- School Curriculum and Standards Authority

Physics: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Syllabus review
Once a course syllabus has been accredited by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority, the implementation of that syllabus will
be monitored by the Course Advisory Committee. This committee can advise the Board of the Authority about any need for syllabus
review. Syllabus change deemed to be minor requires schools to be notified of the change at least six months before implementation.
Major syllabus change requires schools to be notified 18 months before implementation. Formal processes of syllabus review and
requisite reaccreditation will apply.
Other sources of information
The Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) Manual contains essential information on assessment, moderation and
examinations that need to be read in conjunction with this course.
The School Curriculum and Standards Authority website www.scsa.wa.edu.au and extranet provides support materials including sample
programs, course outlines, assessment outlines, assessment tasks with marking keys, past WACE examinations with marking keys,
grade descriptions with annotated student work samples and standards guides.
WACE providers
Throughout this document the term ‘school’ is intended to include both schools and other WACE providers.
This document may be subject to minor updates. Users who download and print copies of this document are responsible for checking
for updates. Advice about any changes made to the document is provided through the Authority communication processes.
© School Curriculum and Standards Authority, 2007.
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Physics: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Course outcomes
Physics is an experimental discipline involving the
study of the properties of, and interrelationships
between energy and matter. Physics helps us to
construct models and explain physical phenomena.
These, in turn, allow us to develop a deeper
understanding of the world around us.
The Physics course is designed to facilitate the
achievement of three outcomes.
Like other sciences, physics is evolving. Learning
Physics requires observation, investigation, data
collection and data evaluation in order to construct
and modify models of physical phenomena. This
course mirrors scientific processes by encouraging
students to refine and reconstruct the models of
physical phenomena they already hold in ways that
help them to build robust understandings of
important concepts. This course also encourages
the communication of those understandings to
Students construct models about how objects and
systems interact with one another and how
interactions can produce changes. The contextual
approach of this course helps students to
appreciate the relevance of physics to their
everyday experiences and to gain insight into
experiences that are far from the everyday. They
learn by building on the knowledge, skills,
understandings and values developed in a range of
content areas and contexts.
Outcome 1: Investigating and communicating in
Students investigate physical phenomena and
systems, collect and evaluate data, and
communicate their findings.
In achieving this outcome, students:
develop questions and ideas about the
physical world to prepare an investigation
conduct experiments and investigations;
analyse data and draw conclusions based on
evaluate the accuracy and precision of
experimental data and the effectiveness of
their experimental design; and
communicate and apply physics skills and
understandings in a range of contexts.
Outcome 2: Energy
Students apply understanding of energy to explain
and predict physical phenomena.
In achieving this outcome, students:
apply understanding of conceptual models
and laws relating to energy; and
apply understanding of mathematical models
and laws relating to energy.
This course caters for students of varying interests
and backgrounds. Students pursuing postsecondary education at TAFE will find that their
studies in physics provide them with foundation
knowledge that will support their studies in many
areas such as those requiring laboratory and
technical skills, as well as those leading to electrical
and other physics-related vocations. This course
also provides prerequisite, preferred or highly
desirable knowledge and skills for many science,
engineering and science-related courses at tertiary
Outcome 3: Forces and fields
Students apply understanding of forces and fields to
explain and predict physical phenomena.
In achieving this outcome, students:
apply understanding of conceptual models
and laws relating to forces and fields;
apply understanding of mathematical models
and laws relating to forces and fields; and
apply understanding of the vector nature of
some physical quantities.
This course is designed to stimulate and foster
intellectual curiosity and promote logical, analytical
and reflective thinking. It aims to prepare students
to become informed citizens who are able to
communicate their ideas effectively and participate
in discussions of challenging issues. They are
encouraged to take an informed and critical interest
in science and make decisions on a range of
scientific and technological issues that will influence
the quality of their lives and the environment.
Course content
Students should learn the unit content through
contexts that are familiar to them. A variety of
suitable contexts is listed for Stage 1 units.
The course content is the focus of the learning
The course content is divided into five content
 working in physics (all units)
 motion and forces (units 1A, 2A, 3A and 3B)
 waves (units 1A, 1B and 3B)
 electricity and magnetism (units 1B, 2B, 3A and
 particles (units 2A, 2B, 3B).
Physics: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Working in physics
Fundamental to the practice of physics is the
capacity to carry out physical investigations.
Students working in physics develop fundamental
investigations. They identify and research real world
problems, initially with direction, but with the aim of
Understanding how people develop and advance
physics is fundamental to understanding the
evolutionary nature of the scientific knowledge and
processes physicists apply when solving problems
and making decisions.
Students encounter many examples of how physics
affects their lives. As their skills and knowledge
grow, they develop increasingly sophisticated
models of how the laws and principles of physics
apply in various situations and how to use them to
find solutions to problems.
Motion and forces
Building on the concepts of displacement, velocity
and acceleration, students learn about forces and
their effects. They encounter the conservation laws
pertaining to momentum and energy, and ultimately
find out about relativity and its implications.
As they investigate waves, students examine wave
characteristics and behaviour. They apply this
knowledge to the transmission of waves through
various media. They appreciate the importance of
waves in transferring energy and in communicating
Electricity and magnetism
Students investigate a range of concepts such as
direct and alternating current, resistance, electric
potential, potential difference, and energy. They
also learn about the relationships between moving
charges and magnetic fields. They encounter a
variety of electromagnetic phenomena and ways to
describe and explain them, such as those advanced
by Ampère and Lenz. They develop an
understanding of the underlying theories of
electricity and magnetism as they investigate a
variety of applications.
Students learn about atoms and atomic theory and
develop understandings of nuclear energy and
changes, and in further study learn about the
quantum physics of atoms and photons. An
understanding of the concepts of temperature, heat
and internal energy is the foundation for the study
of the effects of heating and cooling.
Course units
Each unit is defined with a particular focus through
which the specific unit content can be taught and
learnt. The cognitive difficulty of the content
increases with each stage. The pitch of the content
for each stage is notional and there will be overlap
between stages.
Stage 1 units provide bridging support and a
practical and applied focus to help students develop
skills required to be successful for Stage 2 units.
This stage gives greater emphasis to Outcome 1
and less emphasis to Outcomes 2 and 3.
Stage 2 units provide opportunities for applied
learning but there is a focus more on academic
learning. This stage gives approximately equal
emphasis to Outcomes 1, 2 and 3.
Stage 3 units provide opportunities to extend
knowledge and understandings in challenging
academic learning contexts. This stage gives less
emphasis to Outcome 1 and greater emphasis to
Outcomes 2 and 3.
Unit 1APHY
In this unit, students gain fundamental knowledge
about the movement of objects; energy
relationships involved in movement; and the
conditions required for objects to retain their
stability and avoid falling over. They examine the
characteristics of waves, and how they are affected
by the medium. With direction, they investigate real
world problems.
Unit 1BPHY
In this unit, students explore some of the ways that
we use light, especially the use of mirrors and
lenses to form images. Electricity is introduced
through the study of the relationship between
electricity and atomic structure, electrical charge,
and electrical circuits. They begin to develop their
own investigations of real world problems.
Unit 2APHY
In this unit, students explore motion in one
dimension to solve both qualitative and quantitative
problems. Through the study of nuclear physics,
they learn about atomic structure and subatomic
particles to understand and appreciate phenomena
such as those that lead to the emission of nuclear
radiation, and nuclear energy. They are encouraged
to develop their own investigations of real world
problems, extending their investigative and
communication skills. They learn that uncertainties
are an integral part of the measurements made in
their experiments, and engage with more abstract
questions to select appropriate problem-solving
Physics: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Unit 2BPHY
In this unit, students gain insight into temperature
measurement, internal energy, conduction and
convection and radiation to develop understandings
about how energy is transferred by heat through
different types of materials. They also examine the
thermal properties of substances, including thermal
expansion, specific heat capacity and latent heat.
