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Competence-based System for Recommending Study Materials from the
Web: Design and Experiment
Athitaya Nitchot, Lester Gilbert, Gary B Wills
Learning Society Lab, School of Electronics and Computer Science
University of Southampton
United Kingdom
{an08r, lg3, gbw}@ecs.soton.ac.uk
Abstract: Web-based education makes use of resources from the Web for an educational
purpose. In order to produce the effective Web-based educational system, this could engage
with problem of high development costs and require the update of study materials if the
content of knowledge changes. In addition, building such system needs careful preparation in
terms of describing the knowledge of experts, students and tutors. This paper proposes the
system to help learners find study materials as supplementary resources outside the classroom
without any help from a teacher. The advantage of this system is that it requires the
appropriate competence structure to be embedded within the system. System process considers
the method for deriving the recommended links of study materials from learners’ competences
which are listed based on a competence structure. There is an experimental study to find out
an appropriate algorithm to generate the query from the competence structure and to determine
if the mean ratings of overall system based on various criterions differ from rating value 3 of a
Likert scale (1 to 5). The results show insignificant differences on the mean rating between all
algorithms, but the participants significantly satisfy with a system overall. In order to develop
and improve our system, further experiments must be conducted.
The aim of this paper is to propose a Web-based system which recommends appropriate study material
links to a learner without any intervention from the teacher. The system is not intended to replace the teacher
role or reduce the number of teachers. The main objective of the system is to help learners find study materials
as supplementary resources. Other systems aim to reduce the teacher’s tasks, such as intelligent tutoring systems
(Contreras, Galindo, Caballero, & Caballero, 2007), but such systems involve high development costs, updating
when the informational content changes, and the need for careful preparation in terms of describing and
planning the knowledge content. This research proposes a system based upon a competence model which
suggests appropriate study materials as links from the Web for learners based upon their competences, where the
competence structure is represented as a directed acyclic graph (DAG). The benefits of this system are to base
appropriate study materials upon learners’ existing and desired competences, and to avoid the development of
specific informational content by simply exploiting existing Web-based material.
The structure of this paper is as follows. A brief review of intelligent tutoring systems and their
restrictions leads into an introduction to the competence-based system. A discussion of algorithms to traverse a
competence structure is followed by the presentation of an experimental study and its results to explore some of
these algorithms and to evaluate the system. The paper finally provides a discussion of the system and some
Intelligent tutoring systems and their restrictions
The previous section introduced the idea of designing a system for providing study materials from the
Web without intervention from a teacher. Intelligent tutoring systems are designed for reducing teachers’ tasks,
and this section provides an overview of intelligent tutoring systems and their restrictions.
Overview of intelligent tutoring system
An intelligent tutoring system is one kind of an intelligent computer-assisted instructional system which
simulates understanding of a given subject matter domain so that it can teach this domain and can respond to the
student’s problem solving strategies (Anderson, Boyle, & Reiser, 1985). An ITS system intends to provide the
student with the same instructional advantages as that of a sophisticated human tutor. The design and
development of ITS systems lie at the intersection of computer science, cognitive psychology, and educational
research (Nwana, 1990). Most ITSs are designed based on an artificial intelligent approach (AI) since they
attempt to produce in a computer behaviour which, if performed by a human, would be described as ‘intelligent’
(Elsom-Cook, 1987). An ITS architecture typically consists of four modules (Wenger, 1987):
1) The interface module: graphical user interface or simulation of the task domain the learner is learning.
This module is the communicating component of the ITS which controls the interaction between the
student and the system.
2) The expert module: domain model or cognitive model containing a description of the expert
knowledge. This module is designed by an expert.
3) The student module: the emerging knowledge and skill of the student.
4) The tutor module: teaching strategies which refer to the mismatch between a student’s behaviour or
knowledge and the expert’s presumed behaviour or knowledge.
There are other architectures in the literature, but most can be conceptually mapped to these four
modules. For example, Anderson, Boyle and Reiser (1985) replaced an expert model with a bug catalogue, an
extensive library of common misconceptions and errors for the domain.
Examples of ITS systems
Some example ITSs follow, chosen because they are illustrative of ITS principles and problems.
SCHOLAR was one of the first ITSs to be constructed. It was an innovative system when considered in
its historical context, a first effort in the development of computer tutors capable of handling unanticipated
student questions and of delivering instructional material at varying levels of detail (Carbonell, 1970). The
knowledge in the expert knowledge module was that of the geography of South America which was represented
in a semantic network. SCHOLAR has not been widely used due to some fundamental limitations such as
difficulty of representing procedural knowledge using semantic nets. However, SCHOLAR introduces many
methodological principles that have become central to ITS design, for example, student modelling and the
separation of tutorial strategies from domain knowledge (Nwana, 1990).
