ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN : MOJKOVAC SUBSTATION AND TRANSMISSION LINE CONNECTOR IMPROVEMENT (WB-T-2) Project Description The project will consist of reinforcement of the existing connector line from the Mojkovac substation to the main transmission line by adding another line along the same route. The connector line will remain at 220 kV and will be about 2.5 km in length. An additional transformer bay will also be constructed adjacent to the site of the existing Mojkovac substation and will utilize about 20003000 m2 of land. Mojkovac substation is situated on the site of a lead and zinc mine and ore processing facility that was abandoned about twenty years ago. The adjacent land site contains several old empty buildings that have been in disuse since the time the mining operation had ceased. The entire facility is about one kilometer from downtown Mojkovac, and the mine tailings pond that has caused some concern of water pollution to local residents is about 0.5 kilometers from the substation site. All local drinking water is derived from surface waters flowing from the nearby mountains. The connector line route is sparsely populated and very hilly with limited farming activities. The Site consists mostly of meadowland and some trees. Some of the abandoned buildings will be demolished to provide space for the additional transformer bay. A. MITIGATION PLAN Phase Issue Construction Worker health from dust inhalation of soils possibly contaminated with zinc or lead from mining activities Noise Mitigating Measure Cost of Mitigation (If Substantial) Workers will be required to wear filter masks and eye protection Minor Dusty areas (demolition site, transformer bay site) will be sprayed with water, particularly during hot, windy weather Work will be conducted weekdays from 8:00 AM-6:00 PM If additional times are needed, local residents will be informed at least one week in advance Minor Minor Responsibility* Start Date End Date Construction contractor Building demolition activities begin Transformer bay construction is complete Construction contractor Construction activities at substation and connection line begin Construction activities at substation and connection line end 2 Machinery engine emissions Combustion engine vehicles must have official valid emission certifications Minor Construction contractor Construction activities at substation and connection line begin Building demolition waste materials Removed by truck (covered and or watered) to local official municipal disposal site Clearance performed by manual and/or mechanical means-no pesticide use Minor Construction contractor Building demolition activities begin Minor Construction contractor ROW clearance begins Construction activities at substation and connection line end Building demolition activities end and site is cleared ROW clearance ends Minor Construction contractor ROW clearance begins ROW clearance ends Right-of-way (ROW) land clearance ROW erosion control Wood will be sold locally, vegetative scrap trucked to local official municipal disposal site Steep slopes will have minimal clearance of vegetation and replanted as a priority Minor 3 Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) Access road construction Disruption of local traffic patterns Electric and magnetic field strength at ground level Operation Any electric equipment purchased for the project are prohibited from containing PCBs Existing roads will be used Minor Construction contractor Prior to purchase of electrical equipment After last piece of electrical equipment is purchased Minor Construction contractor Alternative traffic routes will be designated, detailed traffic signs located strategically to avoid confusion Tower heights will be designed and built to International Electric Commission (IEC) standards to assure ground level electric and magnetic fields meet standards: E 5kV/m Minor Construction contractor Construction activities at connection line begin Construction activities at substation and connection line begin Construction activities at connection line end Construction activities at substation and connection line end Minor Construction contractor During tower design After tower is constructed B 100T * Items indicated to be the responsibility of the contractor shall be specified in the bid documents 4 Phase Construction What Where parameter is to be monitored? is the parameter to be monitored? Worker health At construction site Dust levels B. MONITORING PLAN When Monitoring is the is the Cost How Responsibility Start Date End Date Building demolition activities begin Transformer bay construction is complete Construction activities at substation and connection line begin Construction activities at substation and connection line begin Construction activities at substation and connection line end parameter to be monitored/ type of monitoring equipment? parameter to be monitoredfrequency of measuremen t or continuous? What is the cost of equipment or contractor charges to perform monitoring Visual: Worker wearing equipment Weekly: random times Minor Construction Contractor Dust visible Weekly, more frequently during dry, windy weather Weekly or if there are local complaints Minor Construction Contractor Minor Construction Contractor Equipment first comes to project site Minor Construction Contractor Noise At construction site dB meter Machinery engine emissions At construction site Visual: Examine engine exhaust certification Construction activities at substation and connection line end 5 Building demolition waste materials transport and disposal Right-of-way (ROW) land clearance At construction site At disposal site ROW Visual: Trucks covered or watered Material properly deposited Visual: Manual or Mechanical methods used Wood properly disposed Visual: Proper procedures followed ROW erosion control