’ Golfing Union
Welsh Gymnastics
Welsh Hockey Union
Welsh Lacrosse Association
Welsh Motor Cycle Federation
Mountain Leader Training Wales
Welsh Netball Association
Welsh Yachting Association
Welsh Target Shooting Federation
Welsh Rifle Association
Welsh Association for Sports Injury Management
Welsh Association of Sub-Aqua Clubs
Welsh Amateur Swimming Association
Table Tennis Association of Wales
Tennis Wales
Welsh Triathlon Association
Welsh Tug of War Association
Sports Leaders UK
WSA Executive Member
Welsh Assembly Government
Sports Council For Wales, Chairman
Sports Council For Wales
Travel City Sport
Welsh Sports Association
John Fraser
Jim Lightbody
Stephen Clarke
Dean Hardie
Tom Roberts
Rosemary Smith
Michael Smith
Rob Guy
Wendy Williams MBE
Alun Pugh AM
Philip Carling
Lynn Davies
Christine Gittoes
Bob Lowe
Sara Butlin
Graham Davies
Sarah Powell
Mr J Strachan & Team
Kieran Harris
The Chairman welcomed members to the meeting, and made a series of house
A minute’s silence was observed in respect of the late Mrs Ceri O’Donnell and Mrs Pam
Rees who had passed away since the last meeting, and who had served Welsh sport with such
The Chairman advised delegates of the following forthcoming events:
Tuesday 8th November
SkillsActive – Welsh Skills Conference
Vale Hotel Golf & Spa Resort, Hensol Park, Vale of Glamorgan
Saturday 12th November
Welsh Association of Local Sports Councils (WALSC) - Annual Conference
Llandrindod Wells
Thursday 24th November
WSA Outdoor Pursuits Group Seminar: The way forward on Access Issues in Wales
Welsh Institute of Sport Cardiff – Starts 6.30pm
Tuesday 29th November
WSA Seminar – Charitable Status for NGBs – The pros and cons
Welsh Institute of Sport Cardiff – Starts 1.30pm
Following a short address by Mr Steph Fell of the Isle of Anglesey Swimming Club, Mrs
Elizabeth Williams was presented with the Association’s Administrator of the Year Award in
recognition of her outstanding contribution to Welsh swimming, and in particular swimming
development in the Anglesey area.
Apologies for absence had been received from: Mr W. E. Phelps, Welsh Target Shooting
Federation; Edward Melen, Welsh Judo; Anne Wilson, Welsh Orienteering Association; Alan
Lee, Welsh Weightlifting Federation; Gareth John, Federation of Disability Sport Wales;
Peter Hybart, Tennis Wales; Lyndon Williams, Welsh Badminton Union; Mike Nicholas,
Welsh Rugby League; Gareth Hall, Welsh Triathlon Association; Sue Williams, Clive
Thomas, Brian Goffee, Manon Rees Roberts, Colin Metson, Ian Blackburn, Ann Bevan, John
Mayock, Sports Council for Wales.
The Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting held on Sunday 10 October 2004, were
adopted as a correct record.
There were no matters arising.
See Appendix A
The Treasurer, Mr Graham Crimp, referred to his financial report, which had been circulated
to members, and members were given the opportunity to raise any matters of interest.
That the report be accepted.
Details of the official representatives of the organisations in membership for the
period 1 November 2005 – 31 October 2006 had been circulated.
The Chairman asked members to advise the Secretary of any amendments, at the
conclusion of the meeting.
Details of the Executive Committee Members appointed for the period 1 April 2005 –
31 March 2008 had been circulated to the Association’s members.
That the list of Members be confirmed.
The Chairman asked members to note the dates of future WSA Executive Committee
meetings and reminded members, that in order to comply with the Association’s constitution,
its financial year needed to be co-terminus with that of the Sports Council for Wales. As such
the next Annual General Meeting would take place in May 2006, and thereafter would be
held annually in May of each year, with the Association’s financial year being 1st April – 31st
To note the dates of forthcoming WSA Executive Committee meetings.
That the next Annual General Meeting be held on Sunday 21 May 2006.
There being no other business, the Chairman thanked those present for their attendance and
closed the meeting.*
* Following the meeting, representatives of the Commonwealth Games Council for Wales
(CGCW), Anne Ellis OBE and Helen Phillips gave a presentation to members in respect of
planning for the 2006 Melbourne Commonwealth Games.