GUIDON was an ITS for teaching diagnostic problem solving (Clancey, 1987). The project
represented a first attempt to adapt a pre-existing expert system into an ITS. GUIDON’s goal was to teach the
knowledge from the MYCIN expert system (Shortliffe, 1976). It attempted to teach students through case
dialogues where a sick patient was described to the student in general terms (Clancey, 1987). Then the student
was asked to undertake the role of a physician and ask for the information they thought might be relevant to the
case. This project produced many important finding about designing ITSs, for example, it clearly demonstrated
that an expert system is not a sound basis for tutoring (Elsom-Cook, 1987).
ELM-ART (An ITS on the World Wide Web)
ELM-ART (Brusilovsky, Schwarz, & Weber, 1996) was an example of ITS on a WWW platform. It
was used to support learning programming in Lisp. ELM-ART was developed from ELM-PE (Weber &
Mollenberg, 1994), an Intelligent Learning Environment that supported example-based programming, advanced
testing, and debugging facilities. ELM-ART provided all the course materials in hypermedia form. It presented
the materials to the students and helped them in learning and navigating the course materials. In addition, the
student could investigate all examples and solve all problems on-line. To support the student navigating through
the course, the system used two adaptive hypermedia techniques: adaptive annotation and adaptive sorting of
Restrictions of ITSs
An ITS is one way for a learner to obtain learning materials without any intervention from a teacher,
however, there are some limitations as follows:
1) ITS is not necessary to specify every interaction with the student, but only the general problem-solving
principles from which these interactions can be generated (Anderson, et al., 1985).
2) The study materials need to be specially constructed. If the content or any information changes, then
the system must be updated.
3) An ITS is only as effective as the models it implements for expert student and tutor knowledge and
behaviour. Descriptions of the knowledge and possible behaviours of experts, students, and tutors are
embedded in the ITS. Any inadequacies in these models render the ITS inadequate.
4) Most ITSs implement AI, leading to high development costs and possibly slow response times (Polson
& Richardson, 1988).
5) Many ITSs are targeted to and only work on a specific platform. Porting to other platforms introduces
migration costs (Okazaki, Watanabe, & Kondo, 1997).
Competence-based system
This section discusses a system design which suggests appropriate study materials as links from the
Web to a learner. The system is based on a competence model which provides a competence structure for a
particular knowledge domain. Web links for a learner based upon their competences.
The standard definition of competence given by the HR-XML consortium (HR-XML, 2004) is:
“A specific, identifiable, definable, and measurable knowledge, skill, ability and/or other deploymentrelated characteristic (e.g. attitude, behaviour, physical ability) which a human resource may possess and
which is necessary for, or material to, the performance of an activity within a specific business context.”
The concept of competence has been associated with an education system (Stoof, Martens, & van
Merriënboer, 2007) and professional development (Eraut, 1994).
Competence model
The proposed model for this research draws on the multi-dimensional competence model (COMBA)
from Sitthisak, Gilbert and Davis (2008). The COMBA model consists of three major components: subject
matter, capability, and context (figure 1). An intended learning outcome is a particular combination of capability
and subject matter.
Figure 1: COMBA Competence Model (Sitthisak, et al., 2008)
Competence structure (competence DAG)
A competence structure links competence nodes through particular relationships. This paper reports
work that uses a simple knowledge domain of mathematical factor, common factor, and highest common factor
(H.C.F), comprising intended learning outcomes (capability and subject matter). The contextual component in
the competence model (figure 1) is not considered in this paper.
An appropriate structure for this knowledge domain is a directed acyclic graph (DAG) representation. The
finalized DAG representation for competence elements in the H.C.F knowledge domain are shown in figure 2.
Figure 2: DAG Representation for Competences in H.C.F., Common Factor and Factorization Domains
This graph (figure 2) shows an activity network as an example of DAG representation. In activity
network, each node represents a task to be completed and the directed edges refer to the next tasks and their
associated time of completion.
There is a benefit of competence structure. It is the design of a competence structure can be conducted
by one people. The structure can be embedded within the system and used by many learners for learning the
same knowledge domain. However the competence structure should be constructed or designed by the developer
not a teacher, so the developer should be an expert in the specific knowledge domain in order to construct a
structure of competence elements properly. Otherwise the developer may require consulting from the expert of
knowledge domain before building a competence structure. The possible solution for the problem on difficulty
in constructing a competence structure could be to use the existing competence structure (if any).
