XXX < the system name> Document Type: Initial Class List <TEMPLATE INSTRUCTIONS: REMOVE ALL TEXT IN THIS STYLE AFTER YOU HAVE COMPLETED THE SECTION. REPLACE ALL TEXT IN Normal STYLE. Copyright in this template remains with CRaG Systems> <The change log should be updated for every significant change made to the document. Use the format n.m for the version number> Version 1.0 Description First draft Changed By Fred Bloggs Date 1/1/00 1 Reasons to Exclude 1.1 Attribute It will become the name of an attribute of a class and will not be a class in its own right. State the class to which it will belong. 1.2 Alias It is an alias of another noun or noun phrase. Resolve the conflict between use case descriptions and make the choice of noun or noun phrase consistent with the glossary. 1.3 Out of Scope It does not need to be held as a persistent data record in the computer system. This often happens when some aspect of the business which is not relevant to the system has crept into the use case description to provide ‘context’. 1.4 Actor (Out of Scope) It is the name of a system actor and the actor does not have to be held as a data record in the system. Check whether logging of the use case is required before excluding it. 1.5 Implementation The use case description has been written in a way that describes the technology of the interface or it is a technical detail that should not be included in the system analysis model. 1.6 Vague The noun or noun phrase is not in the glossary and is difficult to understand from its name alone. If, sometime later this is resolved then it might go back in, but not until then. 1.7 Derived Data The information can be derived from other data classes and so should not be stored. 1.8 Temporary Data The data is complex but will not be stored in the database. Author: <the author’s name> Page 1 of 2 Printed: 13/02/2016 03:14 XXX < the system name> Document Type: Initial Class List 2 Initial Class List < Create an initial class list of all nouns and noun phrases by scanning all the use case flows of all the use case descriptions. Once all the nouns and noun phrases have been extracted and added to the list, go through the list deciding which nouns and noun phrases will become the names of classes that represent data entities in the logical data model. If you have a Business Model, then add all the business entities from the Conceptual Data Model as candidate class names. Indicate inclusion/exclusion with a ‘Y’ or an ‘N’ against the nouns and noun phrases. If the noun or noun phrase is to be excluded, provide a one line reason for the exclusion referencing one of the nine reasons for exclusion. If you are not sure in the initial pass, assign a ‘?’. If the class is a system interface class then indicate inclusion with a ‘Y’, but add a note saying that it is a system interface class so that it doesn’t get added to the logical data model. System interface classes will be used later as part of the develop use case implementation task.> Noun Phrase Y/N/? Reason Car N Alias of Vehicle Registration Number N Attribute of Vehicle Vehicle Y Customer Y Customer Name N Author: <the author’s name> Attribute of Customer Page 2 of 2 Printed: 13/02/2016 03:14