Honors Contract Form
Non-Honors courses can count as upper level Honors courses by contracting the course.
What courses can be contracted to count towards Honors Program requirements?
 Upper level non-Honors courses (numbered 2000 to 4999)*
 Graduate courses (5000 or higher) or undergraduate courses cross-listed with graduate courses
 Independent studies
*Students admitted to Honors starting in Fall 2015 or later can only contract courses 3000 and up
Note: Not applicable for non-Honors courses that have Honors equivalents. All courses must be at least 3 credits.
What must be done to successfully contract a course?
 For upper level non-Honors courses (numbered 2000 to 4999): The student and professor agree on an
extra component in addition to the standard course requirements. This can be an extra research paper,
project, literature review—anything that qualitatively enhances the course for the student. The above list is
by no means exhaustive—a different kind of project can be determined at the professor’s discretion.
 For graduate courses (5000 or higher) or undergraduate courses cross-listed with graduate courses:
No extra component needs to be added to student requirements to make it count towards Honors
requirements—only confirmation from the professor that the student will be held accountable for
completing graduate-level syllabus. A contract proposal form must be submitted to the Honors office in
order for the Honors staff to know that you wish the course to count towards your Honors Program
requirements. PLEASE NOTE: Graduate courses must first be cleared with your college advising unit to
ensure that they will count towards graduation requirements.
 For independent studies: No extra component needs to be added to student requirements to make it count
towards Honors requirements, however a contract proposal form must be submitted to the Honors office in
order for the Honors staff to know that you wish the course to count towards your Honors Program
*Students admitted to Honors starting in Fall 2015 or later can only contract courses 3000 and up
Note: For a contracted course to count towards Honors requirements, the student must earn at least a B+ in the
What is the process for contracting a course?
We recommend that students begin the process of contracting a course by meeting with their professor to
determine a suitable extra component for their studies. Once agreed upon, the student must complete the
following form, both parties must sign off on it, and the form must be returned to the Honors office in Tuttleman
204 by the end of the add/drop period. No contracts will be approved if they are turned in later, unless the student
has cleared it previously with an Honors advisor. The Honors staff will designate the course for Honors credit only
after a final grade (of B+ or higher) has been granted and the professor has verified successful completion of the
Honors contract components.
IMPORTANT: How many contracts can a student use towards meeting Honors Program requirements?
A student is allowed a maximum of two contracts to count towards their upper level Honors requirements.
Students who feel that they will need more than two contracts must submit a Petition for Amended Program
Requirements to the Honors office. See an advisor for more information.
215-204-0710 ● honors@temple.edu
This form is used to make a non-honors course count for Honors credit. Please fill out entire form and sign where noted.
Please note the following:
 Course must be at least 3 credits and numbered 2000+. Not applicable for non-Honors courses that have Honors
 You will only earn Honors credit for this course if the grade is at least a B+.
 A student is allowed a maximum of two contracts to count towards their upper level Honors requirements.
Student Information
Expected Graduation Date:
Primary Major:
Secondary Major:
Course Information
Select type of course:
o Undergraduate, non-Honors course (numbered 2000 to 4999)
o Graduate Course or undergraduate course cross-listed with graduate course
o Independent Study
Instructor Name:
Instructor Email:
Department (e.g. History):
Course Number (e.g. 4882):
Course Title (e.g. Death and Dying)
Semester and Year of Contract (e.g. Fall 2011):
If you selected undergraduate, non-Honors course - Please describe what you will be doing to give an Honors
dimension to this course. Make sure you explain how your work will exceed the conventional expectations of nonHonors students in the course. You can attach additional sheets if necessary.
*If you selected graduate course or independent study, you can leave this section blank
215-204-0710 ● honors@temple.edu
I confirm that I have read and understand all of the contract requirements and this proposal meets the standards for the
Honors contract process. If the project is to change, of if I decide to not pursue it, I will inform my professor and the Honors
Honors Advisor
This form is due before the end of the add/drop period at the beginning of the semester.
Please bring all completed forms to Zach Martin in Tuttleman 204.
Form entered in Date:
Contract database
Contract Successful
Contract entered in Date:
Contract Scanned Date:
into student file
215-204-0710 ● honors@temple.edu