Process within a system
This part is a consideration of the process within a system. This illustrates how the system deals with
learners’ competences and how it provides appropriate study materials links from the Web to learners so that
learners can achieve their intended learning outcomes. Figure 3 shows the overview of the process within a
system design.
Indicate the steps of the process within the system
Figure 3: Overview of Process within the System
For this research, there are two kinds of learner’s competences: desired and existing competence.
Desired competence refers to the learner’s intended learning outcome or the competence which the learner
wishes to gain. The current or existing competence is the estimation of the actual competence of the learner.
Firstly a sub-process must be considered for getting a learner’s competences so that a system can
generate keywords from corresponding competences. At this point, a structure of competences has been
designed (see section 3.1.2.). The options for desired and existing competences, which will be chosen by the
learner, depend on a structure of competences elements. Further details of how the system generates keywords
from learners’ competence can be obtained in section 4. After the keywords are obtained, a system
automatically obtains Google search results based on these keywords; the links from Google search will be
suggested to learners.
The reason of considering competence statements as the keywords for a search engine is explained as
follows. From the research statement “an approach to design a system for recommending study materials from
the Web without any interaction from the teacher”, it is necessary to consider the method to obtain information
on the Web. Gordon & Pathak (1999) discussed four different methods for locating information on the Web:
1) Directly go to a Webpage location
2) Hypertext links emanating from a Webpage provide built-in associations to other pages
3) Narrowcast services can push pages that meet particular user profile
4) Search engines to find and then furnish information on the Web that hopefully relates to that
As the learner’s competences are the information (input) that the system obtain from the learners, so the
system should recommend study materials based on these competences. The appropriate method is to use a
search engine for finding the study materials from competences search queries. There are many search engines
for example, Google, Bing, Yahoo, Alta Vista and Microsoft. The type of search engine is not considered as an
important point in this research but the search engine is just used as the intermediate tool to get relevant study
materials with the learners’ competences.
In this research, Google is used to consider since it gives the high probability that first result is relevant
(Hawking, Craswell, Bailey, & Griffihs, 2001). In addition, Google has offered the largest index, innovative new
services and highly optimized performance and usability (Mayr & Tosques, 2005). Google use PageRank
algorithm (Brin & Page, 1998) as the primary algorithm to find search results from the input query. Google
PageRank algorithm is an information retrieval which is a probability distribution used to represent the
likelihood that a person randomly clicking on links will arrive at any particular page (Thelwall, 2003).
Google becomes popular search engine since the frequency of its use and the simplicity of its display of
query results (Pan, et al., 2007). However, there is one argument about the restriction of PageRank algorithm.
They concluded that PageRank is not effective for identifying the best webpages in a university system because
of its domination by internal links (Thelwall, 2003). Normally Google search results can contain various kinds
of web pages such as blog, forum, electronics book and electronic files. Some of them could contain pages with
academic purposes but some may contain internal links with nonacademic purposes. However we can still rely
on Google since it is effective way to gather all resources from the Web space which is related with learner’s
System Algorithms
From the system process in figure 3, there are two processes which deal with a competence structure:
1) Obtain desired/existing competences from the learners
2) Generate the search terms from desired/existing competences
Currently there are three algorithms which could be as the processes that deal with competence
Algorithm 1 (Ignore all gaps)
1) Obtain desired/existing competences from the learners
A system begins by providing a choice of desired competences to learners. Next is a list of existing competences
which contains children (including children of children) nodes of desired competence.
2) Generate the search terms from desired/existing competences
The system sets a desired competence sentence (capability with subject matter) as the search terms without
considering the nodes between desired and existing competences.
Algorithm 2 (Consider some gaps)
1) Obtain desired/existing competences from the learners
Same as an algorithm 1 (see section 4.1.1).
2) Generate the search terms from desired/existing competences
The search terms are considered based on a desired competence and some gap nodes between two chosen
competences. The learner will be required to obtain study materials based on some gap nodes competences
before reaching a desired competence.
Algorithm 3 (Consider all gaps)
1) Obtain desired/existing competences from the learners
Same as an algorithm 1 (see section 4.1.1).
2) Generate the search terms from desired/existing competences
The search terms are considered based on a desired competence and all gap nodes between two chosen
competences. The learner will be required to obtain study materials based on all gap nodes competences before
reaching a desired competence.