They learn to apply the concepts of charge and
energy transfer to situations involving both
electrostatics and current electricity. They construct
and study characteristics of electric circuits and
learn how to work safely with electricity. They
research real world problems and plan to carry out
an investigation, and deal with abstract concepts
and principles when selecting problem-solving
Time and completion
The notional hours for each unit are 55 class
contact hours. Units can be delivered typically in a
semester or in a designated time period up to a
year depending on the needs of the students. Pairs
of units can also be delivered concurrently over a
one year period. Schools are encouraged to be
flexible in their timetabling in order to meet the
needs of all of their students.
Refer to the WACE Manual for more information
about unit and course completion.
Unit 3APHY
In this unit, students explore the motion of objects in
gravitational fields, including the motion of
projectiles, orbiting satellites, planets and moons,
and ways in which forces may affect the stability of
extended objects. They also learn about magnetic
fields and how they interact with moving charges in
situations involving current electricity, the motor
effect and electromagnetic induction. They identify
real world problems, develop research questions to
plan, conduct and evaluate investigations. Their
problem-solving techniques include combinations of
concepts and principles.
Unit 3BPHY
The study of mechanical and electromagnetic
waves allows students to appreciate both classical
and modern interpretations of the nature and
behaviour of waves. They learn how waves are
used in a variety of technologies, such as in musical
instruments, communication systems or sensing
systems. They encounter the scale of the
observable entities in our Universe, and relate
physical principles about waves to the study of the
Universe and its parts. Extending their knowledge
of atomic physics, they analyse spectra and explain
a range of physical phenomena such as
fluorescence and X-ray emission. They also learn
about some aspects of modern physics such as
relativity and cosmology. Students develop their
understanding of the behaviour of charged particles
in devices such as particle accelerators and
cathode ray oscilloscopes. They research their own
question and develop problem-solving strategies
that involve linking a number of concepts and
Teacher support materials are available on the
School Curriculum and Standards Authority website
extranet and can be found at www.scsa.wa.edu.au
Vocational Education
and Training
Vocational Education and Training (VET) is
nationally recognised training that provides people
with occupational knowledge and skills and credit
towards, or attainment of, a vocational education
and training qualification under the Australian
Qualifications Framework (AQF).
When considering VET delivery in WACE courses it
is necessary to:
 refer to the WACE Manual, Section 5:
Vocational Education and Training, and
 contact
representatives for information on operational
issues concerning VET delivery options in
Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF)
AQTF is the quality system that underpins the
national vocational education and training sector
and outlines the regulatory arrangements in states
and territories. It provides the basis for a nationally
consistent, high-quality VET system.
The AQTF Essential Conditions and Standards for
Registered Training Organisations outline a set of
auditable standards that must be met and
maintained for registration as a training provider in
Physics: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
VET integrated delivery
VET integrated within a WACE course involves
students undertaking one or more VET units of
competency concurrently with a WACE course unit.
No unit equivalence is given for units of
competency attained in this way.
VET integrated can be delivered by schools
providing they meet AQTF requirements. Schools
need to become a Registered Training Organisation
(RTO) or work in a partnership arrangement with an
RTO to deliver training within the scope for which
they are registered. If a school operates in
partnership with an RTO, it will be the responsibility
of the RTO to assure the quality of the training
delivery and assessment.
Physics: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
The WACE Manual contains essential information
on principles, policies and procedures for schoolbased assessment and WACE examinations that
needs to be read in conjunction with this document.
School-based assessment
The table below provides details of the assessment
types for this course and the weighting range for
each assessment type.
Teachers are required to use the assessment table
to develop their own assessment outline for each
unit (or pair of units) of the course.
This outline includes a range of assessment tasks
and indicates the weighting for each task and each
assessment type. It also indicates the content and
course outcomes each task covers.
If a pair of units is assessed using a combined
assessment outline, the assessment requirements
must still be met for each unit.
In developing an assessment outline and teaching
program the following guidelines should be taken
into account.
All assessment tasks should take into account
the teaching, learning and assessment
principles outlined in the WACE Manual.
There is flexibility for teachers to design
school-based assessment tasks to meet the
learning needs of students.
The assessment table outlines the forms of
student response required for this course.
Student work submitted to demonstrate
achievement should only be accepted if the
teacher can attest that, to the best of her/his
knowledge, all uncited work is the student’s
Evidence collected for each unit must include
assessment tasks conducted under test
conditions together with other forms of
assessment tasks.
Assessment table
Weightings for types
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Type of assessment
Experiments and investigations
Experiments include practical tasks and/or exercises designed to develop and/or assess a range of
laboratory related skills and conceptual understanding of physical principles, and skills associated
with processing data. Students collect, process and interpret data; evaluate their data and
conclusions; and communicate their findings.
Investigations in physics include: research work in which students plan an investigation; conduct
an investigation; process and interpret data; evaluate their plan, procedures, data and findings; and
communicate their conclusions. At least one investigation should be carried out in each pair of units,
2A and 2B, and 3A and 3B. Whilst an investigation component is not required in units 1A and 1B,
teachers may choose to include this assessment type.
Experiment and investigation plans, procedures, data and findings may be communicated in any
appropriate form, including written, oral, graphical, and electronic or combinations of these.
Types of evidence may include: validation exercises based on laboratory work, experimental design
brief, formal investigation or laboratory report, report of literature search, exercises requiring
qualitative and/or quantitative analysis of second hand data, evaluation of physical information,
portfolio of laboratory work, reports of simulated laboratory activities, electronic, video or audio
presentation of findings and recommendations, self- or peer evaluation tools and observation
Best suited to the collection of evidence of student achievement of all course outcomes.
Tests and examinations
Students apply knowledge and skills in physics to analyse and interpret data, solve problems and
answer questions in supervised classroom settings.
These tasks require students to demonstrate use of terminology, understanding and application of
concepts, quantitative skills and knowledge of factual information. It is expected that assessment
tasks include items that allow students to respond at their highest level of understanding.
Types of evidence may include written or oral responses to: diagnostic, formative and summative
tests and examinations, comprehension and interpretation exercises, exercises requiring analysis
and evaluation of both qualitative and quantitative physical information and discussions and/or
presentations, validation exercises based on assigned work.
Best suited to the collection of evidence of student achievement of all course outcomes.
Physics: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Standards Guides
Schools report student achievement in a completed
unit at Stage 1, 2 or 3 in terms of grades. The
following grades are used:
Standards for this course are exemplified in
Standards Guides. They include examination
questions, annotated candidate responses at the
‘excellent’ and ‘satisfactory’ achievement bands,
statistics for each question and comments from
examiners. The guides are published on the
Authority’s web site at www.scsa.wa.edu.au and are
accessed under Examination materials. An extranet
log-in is required to view the guides.
Excellent achievement
High achievement
Satisfactory achievement
Limited achievement
Inadequate achievement
Each grade is based on the student’s overall
performance for the unit as judged by reference to a
set of pre-determined standards. These standards
are defined by grade descriptions and annotated
work samples.
The grade descriptions for this course are provided
in Appendix 1. They can also be accessed, together
with annotated work samples, through the Guide to
Grades link on the course page of the Authority
website at www.scsa.wa.edu.au
Refer to the WACE Manual for further information
regarding grades.
WACE Examinations
In 2013, students in their final year who are studying
at least one Stage 2 pair of units (e.g. 2A/2B) or at
least one Stage 3 pair of units (e.g. 3A/3B) are
required to sit an examination in this course, unless
they are exempt. For 2014 and 2015, examinations
for all Stage 2 pairs of units (e.g. 2A/2B) are
WACE examinations are not held for Stage 1 units
and/or Preliminary Stage units. Any student may
enrol to sit a Stage 2 or Stage 3 examination as a
private candidate.
Each examination assesses the specific content
described in the syllabus for the pair of units studied.
Details of the WACE examinations in this course are
prescribed in the WACE examination design briefs
(pages 21–23).
