SIRAS IEP Guidelines: Initial & Triennial/Reevaluation

Guidelines for Using SIRAS for Initial and Triennial/Reevaluation IEPS
The following steps are usually performed by the School Psychologist or Speech-Language
Pathologist (for “speech only” students), but some districts may designate another staff person.
These steps must be followed for all initials and/or triennials:
Developing the assessment process:
Start the meeting in the IEP Manager in SIRAS- Meeting purpose will be either Initial
Evaluation or Triennial/Reevaluation.
Notice of Referral – for all Initial IEPs – must be sent out immediately upon receipt of a
referral from any source, including the parent.
Assessment Plan
o Required for all Initial IEPs (must be sent out within 15 days of referral; may be sent
out with the Notice of Referral)
o Required for all Triennial/Reevaluations if assessment is being conducted – not
required for Triennial/Reevaluations with a review of records in lieu of assessment
Triennial Letter and/or Triennial Worksheet – required for all Triennial/Reevaluation IEPs
(regardless of whether or not an assessment is being done) to document the parent’s
involvement and participation in the decision as to what assessments, if any, are needed for
the meeting.
Note: All of the above forms must be created in SIRAS so they can be permanently stored
in the system and viewed by all members of the IEP team. It is suggested that the signed
Assessment Plan be scanned and uploaded into the student’s Documents File (under
Uploaded Documents tab on the IEP Manager) as soon as it is received from the parent.
You do not have to know the IEP meeting date to develop these forms. The meeting date is
not required until the team is ready to send out the IEP Notice.
Develop at least one of the following documents prior to the meeting and present during the
An Assessment Report for every Initial and for theTriennial/Reevaluation whenever an
assessment is conducted. Word templates for these reports are available under
Tools/Assessment Reports in SIRAS. It is suggested that psychologists develop a
Multidisciplinary Psychoeducational Assessment Report that integrates the findings of all
assessors, for every Initial and for theTriennial whenever an assessment is conducted. If a
psychologist does a “stand alone” Psychoceducational report, then all other assessors will
also have to complete a ”stand alone” report that contains all of the required Ed Code
A Summary of Record Review in Preparation for Triennial Review Meeting whenever the
Triennial is conducted using a review of records in lieu of assessment or whenever there us
assessment in only one area. The Word template for this document is under Tools/Added
Forms/Triennial in SIRAS.
Note: The documents above must be uploaded into the student’s Documents File under the
Uploaded Documents tab on the IEP Manager.
During the meeting:
For "speech only" IEPS, the SLP is responsible for gathering information to complete all pages of
the IEP. For other IEPs the school psychologist should contribute to any/all IEP pages as
appropriate, including but not limited to the following:
Present Levels page – must fill out the Cognitive and Impact of Disability boxes for both
Initials and Triennials – may contribute to other boxes as appropriate (e.g. social emotional,
vocational, recreation/leisure) – Impact of Disability statement must clearly indicate how the
disability affects the student’s progress in the general curriculum.
SLD page(s) – used for Initials and Triennials whenever considering SLD as the disability
Goals or Goals & Objectives page – should assist with goals for social-emotional needs and
behavior concerns as appropriate
Classroom Accommodations & Modifications page – should review and add additional items
if needed
Behavior Intervention Plans – assist in the development of the PBIP or CBIP
Meeting Summary – should review and add additional items if needed
Act as a “second pair of eyes” on all pages to proofread for possible errors or omissions on
the IEP.