Experimental Study
Aim of experiment
There are two major purposes in conducting the experiment. Firstly, this is to find an appropriate
algorithm (see section 4) to generate a query; this relies upon the competence structure with the input being from
the users. Secondly it is to determine if the mean ratings of an overall system based on various criterions differ
from a rating value of 3 on a Likert scale (1 to 5).
The method for investigating the results is that of an experimental study. The experiment receives
Ethics Committee approval under reference number ES/10/09/007. The independent variables are three
algorithms (see section 4).
The dependent variables are considered in two main sections. The first section consists of lists of
dependent variables to measure system effectiveness (overall system) as follows:
1) Clarity of the learner’s intended learning outcome
2) Clarity of the learner’s existing competence
3) Clarity of competence gap nodes
4) The quality of study materials
5) Ease of accessing information
6) The requirement of a teacher in order to explain some information within links
7) The wide range of study materials
8) Suggestions for future use
The second section consists of lists of dependent variables to compare with an appropriate algorithm as
1) Learning outcome achievement
2) Usefulness of competence gap nodes to help achieve an intended learning outcome
3) Usefulness of competence gap nodes to improve learner’s motivation
The conducted experiment covers the first level, ‘reaction level’ of Kirkpatrick’s (2007) four levels of
evaluation. The questions could ask the participants’ opinions of the provided study materials links, based on
each algorithm and overall system. Hence the targeted participant is a person who should have a background
knowledge of mathematical factorization, common factors and highest common factors. During the experiment,
the participants are asked to review and access the experimental system, and fill in the questionnaire. The
questions are based on the dependent variables. Each question is rated on a 5-point Likert scale.
Experimental Procedure
The experimental procedure involves the following steps:
Participants are welcomed for becoming involved in the experiment.
They are given consent information verbally.
Before the experiment is conducted, all participants receive training in order to have a clear
understanding of the terms and definitions used.
The participants are asked to read the scenario and the instructions on interacting with the system and
filling in the questionnaire.
The participants interact with the system.
Questionnaire I (‘comparing algorithm’) is handed out at the end of reviewing the first algorithm.
After the participants finish reviewing all the algorithms and filling in Questionnaire I, Questionnaire II
(‘overall system’) is distributed.
Participants are given as much time as they require to complete what they are asked to do. Each
participant is involved in the experiment for 45-60 minutes.
Experimental results
This section proposes the results from the experimental study. There are two main sections based on the
experiments: (1) testing for an appropriate algorithm and (2) the overall system evaluation.
System algorithms evaluation
In order to find out an appropriate algorithm, we use a repeated measure, ANOVA, to analyze the
obtained data based on each dependent variable (‘learning outcome achievement’, ‘usefulness of competence
gaps’, and ‘learner motivation with competence gaps’). Tables 1 and 2 show the result of comparing three
algorithms based on one dependent variable: ‘learning outcome achievement’.
Dependent Variable for each algorithm
Std. Deviation
Table 1: Descriptive Statistics (‘Learning Outcome Achievement’)
Hypothesis df
Error df
Pillai's Trace
Wilks' Lambda
Hotelling's Trace
Roy's Largest Root
Table 2: Multivariate Tests (‘Learning Outcome Achievement’)
From Table 1 (‘descriptive statistics’), the mean rating of Algorithm 3 (‘consider all gaps’) is higher
than for the other two algorithms based on the criterion: ‘learning outcome achievement’. Table 2 (‘Multivariate
Test’) shows multivariate tests of mean rating for learning outcome achievement. The value p = 0.084 does not
show a significant result (p > 0.05). Hence there is no significant difference between the mean ratings of three
algorithms for learning outcome achievement.
Consider the same statistical test with other dependent variables (‘usefulness of competence gaps’, and
‘learner motivation with competence gaps’). For Algorithm 1 (‘ignore all gaps’), there is no consideration of
every gap, therefore these two dependent variables will be considered for comparison between algorithm 2 and
Tables 3 and 4 show the result of comparing two algorithms (Algorithms 2 and 3) based on two dependent
variables: ‘usefulness of competence gaps’ and ‘learner motivation with competence gaps’.