Refer to the WACE Manual for further information
regarding WACE examinations.
Physics: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Unit description
The unit description provides the focus for teaching
the specific unit content.
In this unit, students gain fundamental knowledge
about the movement of objects; energy relationships
involved in movement; and the conditions required
for objects to retain their stability and avoid falling
over. They examine the characteristics of waves,
and how they are affected by the medium. With
direction, they investigate real world problems.
Suggested learning
Within the unit content organisers of moving
around and wave motion, teachers are expected to
choose one or more of the suggested contexts or
another of their choosing.
Student unit learning contexts for moving around
may include:
 wheels
 personal transport
 trains, boats and planes.
Student unit learning contexts for wave motion may
 light
 soundwaves
 water waves
 earthquakes.
state and explain Newton’s First Law of Motion,
the concept of equilibrium and the necessary
conditions for stable, unstable and neutral
explain the behaviour of objects undergoing
uniform rectilinear motion
understand that uniform motion in one dimension
can be represented graphically
describe and explain the behaviour of objects in
terms of their average speed—this could apply
to objects undergoing uniformly accelerated
describe and explain forces and their effects,
including pushes and pulls; contact forces and
non-contact forces; and the effects of forces on
objects in the presence or absence of friction
state and explain Newton’s Second and Third
Laws of Motion
describe and explain the concepts of energy and
work, including the relationships between energy
and work, kinetic energy and gravitational
potential energy, and the conservation of energy.
Wave motion
explain and apply that a wave is a means of
energy transfer
explain and apply the concepts of wavefronts
and rays, wave speed, wavelength, frequency,
period, amplitude, phase
explain that the speed of a wave varies with the
medium, and use this to explain the cause of
refraction in terms of a change in the speed of
wave as it crosses an interface
explain and apply the concepts of absolute
refractive index of a given medium, Snell’s law,
total internal reflection, critical angle and
Unit content
This unit includes knowledge, understandings and
skills to the degree of complexity described below.
Unit content listed in italics is intended to be treated
quantitatively as well as qualitatively.
Working in physics
In the laboratory, students investigate problems set
in a suitable context, with appropriate direction from
the teacher. They consider the sources of
Motion and forces
understand and use the terms distance,
displacement, speed, velocity, mass, inertia,
force, weight, acceleration, energy, work and
their units
Physics: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Tests and examinations
The two types of assessment in the table below are
consistent with the teaching and learning strategies
considered to be the most supportive of student
achievement of the outcomes in the Physics course.
The table provides details of the assessment type,
examples of different ways that these assessment
types can be applied and the weighting range for
each assessment type.
Stage 1
Type of assessment
Experiments and investigations
Experiments include practical tasks and/or
exercises designed to develop and/or assess a
range of laboratory related skills and conceptual
understanding of physical principles, and skills
associated with processing data. Students collect,
process and interpret data; evaluate their data and
conclusions; and communicate their findings.
Investigations in physics include: research work
in which students plan an investigation; conduct an
investigation; process and interpret data; evaluate
their plan, procedures, data and findings; and
communicate their conclusions. Whilst an
investigation component is not required in units 1A
and 1B, teachers may choose to include this
assessment type.
Experiment and investigation plans, procedures,
data and findings may be communicated in any
appropriate form, including written, oral, graphical,
and electronic or combinations of these.
Students apply knowledge and skills in physics to
analyse and interpret data, solve problems and
answer questions in supervised classroom settings.
These tasks require students to demonstrate use
of terminology, understanding and application of
concepts, quantitative skills and knowledge of
factual information. It is expected that assessment
tasks include items that allow students to respond
at their highest level of understanding.
Types of evidence may include written or oral
responses to: diagnostic, formative and summative
tests and examinations, comprehension and
interpretation exercises, exercises requiring
analysis and evaluation of both qualitative and
quantitative physical information and discussions
and/or presentations, validation exercises based
on assigned work.
Best suited to the collection of evidence of student
achievement of all course outcomes.
Types of evidence may include: validation
exercises based on laboratory work, experimental
design brief, formal investigation or laboratory
report, report of literature search, exercises
requiring qualitative and/or quantitative analysis of
second hand data, evaluation of physical
information, portfolio of laboratory work, reports of
simulated laboratory activities, electronic, video or
audio presentation of findings and
recommendations, self- or peer evaluation tools
and observation checklists.
Best suited to the collection of evidence of student
achievement of all course outcomes. Students
collect, process and interpret data; evaluate their
data and conclusions; and communicate their
Investigation of a research question in physics.
Research work in which students plan an
investigation; conduct an investigation; process
and interpret data; evaluate their plan, procedures,
data and findings; and communicate their
conclusions. Whilst an investigation component is
not required in units 1A and 1B, teachers may
choose to include this assessment type.
Experiment and investigation plans, procedures,
data and findings may be communicated in any
appropriate form, including written, oral, graphical,
and electronic or combinations of these.
Types of evidence may include: validation
exercises based on laboratory work, experimental
design brief, formal investigation or laboratory
report, report of literature search, exercises
requiring qualitative and/or quantitative analysis of
second hand data, evaluation of physical
information, portfolio of laboratory work, reports of
simulated laboratory activities, electronic, video or
audio presentation of findings and
recommendations, self- or peer evaluation tools
and observation checklists.
Best suited to the collection of evidence of student
achievement of all course outcomes.
Physics: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Unit description
The unit description provides the focus for teaching
the specific unit content.
In this unit, students explore some of the ways that
we use light, especially the use of mirrors and
lenses to form images. Electricity is introduced
through the study of the relationship between
electricity and atomic structure, electrical charge,
and electrical circuits. They begin to develop their
own investigations of real world problems.
explain the appearance of coloured objects in
terms of their absorption and reflection or
transmission of light.
construct simple electrical circuits and measure
current and potential difference at various points
around the circuit
draw and interpret simple circuits and circuit
diagrams including the use of standard symbols
for resistor (fixed and variable), light bulb,
switch, ammeter, voltmeter, dry cell and power
describe electrical current through series and
parallel circuits
evidence for the creation of magnetic fields by
moving charges.
Suggested learning
Within the unit content organisers of seeing things
and electricity, teachers are expected to choose
one or more of the suggested contexts or another of
their choosing.
Student unit learning contexts for seeing things
may include:
 vision
 photography.
Student unit learning contexts for electricity may
 using electricity at home
 safety with electricity
 car electrical systems.
Unit content
This unit includes knowledge, understandings and
skills to the degree of complexity described below.
Unit content listed in italics is intended to be treated
quantitatively as well as qualitatively.
Working in physics
In the laboratory, students investigate problems set
in a suitable context, with appropriate direction from
the teacher. They are also encouraged to begin
developing their own investigations of real world
problems. They consider the sources of uncertainty
in experimental measurements.
Seeing things
distinguish between real and virtual images
explain the action of mirrors (plane, converging
and diverging) in terms of reflection
explain the action of lenses (converging and
diverging) in terms of refraction
describe the formation of images by converging
and diverging lenses
Physics: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
The two types of assessment in the table below are
consistent with the teaching and learning strategies
considered to be the most supportive of student
achievement of the outcomes in the Physics course.
The table provides details of the assessment type,
examples of different ways that these assessment
types can be applied and the weighting range for
each assessment type.
Stage 1
Type of assessment
Experiments and investigations
Experiments include practical tasks and/or
exercises designed to develop and/or assess a
range of laboratory related skills and conceptual
understanding of physical principles, and skills
associated with processing data. Students collect,
process and interpret data; evaluate their data and
conclusions; and communicate their findings.
Investigations in physics include: research work
in which students plan an investigation; conduct an
investigation; process and interpret data; evaluate
their plan, procedures, data and findings; and
communicate their conclusions. Whilst an
investigation component is not required in units 1A
and 1B, teachers may choose to include this
assessment type.