The Chairman thanked the representatives for an interesting and informative presentation,
and for sharing the planning process for this prestigious event with those members present.
**Following the CGCW presentation, the Minister for Culture, Welsh Language and Sport at
the Welsh Assembly Government, Alan Pugh AM, delivered a keynote address in respect of
his government’s view of the importance of sport in Wales, and particularly its relevance to
the country’s health agenda.
Following an interesting Question & Answer session, the Association’s Treasurer Mr Graham
Crimp gave a vote of thanks to the Minister for an interesting and thought provoking
***Following the Minister’s presentation, delegates enjoyed a lunch sponsored by Mr Jim
Strachan and his team at Travel City Sport, and over lunch Mr Strachan outlined his
company’s involvement, as official travel agent to the Commonwealth Games Council for
Wales, in the travel arrangements for the 2006 Melbourne Commonwealth Games Event.
He also advised members of the recent death of Mrs Gwen Lamb, a loyal servant to Welsh
Bowls and members observed a minute’s silence as a mark of respect to her memory.
Welsh Sports Association
Cymdeithas Chwaraeon Cymru
Appendix A
Chairman’s Address
Welcome to this morning’s meeting, and thank you for coming!
As I am sure you are all aware, the Welsh Assembly Government’s Minister for Culture,
Welsh Language and Sport, Mr Alun Pugh AM, has found time in his busy schedule to be
with us today and give the keynote address and answer questions.
When preparing for this morning’s presentation I took the trouble to look back over what I
said to you last year. I opened by saying that the previous twelve months had been quite
remarkable, indeed unique. That scenario has continued over the current year. In terms of the
WSA, it has been dynamic and fast moving thanks primarily to the funding received from UK
Sport and our own Sports Council for Wales.
The period has witnessed the creation of the WSA Commercial & ICT Unit and a close
working relationship in the key policy areas of Child Protection, the Welsh Language and
SkillsActive and Coaching development. The working practices of our Association have
undergone review and modernisation, and right at the heart of this process has been our full
time Secretary and Modernisation Manager, Mr John O’Callaghan. It was thus with some
concern that I learnt some few weeks ago, that John intended to move on to new and different
challenges and that he would be leaving us in December. As Chairman, I wish to put on
record our thanks to John for his enthusiasm, good humour and professionalism and wish him
well for the future. The Association is currently in the process of looking for a successor to
John and we are also reviewing where the Association wants to position itself over the next
few years or so, in relation to its partners in Welsh Sport.
Serious consideration is being given to the idea of seeking incorporation, limited by
guarantee, a route down which a number of NGBs have ventured. Following consultation
with SCW and lawyers, it is hoped to formulate proposals for consideration by the whole
Association during 2006.
During the current year, detailed consideration has also been given to the role and activities
of the WSA’s Outdoor Pursuits Group chaired by Paul Dancey. This had led to an important
meeting scheduled to be held here in the Welsh Institute of Sport on 24th November, which
will involve the Countryside Council for Wales, the Sports Council for Wales, the
Environment Agency for Wales and the Forestry Commission.
The Association has continued to work closely with a number of other organisations and
particular attention and recognition needs to be given to the financial and other assistance
provided by the Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA).
At British level, various officers of the Association have attended meetings of the
Confederation of British Sport (CBS) and worked closely with the other Home Country
Associations. The CBS is also undertaking a comprehensive review of its role and activities
and the WSA Chair and Vice Chair will be attending the next potentially, very important
meeting in Edinburgh in December.
The NGBs which make up our membership have been asked to undertake a wide range of
tasks, hiding under the generic title of ‘modernisation’. The Association will continue to do
all it can to assist NGBs in this process, whilst never forgetting that the primary responsibility
for the NGBs is ‘performance and excellence’. There are high expectations at official level
for improved medal success in the Commonwealth Games in 2006 and at the Olympics in
Beijing and London. In Japanese management speak ‘Kaizen’ or ‘continuous improvement’
is a hard route to follow, particularly when all our major rivals are striving to do the same
thing. It will take a unified and co-ordinated effort by all of us to achieve the success we
desire, an effort which will need to be underpinned by improved financial support to go
alongside the human input and endeavour!
Thank you
October 2005