Std. Deviation
Table 3: Descriptive Statistics (‘Usefulness and motivation with competence gaps’)
Pillai's Trace
Wilks' Lambda
Algorithm * Measurement
Hypothesis df
Error df
Hotelling's Trace
Roy's Largest Root
Pillai's Trace
Wilks' Lambda
Hotelling's Trace
Roy's Largest Root
Table 4: Multivariate Tests (‘Usefulness and motivation with competence gaps’)
In Table 3 (‘descriptive statistics’), the mean rating of Algorithm 3 (‘consider all gaps’) is higher than
for Algorithm 2 (‘consider some gaps’) based on the criterion: ‘usefulness of competence gaps’ whilst the mean
ratings for both algorithms are the same for ‘learner motivation with competence gaps’. However, Table 4 shows
multivariate tests of the mean rating for two dependent variables. The value p = 0.681 does not show a
significant result (p > 0.05). Hence there is no significant difference between the mean ratings of two algorithms
for two dependent variables. In addition, there is no significant interaction effect between the algorithms and
dependent variables (p > 0.05).
Overall system evaluation
We use one sample t-test to compare the mean rating of 8 dependent variables (see section 5.2) with a
test value of 3 on the Likert scale. Table 5 shows, respectively, descriptive statistics for 8 dependent variables
and values of the statistical test.
Std. Deviation
Std. Error Mean
1.Clarity of learner's intended learning outcome
2. Clarity of learner's existing competence
3. Clarity of competence gap nodes
4. Quality of study materials
5. Ease to access information
6. Requirement of teacher
7. Wide range types of study materials
8. Suggestion for future use
Table 5: One-Sample Statistics (‘Overall system’)
Test Value = 3
95% Confidence Interval
of the Difference
1. Clarity of learner's intended learning outcome
2. Clarity of learner's existing competence
3. Clarity of competence gap nodes
4. Quality of study materials
5. Ease to access information
6. Requirement of teacher
7. Wide range types of study materials
8. Suggestion for future use
Sig. (2-tailed)
Table 6: One-Sample Test (‘Overall system’)
From table 5 and 6, we interpret the results as follows:
1) Dependent Variable: ‘Clarity of learner's intended learning outcome’
The value of calculated t is 6.0 and t-critical is 2.31. As t > t-critical, the system significantly provides clarity of
learner’s intended learning outcome.
2) Dependent Variable: ‘Clarity of learner’s existing competence’
The value of calculated t is 6.0 and t-critical is 2.31. As t > t-critical, the system significantly provides
clarity of learner’s existing competence.
3) Dependent Variable: ‘Clarity of competence gap nodes’
The value of calculated t is 5.55 and t-critical is 2.31. As t > t-critical, the system significantly provides
clarity of competence gap nodes.
4) Dependent Variable: ‘Quality of study materials’
The value of calculated t is 1.94 and t-critical is 2.31. As t < t-critical, the system does not significantly
provide good quality of study materials.
5) Dependent Variable: ‘Ease to access to information’
The value of calculated t is 0.36 and t-critical is 2.31. As t < t-critical, it is significantly difficult to
access information.
6) Dependent Variable: ‘Requirement of teacher’
The value of calculated t is 0.36 and t-critical is 2.31. As t < t-critical, no teacher is required to help a
learner to obtain study materials.
7) Dependent Variable: ‘Wide range of types of study materials’
The value of calculated t is 8 and t-critical is 2.31. As t > t-critical, the system provides a wide range of
types of study materials.
8) Dependent Variable: ‘Suggestion for future use’
The value of calculated t is 6 and t-critical is 2.31. As t > t-critical, the participants will suggest future
use to other people.
Discussion and conclusion
A design for a competence-based system for recommending study materials to the learner from the
Web has been proposed in this paper. A major advantage of this system is the ability of the system to offer
learners study materials from the Web based on their competences in order for them to achieve the intended
learning outcome or a desired competence. In addition, the structure of competence can be embedded in the
system and used by many learners for the same knowledge domain. Hence the required update is considered
only for a competence structure, not for the learning materials.
As a competence structure is in the form of a DAG representation, there are some algorithms for
traversing a DAG structure. We conduct an experimental study to find an appropriate algorithm and to evaluate
a designed system. The result shows insignificant differences on the mean rating between three algorithms.
However we obtain positive feedback from the participant in the evaluation of an overall system. For example,
there are the clarities on ‘learner’s intended learning outcome’, ‘existing competence’ and ‘competence gaps’. In
addition, participants feel that the system provides wide range of study materials and would like to suggest the
competence-based system for future use. However, the participants do not agree on the quality of suggested
study materials and feel there is difficulty in accessing information.
In the first experiment, we do not have a final conclusion to find an appropriate algorithm. Hence future
work will include the new design of competence structure for another knowledge domain and we will conduct a
similar experiment. As part of designing a competence structure, we plan to design a competence structure in an
ontological form in order to make the structure human-readable and machine-processable.
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