Experiment and investigation plans, procedures,
data and findings may be communicated in any
appropriate form, including written, oral, graphical,
and electronic or combinations of these.
Types of evidence may include: validation
exercises based on laboratory work, experimental
design brief, formal investigation or laboratory
report, report of literature search, exercises
requiring qualitative and/or quantitative analysis of
second hand data, evaluation of physical
information, portfolio of laboratory work, reports of
simulated laboratory activities, electronic, video or
audio presentation of findings and
recommendations, self- or peer evaluation tools
and observation checklists.
Best suited to the collection of evidence of student
achievement of all course outcomes.
Tests and examinations
Students apply knowledge and skills in physics to
analyse and interpret data, solve problems and
answer questions in supervised classroom settings.
These tasks require students to demonstrate use
of terminology, understanding and application of
concepts, quantitative skills and knowledge of
factual information. It is expected that assessment
tasks include items that allow students to respond
at their highest level of understanding.
Types of evidence may include written or oral
responses to: diagnostic, formative and summative
tests and examinations, comprehension and
interpretation exercises, exercises requiring
analysis and evaluation of both qualitative and
quantitative physical information and discussions
and/or presentations, validation exercises based
on assigned work.
Best suited to the collection of evidence of student
achievement of all course outcomes.
Physics: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Unit description
The unit description provides the focus for teaching
the specific unit content.
In this unit, students explore motion in one
dimension to solve both qualitative and quantitative
problems. Through the study of nuclear physics,
they learn about atomic structure and subatomic
particles to understand and appreciate phenomena
such as those that lead to the emission of nuclear
radiation, and nuclear energy. They are encouraged
to develop their own investigations of real world
problems, extending their investigative and
communication skills. They learn that uncertainties
are an integral part of the measurements made in
their experiments, and engage with more abstract
questions to select appropriate problem-solving
describe, explain and use gravitational fields to
explain weight as the force on a mass in a
gravitational field. This will include applying the
Fweight  mg
draw free body diagrams, showing the forces
acting on objects, from descriptions of real life
situations involving forces acting in one or two
describe and apply the law of conservation of
momentum in one dimension—this will include
applying the relationships:
p  mv ,  pbefore   pafter ,
Ft = mv - mu
explain and apply that power is the rate of doing
work or transferring energy—this will include
applying such relationships as:
 Fvav
Unit content
This unit includes knowledge, understandings and
skills to the degree of complexity described below.
This is the examinable content of the course.
Unit content listed in italics is intended to be treated
quantitatively as well as qualitatively.
Working in physics
Students are encouraged to develop their own
investigations of real world problems, extending
their investigative and communication skills and
quantifying the uncertainties in their experimental
measurements. They select appropriate problemsolving strategies involving abstract concepts and
principles. They consider the level of absolute
uncertainty in experimental measurements and the
appropriate use of significant figures.
distinguish between scalar and vector quantities,
and add and subtract vectors in one dimension
describe and apply the concepts of distance and
displacement, speed and velocity, and
accelerated rectilinear motion, including vertical
motion under gravity—this will include applying
the relationships:
v +u
vav = ,
vav =
, a=
v = u + at, s = ut + 1 2 at 2 , v2 = u 2 +2as
Nuclear physics
Motion and forces
state, explain and apply Newton's First, Second
and Third Laws of Motion—this will include
applying the relationship: resultant F = ma
explain and apply the concepts of energy and
work, including kinetic energy and gravitational
potential energy
state, explain and apply the principle of
conservation of energy in situations involving
transfer of energy, and work—this will include
applying the relationships:
Ek  1 2 mv 2 , E p  mgh, W  Fs, W  E
describe and explain models of the structure of
the atom
investigate historical perspectives on the nature
of matter
explain and apply the concepts of atomic
number, mass number, isotope, atomic mass
unit and nuclide
explain that many nuclides are unstable and that
these nuclides decay
explain and apply the differences and similarities
in the nature and properties of ,  and 
write and interpret equations relating to alpha,
beta and gamma decay
explain that ionising radiation causes atoms to
lose electrons, and thus become charged
explain and apply the concepts of half-life,
activity, dose and dose equivalent, and describe
the effects of ionising radiation on humans—this
will include applying the relationships:
, A  A0  1 2  , absorbed dose =
and dose equivalent = absorbed dose x quality
explain and apply the concepts of mass defect
and binding energy of nuclides—this will include
applying the relationships:
E  mc 2 and that 1 u of mass is equivalent to
931 MeV of energy
explain the concepts of neutron-induced fission,
chain reactions and critical mass
Physics: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
apply the concept of variation in binding energy
per nucleon of nuclides to explain the release of
energy by both fission and fusion processes—
this will include applying the relationships:
E  mc 2 and that 1 u of mass is equivalent to
931 MeV of energy
explain that energy released during nuclear
fission can be used to generate electrical energy
in the same way as the energy released by
burning fossil fuels
explain that energy produced by nuclear fusion
is the ultimate source of solar energy—this will
include applying the relationships:
The two types of assessment in the table below are
consistent with the teaching and learning strategies
considered to be the most supportive of student
achievement of the outcomes in the Physics course.
The table provides details of the assessment type,
examples of different ways that these assessment
types can be applied and the weighting range for
each assessment type.
Stage 2
Experiments and investigations
E  mc 2 and that 1 u of mass is equivalent to
Type of assessment
Experiments include practical tasks and/or
exercises designed to develop and/or assess a
range of laboratory related skills and conceptual
understanding of physical principles, and skills
associated with processing data. Students collect,
process and interpret data; evaluate their data and
conclusions; and communicate their findings.
931 MeV of energy
describe and explain both advantages and
disadvantages of nuclear power stations and
other applications of nuclear technology.
Investigations in physics include: research work
in which students plan an investigation; conduct an
investigation; process and interpret data; evaluate
their plan, procedures, data and findings; and
communicate their conclusions. At least one
investigation should be carried out in the pair of
units, 2A and 2B.
Experiment and investigation plans, procedures,
data and findings may be communicated in any
appropriate form, including written, oral, graphical,
and electronic or combinations of these.
Types of evidence may include: validation
exercises based on laboratory work, experimental
design brief, formal investigation or laboratory
report, report of literature search, exercises
requiring qualitative and/or quantitative analysis of
second hand data, evaluation of physical
information, portfolio of laboratory work, reports of
simulated laboratory activities, electronic, video or
audio presentation of findings and
recommendations, self- or peer evaluation tools
and observation checklists.
Best suited to the collection of evidence of student
achievement of all course outcomes.
Tests and examinations
Students apply knowledge and skills in physics to
analyse and interpret data, solve problems and
answer questions in supervised classroom settings.
These tasks require students to demonstrate use
of terminology, understanding and application of
concepts, quantitative skills and knowledge of
factual information. It is expected that assessment
tasks include items that allow students to respond
at their highest level of understanding.
Types of evidence may include written or oral
responses to: diagnostic, formative and summative
tests and examinations, comprehension and
interpretation exercises, exercises requiring
analysis and evaluation of both qualitative and
quantitative physical information and discussions
and/or presentations, validation exercises based
on assigned work.
Best suited to the collection of evidence of student
achievement of all course outcomes.
Physics: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
describe and explain effects of heat: change of
state and latent heat—this will include applying
the relationship: Q  mL
describe and explain sources of heat and
modes of heat transfer—conduction, convection
and radiation and their applications
describe and explain the conversion of different
forms of energy into heat—energy degradation,
and its relationship to conservation of energy.
Unit description
The unit description provides the focus for teaching
the specific unit content.
In this unit, students gain insight into temperature
measurement, internal energy, conduction and
convection and radiation to develop understandings
about how energy is transferred by heat through
different types of materials. They also examine the
thermal properties of substances, including thermal
expansion, specific heat capacity and latent heat.