ROW (particularly at steep slopes) PCBs At delivery site Visual: Review equipment invoice Access road construction Equipment and material delivery routes Visual: Existing roads used Weekly: random times Minor Construction Contractor Minor Construction Contractor Weekly Minor Construction Contractor ROW clearance begins ROW clearance ends Weekly Minor Construction Contractor ROW clearance begins Monthly, and during or after heavy rainfall Before equipment delivery is accepted Minor Construction Contractor ROW clearance begins ROW clearance begins Minor Construction Contractor After last piece of electrical equipment is delivered Weekly Minor Construction Contractor Prior to accepting delivery of electrical equipment Construction activities at connection line begin Weekly Building demolition activities begin Transformer bay construction is complete ROW clearance ends Construction activities at connection line end 6 Operate Disruption of local traffic patterns Roads at or near construction site Visual: Alternate routes clearly indicated Monthly Minor Construction contractor Electric and magnetic field strength at ground level Lowest cable point under connector line, and edge of ROW Electrometer Once Minor Construction contractor Construction activities at substation and connection line begin When line is energized Construction activities at substation and connection line end When line is energized 7 C. INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS The Project will be implemented, in each of its phases, in compliance with applicable Montenegrin Environmental Low and Construction Low. At the same time, EPCG accepts the obligation to follow rules of World Bank and arrange conduction of EMP in following way: Construction contractor will be obliged to collect environmental data, and to inform EPCG about data relevant for conduction of EMP. The representative of EPCG from the Transmission Functional Entity who is in charge of EMP will be in the role of supervisor at site, to review and analyze environmental data. There is a quality system office in charge of system quality and environmental safeguarding which will prepare reports monthly or more frequently if required. If problems emerge, this office recommends measures for solving the problem. The Manager of the Transmission Functional Entity and the Head of PMU shall receive monthly reports and decide about implementing recommendations (such as with-holding of payments to contractor, repeated tests, dismissing contractor, etc.). D. CONSULTATION WITH LOCAL NGOs AND PROJECT-AFFECTED GROUPS Following the World Bank’s review and approval of the proposed EMP (Enviromental Management Plan for Mojkovac Substation and Transmission Line Connector Improvement) on February 14 and 27, 2006, the Electric Power Company of Montenegro has undertaken a series of activities in order to promote the concepts of transparency and providing the participation of citizens in the project implementation process, particularly of the population affected. A notice inviting public to consultations on the EMP was prepared and circulated through various media in time sufficient to provide public insight into and review of the EMP in advance of public consultation meeting. The notice also announced availability of the corresponding Land Acquisition Policy Framework (LAPF) paper, and opportunity of the public to review it together with the EMP. The notice was also sent by fax directly to two NGOs who have been active in the field of environmental protection in the area of Mojkovac. The public consultation notice, as published and in translation, is given in Attachments 1 and 2. The list of various media where the notice appeared, as well as availability of the EMP in hard copy and electronically, is presented in Attachment 3. 8 Public consultation on EMP took place on March 16, 2006 in the premises of the Electricity Distribution Unit of Mojkovac, from 12:20 to 14:30 hours. In addition to the participants who signed the Participation List (Attachment 4) the public consultation session was attended by representatives of press and electronic media and the head of local government, the Mayor of Mojkovac. Introductory presentation of the EMP was given by Messrs. Branislav Medojevic, Director of ED Mojkovac, Dusan Vukasovic, Chief Engineer of the Project, the EPCG Transmission Functional Entity and Ph.D. Veselin Ilic, and was followed by a discussion as recorded in the Minutes of the Public Consultation (Atachment 5). The public consultation session and the expectations from the Project were reported in the press, daily “Pobjeda” and “Vijesti” (Attachment 6) and broadcasted on the government TV channel 1 RTCG 1 in two evening news programmes on Friday, March 17 and morning news on March 18, 2006. The above EMP, Enviromental Management Plan for Mojkovac Substation and Transmission Line Connector Improvement (WB-T-2), together with all its attachments is officially disclosed to public, following the order no. 10-00-4739 dated March 31, 2006 passed by Executive Director of EPCG, at the EPCG web site www.epcg.cg.yu as of March 31, 2006. 9 Attachment 1 10 Attachment 2 (Translation) Electric Power Company of Montenegro, a Joint Stock Company, Nikšić Functional Entity TRANSMISSION PODGORICA Bulevar Svetog Petra Cetinjskog 18 PUBLIC CONSULTATION NOTICE (WB-T-2) The Electric Power Company of Montenegro hereby announces that public consultation will take place on March 16, 2006 at 12:00 in the hall of ED Mojkovac with the following topic for discussion: PROPOSAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF 220/110/35 kV MOJKOVAC SUBSTATION EXTENSION AND ADDITIONAL 220 kV OHL ERECTION PROJECT The discussion is open for all interested persons. The PROPOSAL of this PLAN, together with the LAND ACQUISITION POLICY FRAMEWORK related to the implementation of the above Project, are available as hard copies in Mojkovac Town Hall, in Town Planning and Civil Engineering Office and in ED Mojkovac, in Technical Service, as well as on EPCG site www.epcg.cg.yu, Press Reports. All interested persons and legal entities, and any other organization and institution can submit their possible comments, remarks, observations and suggestions to the following address: Elektroprivreda Crne Gore, A.D. FC Prenos, Podgorica, Bul. Sv. Petra Cetinjskog 18, Podgorica (n/r Dušan Vukasović, dipl.el.ing) or email vukas@cg.yu by March 15, 2006. 