They learn to apply the concepts of charge and
energy transfer to situations involving both
electrostatics and current electricity. They construct
and study characteristics of electric circuits and
learn how to work safely with electricity. They
research real world problems and plan to carry out
an investigation, and deal with abstract concepts
and principles when selecting problem-solving
Electrical fundamentals
Unit content
This unit includes knowledge, understandings and
skills to the degree of complexity described below.
This is the examinable content of the course.
Unit content listed in italics is intended to be treated
quantitatively as well as qualitatively.
Working in physics
state that the direction of conventional current is
that in which the flow of positive charge takes
place, while the electron flow is in the opposite
explain the connection between electrical work,
power, charge and potential difference—this will
include applying the relationships of electrical
work and power
Work  Vq  VI t and P = VI = I 2 R =
Students develop their own investigations by
researching a real world problem and planning a
related experiment. They reflect on their
experimental design, the uncertainties in their
measurements, and the implications of their findings.
They select appropriate problem-solving strategies
involving abstract concepts and principles. They
consider the level of absolute uncertainty in
experimental measurements and conclusions and
the appropriate use of significant figures.
explain that atoms can gain or lose electrons so
gaining a net charge, and state that like charges
repel and unlike charges attract
explain and apply the concept of electric current
as the rate of flow of electric charge in an
electric field—this will include applying the
draw and interpret simple circuit diagrams
including the use of standard symbols for
resistor (fixed and variable), light bulb, switch,
ammeter, voltmeter, dry cell and power supply
understand and apply the concepts of electrical
current, potential difference and resistance in
series and parallel circuits
explain and apply Ohm’s law and the concepts
of ohmic and non-ohmic conduction—this will
include applying the relationship: V = IR
determine the total resistance of a number of
resistors in series using:
RT  R1  R2  ...
determine the total resistance of a number of
resistors in parallel using:
Heating and cooling
describe matter as a collection of moving atoms
describe the kinetic theory of matter and apply it
to explain properties of matter and changes of
distinguish between temperature, internal
energy and heat
describe and explain effects of heat: thermal
expansion and contraction
describe and explain effects of heat: change of
temperature and specific heat capacity—this
 
 ...
RT R1 R2
connect components in simple circuits and
measure, or predict and verify values of current
and potential difference using ammeters and
identify energy transfers in electrical circuits and
describe the cause of electric shock and identify
hazardous situations and safety precautions in
everyday uses of electrical energy
explain the electrical principles behind the
operation of various safety devices.
Q  mcT
Physics: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
The two types of assessment in the table below are
consistent with the teaching and learning strategies
considered to be the most supportive of student
achievement of the outcomes in the Physics
course. The table provides details of the
assessment type, examples of different ways that
these assessment types can be applied and the
weighting range for each assessment type.
Stage 2
Type of assessment
Experiments and investigations
Experiments include practical tasks and/or
exercises designed to develop and/or assess a
range of laboratory related skills and conceptual
understanding of physical principles, and skills
associated with processing data. Students collect,
process and interpret data; evaluate their data and
conclusions; and communicate their findings.
Investigations in physics include: research work
in which students plan an investigation; conduct an
investigation; process and interpret data; evaluate
their plan, procedures, data and findings; and
communicate their conclusions. At least one
investigation should be carried out in the pair of
units, 2A and 2B.
Experiment and investigation plans, procedures,
data and findings may be communicated in any
appropriate form, including written, oral, graphical,
and electronic or combinations of these.
Types of evidence may include: validation
exercises based on laboratory work, experimental
design brief, formal investigation or laboratory
report, report of literature search, exercises
requiring qualitative and/or quantitative analysis of
second hand data, evaluation of physical
information, portfolio of laboratory work, reports of
simulated laboratory activities, electronic, video or
audio presentation of findings and
recommendations, self- or peer evaluation tools
and observation checklists.
Best suited to the collection of evidence of student
achievement of all course outcomes.
Tests and examinations
Students apply knowledge and skills in physics to
analyse and interpret data, solve problems and
answer questions in supervised classroom settings.
These tasks require students to demonstrate use
of terminology, understanding and application of
concepts, quantitative skills and knowledge of
factual information. It is expected that assessment
tasks include items that allow students to respond
at their highest level of understanding.
Types of evidence may include written or oral
responses to: diagnostic, formative and summative
tests and examinations, comprehension and
interpretation exercises, exercises requiring
analysis and evaluation of both qualitative and
quantitative physical information and discussions
and/or presentations, validation exercises based
on assigned work.
Best suited to the collection of evidence of student
achievement of all course outcomes.
Physics: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
absence of air resistance—this will include
applying the relationships:
v +u
vav = ,
vav =
, a=
v = u + at , s = ut + 1 2 at 2 , v 2 = u 2 + 2as
Unit description
The unit description provides the focus for teaching
the specific unit content.
In this unit, students explore the motion of objects in
gravitational fields, including the motion of
projectiles, orbiting satellites, planets and moons,
and ways in which forces may affect the stability of
extended objects. They also learn about magnetic
fields and how they interact with moving charges in
situations involving current electricity, the motor
effect and electromagnetic induction. They identify
real world problems, develop research questions to
plan, conduct and evaluate investigations. Their
problem-solving techniques include combinations of
concepts and principles.
Ek  1 2 mv2 ,
Unit content
This unit builds on the content provided by the
previous units. It is recommended that students
studying Stage 3 have completed Stage 2 units.
This unit includes knowledge, understandings and
skills to the degree of complexity described below.
This is the examinable content of the course.
Students are given opportunities to develop their
skills related to investigating and communicating
scientifically. They plan and conduct investigations
to obtain valid and reliable results and are prepared
to justify their findings. Their problem-solving
techniques include combinations of concepts and
principles. They consider the level of absolute and
measurements and the appropriate use of significant
figures. This includes the use of error bars when
displaying data graphically.
gravitational field
describe and apply the principle of conservation
of energy
resolve, add and subtract vectors in one plane
draw free body diagrams, showing the forces
acting on objects, from descriptions of real life
situations involving forces acting in one plane
explain and apply the concept of centre of mass
describe and apply the concepts of distance and
displacement, speed and velocity, acceleration
and energy in the context of motion in a plane,
including the trajectories of projectiles in the
W  E
resultant F = ma =
mv 2
describe and interpret the radial gravitational
field distribution around a single (point) mass
explain and apply Newton's Law of Universal
Gravitation and the concept of gravitational
acceleration, g, as gravitational field strength—
this will include applying the relationships:
g G
explain the conditions for a satellite to remain in
a stable circular orbit in a gravitational field, and
calculate the parameters of satellites in stable
circular orbits—this will include applying the
mv 2
vav = , ac = , resultant F = ma =
Fg  G 1 2 2 , g  G 2
Unit content listed in italics is intended to be treated
quantitatively as well as qualitatively.
Working in physics
Fg  G
W  Fs,
describe qualitatively the effects of air resistance
on projectile motion
explain and apply the concepts of centripetal
acceleration and centripetal force, as applied to
uniform horizontal circular motion and vertical
circular motion—this will include applying the
ac =
E p  mgh,
describe and explain the impact of satellites and
associated technologies on everyday life
explain and apply the concept of torque or
moment of a force about a point, and the
principle of moments, and their application to
situations including where the applied force is
not perpendicular to the lever arm—this will
include applying the relationships:
  rF sin  and   0
explain and apply the concept of a rigid body in
equilibrium—this will include applying the
F  0,   rF sin  and   0 .