11 Attachment 3 EMP – Proposal of Environmental Management Plan for Implementation of 220/110/35 kV Mojkovac Substation Extension and Additional 220 kV OHL Erection Project (WB-T-2) o Public Consultation Notice: i. EPCG website on March 6, 2006 ii. Daily Newspaper »Pobjeda« on March 4 and 11, 2006 iii. Notice board of ED Mojkovac on March 6, 2006 iv. Notice board of the Town Planning and Civil Engineering Office of the Mojkovac Municipality, on March 6, 2006 v. Local Radio Mojkovac, in three news programmes, on March 7 and 8 and March 14 and 15, 2006 vi. Direct invitation sent by fax to NGO »Dzambas« Mojkovac, on March 10, 2006 vii. Direct invitation sent by fax to NGO »Ekoturs« Mojkovac, on March 10, 2006 o Proposal of EMP available as hard copy: i. In the local Town Planning and Civil Engineering Office of the Mojkovac Municipality, from March 6 to the date of public consultation on March 16, 2006 ii. In the premises of ED Mojkovac, from March 6 to the date of public consultation on March 16, 2006 o Proposal of EMP available electronically: i. At the EPCG web site www.epcg.cg.yu, section of Press Communications, as of March 6, 2006 until the final EMP will be posted on-line 12 Attachment 4 13 14 Attachment 5 (Translation) MINUTES of the Public Consultation held at ED Mojkovac offices in Mojkovac on March 16, 2006 at 12.20 AM The topic of the Consultation was Environmental Management Plan proposal for implementation of 220/110/35 kV Mojkovac SS Extension and 220 kV Transmission Line Construction Project. Attendees: Project-holder Representatives 1. Dušan Vukasović 2. Vera Đurović 3. Dr.Veselin Ilić Other attendees: 1. Mayor of Mojkovac 2. Radio ’’Mojkovac’’ Representatives 3. ’’Vijesti’’ reporters 4. NGO ’’Planinar’’ Representatives 5. Citizens Mr. Branislav Medojević, manager of ED Mojkovac, opened the discussion and greeted those present, and afterwards Mr. Dušan Vukasović informed everyone about the objective and importance of the project 220/110/35 kV Mojkovac SS Extension and 220 kV Transmission Line Construction. After Mr. Vukasović discussion, Dr. Veselin Ilić advised those present on the proposal of Environmental Management Plan for implementation of 220/110/35 kV Mojkovac SS Extension and 220 kV Transmission Line Construction Project. Following the introductory part the discussion was open, and citizens and representatives of NGO mountain climbing club "Džambas" – Mojkovac took part in it. - - - Mr. Borislav Radović asked whether elaboration of environmental evaluation was prepared? and suggested to propose to Mojkovac Community to harmonize this project with Detailed urban plans and comply it with the Law on Construction Land and Law on Planning. Mr. Stevan Grdinić – representative of NGO "Planinar" asked the following: What are the line height and length? Would this be the same line or would there be another one designed? Mr. Grdinić said that to citizens of Mojkovac suited to have regular electricity supply, but that they were also concerned to protect the woods, so he suggested that the OHL design should take care to cut as less trees as possible in. Mr. Grdinić also warned about and called attention to substantial environmental problem regarding tailings pond Ø 30 m, that is located near SS and other two tailings ponds Ø 18 m and Ø 12 m. His suggestion was to empty these ponds 15 before the project start into existing barren land, because their waste can not be disposed of at the disposal site. - - Dr. Veselin Ilić, the representative of citizens, explained the situation with the existing SS and said that it was necessary to implement this Project. He thinks that it would be more sensible to add one more line route. Dr. Ilić said that OHL had no harmful impact on the environment, and emphasized the problem of tailing pond Ø 30 m, that was located on the former Mine site, where he used to work, and that it should be determined how much dirt there was? and where should it be disposed? According to him the only solution is the existing barren land that is submerged, because the waste should not be disposed of on surface excavation site. Mr. Branislav Medojević, president of NGO mountain climbing club "Džambas" – Mojkovac, thinks that importance of the project for Mojkovac and the entire northern region should not be repeated. No one made the environment more beautiful by putting the poles, and we should take care of number of poles, but if we were aware of our gain and our loss, he would support the project. Concerning harmful effects on the environment, he thinks there is no major impact and he would always decide to support to the project. - Mr. Minić Milisav, citizen representative, asked whether anyone thought to apply underground solution for OHL? There is a plan to build a cable railway on that site, and the line would obstruct it. - Mr. Dušan Vukasović replied to the questions asked and said that there was no consideration of this issue because the price was considerably higher, but that this issue, together with all remarks from this discussion, would be considered while designing the OHL. The Public Consultation ended at 2.30 PM. Dušan Vukasović, Assistant Director of Electrical Transmission Vera Đurović, Chief of Legal, HR and General Affairs Department of FE Transmission 16 Attachment 6 17 18