Electricity and magnetism
explain the attraction and repulsion effects for
magnets, the behaviour of freely suspended
magnets and magnetic compasses, and
describe the nature of the Earth's magnetic field
describe, using diagrams, the magnetic field in
various magnetic configurations
explain that magnetic fields are associated with
moving charges, and draw the field due to a
current flowing through a long straight wire, a
short coil and a solenoid
Physics: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
distinguish between direct and alternating
currents and potentials, and apply Ohm’s law—
this will include applying the relationship: V = IR
describe and apply the concept of force on a
current carrying conductor in a magnetic field,
and describe the factors which affect the force
on a current-carrying conductor in a magnetic
field—this will include applying the relationship:
F = I lB for perpendicular cases
explain the torque produced by the force on a
rectangular coil carrying a current in a magnetic
field—this will include applying the relationships:
F = I lB and  = rF for perpendicular cases
describe the production of an induced emf by the
relative motion of a straight conductor in a
magnetic field—this will include applying the
describe and apply the concepts of magnetic flux
and magnetic induction—this will include
applying the relationships:
 = BA, induced emf  - N
interpret and explain situations involving induced
emf, such as the AC generator and Lenz’s law
explain using electric fields the connection
between electrical work, charge and potential
difference—this will include applying the
The two types of assessment in the table below are
consistent with the teaching and learning strategies
considered to be the most supportive of student
achievement of the outcomes in the Physics course.
The table provides details of the assessment type,
examples of different ways that these assessment
types can be applied and the weighting range for
each assessment type.
Stage 3
Type of assessment
Experiments and investigations
Experiments include practical tasks and/or exercises
designed to develop and/or assess a range of
laboratory related skills and conceptual understanding
of physical principles, and skills associated with
processing data. Students collect, process and
interpret data; evaluate their data and conclusions;
and communicate their findings.
Investigations in physics include: research work in
which students plan an investigation; conduct an
investigation; process and interpret data; evaluate
their plan, procedures, data and findings; and
communicate their conclusions. At least one
investigation should be carried out in the pair of units,
3A and 3B.
Experiment and investigation plans, procedures, data
and findings may be communicated in any
appropriate form, including written, oral, graphical,
and electronic or combinations of these.
Types of evidence may include: validation exercises
based on laboratory work, experimental design brief,
formal investigation or laboratory report, report of
literature search, exercises requiring qualitative
and/or quantitative analysis of second hand data,
evaluation of physical information, portfolio of
laboratory work, reports of simulated laboratory
activities, electronic, video or audio presentation of
findings and recommendations, self- or peer
evaluation tools and observation checklists.
Best suited to the collection of evidence of student
achievement of all course outcomes.
Tests and examinations
Students apply knowledge and skills in physics to
analyse and interpret data, solve problems and
answer questions in supervised classroom settings.
These tasks require students to demonstrate use of
terminology, understanding and application of
concepts, quantitative skills and knowledge of factual
information. It is expected that assessment tasks
include items that allow students to respond at their
highest level of understanding.
Types of evidence may include written or oral
responses to: diagnostic, formative and summative
tests and examinations, comprehension and
interpretation exercises, exercises requiring analysis
and evaluation of both qualitative and quantitative
physical information and discussions and/or
presentations, validation exercises based on assigned
Best suited to the collection of evidence of student
achievement of all course outcomes.
induced emf = lvB for perpendicular cases
Work  Vq
explain and apply the principle of
transformer—this will include applying
= s
Vp N p
explain why electrical energy is transmitted as
AC at very high voltages, and describe and
explain the impact on everyday life of electrical
power generation and transmission—this will
include applying the relationships:
Vs N s
V2 .
P =VI = I 2 R =
Vp N p
Physics: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Particles, waves and quanta
Unit description
The unit description provides the focus for teaching
the specific unit content.
The study of mechanical and electromagnetic
waves allows students to appreciate both classical
and modern interpretations of the nature and
behaviour of waves. They learn how waves are
used in a variety of technologies, such as in musical
instruments, communication systems or sensing
systems. They encounter the scale of the
observable entities in our Universe, and relate
physical principles about waves to the study of the
Universe and its parts. Extending their knowledge
of atomic physics, they analyse spectra and explain
a range of physical phenomena such as
fluorescence and X-ray emission. They also learn
about some aspects of modern physics such as
relativity and cosmology.
Students develop their understanding of the
behaviour of charged particles in devices such as
particle accelerators and cathode ray oscilloscopes.
They research their own question and develop
problem-solving strategies that involve linking a
number of concepts and principles.
Unit content
This unit builds on the content provided by the
previous units. It is recommended that students
studying Stage 3 have completed Stage 2 units.
This unit includes knowledge, understandings and
skills to the degree of complexity described below.
This is the examinable content of the course.
Unit content listed in italics is intended to be treated
quantitatively as well as qualitatively.
Working in physics
Students research and report on a question relating
to a real world problem. They develop problemsolving strategies that involve linking a number of
concepts and principles. They consider the level of
absolute and percentage uncertainty in experimental
measurements and conclusions and the appropriate
use of significant figures. This includes the use of
error bars when displaying data and conclusions
explain and apply the concepts of amplitude,
frequency, wavelength, displacement and
mechanical waves—this will include applying
the relationships:
, v= f 
explain and apply the concepts of reflection,
refraction and diffraction of wave fronts
explain and apply the concepts of free
oscillations, forced oscillations, interference,
resonance and standing waves—this will
include identifying nodes and antinodes, and
using the expression internodal distance = ½ 
sketch diagrams to illustrate the behaviour of
waves in a variety of situations including strings,
open and closed pipes
describe and explain the nature and properties
of electromagnetic waves, including the concept
of light as a wave of changing electric and
magnetic fields, and its wave and particle
describe and apply electromagnetic radiation
and the emr spectrum
classify emr spectra as emission spectra and
absorption spectra and as line, broadband and
continuous spectra
describe and explain how astronomical
observations exploit differences in properties of
the various parts of the emr spectrum in order
to gather more information about celestial
explain and interpret line emission spectra, line
absorption spectra and ionisation using the
Bohr model of the atom and the concepts of
ground and excited states, photons, quanta and
energy level transitions—this includes applying
the relationships:
c = f  E = hf, E2 - E1 = hf
explain fluorescence and the generation of
X-rays—this includes applying the relationships:
c = f  , E = hf, E2 - E1 = hf
extend the concept of the subatomic particle to
include neutrinos and quarks
describe the qualitative aspects of the special
theory of relativity such as reference frames
and the mass-energy equivalence principle
apply the speed of light in vacuum to
astronomical distances to predict and explain
transit times of light and particles travelling
between planets, stars and galaxies—this will
include applying the relationship: vav =
describe and explain the expansion of the
Universe and Hubble’s law
describe and explain fundamental cosmological
concepts such as red shift, the Big Bang Theory
and the history and future of the Universe
describe and explain the importance of
particles, waves and quanta in everyday life.
Physics: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Motion and forces in electric and
magnetic fields
explain that point charges create radial electric
describe, using diagrams, electric field
distributions around simple combinations of
charged points, spheres and plates
describe, explain and use electric fields
between parallel plates and within uniform
conductors, to explain the forces on charged
particles—this will include applying the
The two types of assessment in the table below are
consistent with the teaching and learning strategies
considered to be the most supportive of student
achievement of the outcomes in the Physics
course. The table provides details of the
assessment type, examples of different ways that
these assessment types can be applied and the
weighting range for each assessment type.
Stage 3
q d
Experiments include practical tasks and/or
exercises designed to develop and/or assess a
range of laboratory related skills and conceptual
understanding of physical principles, and skills
associated with processing data. Students collect,
process and interpret data; evaluate their data and
conclusions; and communicate their findings.
mv 2
describe the factors which affect the magnitude
and direction of the force on a charged particle
moving through a magnetic field
explain and apply the concepts of electric and
magnetic field in sequence or in combination—
this will include applying the relationships:
Type of assessment
Experiments and investigations
apply the concept of force on a charged particle
moving through a magnetic field—this will
include applying the relationships:
F = qvB, F =
Investigations in physics include: research work
in which students plan an investigation; conduct an
investigation; process and interpret data; evaluate
their plan, procedures, data and findings; and
communicate their conclusions. At least one
investigation should be carried out in the pair of
units, 3A and 3B.
mv 2
= , F = qvB, F =
q d
Experiment and investigation plans, procedures,
data and findings may be communicated in any
appropriate form, including written, oral, graphical,
and electronic or combinations of these.
Types of evidence may include: validation
exercises based on laboratory work, experimental
design brief, formal investigation or laboratory
report, report of literature search, exercises
requiring qualitative and/or quantitative analysis of
second hand data, evaluation of physical
information, portfolio of laboratory work, reports of
simulated laboratory activities, electronic, video or
audio presentation of findings and
recommendations, self- or peer evaluation tools
and observation checklists.
Best suited to the collection of evidence of student
achievement of all course outcomes.
Tests and examinations
Students apply knowledge and skills in physics to
analyse and interpret data, solve problems and
answer questions in supervised classroom settings.
These tasks require students to demonstrate use
of terminology, understanding and application of
concepts, quantitative skills and knowledge of
factual information. It is expected that assessment
tasks include items that allow students to respond
at their highest level of understanding.
Types of evidence may include written or oral
responses to: diagnostic, formative and summative
tests and examinations, comprehension and
interpretation exercises, exercises requiring
analysis and evaluation of both qualitative and
quantitative physical information and discussions
and/or presentations, validation exercises based
on assigned work.
Best suited to the collection of evidence of student
achievement of all course outcomes.
Physics: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Examination details
Stage 2 and Stage 3
Physics: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Examination design brief
Stage 2
Time allowed
Reading time before commencing work:
Working time for paper:
ten minutes
three hours
Permissible items
Standard items:
pens (blue/black preferred), pencils (including coloured), sharpener, correction fluid/tape,
eraser, ruler, highlighters
Special items:
non-programmable calculators approved for use in the WACE examinations, drawing
templates, drawing compass and a protractor
Additional information
Instructions to candidates state:
When calculating numerical answers, show your working or reasoning clearly. Give final answers to three
significant figures and include appropriate units where applicable.
When estimating numerical answers, show your working or reasoning clearly. Give final answers to a
maximum of two significant figures and include appropriate units where applicable.
A formulae and data booklet is provided.
Section One
Short answers
Supporting information
Questions are generally single-step. Responses could include diagrams,
tables, calculations, estimations, explanations, and predictions.
40% of the total examination
15–20 questions
Suggested working time: 70 minutes
Section Two
50% of the total examination
5–7 questions
Suggested working time: 90 minutes
Questions are scaffolded or have sequential parts, and require the candidate
to respond to stimulus material. Responses could include diagrams, tables,
calculations, estimations, explanations, and predictions.
Stimulus material could include scenarios, current events information,
extracts from scientific journals or any other data.
Section Three
The question has sequential parts, and relates to a written or graphical
stimulus of approximately one page.
10% of the total examination
1 question
Suggested working time: 20 minutes
Stimulus material could include scenarios, current events information,
extracts from scientific journals or any other data.
Physics: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Examination design brief
Stage 3
Time allowed
Reading time before commencing work:
Working time for paper:
ten minutes
three hours
Permissible items
Standard items:
pens (blue/black preferred), pencils (including coloured), sharpener, correction fluid/tape,
eraser, ruler, highlighters
Special items:
non-programmable calculators approved for use in the WACE examinations, drawing
templates, drawing compass and a protractor
Additional information
Instructions to candidates state:
When calculating numerical answers, show your working or reasoning clearly. Give final answers to three
significant figures and include appropriate units where applicable.
When estimating numerical answers, show your working or reasoning clearly. Give final answers to a
maximum of two significant figures and include appropriate units where applicable.
A formulae and data booklet is provided.
Section One
Short response
Supporting information
Questions are generally single-step. Responses could include diagrams,
tables, calculations, estimations, explanations, and predictions.
30% of the total examination
10–15 questions
Suggested working time: 50 minutes
Section Two
50% of the total examination
6–8 questions
Suggested working time: 90 minutes
Section Three
20% of the total examination
2 questions
Suggested working time: 40 minutes
Questions are scaffolded or have sequential parts, and require the candidate
to respond to stimulus material. Responses could include diagrams, tables,
calculations, estimations, explanations, and predictions.
Stimulus material could include scenarios, current events information,
extracts from scientific journals or any other data.
Questions in this section introduce the candidate to unfamiliar contexts,
including investigations, requiring them to apply learnt concepts, principles
and strategies to solve problems. Calculations may be required. The
questions have sequential parts, and each relates to a written or graphical
stimulus of approximately two pages.
Stimulus material could include scenarios, current events information,
extracts from scientific journals or any other data.
Physics: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Physics: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Appendix 1: Grade descriptions
Physics: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)—Appendix 1
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Grade descriptions
Stage 1
Conceptual understanding
Uses appropriate physics concepts to thoroughly explain phenomena and situations.
Interprets information accurately from simple tables, graphs and diagrams.
Uses correct terminology.
Mathematical reasoning
Describes relationships between quantities correctly.
Uses the appropriate units for quantities.
Uses correct physics conventions.
Formulates an appropriate hypothesis.
Identifies the dependent and independent variables and several controlled variables.
Plans an investigation within given parameters, and conducts the investigation to yield accurate, reliable
Recognises that measuring instruments have different levels of accuracy and selects appropriate
Presents data in an appropriate format.
Identifies trends in the data and draws conclusions that are supported by the data.
Identifies and offers an explanation for anomalous data.
Suggests effective modifications to improve the reliability and accuracy of the investigation.
Conceptual understanding
Uses appropriate physics concepts to explain phenomena, but with a few details omitted.
Accurately interprets information from simple tables, graphs and diagrams.
Uses correct terminology.
Mathematical reasoning
Uses appropriate units for quantities.
Uses correct physics conventions.
Formulates an hypothesis from background information.
Identifies the dependent and independent variables and several controlled variables.
Plans an investigation within given parameters and conducts the investigation to control relevant variables.
Recognises that measuring instruments have different levels of accuracy and selects appropriate
Presents data in an appropriate form.
Identifies trends in the data and occasionally explains them.
Draws conclusions that are supported by the data.
Suggests at least one effective modification to improve the reliability and accuracy of the investigation.
Conceptual understanding
Uses physics concepts when describing phenomena.
Interprets information from simple tables, graphs and diagrams.
Uses a limited range of physics terminology.
Mathematical reasoning
Sporadically uses appropriate units for quantities.
Selects a limited range of variables when formulating an hypothesis from background information.
Plans an investigation within given parameters, and conducts the investigation to control some variables.
Selects equipment that sometimes yields inaccurate results.
Identifies basic trends, but offers limited explanations for them.
Presents some data without the appropriate mathematical processing.
Draws conclusions that are not always supported by the data.
Suggests modifications to the investigation which will have a limited effect on reliability and accuracy.
Physics: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)—Appendix 1
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Grade descriptions
Stage 1
Conceptual understanding
Uses physics concepts to explain phenomena.
Extracts information from simple tables, graphs and diagrams.
Uses simple language to describe phenomena.
Mathematical reasoning
Describes the relationships between quantities in a limited manner.
Rarely uses appropriate units for quantities.
Uses a limited range of given variables to develop an hypothesis.
Plans an investigation within given parameters, but planning lacks appropriate detail.
Selects and uses equipment that often yields inaccurate results.
Incorrectly identifies trends in the data, or overlooks trends.
Presents data that is unclear, insufficient and lack appropriate mathematical processing.
Includes anomalous results in the data, but does not identify them as anomalous.
Offers simple conclusions that do not relate the data to the hypothesis.
Suggests ineffective modifications to improve the investigation, or does not suggest modifications.
Does not meet the requirements of a D grade.
Physics: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)—Appendix 1
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Grade descriptions
Stage 2
Conceptual understanding
Links multiple concepts clearly to explain real-life situations in detail.
Extracts and manipulates relevant data from a variety of sources.
Uses appropriate terminology to describe phenomena.
Mathematical reasoning
Uses physics concepts consistently to correctly identify formulae and mathematical method.
Performs multiple-step calculations accurately, using correct units and significant figures.
Correctly and consistently describes, predicts and explains relationships between variables.
Presents working out in a clear logical manner, using all the appropriate conventions.
Uses background information to formulate an appropriate hypothesis.
Identifies dependent and independent variables and several controlled variables, and describes how they
will be controlled.
Plans and conducts experiments to yield accurate, relevant results.
Estimates the absolute uncertainty in experimental measurements.
Manipulates data and presents it in an appropriate format.
Explains trends in the data and draws conclusions that are supported by the data.
Identifies and offers reasoned explanations for anomalous data.
Suggests effective modifications to improve the reliability and accuracy of the investigation.
Conceptual understanding
Applies relevant concepts to explain real-life situations, but explanations lacks detail.
Extracts data from a variety of sources and applies it correctly.
Describes relationships between data and concepts, using appropriate terminology.
Mathematical reasoning
Uses physics concepts to correctly identify formulae and mathematical method.
Presents multiple-step calculations clearly and logically, using correct units and significant figures.
Correctly describes and predicts relationships between quantities.
Presents working out in a logical manner, using appropriate conventions.
Uses background information to formulate an appropriate hypothesis.
Identifies dependent and independent variables and several controlled variables.
Plans and conducts experiment to yield accurate, relevant results.
Recognises that measuring instruments have different levels of accuracy and selects appropriate
Presents data in an appropriate form.
Identifies trends in the data and occasionally explains them.
Draws conclusions that are supported by the data.
Identifies and offers a plausible explanation for anomalous data.
Suggests an effective modification to improve the reliability and accuracy of the investigation.
Conceptual understanding
Links concepts and situations, but does not fully apply principles to explain situations.
Correctly extracts straightforward data from graphs, tables and diagrams.
Uses a limited range of physics terminology.
Mathematical reasoning
Correctly selects formulae and substitutes data for simple calculations, with a few errors in units and
significant figures.
Presents working out which is limited or unclear, and makes little use of appropriate conventions.
Formulates an hypothesis from background information.
Identifies the dependent and independent variables and a controlled variable.
Plans and conducts experiment to yield relevant results.
Presents some data without the appropriate mathematical processing.
Recognises that measuring instruments have different levels of accuracy.
Draws general conclusions that are not always supported by the data.
Identifies anomalous data, but does not offer a plausible explanation.
Suggests modifications to the investigation which will have a limited effect on reliability and accuracy.
Physics: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)—Appendix 1
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Grade descriptions
Stage 2
Conceptual understanding
Recalls principles occasionally, but does not apply them to real-life situations.
Uses a small amount of simple physics terminology, relying mainly on everyday language.
Mathematical reasoning
Performs single formula calculations with errors and omissions.
Working out lacks the use of appropriate conventions.
Uses a limited range of variables to formulate an hypothesis.
Does not distinguish between dependent, independent and controlled variables.
Plans for investigations lack appropriate detail.
Selects and uses equipment that, at times, yields inaccurate results.
Presents data that is unclear, insufficient and lacks appropriate mathematical processing.
Includes anomalous results in the data without identifying them as anomalous.
Identifies trends in the data incorrectly, or overlooks trends.
Offers simple conclusions that are not supported by the data or are not related to the hypothesis.
Suggests ineffective modifications to improve the investigation or does not suggest modifications.
Does not meet the requirements of a D grade.
Physics: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)—Appendix 1
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Grade descriptions
Stage 3
Conceptual understanding
Clearly identifies and applies appropriate physics principles to explain complex situations.
Focuses on the main aspects of the question, with very little irrelevant information.
Links ideas in a logical chronological order which leads to the correct conclusion.
Synthesises two concepts to arrive at a relevant conclusion.
Illustrates responses with appropriate diagrams or graphs.
Uses precise physics terminology to explain situations in detail.
Mathematical reasoning
Selects and correctly applies the appropriate equation and mathematical method.
Accurately determines the gradient of a graph, and applies it to solve for an unknown.
Manipulates given data to produce a linear graph as required.
Describes, predicts and explains relationships between variables correctly in complex situations.
Derives and applies formulae clearly and in a logical sequence.
Presents working out in a clear and logical manner, using all the appropriate conventions.
Analyses background information and formulates an appropriate hypothesis.
Identifies dependent and independent variables and several controlled variables, and describes in detail
how they will be controlled and measured.
Plans and conducts experiments independently, using appropriate equipment to yield accurate and relevant
Performs appropriate operations on data and presents it in an appropriate format.
Correctly calculates uncertainty in experimental results.
Uses scientific concepts to explain trends in the data.
Draws conclusions that are supported by the data.
Identifies anomalous data, and offers reasoned explanations.
Suggests several effective modifications to the method to improve the reliability and accuracy of the
Conceptual understanding
Selects and applies appropriate physics principles to explain complex situations, but omits some links.
Uses labelled diagrams to clarify the response.
Uses simple language and some correct terminology to precisely describe the observation.
Mathematical reasoning
Selects and correctly applies the appropriate equation and mathematical method.
Presents information graphically to illustrate explanations.
Performs single equation calculations proficiently, but multiple step calculations contain occasional errors.
Presents working out clearly, using appropriate conventions.
Formulates an hypothesis from background information.
Identifies dependent and independent variables and several controlled variables, and describes how they
will be controlled and measured.
Plans and conducts experiments to yield accurate, relevant results.
Presents data in an appropriate form.
Estimates uncertainty in experimental results.
Identifies trends in the data and sometimes explains them.
Draws conclusions that are supported by the data.
Identifies and offers a plausible explanation for anomalous data.
Suggests an effective modification to improve the reliability and accuracy of the investigation.
Physics: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)—Appendix 1
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015
Grade descriptions
Stage 3
Conceptual understanding
States the appropriate scientific law and applies it to explain a phenomenon, but some detail is lacking.
Links ideas simplistically.
Omits relevant information from a response, such as an appropriate diagram or equation.
Uses a limited range of physics terminology.
Mathematical reasoning
Identifies the appropriate equation and mathematical method when given a straightforward scenario.
Completes simple calculations with minor errors in units and substitution.
Draws axes for graphs correctly, but lacks accuracy in plotting points and line of best fit.
Makes limited use of appropriate conventions.
Selects a limited range of variables when developing an hypothesis from background information.
Identifies dependent and independent variables and controlled variables, but planning for investigations lacks
detail about how variables will be measured.
Recognises that measuring instruments have different levels of accuracy.
Estimates uncertainty in experimental results.
Plans and conducts experiments to yield relevant results.
Presents some data but without appropriate mathematical processing.
Draws general conclusions that are not always supported by the data.
Identifies anomalous data, but does not offer a plausible explanation.
Suggests modifications to the investigation which will have a limited effect on reliability and accuracy.
Conceptual understanding
Recalls simple physics principles, but is unable to apply them in context.
Does not address the key aspects of the question.
Restates the question rather than answering it.
Omits complex calculations and questions requiring explanations.
Creates diagrams that contain errors and omissions.
Uses everyday language to describe phenomena.
Mathematical reasoning
Performs single step calculations that often contain errors and omissions.
Does not accurately describe relationships between variables.
Uses a limited range of variables to formulate an hypothesis.
Does not distinguish between the dependent, independent and controlled variables.
Plans for investigations lack appropriate detail.
Selects and uses equipment which yields inaccurate results at times.
Presents data which is unclear, insufficient and lacks appropriate mathematical processing.
Incorrectly identifies or overlooks trends in the data.
Does not identify anomalous results in the data.
Offers simple conclusions that are not supported by the data or are not related to the hypothesis.
Suggests ineffective modifications to improve the investigation, or does not suggest modifications.
Does not meet the requirements of a D grade.
Physics: Accredited March 2008 (updated October 2013)—Appendix 1
For teaching and examination in Year 12 2015